Supreme Court upholds Obamacare subsidies


Yawn....Obamacare doesn't affect me. Our insurance is fully paid for. It's losers like you that mooch off the hard working people of this nation. Nothing to proud of old man

Saving the lives of people who struggle to pay healthcare costs is not mooching

It is considered a basic human right in most countries

It is a basic human right in all of the rest of the first world. Only in the greatest nation on the face of the Earth, where Conservative fucktards can muck up everything, can one still not think of basic health care as an essential to good living.

It amazes the hell out of me that this country tolerates those who say....Why should I have to pay for the healthcare of others?
As I said previously, if you chose to not have healthcare insurance, those of us who do, will be stuck with the added cost of your unexpected ER visit after a car crash.

So those who oppose Obamacare on political grounds...are actually targeted for that, or the risk they pose.

Futhermore...when you are brought to the ER unconscious, without insurance, you better have $50,000-$300,000 lying around, to keep yourself out of the bad credit world.

No other modern nation treats healthcare as something only for those who can afford it
Our founders once wrote about "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness" now it only seems to apply to those who can afford it
Another loss for conservatives trying to take away peoples healthcare


Oh how it must suck to be a rightwing regressive today , first they ordered texas to remove thee conf rag from their license plates . now this , and the triflector coming up gay marriage.

The demographic shift is in full swing , and the supreme court is majority cons!!!!
Yawn....Obamacare doesn't affect me. Our insurance is fully paid for. It's losers like you that mooch off the hard working people of this nation. Nothing to proud of old man

Saving the lives of people who struggle to pay healthcare costs is not mooching

It is considered a basic human right in most countries

It is a basic human right in all of the rest of the first world. Only in the greatest nation on the face of the Earth, where Conservative fucktards can muck up everything, can one still not think of basic health care as an essential to good living.

It amazes the hell out of me that this country tolerates those who say....Why should I have to pay for the healthcare of others?
As I said previously, if you chose to not have healthcare insurance, those of us who do, will be stuck with the added cost of your unexpected ER visit after a car crash.

So those who oppose Obamacare on political grounds...are actually targeted for that, or the risk they pose.

Futhermore...when you are brought to the ER unconscious, without insurance, you better have $50,000-$300,000 lying around, to keep yourself out of the bad credit world.

No other modern nation treats healthcare as something only for those who can afford it
Our founders once wrote about "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness" now it only seems to apply to those who can afford it

True. And, only two countries do not have substantial maternity leave - the US and Papua New Guinea.

Shameful that R's care so little about the American family.
Scalia's dissent was positively scathing. I haven't got through the whole thing yet but he isn't mincing any words in his opinion.

Yes, I can imagine Rightie nutbags having these weird fantasies.

Obama has outsmarted the conservatives so often, on so many different fronts, and in so many different ways, it's only natural that they would think that there is something going on.

What is happening is Americans are rejecting hate more and more often. Without hate--making you afraid of whatever the topic du jour is and trying to fix blame for it--they have nothing.

It's that simple.

I think its more of a desperate lie cuz that's all they've got.
Well, I see that the Right is not idle. Now that are back to talking about privatizing SS.

I do think, however, that they have given up on terminating Medicare.....
Another loss for conservatives trying to take away peoples healthcare

So basically if a law is big enough, and poorly written enough, it can't be overturned no matter how much the court realizes the wording was explicit to the States?

From the decision:

If the statutory language is plain, the Court must enforce it according to its terms. But oftentimes the meaning—or ambiguity—of certain words or phrases may only become evident when placed in context. So when deciding whether the language is plain, the Court must read the words “in their context and with a view to their place in the overall statutory scheme.”

So basically the Chief Justice stretched as much as he could to save the law, even though he knows they screwed up on the language.

Why do conservatives struggle so much with context?

Why do progressive struggle so much with being able to competently write laws?

How do they struggle trying to explain their righteousness... When they don't care if laws are broken to push their agenda?
Saving the lives of people who struggle to pay healthcare costs is not mooching

It is considered a basic human right in most countries

It is a basic human right in all of the rest of the first world. Only in the greatest nation on the face of the Earth, where Conservative fucktards can muck up everything, can one still not think of basic health care as an essential to good living.

It amazes the hell out of me that this country tolerates those who say....Why should I have to pay for the healthcare of others?
As I said previously, if you chose to not have healthcare insurance, those of us who do, will be stuck with the added cost of your unexpected ER visit after a car crash.

So those who oppose Obamacare on political grounds...are actually targeted for that, or the risk they pose.

Futhermore...when you are brought to the ER unconscious, without insurance, you better have $50,000-$300,000 lying around, to keep yourself out of the bad credit world.

No other modern nation treats healthcare as something only for those who can afford it
Our founders once wrote about "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness" now it only seems to apply to those who can afford it

True. And, only two countries do not have substantial maternity leave - the US and Papua New Guinea.

Shameful that R's care so little about the American family.
Shameful that so many D's care so little about their own family that they refuse to provide for them.
6-3 decision.

It wasn't even that close.
It shouldn't even have been THAT close. Alito Scalia and Thomas voted on politics not law.

Why do you think that. Have you read their decisions?
Basic statutory construction really only could lead to one result in this case. You can make a case for what they did in Citizens United, or for Obamacare not being upheld on anything but a tax. You can argue a different result would be better, or more conservative or whatever. But the whole argument by Adler about the state exchanges was pure legal fantasy driven by ideology. With Scalia, at least there's some honesty in that he pretty much admits if he doesn't like something, he says to hell with it and votes the way he wants. LOL
Why don't the rightwinger pray for it to go away , or maybe they didn't pray hard enough!! What will be their excuse with gay marriage? :boohoo:

Lily Ledbetter act - a DEM win
Auto Bailout - a DEM win
ACA - a DEM win
Got Osama bin Ladin - an AMERICAN win under a DEM president
ending DADT/gays in the military - a DEM win
Indian Trade Pact - a DEM win.
Renegotiated STARK treaty with Russia - a DEM win
Pacific Trade Agreement - a DEM win.

President Obama will indeed be able to claim that the vast majority of what he wanted to push through the US Congress indeed came to pass.

His record of successes will be greater than either Reagan's or Eisenhower's.

Congratulations, Mr. President.

He can add nationwide samesex marriage early next week
The court wants to go out on a high note

Yes, I am suspecting that it will be a majority decision for SSM.

And then the Right will be seeing black helicopters everywhere.
I can't see Scalia and Thomas backing SSM. And Alito is questionable, imo.

But I can see Kennedy supporting it.

It will be at least a 5-4 decision, if not a 6-3 decision.

I doubt it will be a 7-2 decision.

On CNN it is being argued that Robert's decision is actually a very Conservative decision.

I think Roberts understands the inevitability of SSM in this country. It is his court and he will want to go down in history as supporting it

Scalia, Thomas and Alito are lost causes
I think Roberts opinion reflects the feelings of most Americans regardless of whether they supported the passage of the ACA or not.

"Congress passed the Affordable Care Act to improve health insurance markets, not to destroy them," Roberts wrote in the majority opinion. "If at all possible, we must interpret the Act in a way that is consistent with the former, and avoids the latter."

I'm just thankful for the ruling. If the court had gone the other way, many Americans would have lost their insurance including a member of my family.
Why don't the rightwinger pray for it to go away , or maybe they didn't pray hard enough!! What will be their excuse with gay marriage? :boohoo:

Speaking of which, even Chick-Fil-A has stopped donating to organizations fighting gay marriage. Now, it is the conservative's turn to boycott them!
Supreme Court upholds Obamacare subsidies

Justice Antonin Scalia read much of his fiery dissent from the bench, seated next to Roberts. The chief justice, who looked grave for most of the morning, cracked a smile when Scalia said, testily, “We should really start calling this law SCOTUScare.” The dissenting justice argued that the Court was attempting to rescue the law by ignoring the statute’s messy contradictions that plaintiffs had argued would make millions of people ineligible for subsidies. Scalia argued that three years ago, the majority used “interpretative somersaults” to save the health care law’s individual mandate, and now it was doing the same thing to save the subsidies.

“The cases will publish forever the discouraging truth that the Supreme Court of the United States favors some laws over others, and is prepared to do whatever it takes to uphold and assist its favorites,” Scalia said.
Another loss for conservatives trying to take away peoples healthcare.

Ahahaha you fools still don't get it, the passing of Obamacare was a major victory for conservatives. Its the gift that just keeps on giving spewing liberal failure like a fire hydrant. I love that. Look what it did to the Democratic party, it demolished it. What's not to love. Obamacare will eventually fail, in the mean time the more Democrats it destroys the better! :eusa_dance:
Actually, all the polls show that more Americans are against Obamacare than support it (and even the one that is close, while showing that more Americans want Obamacare overturned, includes the possibility of changes when considering support) .... And the number is likely to grow when premiums increase by the projected 25-30% next year.

Face it, the Democrats own an unpopular program now, and the Republicans have a stronger platform to run on!!!!!

It's possible the SCOTU just gave the Presidency to the Republicans in 2016.....:banana:
The role of SCOTUS is simple.

They are hand picked to empower corporations and the Progressive rule of law.

Next we will see them uphold gay marriage.

They may as well not even vote. They are bought and sold to do a job for those in power.
Actually, all the polls show that more Americans are against Obamacare than support it (and even the one that is close includes the possibility of changes when considering support) .... And the number is likely to grow when premiums increase by the projected 25-30% next year.

Face it, the Democrats own an unpopular program now, and the Republicans have a stronger platform to run on!!!!!

It's possible the SCOTU just gave the Presidency to the Republicans in 2016.....:banana:

The GOP is not serious about overturning Obamacare.

If Jeb gets elected he will just put more "conservative" on the bench like Roberts.

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