Suicide Kit


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
Here in Pittsburgh we recently woke up to the horror of a news story about an 18-year-old "man" who brutalized and raped an 80+ year-old Nun outside her convent in Beaver County.

We all know about the kid in Texas who stole his old man's pickup truck (what else?), got high, and killed four innocent people who were addressing a car breakdown.

And Jerry Sandusky. Enough said.

When I read stories like this for some reason two words come into my mind: Suicide Kit.

If we really were an "advanced" society, and had any real concept of justice, compassion, prudence, and Life&Death, the FIRST OPTION for people like this would be to present them with a Suicide Kit, encourage them to use it, and give them 15 minutes alone to do the right thing.

We couldn't force anyone to use it, of course, that would be a violation of the Fifth Amendment - you can't be deprived of LIFE without due process of law. But surely we could explain to the subject motherfucker (1) the depravity of what he has done, (2) the miserable life he is looking forward to in prison, (3) the pain his continuing existence will have to the families of his victim, his own family, and others who may have an interest, and (4) the ridiculous cost to society of trying him, convicting him, running through the inevitable appeals, keeping him alive for the rest of his "natural" life, and so on. Most people, I would think, could be convinced to use the Kit.

I'm not a medical person, but it seems to me that the Kit could be produced to give the fucker a couple of options, in the hope that one of them would be attractive enough. Maybe inject himself with enough happy juice to make him high before his heart stops beating; maybe give him a harakiri knife, or let him use one of those gadgets like Anton Chigurh used in "No Country for Old Men." Give him a small handful of sleeping pills. I really don't care.

For a society that supposedly believes in God, and more or less accepts the promises of the Christian New Testament, we are inexplicably enamored with, and place an incalculably high value on, LIFE.

But this makes no sense. Life in prison (without the possibility of parole) is not "life" in any meaningful sense. Life with the pain and incapacities of many diseases and injuries is not really "life." If we really believe what the Bible teaches, then to allow someone to die on their own terms and at the time of their own choosing is a BLESSING. If you can't get Right with God and remain faithful for the final 5 minutes of your life until the drugs kick in, you are a sorry fuck and you deserve to go to hell.

There is no Constitutional reason why any state or the Federal government could not implement a policy providing a Suicide Kit for anyone convicted of a short list of the most heinous crimes. Some states have laws prohibiting people from enouraging suicide, but that wouldn't apply to the Sovereigns themselves.

We could save millions and millions of dollars, avoid incalculable heartache and stress, and in short, do the right thing with respect to people like this bastard who raped and brutalized the nun.

I may have mentioned before in this forum the fact that I resent the hell out of having to pay to support Jerry Sandusky and hundreds of other like him who by all rights should be dead and decomposing - and who, given the right opportunity, would be OK with ending their pathetic fucking lives in a more-or-less dignified fashion.

Suicide Kit. It's time.
Global suicide incidence...

A death by suicide every 40 seconds, says WHO
4 September 2014 - Somebody dies by taking their own life every 40 seconds, according to a significant report by the World Health Organization (WHO).
It said suicide was a "major public health problem" that was too often shrouded in taboo. The WHO wants to reduce the rate of suicide by 10% by 2020, but warned that just 28 countries have a national suicide prevention strategy. Campaigners said there needed to be more education in schools. The WHO analysed 10 years of research and data on suicide from around the world. It concluded:

* Around 800,000 people kill themselves every year
* It was the second leading cause of death in young people, aged 15 to 29
* Those over 70 were the most likely to take their own lives
* Three-quarters of these deaths were in low and middle income countries
* In richer countries, three times as many men as women die by suicide

It said limiting access to firearms and toxic chemicals was shown to reduce rates of suicide. And that introducing a national strategy for reducing suicides was effective, yet had been developed in only a minority of countries.


Dr Margaret Chan, the director general of the World Health Organization, said: "This report is a call for action to address a large public health problem, which has been shrouded in taboo for far too long." Social stigma attached to mental health disorders is known to stop people seeking help and can ultimately lead to suicide. The WHO also attacked the reporting of suicide in the media, such as the details revealed about the death of Hollywood actor Robin Williams. There was also a call for countries to provide more support for people who had previously made a suicide attempt as they were the most at-risk group.

Dr Alexandra Fleischmann, a scientist in the department of mental health and substance abuse at WHO, said: "No matter where a country currently stands in suicide prevention, effective measures can be taken, even just starting at local level and on a small-scale." Jonny Benjamin, a suicide campaigner in the UK, told the BBC: "I think there needs to be much more public awareness around suicide and how to approach people that may be experiencing suicidal thoughts and feelings, too few of us know how to react when they see someone who may be at risk of taking their life or experiencing those thoughts and feelings. "I think there needs to be much more public awareness, much more education in schools as well because, as statistics today have shown young people are especially at risk of taking their own lives."

BBC News - A death by suicide every 40 seconds says WHO
Gives judges more discretion in sentencing. Bring back 'hanging judges' like in the old west days. I'd go to law school and everything to be one of those. :) As the system is though no thanks.

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