Supreme Court actually lifted a stay in small win for President.


Neutronium Member & truth speaker #StopBrandon
Nov 11, 2021

It is being reported as meaning more than it means.

A prior lower court ruling stated the Feds from cutting the razor wire.

This new ruling from the SCOTUS merely lifts that stay:

The case itself may yet be heard albeit without the stay in place.
They will have to make the Texas Military leave but I would argue that would be a mistake and would only drop dems poll numbers even more....
The legal arguments from the Administration is like a work from Lewis Carrol.

The feds have the Constitutional authority over immigration.

The Feds aren’t doing a fucking thing over illegals surging over the border.

Texas, taking a huge majority of these illegal immigrants, chooses to be pro-active in securing the safety of its people.

The Feds jump in and say, you can’t do our job.

Texas says, when you refuse to do your fucking job, we have the right to do our fucking job.

And yet the SCOTUS lifts the stay issued by a lower court which prevents the feds from interfering with the actions of Texas!!??


Is our national immigration “policy” suddenly to permit illegal aliens in Willy Nilly?

This lifting of the stay is a reprehensible act of the majority of our SCOTUS. That includes Justice Amy.

It is being reported as meaning more than it means.

A prior lower court ruling stated the Feds from cutting the razor wire.

This new ruling from the SCOTUS merely lifts that stay:

The case itself may yet be heard albeit without the stay in place.

Sure, let them have their little win before the SCOTUS drops the hammer on Colorado DemoKKKrats' election interference scam.
Here in the heart of Texss, we have a saying, and the current POTUS rules by his ego, and not by is sacred Oath of office that underscores his most important task is to provide for the common defense. Instead of Biden providing safety from external elements of terrorists crossing the border, Biden flaps his jaws with one lie after another. And the Border Police are discouraged from doing their job of protecting the American people not only within our country's borders. All by himself, Biden pushed Texas out of his sights in favor of enemies who would cheerfully murder our elderly, our children, and anyone who criticizes Biden's imperialist anti-Texas leanings.

OUR Texas defenders in WWI, WWII, VIETNAM, and every war this country has endured long before Texas was admitted into the Union. And our valiant defenders will never stop defending threats against Texas citizens and her guests who love this country.

So while the current Biden and his followers enrich themselves with Collusion with hostile and willing-to- buy Biden into grandiose wealth with his illegal pay-to-play poli-TICKS-biting ways, the .Biden nation is going to create a civil war it cannot win as it snubs our citizens right to be protected from the foreign border invasion his payola has triggered of every dastardly 3rd world countries has drained their dangerous criminals from life maintenance to enter the U.S. border with seasoned prison inmates while Joe Biden accepts funds from the highest foreign payola kingpins.

That said, Impeach the Bastard in the WH to save America from crime in the streets created by dangerous criminals entering with BIDEN'S WELCOME WAGON BORDER NIGHTMARE!

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