Supreme Court upholds Obamacare subsidies

He can add nationwide samesex marriage early next week
The court wants to go out on a high note

Yes, I am suspecting that it will be a majority decision for SSM.

And then the Right will be seeing black helicopters everywhere.
I can't see Scalia and Thomas backing SSM. And Alito is questionable, imo.

But I can see Kennedy supporting it.

It will be at least a 5-4 decision, if not a 6-3 decision.

I doubt it will be a 7-2 decision.

On CNN it is being argued that Robert's decision is actually a very Conservative decision.

I think Roberts understands the inevitability of SSM in this country. It is his court and he will want to go down in history as supporting it

Scalia, Thomas and Alito are lost causes

It is not their job to support laws.

It is their job to support equal protection of the laws for all

Those three are clueless
Boring...old man. LOL You don't realize I know who you are LMAO

Yawn....Obamacare doesn't affect me. Our insurance is fully paid for. It's losers like you that mooch off the hard working people of this nation. Nothing to proud of old man

Saving the lives of people who struggle to pay healthcare costs is not mooching

It is considered a basic human right in most countries

It is a basic human right in all of the rest of the first world. Only in the greatest nation on the face of the Earth, where Conservative fucktards can muck up everything, can one still not think of basic health care as an essential to good living.

It amazes the hell out of me that this country tolerates those who say....Why should I have to pay for the healthcare of others?
Why should I pay for those who prefer welfare to work?
^^^ Old man, pretending to be female. Pathetic

Boring...old man. LOL You don't realize I know who you are LMAO

Yawn....Obamacare doesn't affect me. Our insurance is fully paid for. It's losers like you that mooch off the hard working people of this nation. Nothing to proud of old man

Saving the lives of people who struggle to pay healthcare costs is not mooching

It is considered a basic human right in most countries

The GOP has no interest in American greatness....nor do their supporters it seems.
Boring...old man. LOL You don't realize I know who you are LMAO

Yawn....Obamacare doesn't affect me. Our insurance is fully paid for. It's losers like you that mooch off the hard working people of this nation. Nothing to proud of old man

Saving the lives of people who struggle to pay healthcare costs is not mooching

It is considered a basic human right in most countries

It is a basic human right in all of the rest of the first world. Only in the greatest nation on the face of the Earth, where Conservative fucktards can muck up everything, can one still not think of basic health care as an essential to good living.

It amazes the hell out of me that this country tolerates those who say....Why should I have to pay for the healthcare of others?
As I said previously, if you chose to not have healthcare insurance, those of us who do, will be stuck with the added cost of your unexpected ER visit after a car crash.

So those who oppose Obamacare on political grounds...are actually targeted for that, or the risk they pose.

Futhermore...when you are brought to the ER unconscious, without insurance, you better have $50,000-$300,000 lying around, to keep yourself out of the bad credit world.
Here comes another If I had a son

He should really go hit a bucket of balls. And not Moochelles.

Yes, I am suspecting that it will be a majority decision for SSM.

And then the Right will be seeing black helicopters everywhere.
I can't see Scalia and Thomas backing SSM. And Alito is questionable, imo.

But I can see Kennedy supporting it.

It will be at least a 5-4 decision, if not a 6-3 decision.

I doubt it will be a 7-2 decision.

On CNN it is being argued that Robert's decision is actually a very Conservative decision.

I think Roberts understands the inevitability of SSM in this country. It is his court and he will want to go down in history as supporting it

Scalia, Thomas and Alito are lost causes

It is not their job to support laws.

It is their job to support equal protection of the laws for all

Those three are clueless

Their job is to uphold the COTUS, period.

Yawn....Obamacare doesn't affect me. Our insurance is fully paid for. It's losers like you that mooch off the hard working people of this nation. Nothing to proud of old man

Saving the lives of people who struggle to pay healthcare costs is not mooching

It is considered a basic human right in most countries

It is a basic human right in all of the rest of the first world. Only in the greatest nation on the face of the Earth, where Conservative fucktards can muck up everything, can one still not think of basic health care as an essential to good living.

It amazes the hell out of me that this country tolerates those who say....Why should I have to pay for the healthcare of others?
Why should I pay for those who prefer welfare to work?

Because it is peoples health...that is why
Wow! I just went through this entire thread reading all the con whine. Pretty cheesy. After the 2016 election, this will look like a happy day for them.
I can't see Scalia and Thomas backing SSM. And Alito is questionable, imo.

But I can see Kennedy supporting it.

It will be at least a 5-4 decision, if not a 6-3 decision.

I doubt it will be a 7-2 decision.

On CNN it is being argued that Robert's decision is actually a very Conservative decision.

I think Roberts understands the inevitability of SSM in this country. It is his court and he will want to go down in history as supporting it

Scalia, Thomas and Alito are lost causes

It is not their job to support laws.

It is their job to support equal protection of the laws for all

Those three are clueless

Their job is to uphold the COTUS, period.

I agree

Have you read the 14th amendment?
Rubio disagrees with the decision because "people are getting hit with a $4,000 deductible". I guess he thinks a $30,000 bill is preferable to an insurance deductible.

Like all Repubs, he doesn't want others to have the same benefits he did and still does.

Yes, I can imagine Rightie nutbags having these weird fantasies.

Obama has outsmarted the conservatives so often, on so many different fronts, and in so many different ways, it's only natural that they would think that there is something going on.

What is happening is Americans are rejecting hate more and more often. Without hate--making you afraid of whatever the topic du jour is and trying to fix blame for it--they have nothing.

It's that simple.

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