Supreme Court agrees to hear challenges to bump stock ban

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
My protest vote in the primary will be because of that.

Not that I care two shits about a bump-stock but the principle behind it.

Of course I won't delude myself in the general.

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Trump's bump stock ban is now being challenged in court. How does MAGA feel about Trump's assault on the Second Amendment?

Easy, he was wrong. Ask us how we feel about the 3 Justices he put on the Supreme Court who are going to hear the case.....ask us that next....
Trump's bump stock ban is now being challenged in court. How does MAGA feel about Trump's assault on the Second Amendment?

At the same time.....if hilary had won the 2016 election instead of Trump, how do you think the 3 Supreme Court Justices she would have appointed would rule on this case......?
When I heard Trump ban bump stocks I thought he was smarter than that. I was waiting for him to ban belt hoops, same thing. If you believe some yahoo shooting down hill at 400 yards took out a battalion of people in a few minutes I got a bridge to sell you. Somebody always claims they have some devise to make a weapon fire full auto.Maybe you will even get a few to work. But I can guarantee your second shot will be nowhere near where your first round hit. Anyone with any knowledge of firearms from the sound alone knew it wasn't echo It was two heavy weapons coming from different locations. Any one there that said the shooting came from different locations or from the ground was just ignored by both police and media. When they started treating the wounded ask the doctors if all the bullet entered from above as he was shooting at least a 30 degree angle. The security guard that was shot in the leg with a rifle the next day he wouldn't of drove to Mexico or any place else. I mean, as Joe would say, 'come on man' this story has more holes in it than Waco. I thought America was smarter than that. I should have realized that after 9/11 you can pull anything on a population that can't pour shit out of a boot and don't care to learn. The government knows it so why don't you? I have no idea why. But I do know it didn't go down the way they said. by the guy they said did it. All the rifles he had they said he got into his room with nobody seeing. Do you have the slightest idea just how many cameras they have in all those gambling casinos including their hotels? They will know if you fart and what flavor.
Easy, he was wrong. Ask us how we feel about the 3 Justices he put on the Supreme Court who are going to hear the case.....ask us that next....

What makes you think they will rule the way you want?
What makes you think they will rule the way you want?

I don't. Justices picked by Republicans can go either way.

Justices picked by democrats will rule 100% for the left wing agenda.....including banning and confiscating guns.
Trump's bump stock ban is now being challenged in court. How does MAGA feel about Trump's assault on the Second Amendment?

DeSantis rips federal bump stock ban while Florida ban remains​

Trump's bump stock ban is now being challenged in court. How does MAGA feel about Trump's assault on the Second Amendment?

I feel great about it. It proves Trump's genius. He knew this would be challenged.
Hell if we banned crazy people, criminals, and immigrants from radical religious nations and everyone could just own fully automatic weapons because there wouldn't be anyone wanting to use them to go out and hurt others.

I say we ban the people who do bad things instead of banning guns. I'd rather live in a society that's safe because we don't tolerate criminals. Banning a accessory won't do a single thing to make the country any safer.
...............especially Ketanji Brown Jackson and Elena Kagan, who repeatedly insisted bump stock-equipped guns can fire up to 800 rounds a second. Lol

You can't fire 800 rounds in a second with a bump stock. Unless you're just spraying into a bunch of wild hogs, the accuracy of a bump stock is very low. Stupid ban though.
SCOTUS blog's reporting suggest the court is split and the ruling will be 'close'
The'ye generally pretty liberal in their reporting, so there's reason to believe the SCOTUS will rule in our favor.
The oral arguments I read were not really arguments I would have made -- Personally, I would have gone after the NFA.

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