Suicide pact


Jul 14, 2009
I waited to get more details before posting this odd story.

ARAPAHOE COUNTY, Colo. -- The owner of a shooting range where 29-year-old twin sisters from Australia were shot and one of them was killed said it appeared from surveillance video that the two women were shot at the same time.
Doug Hamilton told 7NEWS the video shows the two women falling backward, out of the shooting stall, at the exact same time, although the video doesn't show the actual shootings because they were blocked from the camera while the twins were standing in between the stall's partitions.
"Apparently, the two women were shot simultaneously, or thereabouts. The how or why, we really don't know," said Hamilton. He said he believes the two women shot at one another simultaneously, although the video doesn't show who pulled the triggers.

Shooting Range Video Shows Twins Shot Simultaneously - Denver News Story - KMGH Denver

Twin who killed self in suicide pact identified; family issues statement

DENVER -- The Arapahoe County Sheriff's Office has released the name of the Australian woman who took her own life in a suicide pact with her twin sister at the Cherry Creek State Park shooting range on Monday as 29-year-old Kristin Hermeler.

Twin who killed self in suicide pact identified; family issues statement -

THE Australian twin sisters who carried out a suicide pact at a firing range in Colorado were bullied as teenagers.

They had also expressed sympathy for the Columbine killers

As more details emerged of their years as Victorian private schoolgirls, it was revealed that Kristin and Candice Hermeler, 29, had direct links to a survivor of the notorious 1999 massacre at Columbine High School, not far from where they tried to kill themselves.

The women had several phone conversations about school bullying with Columbine student Brooks Brown and his parents soon after the US massacre. Kristin, who killed herself at the Family Shooting Centre near Denver last week, also wrote two letters to Mr Brown at the time as "someone who has been rejected, victimised and ostracised in their life".

As a student, Mr Brown was bullied by one of the Columbine gunmen, Eric Harris, but befriended him before the massacre and was spared on the day of the shootings.

In one letter dated June 12, 1999, Kristin wrote to Mr Brown: "As someone who has been rejected, victimised and ostracised in their life, I would like to thank you for giving him (Harris) that chance."

She continued: "Thank you for not judging and accepting Eric and Dylan (Klebold), who were, from what I have heard, rejected and victimised by so many others. Thank you so much. Sincerely, Kristin."

Suicide twin's letter to Columbine survivor suggests sisters bullied as teenagers | The Australian

Very sad and strange.
Colo. sheriff closes probe of twin suicide pact
(AP) – 2 hours ago
DENVER (AP) — An investigation into a suicide pact that left one Australian woman dead at a suburban Denver shooting range and her twin sister hospitalized with a head wound has been formally closed, Colorado investigators said Monday.
Arapahoe County Sheriff's Department investigators spoke to the surviving twin, Candice Hermeler, and her parents, who arrived in Denver on Friday, The Denver Post reported.
"We've made the determination there's not any more we can do on the case," sheriff's Capt. Louie Perea said.
Authorities said on Friday that they would not file charges.
Candice and Kristin Hermeler each fired a shot into their heads with rented .22-caliber pistols on Nov. 15. Kristin Hermeler died instantly. No suicide note was found.
Candice Hermeler told investigators about the suicide pact in a two-hour interview Thursday. But she refused to say why the 29-year-old sisters wanted to die.
Kristin Hermeler wrote two letters to a survivor of the 1999 Columbine school shootings just after the massacre, a Denver television station reported Saturday. She wrote that she was upset that bullying had apparently set off the two student shooters, adding that she and her sister had also been bullied in school.
The letters further suggested that the sisters had a fascination with the Columbine shootings, in which 15 people died.
The high school where the massacre took place is about 20 miles from the shooting range, and a photocopy of the Time magazine cover on Columbine was found among the twins' belongings after they shot themselves.
Candice Hermeler remained in serious condition at a Denver area hospital on Monday. The hospital hasn't commented on the type of treatment she has received and when she could be released.


I guess she will be going to jail after a trial

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