"Such a nasty woman!"

Have four truer words ever been uttered?

I think nothing displays Trump contempt for women better than that remark last night.

And of course his thin skin.

He didn't like that she was reminding Americans that he was not paying taxes- so he calls her a 'nasty woman'- I guess he thought 'bitch' would have been politically incorrect.

She's not paying taxes, either. She's used both the same loophole he has and her foundation laundry to avoid paying a fair share of taxes on her income.

OH MY GOSH... Gallant? I'd suggest you stay away from those lying propaganda media sites if I were you! :eek:

WHERE do you get this crud?

The Clintons paid nearly 35% in federal income taxes and another 9% in state income taxes a year, for the past 10 years....

How did they amass a fortune of over 250 million dollars working in the public sector? Just wonderin?
I don't know if they have $250 million, but regardless...
like everyone else, working.... yes, giving speeches is working...famous people get paid to Speak...Reagan, Bush, Cheney, Powell, Rice, Gates, Buffet, Fiorina.... etc.

I give speeches twice a week, two semesters a year. I am most certain I impart far more useful and factual information each and every time I lecture for an hour, or more. Where do I sign up for that $250 mil? Or do I have to lie, or at least make sure my audience understands that what I tell them is not the same as I tell others?
Have four truer words ever been uttered?

I think nothing displays Trump contempt for women better than that remark last night.

And of course his thin skin.

He didn't like that she was reminding Americans that he was not paying taxes- so he calls her a 'nasty woman'- I guess he thought 'bitch' would have been politically incorrect.

She's not paying taxes, either. She's used both the same loophole he has and her foundation laundry to avoid paying a fair share of taxes on her income.

Why are you lying? We know exactly how much Hillary Clinton has paid in taxes because she has released her tax returns.
Hillary Clinton's 2015 tax return shows $10.6 million in income, 31% rate -- and puts pressure on Donald Trump
The Clintons pulled in $10.6 million in 2015, much less than the nearly $28 million they made the year before.

Their tax return showed that they paid $3.24 million in federal income taxes.

That means their effective tax rate -- a measure of their income tax burden -- was 30.6% based on their adjusted gross income. That's on par with their 32% effective rate in 2014.

Of course Donald Trump is hiding his tax returns from Americans. And when Hillary Clinton reminded Americans of that- Donald Trump did what he always does when challenged by a strong woman- he called her names- 'nasty woman'- just a long line of names Trump has called women he feels threatened by.

Frankly, I don't care about their tax returns. Tax returns are fiction, at best, once you reach a certain income bracket. What I'm interested in hearing is specific details about their plans for this country. So far, Hillary has freely admitted that what she will blab to me is distinctly different than what she blabs for her major money donors. Alas, I do not have millions of other peoples' money to toss about and buy a political hack.
Her comment that elicited his response was absolutely in-called-for and superfluous. He's right in this instance, he comment colors her as a nasty person, woman, or not. What a Be-atch!

"her comment'? What did she call Trump 'crooked'- hmmmm no that would be what Trump calls Clinton. Did he say she should be in jail? No- again that would be what Trump said about Clinton.

What did Hillary Clinton say? That Trump's taxes would go up assuming that he couldn't figure out how to get out of paying the taxes.

You think that is 'nasty'?

Compare that to Donald Trump calling a woman a 'pig'? Or mocking a reporter for his disability? Or attacking a judge because his parents were born in Mexico? Or when he attacked John McCain's war record?

Or compare that to Donald Trump attacking Hillary Clinton for using a bathroom- now that is nasty.
Oh, hell, I think Hillary is one nasty be-atch. She lies, cheats, and will steal should it suit her personal goals of enrichment and empowerment. She's proven herself a) incredibly stupid, b) incompetent beyond measure, or c) she just doesn't give a flying f**k. Which of those is most frightening?
Her comment that elicited his response was absolutely in-called-for and superfluous. He's right in this instance, he comment colors her as a nasty person, woman, or not. What a Be-atch!

"her comment'? What did she call Trump 'crooked'- hmmmm no that would be what Trump calls Clinton. Did he say she should be in jail? No- again that would be what Trump said about Clinton.

What did Hillary Clinton say? That Trump's taxes would go up assuming that he couldn't figure out how to get out of paying the taxes.

You think that is 'nasty'?

Compare that to Donald Trump calling a woman a 'pig'? Or mocking a reporter for his disability? Or attacking a judge because his parents were born in Mexico? Or when he attacked John McCain's war record?

Or compare that to Donald Trump attacking Hillary Clinton for using a bathroom- now that is nasty.
None of those other things are under discussion. Her comment is. Stay focused. All other things considered, she is still a nasty woman.
Not only is the filthy batch nasty but she is corrupt, dishonest and incompetent..

Ah Right Wing Nut jobs- and their disgust with women.

Who has been nastier in this campaign? Donald Trump.

Trump is corrupt, dishonest and incompetant- so of course you prefer him.
Trump likes women...probably something he has in common with both Bill, and Hillary. His expression is coarse but not unlike most men I have ever worked with, studied with, or instructed.
Trump winning the women's vote!
Surprisingly, he might just be. A good friend of mine prefaced a letter to our local RINO senator (seeking re-election) with the following: "I am a 60-year-old, college-educated professional woman, a veteran, as well as NOT one of the perpetually offended, and I cannot vote for any GOP candidate who demands that conservative voters support her while that candidate refuses to support the duly elected (by the majority of the GOP electorate) candidate for POTUS.
Princess Murkowski might find herself challenged...
I think nothing displays Trump contempt for women better than that remark last night.

And of course his thin skin.

He didn't like that she was reminding Americans that he was not paying taxes- so he calls her a 'nasty woman'- I guess he thought 'bitch' would have been politically incorrect.
She's not paying taxes, either. She's used both the same loophole he has and her foundation laundry to avoid paying a fair share of taxes on her income.
OH MY GOSH... Gallant? I'd suggest you stay away from those lying propaganda media sites if I were you! :eek:

WHERE do you get this crud?

The Clintons paid nearly 35% in federal income taxes and another 9% in state income taxes a year, for the past 10 years....

How did they amass a fortune of over 250 million dollars working in the public sector? Just wonderin?
I don't know if they have $250 million, but regardless...
like everyone else, working.... yes, giving speeches is working...famous people get paid to Speak...Reagan, Bush, Cheney, Powell, Rice, Gates, Buffet, Fiorina.... etc.
I give speeches twice a week, two semesters a year. I am most certain I impart far more useful and factual information each and every time I lecture for an hour, or more. Where do I sign up for that $250 mil? Or do I have to lie, or at least make sure my audience understands that what I tell them is not the same as I tell others?
ASK the soul of Reagan, or George hw bush, or colin powell or GW Bush, and Buffet and Gates or Madeline Albright etc why they make more than you when they give their speeches...

life stinks and then you die, for peons like us....
She's not paying taxes, either. She's used both the same loophole he has and her foundation laundry to avoid paying a fair share of taxes on her income.
OH MY GOSH... Gallant? I'd suggest you stay away from those lying propaganda media sites if I were you! :eek:

WHERE do you get this crud?

The Clintons paid nearly 35% in federal income taxes and another 9% in state income taxes a year, for the past 10 years....

How did they amass a fortune of over 250 million dollars working in the public sector? Just wonderin?
I don't know if they have $250 million, but regardless...
like everyone else, working.... yes, giving speeches is working...famous people get paid to Speak...Reagan, Bush, Cheney, Powell, Rice, Gates, Buffet, Fiorina.... etc.
I give speeches twice a week, two semesters a year. I am most certain I impart far more useful and factual information each and every time I lecture for an hour, or more. Where do I sign up for that $250 mil? Or do I have to lie, or at least make sure my audience understands that what I tell them is not the same as I tell others?
ASK the soul of Reagan, or George hw bush, or colin powell or GW Bush, and Buffet and Gates or Madeline Albright etc why they make more than you when they give their speeches...

life stinks and then you die, for peons like us....
I do rather pity you because my life doesn't stink while you comment implies that yours must. And I guarantee that my "speeches" (lectures) have a much more positive impact on the lives of those who listen, and many others, as well. Knowing that is much more valuable recompense than collecting schekles from an audience that seeks some gratification from sitting through a few minutes of verbal diarrhea and mental masturbation.
OH MY GOSH... Gallant? I'd suggest you stay away from those lying propaganda media sites if I were you! :eek:

WHERE do you get this crud?

The Clintons paid nearly 35% in federal income taxes and another 9% in state income taxes a year, for the past 10 years....

How did they amass a fortune of over 250 million dollars working in the public sector? Just wonderin?
I don't know if they have $250 million, but regardless...
like everyone else, working.... yes, giving speeches is working...famous people get paid to Speak...Reagan, Bush, Cheney, Powell, Rice, Gates, Buffet, Fiorina.... etc.
I give speeches twice a week, two semesters a year. I am most certain I impart far more useful and factual information each and every time I lecture for an hour, or more. Where do I sign up for that $250 mil? Or do I have to lie, or at least make sure my audience understands that what I tell them is not the same as I tell others?
ASK the soul of Reagan, or George hw bush, or colin powell or GW Bush, and Buffet and Gates or Madeline Albright etc why they make more than you when they give their speeches...

life stinks and then you die, for peons like us....
I do rather pity you because my life doesn't stink while you comment implies that yours must. And I guarantee that my "speeches" (lectures) have a much more positive impact on the lives of those who listen, and many others, as well. Knowing that is much more valuable recompense than collecting schekles from an audience that seeks some gratification from sitting through a few minutes of verbal diarrhea and mental masturbation.
Great, glad you have a good life....! But then why complain about other people who make a lot of money giving speeches for a living? You will never get paid what a former President gets paid to give speeches. You will never get paid what former First Ladies are paid for speeches. You will never get paid what former Secretary of States get paid for speeches...

these kind of people like the above, can make millions in their lifetime, from giving speeches, all legally, and can't be compared to what you make giving speeches...

and I suppose I am unclear on why you tried to compare the two situations as if they are even comparable Gallant?

I don't have a sorry life... I just know I am not a former President's wife, or a former Secretary of State for the United States of America, and know what I have earned in my lifetime, will never compare to what they have earned... and justly so.

My last comment was a 'saying', "Well, you know what they say...Life sucks and then you die" only I reworded it slightly...

I'm certain you are a nice and good person in real life
How did they amass a fortune of over 250 million dollars working in the public sector? Just wonderin?
I don't know if they have $250 million, but regardless...
like everyone else, working.... yes, giving speeches is working...famous people get paid to Speak...Reagan, Bush, Cheney, Powell, Rice, Gates, Buffet, Fiorina.... etc.
I give speeches twice a week, two semesters a year. I am most certain I impart far more useful and factual information each and every time I lecture for an hour, or more. Where do I sign up for that $250 mil? Or do I have to lie, or at least make sure my audience understands that what I tell them is not the same as I tell others?
ASK the soul of Reagan, or George hw bush, or colin powell or GW Bush, and Buffet and Gates or Madeline Albright etc why they make more than you when they give their speeches...

life stinks and then you die, for peons like us....
I do rather pity you because my life doesn't stink while you comment implies that yours must. And I guarantee that my "speeches" (lectures) have a much more positive impact on the lives of those who listen, and many others, as well. Knowing that is much more valuable recompense than collecting schekles from an audience that seeks some gratification from sitting through a few minutes of verbal diarrhea and mental masturbation.
Great, glad you have a good life....! But then why complain about other people who make a lot of money giving speeches for a living? You will never get paid what a former President gets paid to give speeches. You will never get paid what former First Ladies are paid for speeches. You will never get paid what former Secretary of States get paid for speeches...

these kind of people like the above, can make millions in their lifetime, from giving speeches, all legally, and can't be compared to what you make giving speeches...

and I suppose I am unclear on why you tried to compare the two situations as if they are even comparable Gallant?

I don't have a sorry life... I just know I am not a former President's wife, or a former Secretary of State for the United States of America, and know what I have earned in my lifetime, will never compare to what they have earned... and justly so.

My last comment was a 'saying', "Well, you know what they say...Life sucks and then you die" only I reworded it slightly...

I'm certain you are a nice and good person in real life

If it were simply being paid for giving speeches we wouldn't care. We care because she is running, and HAS been running for office for the last 20 years. She has been working at placing her allies in key positions within government, the bureaucracy, and corporate America. It has been recently revealed that her buddy Terry McAuliffe funneled 650,000 some odd thousand dollars into the campaign of the wife of the man who was investigating her. That man then got a promotion to the Number 2 position in the FBI.

Funny how that works. Isn't it.:eusa_think:
I don't know if they have $250 million, but regardless...
like everyone else, working.... yes, giving speeches is working...famous people get paid to Speak...Reagan, Bush, Cheney, Powell, Rice, Gates, Buffet, Fiorina.... etc.
I give speeches twice a week, two semesters a year. I am most certain I impart far more useful and factual information each and every time I lecture for an hour, or more. Where do I sign up for that $250 mil? Or do I have to lie, or at least make sure my audience understands that what I tell them is not the same as I tell others?
ASK the soul of Reagan, or George hw bush, or colin powell or GW Bush, and Buffet and Gates or Madeline Albright etc why they make more than you when they give their speeches...

life stinks and then you die, for peons like us....
I do rather pity you because my life doesn't stink while you comment implies that yours must. And I guarantee that my "speeches" (lectures) have a much more positive impact on the lives of those who listen, and many others, as well. Knowing that is much more valuable recompense than collecting schekles from an audience that seeks some gratification from sitting through a few minutes of verbal diarrhea and mental masturbation.
Great, glad you have a good life....! But then why complain about other people who make a lot of money giving speeches for a living? You will never get paid what a former President gets paid to give speeches. You will never get paid what former First Ladies are paid for speeches. You will never get paid what former Secretary of States get paid for speeches...

these kind of people like the above, can make millions in their lifetime, from giving speeches, all legally, and can't be compared to what you make giving speeches...

and I suppose I am unclear on why you tried to compare the two situations as if they are even comparable Gallant?

I don't have a sorry life... I just know I am not a former President's wife, or a former Secretary of State for the United States of America, and know what I have earned in my lifetime, will never compare to what they have earned... and justly so.

My last comment was a 'saying', "Well, you know what they say...Life sucks and then you die" only I reworded it slightly...

I'm certain you are a nice and good person in real life

If it were simply being paid for giving speeches we wouldn't care. We care because she is running, and HAS been running for office for the last 20 years. She has been working at placing her allies in key positions within government, the bureaucracy, and corporate America. It has been recently revealed that her buddy Terry McAuliffe funneled 650,000 some odd thousand dollars into the campaign of the wife of the man who was investigating her. That man then got a promotion to the Number 2 position in the FBI.

Funny how that works. Isn't it.:eusa_think:
The FBI'S investigation from the very beginning, in to Clinton's server, was a Security Referral, NOT a Criminal Referral as your right wing media told you it was....

no one was ''out to get her'' on a Criminal charge because the referral was not a Criminal referral from the get go.

I have no idea why, when or how terry donated money to the wife of a man that eventually got position number 2 in the FBI etc....do you have a legitimate link to the story? $650k seems like way too much money for a simple security referral...? When did this donation take place, who did it go to...not the wife's campaign because $3000 is the limit...so was this to a PAC? Was it before the FBI even got the security referral?
I give speeches twice a week, two semesters a year. I am most certain I impart far more useful and factual information each and every time I lecture for an hour, or more. Where do I sign up for that $250 mil? Or do I have to lie, or at least make sure my audience understands that what I tell them is not the same as I tell others?
ASK the soul of Reagan, or George hw bush, or colin powell or GW Bush, and Buffet and Gates or Madeline Albright etc why they make more than you when they give their speeches...

life stinks and then you die, for peons like us....
I do rather pity you because my life doesn't stink while you comment implies that yours must. And I guarantee that my "speeches" (lectures) have a much more positive impact on the lives of those who listen, and many others, as well. Knowing that is much more valuable recompense than collecting schekles from an audience that seeks some gratification from sitting through a few minutes of verbal diarrhea and mental masturbation.
Great, glad you have a good life....! But then why complain about other people who make a lot of money giving speeches for a living? You will never get paid what a former President gets paid to give speeches. You will never get paid what former First Ladies are paid for speeches. You will never get paid what former Secretary of States get paid for speeches...

these kind of people like the above, can make millions in their lifetime, from giving speeches, all legally, and can't be compared to what you make giving speeches...

and I suppose I am unclear on why you tried to compare the two situations as if they are even comparable Gallant?

I don't have a sorry life... I just know I am not a former President's wife, or a former Secretary of State for the United States of America, and know what I have earned in my lifetime, will never compare to what they have earned... and justly so.

My last comment was a 'saying', "Well, you know what they say...Life sucks and then you die" only I reworded it slightly...

I'm certain you are a nice and good person in real life

If it were simply being paid for giving speeches we wouldn't care. We care because she is running, and HAS been running for office for the last 20 years. She has been working at placing her allies in key positions within government, the bureaucracy, and corporate America. It has been recently revealed that her buddy Terry McAuliffe funneled 650,000 some odd thousand dollars into the campaign of the wife of the man who was investigating her. That man then got a promotion to the Number 2 position in the FBI.

Funny how that works. Isn't it.:eusa_think:
The FBI'S investigation from the very beginning, in to Clinton's server, was a Security Referral, NOT a Criminal Referral as your right wing media told you it was....

no one was ''out to get her'' on a Criminal charge because the referral was not a Criminal referral from the get go.

I have no idea why, when or how terry donated money to the wife of a man that eventually got position number 2 in the FBI etc....do you have a legitimate link to the story? $650k seems like way too much money for a simple security referral...? When did this donation take place, who did it go to...not the wife's campaign because $3000 is the limit...so was this to a PAC? Was it before the FBI even got the security referral?

That is total crap as evidenced by what the FBI boss said.

This do for you? Face it. This admin, and her especially reek of corruption like no other politician in the history of the USA. I shudder to see what catastrophe she will lead the US into.

Clinton ally gave $500K to wife of FBI agent on email probe

Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, a longtime Clinton confidant, helped steer $675,000 to the election campaign of the wife of an FBI official who went on to lead the probe into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email system, according to a report.

The political action committee of McAuliffe, the Clinton loyalist, gave $467,500 to the state Senate campaign of the wife of Andrew McCabe, who is now deputy director of the FBI, according to the Wall Street Journal.

Clinton ally gave $500K to wife of FBI agent on email probe

Clinton Ally Aided Campaign of FBI Official’s Wife
Group linked to Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe donated nearly half a million dollars to 2015 state Senate candidate

Clinton Ally Aided Campaign of FBI Official’s Wife
How did they amass a fortune of over 250 million dollars working in the public sector? Just wonderin?
I don't know if they have $250 million, but regardless...
like everyone else, working.... yes, giving speeches is working...famous people get paid to Speak...Reagan, Bush, Cheney, Powell, Rice, Gates, Buffet, Fiorina.... etc.
I give speeches twice a week, two semesters a year. I am most certain I impart far more useful and factual information each and every time I lecture for an hour, or more. Where do I sign up for that $250 mil? Or do I have to lie, or at least make sure my audience understands that what I tell them is not the same as I tell others?
ASK the soul of Reagan, or George hw bush, or colin powell or GW Bush, and Buffet and Gates or Madeline Albright etc why they make more than you when they give their speeches...

life stinks and then you die, for peons like us....
I do rather pity you because my life doesn't stink while you comment implies that yours must. And I guarantee that my "speeches" (lectures) have a much more positive impact on the lives of those who listen, and many others, as well. Knowing that is much more valuable recompense than collecting schekles from an audience that seeks some gratification from sitting through a few minutes of verbal diarrhea and mental masturbation.
Great, glad you have a good life....! But then why complain about other people who make a lot of money giving speeches for a living? You will never get paid what a former President gets paid to give speeches. You will never get paid what former First Ladies are paid for speeches. You will never get paid what former Secretary of States get paid for speeches...

these kind of people like the above, can make millions in their lifetime, from giving speeches, all legally, and can't be compared to what you make giving speeches...

and I suppose I am unclear on why you tried to compare the two situations as if they are even comparable Gallant?

I don't have a sorry life... I just know I am not a former President's wife, or a former Secretary of State for the United States of America, and know what I have earned in my lifetime, will never compare to what they have earned... and justly so.

My last comment was a 'saying', "Well, you know what they say...Life sucks and then you die" only I reworded it slightly...

I'm certain you are a nice and good person in real life
I am paid what a typical university professor is paid for my "speeches". I have neither the desire, nor the moral bankruptcy apparently needed to lead a political lifestyle. I do not consider that a detriment. I would rather be poor and honest than rich and lacking in good, decent, honest character. Given this country's current lack of candidates of good moral character running for political office, I am among numerous others. Would you run for political office if it meant a steady, copious flow of cash traded for your good character?

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