Suppose the right wing is able to outlaw abortion. Then what?

Contemporary America has many problems, but the possibility that abortion will again be illegal is, I feel, NOT one of those problems.

Since the1960s, Americans have become accustomed to and have accepted many dramatic social changes, including the right to an abortion.

Of course, in the next century, depending on the nation's population profile (race, religion, etc.) at that time, the issue of abortion may be revisited.

That future possibility, however, does not concern us.
So this isn't really about abortion. You want to control all sex.

Abstinence has failed everywhere it has been tried.

It's about ensuring people live a proper life. Sex is only a very small part of it.

Abstinence Education has failed because there have been no consequences to it not being followed.
You are not a citizen of this world? No? You are not on this planet then. Be happy that you did not grow up in a situation in which you would have to walk miles to get a jug of drinking water and some sticks with which to make a fire.

If I could get off this planet, I would. Until then I go one step beyond "flat Earthers". In my mind the world drops off sharply at the edge of the US border.
Funny as he thinks everything the government does to help people or invest in our own country is unconstutional...But hell, it is a'ok to control sex and to mandate social policy! WTF? You kidding?

Not everything. Just ALMOST everything. I base those assertions on the US Constitution.

Moral Policy is one of very few things I would suggest fall under General Welfare which are not explicitly listed in Article I, Section 8 of the COTUS. Unfortunately the Founders were naive enough to believe that was a societal norm which was unnecessary to list, like the Duties of a Citizen. They were wrong on both counts.
Do you support free contraceptives for the poor to lower abortions?

Do you support contraception at all?

No. The only contraceptive necessary js the word "No", since Abstinence is proven 100% efdectice in prevenying pregnancy.

So this isn't really about abortion. You want to control all sex.

Abstinence has failed everywhere it has been tried.

Funny as he thinks everything the government does to help people or invest in our own country is unconstutional...But hell, it is a'ok to control sex and to mandate social policy! WTF? You kidding?
and the only reason women exist is to be his sex slave. After all its their #1 job! NO is a word those women can never use

I doubt it will ever happen. The repugs would lose a prized wedge issue to rile their religious base with. Besides, just as many repug women are getting abortions as the liberals they castigate.
Actually it may very well happen if Kennedy, Breyer, or Ginsburg were replaced with a Trump appointee.

If privacy rights jurisprudence were to be overturned it would not mean abortion would be illegal throughout the United States; it would mean most red states hostile to privacy rights would enact or enforce laws compelling a woman to give birth against her will.

The question becomes would conservatives be satisfied with this, where abortion remains legal in most of the country.

Likely not.

The authoritarian right would then seek to enact Federal legislation ‘banning’ abortion – and failing that, a Constitutional amendment.

1. Basing abortion policy on "privacy" is stupid. NOt doing that would be good.

2. It would stay with the states. The national GOP would have too good of an excuse to avoid that very sticky issue.

3. Different states would have different rules based on what their citizens wanted. Kansas might have no abortion. California would probably allow abortion up to actual birth, if not then some.
Well, we know what it was like from before when it was illegal.

Young girls died going to backstreet abortionists.

There were a lot of unwanted children.

Many unwanted children grow up to be criminals.

Now we know that right wingers will do nothing to support these children or their mothers. How many Conservative Christian Right Wingers right here on the USMB say: It's not my kid. Why should I help pay for it. And they think the mothers were whores.

And if the child was a result of rape, then what?

And if the child was a result of incest, then what?

What I really want to know is what is it these right wingers expect to happen? That the US will turn into utopia because they outlawed abortion? You know that people with money will simply go outside the country to get an abortion.

Republicans want to overturn Roe vs. Wade about as badly as they want to repeal Obamacare.

They don't.
They absolutley do not want to repeal abortion. They have had a m ajority on the court for a long time. They over turn abortion and they lose their only wedghe issue. People will start voting with their wallets, that would not be good for the republican party. What reason would the churches have to back repubs if abortion was over turned.?
and the only reason women exist is to be his sex slave. After all its their #1 job! NO is a word those women can never use

Wrong. Sex itself isn' even in the Top 10 purposes of a woman's life, except as the means to bear children (which is in the Top 10). The whole idea of a sex slave is ludicrous... If she's thst focused on sex, when is she cooking, cleaning, doing the laundry, raising the children, etc...

So the decision to have a baby isn’t s ptivate or personal matter. If the government came through the door and said “We need more children to be born. You are hereby ordered to increase your family size”, you’d be OK with that.

The decision is to get pregnant, which in the day of completely effective birth control and the morning after pill is 100% a choice. No one forces women to get pregnant. There is no excuse for abortion.

There is no such thing as “completely effective birth control” except sterilization and even that sometimes fails.

The morning after pill is also called “the abortion pill”.

Then there’s genetic abnormalities, unexpected illness of the mother and the large number of women who get pregnant as a result of rape or incest.

Abortion will never be eliminated. It can be reduced with mandatory sex education, paid maternity leave, job protections for pregnant women and subsidized day care for poor working parents but right wingers don’t want to discuss those options.

There is no excuse for abortion. Contraceptives are 99.9% effective. Despite the lies you abortion promoters sell. There are trillions of dollars at stake for the abortion political complex. That is the entire issue, money.

You abortion pushers are worse than dope pushers.
Those opposed to abortion, are also opposed to:
  • age appropriate human sexuality education in the public schools, as part of a general health curriculum;
  • free or subsidized contraceptives for all women and girls who are fertile;
  • have never wondered why when the Republican Party has controlled The Congress and The White House have never passed an amendment to COTUS to outlaw Abortion.

Those who promote abortion also perpetrate:

  • Forced labor camps
  • Genocide of party enemies
  • Pornography and the exploitation of young girls as sex playthings
  • Objectifying women as Ho, Bitch, etc.
  • The rape culture of Hollywood/Harvey Weinstein
So this isn't really about abortion. You want to control all sex.

Abstinence has failed everywhere it has been tried.

You're right, this is about money. The abortion political complex is a trillion dollar industry, mostly funded by taxpayers. It is a means of well connected looters to steal the proles blind.
I doubt it will ever happen. The repugs would lose a prized wedge issue to rile their religious base with. Besides, just as many repug women are getting abortions as the liberals they castigate.
Actually it may very well happen if Kennedy, Breyer, or Ginsburg were replaced with a Trump appointee.

If privacy rights jurisprudence were to be overturned it would not mean abortion would be illegal throughout the United States; it would mean most red states hostile to privacy rights would enact or enforce laws compelling a woman to give birth against her will.

The question becomes would conservatives be satisfied with this, where abortion remains legal in most of the country.

Likely not.

The authoritarian right would then seek to enact Federal legislation ‘banning’ abortion – and failing that, a Constitutional amendment.

1. Basing abortion policy on "privacy" is stupid. NOt doing that would be good.

2. It would stay with the states. The national GOP would have too good of an excuse to avoid that very sticky issue.

3. Different states would have different rules based on what their citizens wanted. Kansas might have no abortion. California would probably allow abortion up to actual birth, if not then some.
How would that work? If a pregnant woman left Kansas to go to California to get an abortion, would she be charged with a crime upon her return home? Could she be extradited from California and forced to carry the fetus to term? Will pregnant women be tied to their beds so they can’t escape?
Those opposed to abortion, are also opposed to:
  • age appropriate human sexuality education in the public schools, as part of a general health curriculum;
  • free or subsidized contraceptives for all women and girls who are fertile;
  • have never wondered why when the Republican Party has controlled The Congress and The White House have never passed an amendment to COTUS to outlaw Abortion.

Those who promote abortion also perpetrate:

  • Forced labor camps
  • Genocide of party enemies
  • Pornography and the exploitation of young girls as sex playthings
  • Objectifying women as Ho, Bitch, etc.
  • The rape culture of Hollywood/Harvey Weinstein
exploitation of young girls as sex playthings?

Teen Beauty Queens Say Trump Walked In On Them Changing

Funny how Republicans want to blame all the world's ills on abortion. And still, when it comes to babies who were born, their attitude is "fuk it, it's not my kid".
So this isn't really about abortion. You want to control all sex.

Abstinence has failed everywhere it has been tried.

It's about ensuring people live a proper life. Sex is only a very small part of it.

Abstinence Education has failed because there have been no consequences to it not being followed.
So having an unwanted child is the punishment? That's fuked up. Mean to the mother and the child.

But that's who Republicans are. Some mean and awful SOB's.
Well, we know what it was like from before when it was illegal.

Young girls died going to backstreet abortionists.

There were a lot of unwanted children.

Many unwanted children grow up to be criminals.

Now we know that right wingers will do nothing to support these children or their mothers. How many Conservative Christian Right Wingers right here on the USMB say: It's not my kid. Why should I help pay for it. And they think the mothers were whores.

And if the child was a result of rape, then what?

And if the child was a result of incest, then what?

What I really want to know is what is it these right wingers expect to happen? That the US will turn into utopia because they outlawed abortion? You know that people with money will simply go outside the country to get an abortion.
Those boats will show up just inside international waters waiting for patients...Just like before...
So having an unwanted child is the punishment? That's fuked up. Mean to the mother and the child.

But that's who Republicans are. Some mean and awful SOB's.

Having the child. Being forcibly married to the father for 18 years. That's a stsrt.

I'm not a Republican. They're ot a Conservative organization.
So having an unwanted child is the punishment? That's fuked up. Mean to the mother and the child.

But that's who Republicans are. Some mean and awful SOB's.

Having the child. Being forcibly married to the father for 18 years. That's a stsrt.

I'm not a Republican. They're ot a Conservative organization.
Wow, that sounds really good. You must think you're God. Going around ruining people's lives to teach them a "lesson".
Suppose the right wing is able to outlaw abortion. Then what?

The republicans would lose their #1 issue and never win another election anywhere

If that's true. . .

Why then are libtardz like YOU against it?

Why don't you want the GOP to lose their number one issue?
Cuz Democrats are all about morality and freedom, not sharia fascism like you contards are
Compared to the hate and racism that comes from the GOP, Democrats are saints.

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