Supporting Kurdish independence

Those who align themselves with the zionists have embraced the devil and will have the same fate in the end. :cool:

if the arab countries can have relationships with israel so can the kurds ;)

and also did you forget the turkish-jewish cooperation for like several years ? which is normal by the way but i bet it never crossed your mind to speak up aye !! hypocrite much !!??
Nothing in my comment was hypocritical nor was it specifically directed to the Kurds; but to any muslim country that has dealings with Israel and the zionists. :cool:

You seem to forget that our country is occupied, what are we supposed to do? Obviously arabs, turks and persians won't help us.
Kirkuki I, very strongly, believe that there is going to be a war----that might be called WORLD WAR III ie it will be extensive involving lots of countries------but this time it is not a matter of one side vs the other side There is so much division in the "ummah" countries and societies that it will probably come to something like six sides Based on historic lack of love I cannot imagine a happy arab/turkey alliance or a happy iranian/arab alliance yet it seems to me that such an alliance is the only way the three can prevent KURDISTAN from happening even if the three manage a kind of conciliation-----the shiites and sunnis will be happier to shoot at each other than at THE ENEMY. I believe that a PREVIEW of the coming war is going on right now in Yemen -------such a mess

Look into world history.
World history is full of glorious stories of nations and empires.
On the other hand the Kurds only scratched their balls thoughout history just to be doing something, they didn't achieve anything.

Look at user "kirkuki" desperately trying to get support in a US message board, truly believing, that "Mitt Romney" will take up his fight because he thinks he's Miss-Universe and deserves to be supported. With this mindset you can't achieve anything. And when you look into history they didn't achieve anything.

If Romney will kick your a** out of Nato, we won't be asking for more;)
kurdistan workers party have Strela ? nice


That's barely a morning work for NATO planes. :lol:

And yet they have failed for 30 years:lol:

great guy .. supporter of terrorist .. yes its no problem i think he does not know even what is the difference beetwen PKK and Kurdish people.. so just a ignorent supporter or a fake ...

Supporting a kurdish state does'nt mean you support PKK. They are two different things: PKk is just one of many groups fighting for independence. Kurdistan on the other hand is our homeland, and belongs to us all, even when occupied.
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Come on man, don't you have a single reasonable response in your pocket? So your living in Turkey, so what! I would have lived in Kurdistan, had it not been for our enemies occupying our country. Your occupation on 23 million can't hold forever, so you just keep living in your little dream world.

Says the guy who's too chicken to live in CheeseKurdistan. One question: are all CheeseKurds as chickenshit as you, or is it just you?

Actually my parents moved away due to the baath regime, i'm here cuz i was born here:D But don't worry for me, i have already laid plans to return;)

I won't answer to a respond.
As in: WAIT for the fighting to end, and IF your side wins, MAYBE move back AFTER the rebuild? You're such a patriot that I'm getting all choked up.:eusa_boohoo:

So where are you?
As the Middle East is being remapped, this may be the Kurds' last shot at having their own state.

Millions of Kurds, observing the meeting of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) in Tehran last week, must have thought: "What about us? What about our non-aligned nation to be? We should be there. Maybe next time..."

It may be just possible that Kurds - which themselves admit their notoriety for internal squabble - are finally getting their act together; after all, history may be dictating, roughly a century after World War I and its aftermath, which dealt a big blow to Kurds. This is the last chance for the emergence of a Greater Kurdistan.

After the two Syrian Kurdish parties made a deal - sealed by Iraqi Kurdistan President Masoud Barzani - to jointly run northeast Syria, Kurdish parties in Iran are also coming together.

Meanwhile, Ankara behaves like a bunch of headless chickens.

Kurds are carefully paying attention to how Ankara decided to boycott NAM - even though Turkish President Abdullah Gul was personally invited by Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and Egypt's President Mohammed Morsi proposed a Syria contact group - Turkey, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Iran - to try to solve the Syrian tragedy.

This means that Egypt - under a Muslim Brotherhood president - privileges mediation for a civil war inside a fellow Arab country, while Turkey sticks to a colour-blind regime change strategy, which would only be possible with a NATO no-fly zone (it won't happen).

So the pressing question for the Kurds becomes how to profit from Ankara's each and every move.

And the winner is... Israel

Not even Turkish public opinion knows what exactly are the contours of Ankara's policy for Syria - apart from regime change. President Gul claims that Damascus weaponises PKK guerrillas (there's absolutely no evidence), and that would be a casus belli.

Damascus for its part does not want a war with Turkey.

Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu - he of the defunct "zero problems with our neighbours" doctrine - is still toeing the line that the country could not accept more than 100,000 Syrian refugees (there are already 70,000 and counting); in this case, some fuzzy "safe haven" would have to be installed in Syrian territory. This Thursday, Ankara will press the complexities of the refugee crisis at a ministerial-level meeting at the UN.

Ankara has insistently accused both Damascus and Tehran of supporting PKK guerrillas active in Anatolia and the porous border areas. Yet at the same time, Ankara has developed a quite secretive narrative; Turkey, once again, is aligned with Israel's strategy (the Mavi Marmara incident is now water under the bridge).

Tel Aviv avidly bets on Ankara becoming the hegemonic regional power in the - still hazy - event of a post-Assad Syria. As Israel has been deeply infiltrated in Iraqi Kurdistan for years, with very good connections - the Mossad uses it as an operational base against Syria and Iran - this will be manipulated as a bargaining chip to seduce Ankara.

Meanwhile, in Syria, the red, green and yellow Kurdish flag is now flying in places like Girke Lege - only 35 kilometres from the Iraqi border and only 15 kilometres from the Turkish border. Over 3 million Syrian Kurds now see an ideal opening to revert the official Ba'ath Party Arabisation policy.

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, by the way, has already delivered the message to Ankara; even in a post-Assad Syria, this should be seen as a fact on the ground. And it happens to dovetail with Israel's charm offensive among Kurds - emphasising what would be their common agenda.

So what can Ankara do? Invade? Kurdish blowback is bound to be devastating.

Despite official rumblings, Turkish options for invading Western/Syrian Kurdistan are not exactly stellar. The Turkish army's morale is low - after the purge of several ranking Kemalists. Over 60 generals are in jail, accused of plotting a coup - and lower-ranking officials may even try it again. Alevis and Kurdish conscripts will refuse to fight an AKP-incited war. And the Turkish economy - not to mention tourism - will inevitably go down the drain.

Is there a leader in the house?

One can imagine whether Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) President Barzani's political scheming will be enough for him to embrace the Angel of History, and rise to the occasion.

He certainly sees a Greater Kurdistan independent from Arabs, Persians and Turks. But for that to happen in a grand scale he would have to conduct himself as a unifier - not only sharing power inside Iraqi Kurdistan but also managing conflicting Kurdish aspirations in Syria, Iran and Turkey. This implies a visionary streak plus tremendous diplomatic skills.

What's certain is that Washington and Tel Aviv are on board; this implies that Brussels sooner or later will follow. BRICS members Russia and China are not exactly against it. There are two possibilities here. A Greater Kurdistan forged as a model for the Middle East - in terms of a secular, dynamic, progressive entity respectful of religious minorities. Or yet another Western stooge.

A major geopolitical volcano is erupting. Ankara certainly has not analysed the blowback of weaponising Syrian Sunnis just for the weapons to find their way back into Turkey to be used by the PKK against Ankara itself.

This anti-imperialist analysis may be very useful to understand the Kurdish dynamic. But there's still much more to it.

Jeremy Salt, professor of History and Politics of the Middle East at Bilkent University, Ankara, and author of The Unmaking of the Middle East, in a conversation with La Stampa's world news editor Claudio Gallo, neatly summarised it:

"In 1918 the imperial powers divided the Middle East in a certain way that suited their interests at the time. They are now remapping it again - and again to suit their interests. It is not coincidental that this programme dovetails with Israel's own long-term strategic planning. Russia and China are fully aware of what is going on, which is why the present situation can be seen as a 21st century extension of the 'Eastern question' or of the 'Great Game' between Russia and Britain."

Make no mistake; each day makes it more likely that an unintended - or rather intended - consequence of this Great Game remix will be the emergence of Greater Kurdistan.

Pepe Escobar is the roving correspondent for Asia Times. His latest book is named Obama Does Globalistan (Nimble Books, 2009).
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I notice quite a few posters here support Kurdish independence, but I hear very little talk about the Kurdish PKK, the largest armed Kurdish independence movement.

Do you support them, or do you consider them terrorists?

I don't support another Muslim theocracy state that would eventually form. Rather I support their desire to kill muslims. Muslims killing muslims is AOK to me! That is a similar reason I support the ASSSSSad regime desire and effort to stay in power. AASSSSSSad needs to keep it up and fight it out to the bitter end!
I notice quite a few posters here support Kurdish independence, but I hear very little talk about the Kurdish PKK, the largest armed Kurdish independence movement.

Do you support them, or do you consider them terrorists?

I don't support another Muslim theocracy state that would eventually form. Rather I support their desire to kill muslims. Muslims killing muslims is AOK to me! That is a similar reason I support the ASSSSSad regime desire and effort to stay in power. AASSSSSSad needs to keep it up and fight it out to the bitter end!

Your such a racist. Most of us are muslim, but don't come here and think we're islamists. But i agree that the fight in Syria should keep on going. Our enemies are killing eachother, while we have taken control over our lands.
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I notice quite a few posters here support Kurdish independence, but I hear very little talk about the Kurdish PKK, the largest armed Kurdish independence movement.

Do you support them, or do you consider them terrorists?

I don't support another Muslim theocracy state that would eventually form. Rather I support their desire to kill muslims. Muslims killing muslims is AOK to me! That is a similar reason I support the ASSSSSad regime desire and effort to stay in power. AASSSSSSad needs to keep it up and fight it out to the bitter end!

Your such a racist. Most of us are muslim, but don't come here and think we're islamists. But i agree that the fight in Syria should keep on going. Our enemies are killing eachother, while we have taken control over our lands.
Holy Mackerel!!! I agree with GHook: we don't need another muslim thug-ocracy with more sharia bullshit that treats women like dog shit.
I notice quite a few posters here support Kurdish independence, but I hear very little talk about the Kurdish PKK, the largest armed Kurdish independence movement.

Do you support them, or do you consider them terrorists?

I don't support another Muslim theocracy state that would eventually form. Rather I support their desire to kill muslims. Muslims killing muslims is AOK to me! That is a similar reason I support the ASSSSSad regime desire and effort to stay in power. AASSSSSSad needs to keep it up and fight it out to the bitter end!

Your such a racist. Most of us are muslim, but don't come here and think we're islamists. But i agree that the fight in Syria should keep on going. Our enemies are killing eachother, while we have taken control over our lands.
For God's sake, take that "racist stuff" and shove it where that Kurdish sun of yours never shines. It is getting old quick.
I don't support another Muslim theocracy state that would eventually form. Rather I support their desire to kill muslims. Muslims killing muslims is AOK to me! That is a similar reason I support the ASSSSSad regime desire and effort to stay in power. AASSSSSSad needs to keep it up and fight it out to the bitter end!

Your such a racist. Most of us are muslim, but don't come here and think we're islamists. But i agree that the fight in Syria should keep on going. Our enemies are killing eachother, while we have taken control over our lands.
Holy Mackerel!!! I agree with GHook: we don't need another muslim thug-ocracy with more sharia bullshit that treats women like dog shit.

Like Turkey?
I don't support another Muslim theocracy state that would eventually form. Rather I support their desire to kill muslims. Muslims killing muslims is AOK to me! That is a similar reason I support the ASSSSSad regime desire and effort to stay in power. AASSSSSSad needs to keep it up and fight it out to the bitter end!

Your such a racist. Most of us are muslim, but don't come here and think we're islamists. But i agree that the fight in Syria should keep on going. Our enemies are killing eachother, while we have taken control over our lands.
For God's sake, take that "racist stuff" and shove it where that Kurdish sun of yours never shines. It is getting old quick.

So saying you wanna kill every muslim (13% of the world population) Simply because of the religion is'nt racism? And let me teach you something more on the subject of racism: Your one of them!
A place were the kurdish sun never shines? Impossible! The sun shines everywhere on this planet ;)
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Your such a racist. Most of us are muslim, but don't come here and think we're islamists. But i agree that the fight in Syria should keep on going. Our enemies are killing eachother, while we have taken control over our lands.
Holy Mackerel!!! I agree with GHook: we don't need another muslim thug-ocracy with more sharia bullshit that treats women like dog shit.

Like Turkey?

Like fucking all of them! Sharia is for gang raping pedophiles who take pleasure in beating women and wiping the shit from their ass with their bare hand. If muslims ever decide to become real human beings, we can talk.
If muslims could take the energy used to hate and kill (as per the koran), and invent something useful for mankind, it would be a start.
Holy Mackerel!!! I agree with GHook: we don't need another muslim thug-ocracy with more sharia bullshit that treats women like dog shit.

Like Turkey?

Like fucking all of them! Sharia is for gang raping pedophiles who take pleasure in beating women and wiping the shit from their ass with their bare hand. If muslims ever decide to become real human beings, we can talk.
If muslims could take the energy used to hate and kill (as per the koran), and invent something useful for mankind, it would be a start.

Sorry to say it, but such things only happen among our enemies;)
Like Turkey?

Like fucking all of them! Sharia is for gang raping pedophiles who take pleasure in beating women and wiping the shit from their ass with their bare hand. If muslims ever decide to become real human beings, we can talk.
If muslims could take the energy used to hate and kill (as per the koran), and invent something useful for mankind, it would be a start.

Sorry to say it, but such things only happen among our enemies;)

Then you're either not a CheeseKurd or you're not a real muslim, which is it? :dunno:

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