Supporting Kurdish independence

A Goat. You mean like Ataturk? Your empire did'nt have colonies, because you simple annexed all those lands!

Are you making me angry by offend Atatürk :) dont worry you can say what you want , i dont care :) i said that i am not racist. After Republic Kurdish people had problems but now all problems solved .. and Kurdish people with us.. just some Kurdish guys having relationship with goats they decided to be terrorist :)

No i'm not trying to offend you, just telling some facts on Ataturk;) and i'm sure your not racist, cuz there's nothing wrong in forcing 23 million kurds to live under you flag!

i started to think that you dont have brain .. ??

how can you suppose that all 20 miilllion people supporting Terrorist ? ok ok i understand know because you are a racist and terrorist so you need to do demogogy and propaganda :) ok good work while representing Turkey in wrong way :)

i believe in democracy i believe all human need to be free and equal untill they dont exceeds another person's freedom. Search what ottoman Empire did the foreigners , non muslims.

I suggest to American people to visit Turkey and see the truth :) because you cannot trust a terrorist never ever..
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Are you making me angry by offend Atatürk :) dont worry you can say what you want , i dont care :) i said that i am not racist. After Republic Kurdish people had problems but now all problems solved .. and Kurdish people with us.. just some Kurdish guys having relationship with goats they decided to be terrorist :)

No i'm not trying to offend you, just telling some facts on Ataturk;) and i'm sure your not racist, cuz there's nothing wrong in forcing 23 million kurds to live under you flag!

i started to think that you dont have brain .. ??

how can you suppose that all 20 miilllion people supporting Terrorist ? ok ok i understand know because you are a racist and terrorist so you need to do demogogy and propaganda :) ok good work while representing Turkey in wrong way :)

I suggest to American people to visit Turkey and see the truth :) because you cannot trust a terrorist never ever..

They are only terrorists in your eyes, but in the eyes of over 40 million opressed kurds, they are freedom fighters.
Do me a favour and compare the total patriot kurds vs the traitor kurds here on the web. There may be a few traitors, but that's about it, don't hide away the truth:D
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Kirk, once Assad falls, I say take what you want in Syria, but forget Turkey, that's never going to happen. So get over it now please.

Arabs won't give away an inch. Forget it.
Background situation in Syria differs completely from North-Eastern Iraq, where Iraqi-Kurds achieved de-facto autonomy.

The FSA is in fight with Assad. Once he falls the FSA will deal with other issues (including those elements within Syria who cooperated with Assad against them).

They don't have to either, it's always been kurdish land;)
a new kurdish-jewish alliance coming to power in the ME, so the only poo that stinks around here seems like to be your own one dear.
Those who align themselves with the zionists have embraced the devil and will have the same fate in the end. :cool:

You make it sound like, our so called muslim brothers respect us:lol: They have occupied our Kurdistan, not Israel.
a new kurdish-jewish alliance coming to power in the ME, so the only poo that stinks around here seems like to be your own one dear.
Those who align themselves with the zionists have embraced the devil and will have the same fate in the end. :cool:

You make it sound like, our so called muslim brothers respect us:lol: They have occupied our Kurdistan, not Israel.
All the I-know-you-are-but-what-am-I is childish and unworthy of the great warriors you profess to be. I wish you all would shut up and get on with the lovely Muslim tradition of strapping on bomb vests and blowing each other up.
Those who align themselves with the zionists have embraced the devil and will have the same fate in the end. :cool:

You make it sound like, our so called muslim brothers respect us:lol: They have occupied our Kurdistan, not Israel.
All the I-know-you-are-but-what-am-I is childish and unworthy of the great warriors you profess to be. I wish you all would shut up and get on with the lovely Muslim tradition of strapping on bomb vests and blowing each other up.

I see your back. Have you been crying the last two days?
You probably think we're crazy suicide motherf*ckers. You've got the wrong impression on kurds, But then again, your just a racist prick, so don't try to play the innocent victim.
And don't you dare calling me a muslim only, i'm a kurd before anything else.
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You make it sound like, our so called muslim brothers respect us:lol: They have occupied our Kurdistan, not Israel.
All the I-know-you-are-but-what-am-I is childish and unworthy of the great warriors you profess to be. I wish you all would shut up and get on with the lovely Muslim tradition of strapping on bomb vests and blowing each other up.

I see your back. Have you been crying the last two days?
You probably think we're crazy suicide motherf*ckers. You've got the wrong impression on kurds, But then again, your just a racist prick, so don't try to play the innocent victim.
And don't you dare calling me a muslim only, i'm a kurd before anything else.

yess you are kurd if you were muslim you could not be a racist .
O mankind! We have created you from a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know one another. Verily, the most honourable of you with Allaah is that (believer) who has At-Taqwa. Verily, Allah is All-Knowing, All Aware. (49:13)

Whoever works righteousness — whether male or female — while he (or she) is a true believer verily, to him We will give a good life, and We shall pay them certainly a reward in proportion to the best of what they used to do. (16:97)

And whosoever believes in Allah and performs righteous good deeds, He will admit him into Gardens under which rivers flow (Paradise) to dwell therein forever. Allah has indeed granted for him an excellent provision. (65:11)

The Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said: "Whoever calls towards 'unsuriyyah (racism/tribalism/nationalism etc) is not from amongst us, he who fights on (the basis of) 'unsuriyyah is not from amongst us, and he who dies upon 'unsuriyyah is not from amongst us." (Abu Dawood)

The Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said: "An Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor does a non-Arab have any superiority over an Arab; also a white person has no superiority over black person nor does a black person have any superiority over white person except by piety and good action. Mankind is from Aadam (عليه السلام) and Aadam is from soil." (Sharh al-Tahhaawiyyah)

Once Abu Dharr and Bilaal (رضي الله عنها) had a dispute, but in a moment of anger Abu Dharr said: "O son of a black woman!" So Bilaal complained to the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) who said to Abu Abu Dharr: "O Abu Dharr, did you slander his mother? You are a man in whom there is still some jaahiliyyah (ignorance)!" Abu Dahrr began to cry profusely and asked the Prophet to ask for forgiveness for him. Abu Dahrr left the masjid with tears streaming from his eyes and went to Bilaal. When he saw Bilaal he placed his cheek on the ground and said: "I will not get up until you place your foot over my face. You are the noble and I am the lowly!" Bilaal began to cry: he approached Abu Dharr, stood him up and then kissed him on that very cheek. Then they hugged each other and cried.9

Abu Dharr (رضي الله عنه) said: "I cursed a man and slandered his mother, and the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said to me: 'O Abu Dharr, are you slandering his mother? You are a man in whom there is still some jaahiliyyah (ignorance)! Your slaves are your brothers whom Allah has put under your command. So whoever has a brother under his command should feed him of what he eats and dress him of what he wears. Do not ask them (slaves) to do things beyond their capacity and if you do so, then help them.'" (Bukhari)

The Companions (رضي الله عنهم) of the Messenger (صلى الله عليه وسلم) included Muslim men of all tribes, races and colours. Their hearts were filled with Tawheed and they were brought together by their faith and piety – such as Abu Bakr from Quraysh, ‘Ali ibn Abi Taalib from Bani Haashim, Bilaal the Ethiopian, Suhayb the Roman, Salmaan the Persian, rich men like ‘Uthmaan and poor men like ‘Ammaar, people of means and poor people like Ahl al-Suffah, and others.
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All the I-know-you-are-but-what-am-I is childish and unworthy of the great warriors you profess to be. I wish you all would shut up and get on with the lovely Muslim tradition of strapping on bomb vests and blowing each other up.

I see your back. Have you been crying the last two days?
You probably think we're crazy suicide motherf*ckers. You've got the wrong impression on kurds, But then again, your just a racist prick, so don't try to play the innocent victim.
And don't you dare calling me a muslim only, i'm a kurd before anything else.

yess you are kurd if you were muslim you could not be a racist .
O mankind! We have created you from a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know one another. Verily, the most honourable of you with Allaah is that (believer) who has At-Taqwa. Verily, Allah is All-Knowing, All Aware. (49:13)

Whoever works righteousness — whether male or female — while he (or she) is a true believer verily, to him We will give a good life, and We shall pay them certainly a reward in proportion to the best of what they used to do. (16:97)

And whosoever believes in Allah and performs righteous good deeds, He will admit him into Gardens under which rivers flow (Paradise) to dwell therein forever. Allah has indeed granted for him an excellent provision. (65:11)

The Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said: "Whoever calls towards 'unsuriyyah (racism/tribalism/nationalism etc) is not from amongst us, he who fights on (the basis of) 'unsuriyyah is not from amongst us, and he who dies upon 'unsuriyyah is not from amongst us." (Abu Dawood)

The Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said: "An Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor does a non-Arab have any superiority over an Arab; also a white person has no superiority over black person nor does a black person have any superiority over white person except by piety and good action. Mankind is from Aadam (عليه السلام) and Aadam is from soil." (Sharh al-Tahhaawiyyah)

Once Abu Dharr and Bilaal (رضي الله عنها) had a dispute, but in a moment of anger Abu Dharr said: "O son of a black woman!" So Bilaal complained to the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) who said to Abu Abu Dharr: "O Abu Dharr, did you slander his mother? You are a man in whom there is still some jaahiliyyah (ignorance)!" Abu Dahrr began to cry profusely and asked the Prophet to ask for forgiveness for him. Abu Dahrr left the masjid with tears streaming from his eyes and went to Bilaal. When he saw Bilaal he placed his cheek on the ground and said: "I will not get up until you place your foot over my face. You are the noble and I am the lowly!" Bilaal began to cry: he approached Abu Dharr, stood him up and then kissed him on that very cheek. Then they hugged each other and cried.9

Abu Dharr (رضي الله عنه) said: "I cursed a man and slandered his mother, and the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said to me: 'O Abu Dharr, are you slandering his mother? You are a man in whom there is still some jaahiliyyah (ignorance)! Your slaves are your brothers whom Allah has put under your command. So whoever has a brother under his command should feed him of what he eats and dress him of what he wears. Do not ask them (slaves) to do things beyond their capacity and if you do so, then help them.'" (Bukhari)

The Companions (رضي الله عنهم) of the Messenger (صلى الله عليه وسلم) included Muslim men of all tribes, races and colours. Their hearts were filled with Tawheed and they were brought together by their faith and piety – such as Abu Bakr from Quraysh, ‘Ali ibn Abi Taalib from Bani Haashim, Bilaal the Ethiopian, Suhayb the Roman, Salmaan the Persian, rich men like ‘Uthmaan and poor men like ‘Ammaar, people of means and poor people like Ahl al-Suffah, and others.

Dude you take words too seriously. I said i was kurd before anything else, not that i i'm not muslim (cuz i am) And if you claim for yourself to be such a great muslim, then let us decide our own destiny.
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No i'm not trying to offend you, just telling some facts on Ataturk;) and i'm sure your not racist, cuz there's nothing wrong in forcing 23 million kurds to live under you flag!

i started to think that you dont have brain .. ??

how can you suppose that all 20 miilllion people supporting Terrorist ? ok ok i understand know because you are a racist and terrorist so you need to do demogogy and propaganda :) ok good work while representing Turkey in wrong way :)

I suggest to American people to visit Turkey and see the truth :) because you cannot trust a terrorist never ever..

They are only terrorists in your eyes, but in the eyes of over 40 million opressed kurds, they are freedom fighters.
Do me a favour and compare the total patriot kurds vs the traitor kurds here on the web. There may be a few traitors, but that's about it, don't hide away the truth:D

yeahh you are totally right i really agree with you now . for examle according to El kaide's men they are not terrorist yeahh :)
i started to think that you dont have brain .. ??

how can you suppose that all 20 miilllion people supporting Terrorist ? ok ok i understand know because you are a racist and terrorist so you need to do demogogy and propaganda :) ok good work while representing Turkey in wrong way :)

I suggest to American people to visit Turkey and see the truth :) because you cannot trust a terrorist never ever..

They are only terrorists in your eyes, but in the eyes of over 40 million opressed kurds, they are freedom fighters.
Do me a favour and compare the total patriot kurds vs the traitor kurds here on the web. There may be a few traitors, but that's about it, don't hide away the truth:D

yeahh you are totally right i really agree with you now . for examle according to El kaide's men they are not terrorist yeahh :)

I gotta go enjoy my social life now, but don't worry, i will be back to respond in 3 hours::cool:
They are only terrorists in your eyes, but in the eyes of over 40 million opressed kurds, they are freedom fighters.
Do me a favour and compare the total patriot kurds vs the traitor kurds here on the web. There may be a few traitors, but that's about it, don't hide away the truth:D

yeahh you are totally right i really agree with you now . for examle according to El kaide's men they are not terrorist yeahh :)

I gotta go enjoy my social life now, but don't worry, i will be back to respond in 3 hours::cool:

new trend cool terrorist :) have a nice day :)
It has been kurdish long before the turks showed up in the middle east, so there's no point in your failed logic:D

So you've been in the turkish occupied part, where do you wanna go with this? Don't claim people there are satisfied. If you got a british flag thrown up your face, would you accept it? Neither will we accept the turkish flag over our cities.

So why did you let the turks take your land? Too busy with the sheep?

Go back in thread, i won't answer the same question for yet another time.

All I found was "XXXXXXX I believe it was your quote.
I see your back. Have you been crying the last two days?
You probably think we're crazy suicide motherf*ckers. You've got the wrong impression on kurds, But then again, your just a racist prick, so don't try to play the innocent victim.
And don't you dare calling me a muslim only, i'm a kurd before anything else.

why do you prefer goat instead of sheep ? i really wonder

Being that you're Muslims, I expect you like little 9 year-old girls like the ones your prophet raped. I understand that today even parts of the Muslim world take a dim view of that kind of thing but I suppose sheep are almost as good as little girls or boys for you guys.

without any knowledge about islam without any knowledge about Prophets , just with one biased knowledge , prejudicial talking .. read prophets life first then search about Aishe , wife of prophet.

raped ??? hahaha you are funny .. demogogy is working yeahh

but dont do my advice because you will be converted islam :D

here topic is not about that , discuss this somewhere else :)

have a nice day :)
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So are CheeseKurds carpet kissing allah lovers? Or do they worship a white god?
why do you prefer goat instead of sheep ? i really wonder

Being that you're Muslims, I expect you like little 9 year-old girls like the ones your prophet raped. I understand that today even parts of the Muslim world take a dim view of that kind of thing but I suppose sheep are almost as good as little girls or boys for you guys.

without any knowledge about islam without any knowledge about Prophets , just with one biased knowledge , prejudicial talking .. read prophets life first then search about Aishe , wife of prophet.

raped ??? hahaha you are funny .. demogogy is working yeahh

but dont do my advice because you will be converted islam :D

here topic is not about that , discuss this somewhere else :)

have a nice day :)

"Aisha was six or seven years old when she was betrothed to Muhammad and nine when the marriage was consummated.[6][8][9] Aisha stayed in her parents' home for several years until she joined Muhammad and the marriage was consummated when she was nine.[6][8][9][10][11][12] However, al-Tabari records that she was ten.[8] The sources do not offer much more information about Aisha's childhood years, but mention that after the wedding, she continued to play with her toys"

Aisha - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is pretty sick shit any way you spin it. And you people idolize this sick fuck!!!
Being that you're Muslims, I expect you like little 9 year-old girls like the ones your prophet raped. I understand that today even parts of the Muslim world take a dim view of that kind of thing but I suppose sheep are almost as good as little girls or boys for you guys.

without any knowledge about islam without any knowledge about Prophets , just with one biased knowledge , prejudicial talking .. read prophets life first then search about Aishe , wife of prophet.

raped ??? hahaha you are funny .. demogogy is working yeahh

but dont do my advice because you will be converted islam :D

here topic is not about that , discuss this somewhere else :)

have a nice day :)

"Aisha was six or seven years old when she was betrothed to Muhammad and nine when the marriage was consummated.[6][8][9] Aisha stayed in her parents' home for several years until she joined Muhammad and the marriage was consummated when she was nine.[6][8][9][10][11][12] However, al-Tabari records that she was ten.[8] The sources do not offer much more information about Aisha's childhood years, but mention that after the wedding, she continued to play with her toys"

Aisha - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is pretty sick shit any way you spin it. And you people idolize this sick fuck!!!

yeahh and all you know about him this ? okay i will say you your mother is a btch and you will hate from your mother okay ?

whatever i'll not say anything best way is to read if you wanna learn something.

Or go with your prejiducial thoughts forever :)

have a nice day :)
yeahh and all you know about him this ? okay i will say you your mother is a btch and you will hate from your mother okay ?

whatever i'll not say anything best way is to read if you wanna learn something.

Or go with your prejiducial thoughts forever :)

have a nice day :)
Anyway you spin it, worshiping a pedophile rapist is pretty sick, but insisting the rest of the world respect him is truly beyond the pale. A 9 year-old girl ffs! I don't care if it was Bedouin culture of 600 years ago - it's just sick!
Being that you're Muslims, I expect you like little 9 year-old girls like the ones your prophet raped. I understand that today even parts of the Muslim world take a dim view of that kind of thing but I suppose sheep are almost as good as little girls or boys for you guys.

without any knowledge about islam without any knowledge about Prophets , just with one biased knowledge , prejudicial talking .. read prophets life first then search about Aishe , wife of prophet.

raped ??? hahaha you are funny .. demogogy is working yeahh

but dont do my advice because you will be converted islam :D

here topic is not about that , discuss this somewhere else :)

have a nice day :)

"Aisha was six or seven years old when she was betrothed to Muhammad and nine when the marriage was consummated.[6][8][9] Aisha stayed in her parents' home for several years until she joined Muhammad and the marriage was consummated when she was nine.[6][8][9][10][11][12] However, al-Tabari records that she was ten.[8] The sources do not offer much more information about Aisha's childhood years, but mention that after the wedding, she continued to play with her toys"

Aisha - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is pretty sick shit any way you spin it. And you people idolize this sick fuck!!!

Mohammy also taught good muslims how to wipe their ass with rocks. Although no mention as to whether they threw the rocks away or kept them for the next time.
yeahh and all you know about him this ? okay i will say you your mother is a btch and you will hate from your mother okay ?

whatever i'll not say anything best way is to read if you wanna learn something.

Or go with your prejiducial thoughts forever :)

have a nice day :)
Anyway you spin it, worshiping a pedophile rapist is pretty sick, but insisting the rest of the world respect him is truly beyond the pale. A 9 year-old girl ffs! I don't care if it was Bedouin culture of 600 years ago - it's just sick!

I am begging you please respectttt :D
They are only terrorists in your eyes, but in the eyes of over 40 million opressed kurds, they are freedom fighters.
Do me a favour and compare the total patriot kurds vs the traitor kurds here on the web. There may be a few traitors, but that's about it, don't hide away the truth:D

yeahh you are totally right i really agree with you now . for examle according to El kaide's men they are not terrorist yeahh :)

I gotta go enjoy my social life now, but don't worry, i will be back to respond in 3 hours::cool:

Update: Do you even know the difference between Al Qaeda (or whatever) And PKK? Al Qaeda fights just for killing, while PKK fights for freedom. There is a difference between terrorists and freedom fighters.
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