Sundowners Joe: 600,000 Dead Americans from CV19

Never let a crisis go to waste, and when you need the crisis to be bigger make absurd lies up about it.

Now I insist you take the 3 hours of video and link the part of where he says its 600,000 because I listened to the interview of Biden and I sure did not hear 600,000.

2 seconds into the video he posted he says it. Then repeats it..........and Potato Head then corrects him.

Geez, you are an idiot.

Its a fake video.

Sure, you raving lunatic.

Listen to it, you are raving lunatic. Fake video.

Wow! You're an idiot.

The Left will deny water is wet if they think it will gain them power

Your op is a faked video, are you going to try and prove me wrong??
Never let a crisis go to waste, and when you need the crisis to be bigger make absurd lies up about it.

Now I insist you take the 3 hours of video and link the part of where he says its 600,000 because I listened to the interview of Biden and I sure did not hear 600,000.

2 seconds into the video he posted he says it. Then repeats it..........and Potato Head then corrects him.

Geez, you are an idiot.

Its a fake video.

Sure, you raving lunatic.

Listen to it, you are raving lunatic. Fake video.

Wow! You're an idiot.

Are you going to try and prove me wrong, the video in the OP is faked.
Not here!!

Your clip says "Highlights," Penelope. Sure, Morning Joe wouldn't showcase that boner. How do you "fake" Joe saying that? It was coming straight out of his mouth and he corrected himself.
Apparently when they go on these interview shows, they disconnect the brain entirely. If I were reading that on a teleprompter I wouldn't just READ 600,000 because I know better.

I watched it , and he did not say 600,000, I do not remember that number. I don't know how they do it, but they do it. Point in case:

A clue is the fake laughing!!
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Never let a crisis go to waste, and when you need the crisis to be bigger make absurd lies up about it.

Now I insist you take the 3 hours of video and link the part of where he says its 600,000 because I listened to the interview of Biden and I sure did not hear 600,000.

Talk about selective hearing!!

Now would you like to show on the real video of Morning Joe, to prove me wrong, I didn't think so!!

I watched it live on morning joe. He said it.
You are a delusional leftist that has to lie to yourself on a daily basis in order to adhere to your beliefs.
Never let a crisis go to waste, and when you need the crisis to be bigger make absurd lies up about it.

Now I insist you take the 3 hours of video and link the part of where he says its 600,000 because I listened to the interview of Biden and I sure did not hear 600,000.

Talk about selective hearing!!

Now would you like to show on the real video of Morning Joe, to prove me wrong, I didn't think so!!

I watched it live on morning joe. He said it.
You are a delusional leftist that has to lie to yourself on a daily basis in order to adhere to your beliefs.

Did they have laughing??
Never let a crisis go to waste, and when you need the crisis to be bigger make absurd lies up about it.

I gotta be fair here. I just emailed an estimate for a heated floor to a potential customer yesterday morning. I accidentally added an extra 0 in the bid taking the labor from 4650.00 to 40650.00 lol. I realized the mistake as soon as I hit the send button...

Never let a crisis go to waste, and when you need the crisis to be bigger make absurd lies up about it.

Now I insist you take the 3 hours of video and link the part of where he says its 600,000 because I listened to the interview of Biden and I sure did not hear 600,000.

Talk about selective hearing!!

Now would you like to show on the real video of Morning Joe, to prove me wrong, I didn't think so!!

I watched it live on morning joe. He said it.
You are a delusional leftist that has to lie to yourself on a daily basis in order to adhere to your beliefs.

Did they have laughing??

You will vote for Biden and I will vote for Trump. Don’t get so excited
Never let a crisis go to waste, and when you need the crisis to be bigger make absurd lies up about it.

Now I insist you take the 3 hours of video and link the part of where he says its 600,000 because I listened to the interview of Biden and I sure did not hear 600,000.

Talk about selective hearing!!

Now would you like to show on the real video of Morning Joe, to prove me wrong, I didn't think so!!

Go ahead and post it up.
Never let a crisis go to waste, and when you need the crisis to be bigger make absurd lies up about it.

Always looking to divide, always looking to cast hate. Today's Republican response to a global pandemic, and the every climbing rates of American illness and death - It would be worse with Joe in charge.

No it wouldn't. Joe would have listened to the scientists and NSA officials in December when he was first warned. Joe helped Obama shut down H1N1 with a loss of life of 13,000, and the Ebola outbreak with a total number of deaths that you could count on the fingers of one hand.

Joe wouldn't have closed the White House pandemic response office, and they would have started working on the virus in December when they first heard about it. Biden wouldn't have put an unqualified yahoo like Dr. Redfield in charge of the CDC. All of the top jobs at the CDC would have been filled by people with scientific qualifications and not because they're "loyal" to the President.

Joe wouldn't have encouraged manufacturers to ship ALL of their PPE supplies to China. He would have made sure there were sufficient supplies for American hospitals first.

Last but not least, Joe would have made sure testing was in place as soon as the Chinese released the DNA to work on it.

Joe Biden has proven how he would act in a worldwide pandemic, and when Joe was in office as Vice-President, the White House handled the pandemic with minimal loss of American lives, no health care workers begging for PPE's in the streets, holding photographs of their dead coworkers. The economy did not crater.

Imagine a professional, well measured response that actually saves lives.
After Scarborough corrects him, Biden says "I misread". He was reading the answers to Scarborough's questions off a teleprompter.

:oops8: :abgg2q.jpg:

Fake interview from a fake news channel.
They staged the interview so he wouldn't mess up...and he still messed up......and they won't allow his accuser a chance to tell her side of the story. Gloria Alred won't touch this with a 10 meter cattle-prod.
Never let a crisis go to waste, and when you need the crisis to be bigger make absurd lies up about it.

Now I insist you take the 3 hours of video and link the part of where he says its 600,000 because I listened to the interview of Biden and I sure did not hear 600,000.

2 seconds into the video he posted he says it. Then repeats it..........and Potato Head then corrects him.

Geez, you are an idiot.

Its a fake video.

Sure, you raving lunatic.

Listen to it, you are raving lunatic. Fake video.

Wow! You're an idiot.

The Left will deny water is wet if they think it will gain them power

Or help them defend a Pedo.
Never let a crisis go to waste, and when you need the crisis to be bigger make absurd lies up about it.

Now I insist you take the 3 hours of video and link the part of where he says its 600,000 because I listened to the interview of Biden and I sure did not hear 600,000.

Talk about selective hearing!!

Now would you like to show on the real video of Morning Joe, to prove me wrong, I didn't think so!!

Your video is “highlights”. Clearly they edited out anything embarrassing for Creepy Joe.
Never let a crisis go to waste, and when you need the crisis to be bigger make absurd lies up about it.

Always looking to divide, always looking to cast hate. Today's Republican response to a global pandemic, and the every climbing rates of American illness and death - It would be worse with Joe in charge.

No it wouldn't. Joe would have listened to the scientists and NSA officials in December when he was first warned. Joe helped Obama shut down H1N1 with a loss of life of 13,000, and the Ebola outbreak with a total number of deaths that you could count on the fingers of one hand.

Joe wouldn't have closed the White House pandemic response office, and they would have started working on the virus in December when they first heard about it. Biden wouldn't have put an unqualified yahoo like Dr. Redfield in charge of the CDC. All of the top jobs at the CDC would have been filled by people with scientific qualifications and not because they're "loyal" to the President.

Joe wouldn't have encouraged manufacturers to ship ALL of their PPE supplies to China. He would have made sure there were sufficient supplies for American hospitals first.

Last but not least, Joe would have made sure testing was in place as soon as the Chinese released the DNA to work on it.

Joe Biden has proven how he would act in a worldwide pandemic, and when Joe was in office as Vice-President, the White House handled the pandemic with minimal loss of American lives, no health care workers begging for PPE's in the streets, holding photographs of their dead coworkers. The economy did not crater.

Imagine a professional, well measured response that actually saves lives.

Joe wouldn't have closed the White House pandemic response office,

Trump didn’t close it. You are such a lying POS.

And you lay out all kinds of things you claim Joe would have done. Your problem is Joe has never said he would do any of those things. He has laid out no plan. Any time he has said he would do something, Trump had already done it.
Never let a crisis go to waste, and when you need the crisis to be bigger make absurd lies up about it.

Now I insist you take the 3 hours of video and link the part of where he says its 600,000 because I listened to the interview of Biden and I sure did not hear 600,000.

2 seconds into the video he posted he says it. Then repeats it..........and Potato Head then corrects him.

Geez, you are an idiot.

Its a fake video.

Sure, you raving lunatic.

Listen to it, you are raving lunatic. Fake video.

Wow! You're an idiot.

The Left will deny water is wet if they think it will gain them power

Your op is a faked video, are you going to try and prove me wrong??

Um, it’s on you to prove it is a fake. You made the claim. Your “highlights” fails to prove it is fake, moron.
Never let a crisis go to waste, and when you need the crisis to be bigger make absurd lies up about it.

Obviously, he meant to say 60,000. But, yes, this once again raises questions about his mental acuity/capacity. Anyone who has even halfway followed the COVID-19 crisis would know that 600,000 is an impossible, brazenly wrong number.
As the rape of the working class expands no one is looking, to busy bleating endlessly about small petty things.
Oh for the love of God - You Trumpublicans gotta lotta room to talk about misspeaking and occasional incoherency. :D
At least Joe immediately corrected himself eh?
In a competition for senility - YOUR GUY WINS ... Bigly!

Not here!!

Your clip says "Highlights," Penelope. Sure, Morning Joe wouldn't showcase that boner. How do you "fake" Joe saying that? It was coming straight out of his mouth and he corrected himself.
Apparently when they go on these interview shows, they disconnect the brain entirely. If I were reading that on a teleprompter I wouldn't just READ 600,000 because I know better.

I watched it , and he did not say 600,000, I do not remember that number. I don't know how they do it, but they do it. Point in case:

A clue is the fake laughing!!

You watched it live, on air, the day it was first on?

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