Supreme Court upholds Obamacare subsidies

^^^ Old man, pretending to be female. Pathetic

Boring...old man. LOL You don't realize I know who you are LMAO

Yawn....Obamacare doesn't affect me. Our insurance is fully paid for. It's losers like you that mooch off the hard working people of this nation. Nothing to proud of old man


Your spam is getting tiresome, old man.
Rubio disagrees with the decision because "people are getting hit with a $4,000 deductible". I guess he thinks a $30,000 bill is preferable to an insurance deductible.

And he is wrong, it is more like 6000
I work for an insurer.

A bare bones catastrophic plan can have deductibles as high as $6000, and out of pocket maximums as high as $12,500. Those cost about $300 a month without subsidies, and as little as $50 a month with subsidies. I've see plan, that after subsidies, the member has a $1.50 a month premium.

The more expensive, and robust PPOs, have deductibles as low as $50, and some HMO's have no deductible at all.

Rubio's comments were a gross generalization

Boring...old man. LOL You don't realize I know who you are LMAO

Yawn....Obamacare doesn't affect me. Our insurance is fully paid for. It's losers like you that mooch off the hard working people of this nation. Nothing to proud of old man

Saving the lives of people who struggle to pay healthcare costs is not mooching

It is considered a basic human right in most countries
^^^ Old man, pretending to be female. Pathetic

Boring...old man. LOL You don't realize I know who you are LMAO

Yawn....Obamacare doesn't affect me. Our insurance is fully paid for. It's losers like you that mooch off the hard working people of this nation. Nothing to proud of old man

Funny how things work. Me and the wife lost our healthcare because of the EXCUSE that Obamacare was going to be so cheap. Yet all that happened was we were dropped and the company now picks up nothing. But I make too much for subsidizes. Success is once again punished.

A friend of mind when on the ACA website and tried to sign up. When they were asked if they were employed, when they answered no, it kicked them off the site.

Obamacare does effect you.

I meant in the sense in what we pay for coverage and our coverage. My husband's firm is doing very well at providing it for us. How long they can keep it up remains to be seen
Judges oppose jury nullification but here we have judicial nullification where judges ignore what the law clearly says.
^^^ Old man, pretending to be female. Pathetic

Boring...old man. LOL You don't realize I know who you are LMAO

Yawn....Obamacare doesn't affect me. Our insurance is fully paid for. It's losers like you that mooch off the hard working people of this nation. Nothing to proud of old man

Saving the lives of people who struggle to pay healthcare costs is not mooching

It is considered a basic human right in most countries

It is a basic human right in all of the rest of the first world. Only in the greatest nation on the face of the Earth, where Conservative fucktards can muck up everything, can one still not think of basic health care as an essential to good living.
Another loss for conservatives trying to take away peoples healthcare

So basically if a law is big enough, and poorly written enough, it can't be overturned no matter how much the court realizes the wording was explicit to the States?

Four words

A petty attempt by Republicans to hurt Americans just so they can destroy Obamacare

How about the people who write a law pay attention when doing it?
How about cons quit obstructing so that it gets written correctly?

Exactly the same thing happened when Medicare was passed. The difference was that we didn't have an entire party intent on bringing down the country. The parties worked together and the result is that Medicare now works very well and within budget.
And like SS, it pays for itself.

Boring...old man. LOL You don't realize I know who you are LMAO

Yawn....Obamacare doesn't affect me. Our insurance is fully paid for. It's losers like you that mooch off the hard working people of this nation. Nothing to proud of old man

Funny how things work. Me and the wife lost our healthcare because of the EXCUSE that Obamacare was going to be so cheap. Yet all that happened was we were dropped and the company now picks up nothing. But I make too much for subsidizes. Success is once again punished.

A friend of mind when on the ACA website and tried to sign up. When they were asked if they were employed, when they answered no, it kicked them off the site.

Obamacare does effect you.
Prove it. I say you're lying, none of that ever happened.

How in the hell am I suppose to prove it to you? The company did drop us I am not sure what to tell you. In the second case I am thinking that it was a glitch or the information was put in wrongly. But both did happen.

I seen a quote floating around about the sad thing about people who accuse other of lying is that they can't be trusted, because in fact they are liars.

Lily Ledbetter act - a DEM win
Auto Bailout - a DEM win
ACA - a DEM win
Got Osama bin Ladin - an AMERICAN win under a DEM president
ending DADT/gays in the military - a DEM win
Indian Trade Pact - a DEM win.
Renegotiated STARK treaty with Russia - a DEM win
Pacific Trade Agreement - a DEM win.

President Obama will indeed be able to claim that the vast majority of what he wanted to push through the US Congress indeed came to pass.

His record of successes will be greater than either Reagan's or Eisenhower's.

Congratulations, Mr. President.

He can add nationwide samesex marriage early next week
The court wants to go out on a high note

Yes, I am suspecting that it will be a majority decision for SSM.

And then the Right will be seeing black helicopters everywhere.
I can't see Scalia and Thomas backing SSM. And Alito is questionable, imo.

But I can see Kennedy supporting it.

It will be at least a 5-4 decision, if not a 6-3 decision.

I doubt it will be a 7-2 decision.

On CNN it is being argued that Robert's decision is actually a very Conservative decision.

I think Roberts understands the inevitability of SSM in this country. It is his court and he will want to go down in history as supporting it

Scalia, Thomas and Alito are lost causes
well we are totally screwed. so ENJOY giving your hard earned MONIES to others while having to short change YOUR FAMILIES

the supreme is worthless.
Checks and balances are out of whack. Fortunately an inferior insurance product will die on its on merits. Too expensive for quality coverage with reasonable deductibles.
Judges oppose jury nullification but here we have judicial nullification where judges ignore what the law clearly says.
It didn't say it clearly enough.

The did not say " State Governments excluding the Federal government"

You have to be specific with your exclusions, or our American judicial process will be specific for you

Lily Ledbetter act - a DEM win
Auto Bailout - a DEM win
ACA - a DEM win
Got Osama bin Ladin - an AMERICAN win under a DEM president
ending DADT/gays in the military - a DEM win
Indian Trade Pact - a DEM win.
Renegotiated STARK treaty with Russia - a DEM win
Pacific Trade Agreement - a DEM win.

President Obama will indeed be able to claim that the vast majority of what he wanted to push through the US Congress indeed came to pass.

His record of successes will be greater than either Reagan's or Eisenhower's.

Congratulations, Mr. President.

He can add nationwide samesex marriage early next week
The court wants to go out on a high note

Yes, I am suspecting that it will be a majority decision for SSM.

And then the Right will be seeing black helicopters everywhere.
I can't see Scalia and Thomas backing SSM. And Alito is questionable, imo.

But I can see Kennedy supporting it.

It will be at least a 5-4 decision, if not a 6-3 decision.

I doubt it will be a 7-2 decision.

On CNN it is being argued that Robert's decision is actually a very Conservative decision.
I just cannot see Scalia and Thomas bucking the Pope. I think it really is that simple. Scalia is interesting because he really is a lion of a champion of individual 4th amendment rights. But both men are very socially conservative and toe the doctrinal line. Roberts, not so much. Alito more so, but law may trump religion.

Lily Ledbetter act - a DEM win
Auto Bailout - a DEM win
ACA - a DEM win
Got Osama bin Ladin - an AMERICAN win under a DEM president
ending DADT/gays in the military - a DEM win
Indian Trade Pact - a DEM win.
Renegotiated STARK treaty with Russia - a DEM win
Pacific Trade Agreement - a DEM win.

President Obama will indeed be able to claim that the vast majority of what he wanted to push through the US Congress indeed came to pass.

His record of successes will be greater than either Reagan's or Eisenhower's.

Congratulations, Mr. President.

He can add nationwide samesex marriage early next week
The court wants to go out on a high note

Yes, I am suspecting that it will be a majority decision for SSM.

And then the Right will be seeing black helicopters everywhere.
I can't see Scalia and Thomas backing SSM. And Alito is questionable, imo.

But I can see Kennedy supporting it.

It will be at least a 5-4 decision, if not a 6-3 decision.

I doubt it will be a 7-2 decision.

On CNN it is being argued that Robert's decision is actually a very Conservative decision.

I think Roberts understands the inevitability of SSM in this country. It is his court and he will want to go down in history as supporting it

Scalia, Thomas and Alito are lost causes

It is not their job to support laws.

Boring...old man. LOL You don't realize I know who you are LMAO

Yawn....Obamacare doesn't affect me. Our insurance is fully paid for. It's losers like you that mooch off the hard working people of this nation. Nothing to proud of old man

Saving the lives of people who struggle to pay healthcare costs is not mooching

It is considered a basic human right in most countries

It is a basic human right in all of the rest of the first world. Only in the greatest nation on the face of the Earth, where Conservative fucktards can muck up everything, can one still not think of basic health care as an essential to good living.

It amazes the hell out of me that this country tolerates those who say....Why should I have to pay for the healthcare of others?

Last edited:
Judges oppose jury nullification but here we have judicial nullification where judges ignore what the law clearly says.
It didn't say it clearly enough.

The did not say " State Governments excluding the Federal government"

You have to be specific with your exclusions, or our American judicial process will be specific for you

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