Stupid SUV's

I could never understand why someone would willingly drive a truck instead of a car when they didn't have to.

I do a lot of long distance driving, meaning being on the road all day. That requires some kind of mental exercise to stay interested. Sometimes as an exercise I count the pickup trucks in terms of loaded and empty. If I can see the bed I'll count that truck as either carrying something or not carrying anything. Covered beds don't count, they can't be seen.

The ideal maximum efficiency rate should be 100% loaded - always carrying something somewhere. Of course that's not realistic so a realistic rate should be at least 50%, figuring a trip out empty to get something and a trip back loaded, or vice versa.

What I consistently come up with on this poll is around 75 to 80% of those truck beds empty.

So the answer to why drive a truck if you don't have to seems to be at least in part, because the TV tells them to. There's a lot of pickemups being used practically but there's a lot more doing nothing. Tells a lot about the power of suggestion; what are the chances that a citizen of suburban Cleveland is ever going to have occasion to tow an asteroid? Doesn't matter; they'll sell it because they can.

I have owned a pickup for almost 20 years. For many years, I owned heavy-duty pickups...a Jeep J-20 and two different F-350's. I used them hard, including snowplowing...but I also drove them to work with an empty bed. Now, I drive a Dakota.
Is there any vehicle more conspicuously stupid than an SUV?

SUV’s (and “crossovers”) are big, heavy, and inefficient. They handle terribly, don’t stop very well, and are markedly less comfortable than cars of comparable price and features. They require more and costlier maintenance, are more complex, and will ultimately cost much more in repairs and upkeep than a comparable sedan over the life of the vehicle. (Think tires, brakes, ball joints, wheel bearings, transfer cases, etc).

Most of the justifications for buying an SUV are preposterous. If there is a snowstorm that is so bad that a FWD car or RWD car with traction control and four good snow-tires can’t handle, then YOU SHOULDN’T BE OUT DRIVING AROUND IN IT. And the likelihood that such a storm will arise under conditions where you SIMPLY MUST drive around is approximately zero. The schools are closed, and/or you can work from home or call in sick. Police and Fire excepted.

Regardless of how much money you are budgeting for a new vehicle, THERE WILL ALWAYS BE A CAR THAT IS BETTER FOR THE SAME MONEY AS THE SUV YOU ARE CONSIDERING. It’s not for nothing that the Car Manufacturers are constantly pushing trucks and SUV’s – their profit margins are substantially higher on the trucks and SUV’s.

One of the worst features of SUV’s is the one that cause many women to favor them: You can see over the roofs of cars. But the fact that you can see over the roofs of cars means that YOU ARE BLOCKING THE VIEW OF CAR DRIVERS – for no reason other than your own self indulgence. How many parking lot accidents are caused by the fact that the driver of an AUTOMOBILE is completely blind to what’s coming because there are so many stinkin’ SUV’s blocking her view?

The car manufacturers have made great strides in recent years to reduce the 4WD penalty in fuel economy, but nothing they do can compensate for the fact that if you drive a 4WD/AWD vehicle you are carrying around 3-400 pounds of mechanical apparatus that you don’t need. Think of it as having Rush Limbaugh and Rosie O’Donnel in your back seat all the time. It affects not only fuel economy but tire and brake wear, and the load that is placed on the suspension, transmission, and engine – for the life of the car.

OK, if you live in an area that has a combination of a LOT OF snow for much of the year, and a lot of hills to negotiate, then maybe 4WD can be justified, and if the snowplows don’t know where your street is and you actually have to drive around in foot-deep snow for much of the year, then maybe an SUV can be justified, but for the rest of us, it is a stupid indulgence.

When I was growing up, most families got around with little trouble with rear-wheel drive Chevy’s and Ford’s that didn’t even have posi-traction. Amazing, isn’t it?

Jeez, don't ever move to Alaska. lol Lots of SUVs here, lots and lots! And, by the way, we have to go to work snowstorm or not, roads covered in ice or not. Got my first brand new car in my's a Hyundai Santa Fe Sport with AWD. Got it last fall and put studded tires on all around for the winter and thank God! We had some terrible roads last winter and my workplace moved from right across the street to clear across town. I LOVE LOVE LOVE my SUV! : )

(Previously drove a 4-door sedan with front wheel drive and studded tires all around in winter. It was okay, handled well, but I feel so much safer in my SUV!)
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Is there any vehicle more conspicuously stupid than an SUV?

SUV’s (and “crossovers”) are big, heavy, and inefficient. They handle terribly, don’t stop very well, and are markedly less comfortable than cars of comparable price and features. They require more and costlier maintenance, are more complex, and will ultimately cost much more in repairs and upkeep than a comparable sedan over the life of the vehicle. (Think tires, brakes, ball joints, wheel bearings, transfer cases, etc).

Most of the justifications for buying an SUV are preposterous. If there is a snowstorm that is so bad that a FWD car or RWD car with traction control and four good snow-tires can’t handle, then YOU SHOULDN’T BE OUT DRIVING AROUND IN IT. And the likelihood that such a storm will arise under conditions where you SIMPLY MUST drive around is approximately zero. The schools are closed, and/or you can work from home or call in sick. Police and Fire excepted.

Regardless of how much money you are budgeting for a new vehicle, THERE WILL ALWAYS BE A CAR THAT IS BETTER FOR THE SAME MONEY AS THE SUV YOU ARE CONSIDERING. It’s not for nothing that the Car Manufacturers are constantly pushing trucks and SUV’s – their profit margins are substantially higher on the trucks and SUV’s.

One of the worst features of SUV’s is the one that cause many women to favor them: You can see over the roofs of cars. But the fact that you can see over the roofs of cars means that YOU ARE BLOCKING THE VIEW OF CAR DRIVERS – for no reason other than your own self indulgence. How many parking lot accidents are caused by the fact that the driver of an AUTOMOBILE is completely blind to what’s coming because there are so many stinkin’ SUV’s blocking her view?

The car manufacturers have made great strides in recent years to reduce the 4WD penalty in fuel economy, but nothing they do can compensate for the fact that if you drive a 4WD/AWD vehicle you are carrying around 3-400 pounds of mechanical apparatus that you don’t need. Think of it as having Rush Limbaugh and Rosie O’Donnel in your back seat all the time. It affects not only fuel economy but tire and brake wear, and the load that is placed on the suspension, transmission, and engine – for the life of the car.

OK, if you live in an area that has a combination of a LOT OF snow for much of the year, and a lot of hills to negotiate, then maybe 4WD can be justified, and if the snowplows don’t know where your street is and you actually have to drive around in foot-deep snow for much of the year, then maybe an SUV can be justified, but for the rest of us, it is a stupid indulgence.

When I was growing up, most families got around with little trouble with rear-wheel drive Chevy’s and Ford’s that didn’t even have posi-traction. Amazing, isn’t it?

Those Chevies and Fords that we used to get around in had a lot more power than modern SUVs, worse gas mileage, and were all around more dangerous than those stupid SUVs you are ranting about. I know, I used to drive them, and I would much rather be in an SUV with its modern traction control and other safety features.

On the other hand, you did brand yourself as a complete ignoramus when it comes to cars.

He did that LONG ago! (This is the same doofus who actually puts a Porsche Cayman & a Nizzan 370Z in the same class.)
I have four kids, two grandchildren and two dogs.

Please tell me what vehicle I should use when we want to go gomewhere.

True. It's not like they are making station wagons anymore...:lol:

Dodge makes a wagon.


Not since 2008!
I was raised on big American made cars, that's what we always had when I was growing up, they're what I learned to drive on. The last big car I had was a Mercury Grand Marquis. Worst damn car I've ever driven, uncomfortable, kids squished in the back seat, handled poorly, forget about driving in the snow. .

Pablum! Driven through plenty of snow in Panther cars without a problem. Your problem was in the driver's seat!
OBVIOUSLY, there are personal circumstances that make an SUV a rational choice for a FEW PEOPLE. Maybe everyone in your family is XXL or XLL. Maybe you frequently need to carry around a lot of people and stuff. One of my co-workers takes Old Folks to Church and Bingo a couple times a week, and they sometimes need to bring their wheelchairs. He NEEDS a large SUV. Maybe you live many miles from the nearest paved road in Saskatchewan.

But for MOST people, it is a foolish indulgence, either to satisfy one's pathetic ego or to satisfy a perceived need that either never, or rarely ever occurs. Nobody "needs" an Escalade or Sequoia or Expedition or Armada.

And it is an indulgence that comes at a cost. You are making the roads more dangerous for everyone around you who is driving a car. Why? Because your SUV handles, brakes, accelerates, and impacts things like a truck. If you are in a collision, well, as Scottie used to say, "Ya kenna changes the laws of physics," and when you crash into that Ford Focus, you will likely kill the poor bastards inside. On a less serious note, you are blocking the view of other cars at intersections and in parking lots. You are wastefully consuming resources that could be put to better use - or better yet, not consumed at all.

My wife's cousin is the worst driver in North America, but fortunately her husband is a doctor who understands physics. She drives the big Lexus SUV, which we lovingly call, the "QE3." She hasn't killed anyone yet, but not for the want of trying.

You have every right to indulge yourself, and far be it from me to suggest that the right to purchase dumb vehicles be limited by regulation or what have you. And don't forget to keep that cell phone with you when you are driving in case you get an "important" call. It rounds out the picture quite nicely. But if you ever hit me on my motorcycle you'd better kill me because if you don't I'll wring your fucking neck.
OBVIOUSLY, there are personal circumstances that make an SUV a rational choice for a FEW PEOPLE. Maybe everyone in your family is XXL or XLL. Maybe you frequently need to carry around a lot of people and stuff. One of my co-workers takes Old Folks to Church and Bingo a couple times a week, and they sometimes need to bring their wheelchairs. He NEEDS a large SUV. Maybe you live many miles from the nearest paved road in Saskatchewan.

But for MOST people, it is a foolish indulgence, either to satisfy one's pathetic ego or to satisfy a perceived need that either never, or rarely ever occurs. Nobody "needs" an Escalade or Sequoia or Expedition or Armada.

And it is an indulgence that comes at a cost. You are making the roads more dangerous for everyone around you who is driving a car. Why? Because your SUV handles, brakes, accelerates, and impacts things like a truck. If you are in a collision, well, as Scottie used to say, "Ya kenna changes the laws of physics," and when you crash into that Ford Focus, you will likely kill the poor bastards inside. On a less serious note, you are blocking the view of other cars at intersections and in parking lots. You are wastefully consuming resources that could be put to better use - or better yet, not consumed at all.

My wife's cousin is the worst driver in North America, but fortunately her husband is a doctor who understands physics. She drives the big Lexus SUV, which we lovingly call, the "QE3." She hasn't killed anyone yet, but not for the want of trying.

You have every right to indulge yourself, and far be it from me to suggest that the right to purchase dumb vehicles be limited by regulation or what have you. And don't forget to keep that cell phone with you when you are driving in case you get an "important" call. It rounds out the picture quite nicely. But if you ever hit me on my motorcycle you'd better kill me because if you don't I'll wring your fucking neck.

You could say the same thing about the large Mercedes sedans. Or full size vans.
Or classic cars from 60's. All heavy death dealers.
Sounds like the only acceptable vehicles in your book are one's like you drive or smaller. Or cheaper....but whatever.
OBVIOUSLY, there are personal circumstances that make an SUV a rational choice for a FEW PEOPLE. Maybe everyone in your family is XXL or XLL. Maybe you frequently need to carry around a lot of people and stuff. One of my co-workers takes Old Folks to Church and Bingo a couple times a week, and they sometimes need to bring their wheelchairs. He NEEDS a large SUV. Maybe you live many miles from the nearest paved road in Saskatchewan.

But for MOST people, it is a foolish indulgence, either to satisfy one's pathetic ego or to satisfy a perceived need that either never, or rarely ever occurs. Nobody "needs" an Escalade or Sequoia or Expedition or Armada.

And it is an indulgence that comes at a cost. You are making the roads more dangerous for everyone around you who is driving a car. Why? Because your SUV handles, brakes, accelerates, and impacts things like a truck. If you are in a collision, well, as Scottie used to say, "Ya kenna changes the laws of physics," and when you crash into that Ford Focus, you will likely kill the poor bastards inside. On a less serious note, you are blocking the view of other cars at intersections and in parking lots. You are wastefully consuming resources that could be put to better use - or better yet, not consumed at all.

My wife's cousin is the worst driver in North America, but fortunately her husband is a doctor who understands physics. She drives the big Lexus SUV, which we lovingly call, the "QE3." She hasn't killed anyone yet, but not for the want of trying.

You have every right to indulge yourself, and far be it from me to suggest that the right to purchase dumb vehicles be limited by regulation or what have you. And don't forget to keep that cell phone with you when you are driving in case you get an "important" call. It rounds out the picture quite nicely. But if you ever hit me on my motorcycle you'd better kill me because if you don't I'll wring your fucking neck.

You could say the same thing about the large Mercedes sedans. Or full size vans.
Or classic cars from 60's. All heavy death dealers.
Sounds like the only acceptable vehicles in your book are one's like you drive or smaller. Or cheaper....but whatever.

I was thinking something along the same lines. Why am I to blame for him buying a short little car? Buy something bigger and you can see.

Also, shitty drivers are shitty drivers, regardless of what they drive. I put 5k miles a month for 12 years on full sized SUVs and pickup trucks without a single accident.
OBVIOUSLY, there are personal circumstances that make an SUV a rational choice for a FEW PEOPLE. Maybe everyone in your family is XXL or XLL. Maybe you frequently need to carry around a lot of people and stuff. One of my co-workers takes Old Folks to Church and Bingo a couple times a week, and they sometimes need to bring their wheelchairs. He NEEDS a large SUV. Maybe you live many miles from the nearest paved road in Saskatchewan.

But for MOST people, it is a foolish indulgence, either to satisfy one's pathetic ego or to satisfy a perceived need that either never, or rarely ever occurs. Nobody "needs" an Escalade or Sequoia or Expedition or Armada.

And it is an indulgence that comes at a cost. You are making the roads more dangerous for everyone around you who is driving a car. Why? Because your SUV handles, brakes, accelerates, and impacts things like a truck. If you are in a collision, well, as Scottie used to say, "Ya kenna changes the laws of physics," and when you crash into that Ford Focus, you will likely kill the poor bastards inside. On a less serious note, you are blocking the view of other cars at intersections and in parking lots. You are wastefully consuming resources that could be put to better use - or better yet, not consumed at all.

My wife's cousin is the worst driver in North America, but fortunately her husband is a doctor who understands physics. She drives the big Lexus SUV, which we lovingly call, the "QE3." She hasn't killed anyone yet, but not for the want of trying.

You have every right to indulge yourself, and far be it from me to suggest that the right to purchase dumb vehicles be limited by regulation or what have you. And don't forget to keep that cell phone with you when you are driving in case you get an "important" call. It rounds out the picture quite nicely. But if you ever hit me on my motorcycle you'd better kill me because if you don't I'll wring your fucking neck.

You could say the same thing about the large Mercedes sedans. Or full size vans.
Or classic cars from 60's. All heavy death dealers.
Sounds like the only acceptable vehicles in your book are one's like you drive or smaller. Or cheaper....but whatever.

I was thinking something along the same lines. Why am I to blame for him buying a short little car? Buy something bigger and you can see.

Also, shitty drivers are shitty drivers, regardless of what they drive. I put 5k miles a month for 12 years on full sized SUVs and pickup trucks without a single accident.

I've totaled two vehicles in my life,none of them involving other vehicles.
The first was total driver inattention. The second was dodging a deer. The first one was my first new car I'd ever owned,a Mitsubishi Precis. Drove off the road into a corn field and it was totaled. And I cracked some ribs.
The second was in a King Ranch Ford F150 which rolled four times. There wasn't a piece on it that could be salvaged,and I walked away from it.
Had I been in that Precis I would surely be dead.
I'll stick to the bigger vehicles...just in case.
mitsubishi power for the "Smart Car" not electric. It has been a couple of tears since the Smart Car was in the top 10 for mileage they must be about 25 or 30 on the list by now.
There isn't much wrong with the handling of an SUV the problem is the drivers. The handling of an SUV can be improved; but it requires a lot of work and expense and the improved handling will not stop accidents. When people stop doing everything except driving the rate will start droping. Maintain tires, brakes, suspension and lights. Drivers must learn the charactoristics and limits of the cars they drive.
4WD may not be better than 2WD just as FWD may not be better than RWD. FWD is cheaper to build and easier to get thru crash testing. ABS is not always better. (I prefer pulse braking and have adapted to cars with ABS.)
Turn your phone off when driving
Pay attention to driving and those around you
Think about what you are doing
mitsubishi power for the "Smart Car" not electric. It has been a couple of tears since the Smart Car was in the top 10 for mileage they must be about 25 or 30 on the list by now.
There isn't much wrong with the handling of an SUV the problem is the drivers. The handling of an SUV can be improved; but it requires a lot of work and expense and the improved handling will not stop accidents. When people stop doing everything except driving the rate will start droping. Maintain tires, brakes, suspension and lights. Drivers must learn the charactoristics and limits of the cars they drive.
4WD may not be better than 2WD just as FWD may not be better than RWD. FWD is cheaper to build and easier to get thru crash testing. ABS is not always better. (I prefer pulse braking and have adapted to cars with ABS.)
Turn your phone off when driving
Pay attention to driving and those around you
Think about what you are doing

Mistubishi doesn't make the Smart -- Mercedes does. And I don't think it's ever been in the top for mileage, which is its biggest drawback -- for its size, it should be.
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mitsubishi power for the "Smart Car" not electric. It has been a couple of tears since the Smart Car was in the top 10 for mileage they must be about 25 or 30 on the list by now.
There isn't much wrong with the handling of an SUV the problem is the drivers. The handling of an SUV can be improved; but it requires a lot of work and expense and the improved handling will not stop accidents. When people stop doing everything except driving the rate will start droping. Maintain tires, brakes, suspension and lights. Drivers must learn the charactoristics and limits of the cars they drive.
4WD may not be better than 2WD just as FWD may not be better than RWD. FWD is cheaper to build and easier to get thru crash testing. ABS is not always better. (I prefer pulse braking and have adapted to cars with ABS.)
Turn your phone off when driving
Pay attention to driving and those around you
Think about what you are doing


The number of inattentive drivers I have seen is staggering. Not just cell phone users and people texting, I have seen people reading books or watching dvds while they drive! WTF??

And yes, turn off your cell phone. Hands-free doesn't mean anything. People do not wreck because they are holding something. They wreck because they are paying attention to the call and not the road.
OBVIOUSLY, there are personal circumstances that make an SUV a rational choice for a FEW PEOPLE. Maybe everyone in your family is XXL or XLL. Maybe you frequently need to carry around a lot of people and stuff. One of my co-workers takes Old Folks to Church and Bingo a couple times a week, and they sometimes need to bring their wheelchairs. He NEEDS a large SUV. Maybe you live many miles from the nearest paved road in Saskatchewan.

But for MOST people, it is a foolish indulgence, either to satisfy one's pathetic ego or to satisfy a perceived need that either never, or rarely ever occurs. Nobody "needs" an Escalade or Sequoia or Expedition or Armada.

And it is an indulgence that comes at a cost. You are making the roads more dangerous for everyone around you who is driving a car. Why? Because your SUV handles, brakes, accelerates, and impacts things like a truck. If you are in a collision, well, as Scottie used to say, "Ya kenna changes the laws of physics," and when you crash into that Ford Focus, you will likely kill the poor bastards inside. On a less serious note, you are blocking the view of other cars at intersections and in parking lots. You are wastefully consuming resources that could be put to better use - or better yet, not consumed at all.

My wife's cousin is the worst driver in North America, but fortunately her husband is a doctor who understands physics. She drives the big Lexus SUV, which we lovingly call, the "QE3." She hasn't killed anyone yet, but not for the want of trying.

You have every right to indulge yourself, and far be it from me to suggest that the right to purchase dumb vehicles be limited by regulation or what have you. And don't forget to keep that cell phone with you when you are driving in case you get an "important" call. It rounds out the picture quite nicely. But if you ever hit me on my motorcycle you'd better kill me because if you don't I'll wring your fucking neck.

You could say the same thing about the large Mercedes sedans. Or full size vans.
Or classic cars from 60's. All heavy death dealers.
Sounds like the only acceptable vehicles in your book are one's like you drive or smaller. Or cheaper....but whatever.

I was thinking something along the same lines. Why am I to blame for him buying a short little car? Buy something bigger and you can see.

Also, shitty drivers are shitty drivers, regardless of what they drive. I put 5k miles a month for 12 years on full sized SUVs and pickup trucks without a single accident.

Seems to me what he's saying is more along the lines that using an SUV is a selfish act. Aside from being a poor automotive design.
Yes because it's "selfish" to prefer an suv.

I hit a deer when I had three very young boys in the car with me. The deer was blown into pieces, my radiator was destroyed...the hood of the car was busted and came up with the deer...which almost came into the rig with the boys and I until the bug shield caught the bottom edge of it and pulled it back down under the rig.

I'll stick with my big vehicles. You call it selfish, I call it increased chance of survival next time I hit a deer.
You could say the same thing about the large Mercedes sedans. Or full size vans.
Or classic cars from 60's. All heavy death dealers.
Sounds like the only acceptable vehicles in your book are one's like you drive or smaller. Or cheaper....but whatever.

I was thinking something along the same lines. Why am I to blame for him buying a short little car? Buy something bigger and you can see.

Also, shitty drivers are shitty drivers, regardless of what they drive. I put 5k miles a month for 12 years on full sized SUVs and pickup trucks without a single accident.

Seems to me what he's saying is more along the lines that using an SUV is a selfish act. Aside from being a poor automotive design.

He chose fuel mileage and handy size. I chose spaciousness and a better view.

It doesn't seem to me that either is actually stupid. Simply a choice.
According to Pogo, the only people who use suvs use them because somebody told them it was cool.

True story.
Yes because it's "selfish" to prefer an suv.

I hit a deer when I had three very young boys in the car with me. The deer was blown into pieces, my radiator was destroyed...the hood of the car was busted and came up with the deer...which almost came into the rig with the boys and I until the bug shield caught the bottom edge of it and pulled it back down under the rig.

I'll stick with my big vehicles. You call it selfish, I call it increased chance of survival next time I hit a deer.

See, if you would brake for deer like I brake for turkeys.... :rofl:

I can't believe you took my bait twice in one day but thanks. Here we go:

If you're part of the mentality that "bigger is safer" (that smaller cars are more dangerous) as you do above, then you must also agree that everyone buying bigger cars makes the pool of all cars bigger and heavier ---- and that makes the entire road more dangerous. That means if you get a car that's 4000 pounds, I have to get one that's 4500, but then you're not safe, so you go to 5000 ... on and on, and you have the same worthless argument as the "good guy with a gun" -- the fallacy of confronting a problem by adding fuel to it. There's no win there. You end up with a population of people driving tanks. It's like baseball salaries -- no such thing as "enough".

If you don't believe that myth (like me), then your argument for weight-as-basis-of-value disappears.

Can't have it both ways.

Therefore, if you believe more mass means more safety, then acting on it ups the ante for everybody and forces them to upsize too. And that means you're part of the same problem that the mass myth says is the problem, and that means you're doing it for Numero Uno. Ergo: selfish.

Which could well be the difference in philosophy between whether the greater good is that of the individual or that of the collective.

I hit a deer with my 2500 pound Saturn SW2 (more than once). The worst one took out my whole quarter panel (it just broke off - fiberglas body). The deer came out of nowhere and was killed. I got a new quarter panel and bolted it on. More significant is all the deer, pickup trucks and other animals I didn't hit because the car is low enough and nimble enough to navigate around them. Some of the moves I did with that station wagon, had I tried them with an SUV I would have ended up spinning around upside down on my roof, or worse.

And that's why I'll always prefer that kind of car, unless I'm doing something that absolutely needs another application, like a truck.
Good for you!

But I know that if I had been driving a smaller car, my two sons and my nephew and I would all have died. We didn't see the deer, we came around a wide bend doing 65 and there were 3 deer standing in our lane. Two jumped to each side, we caught the one in the middle.
BTW, I'm not reading all your drivel. I find you long-winded, sanctimonious and painfully misinformed.
I was thinking something along the same lines. Why am I to blame for him buying a short little car? Buy something bigger and you can see.

Also, shitty drivers are shitty drivers, regardless of what they drive. I put 5k miles a month for 12 years on full sized SUVs and pickup trucks without a single accident.

Seems to me what he's saying is more along the lines that using an SUV is a selfish act. Aside from being a poor automotive design.

He chose fuel mileage and handy size. I chose spaciousness and a better view.

It doesn't seem to me that either is actually stupid. Simply a choice.

The "better view" bit relates to the same additive fallacy I just noted: your SUV being higher up does give you a better view of the road--- until everybody else drives one, then it's neutralized. Then you have to get an even higher one, then they do, etc etc.

All of that makes sense to do, as long as Numero Uno is the only one on the road that matters.

And btw the level of those headlights, especially pickups, in the rear-view mirror of a real car, is a pain in the ass. They're right at retina level. That's not a good thing, but it's damn sure not going to force me to upsize to compete.

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