Supreme Court upholds Obamacare subsidies

This whole thing just blew up in Republicans faces again

The whole issue could have been quickly resolved by Congress

End any ambiguity by adding the words "and Federal" to the four words in question. Case closed, move on

But Republican hatred of Obama is so strong they are willing to withold federal subsidies to 6 million Americans just to embarass Obama

Glad to see the court slap them down
No it will ever be repealed, no way. The Republicans are making deals with Obama they said they would never make and there is a price, That price is SCOTUScare.

For those of you paying attention, this is what tyranny and despotism looks like.

Ahh, another reason to laugh at you. Not that we needed it.

SassyIrishLass is too damn dumb to understand that the bill was passed more than 50 times.

That's the opposite of "tyranny and despotism".

^^^ Old man, pretending to be female. Pathetic

SassyIrishLass is too damn dumb to understand that the bill was passed more than 50 times.

That's the opposite of "tyranny and despotism".
Another loss for conservatives trying to take away peoples healthcare

So basically if a law is big enough, and poorly written enough, it can't be overturned no matter how much the court realizes the wording was explicit to the States?

Four words

A petty attempt by Republicans to hurt Americans just so they can destroy Obamacare

How about the people who write a law pay attention when doing it?
How about cons quit obstructing so that it gets written correctly?

Exactly the same thing happened when Medicare was passed. The difference was that we didn't have an entire party intent on bringing down the country. The parties worked together and the result is that Medicare now works very well and within budget.
Mehh. The next president will repeal and replace it. The one single thing Obama accomplished in two terms, will be gone.

Lily Ledbetter act - a DEM win
Auto Bailout - a DEM win
ACA - a DEM win
Got Osama bin Ladin - an AMERICAN win under a DEM president
ending DADT/gays in the military - a DEM win
Indian Trade Pact - a DEM win.
Renegotiated STARK treaty with Russia - a DEM win
Pacific Trade Agreement - a DEM win.

President Obama will indeed be able to claim that the vast majority of what he wanted to push through the US Congress indeed came to pass.

His record of successes will be greater than either Reagan's or Eisenhower's.

Congratulations, Mr. President.
You left out Muammaar Qaddafi. I still blame that fucker for Pan Am 103. Obama played a hand in taking him out. Time only heals old wounds when vengeance is applied sometimes.

Lily Ledbetter act - a DEM win
Auto Bailout - a DEM win
ACA - a DEM win
Got Osama bin Ladin - an AMERICAN win under a DEM president
ending DADT/gays in the military - a DEM win
Indian Trade Pact - a DEM win.
Renegotiated STARK treaty with Russia - a DEM win
Pacific Trade Agreement - a DEM win.

President Obama will indeed be able to claim that the vast majority of what he wanted to push through the US Congress indeed came to pass.

His record of successes will be greater than either Reagan's or Eisenhower's.

Congratulations, Mr. President.

He can add nationwide samesex marriage early next week
The court wants to go out on a high note
This thread is soaking wet from all the con tears. They're getting the asses handed to them even by their own judges.
Right now they're all grieving, let's be sympathetic.

They'll be going through denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance (eventually on the acceptance)

The only thing that would keep me from indulging my own celebration, would be if righties actually cared about Americans, and the quality of their access to healthcare, as opposed to just being butt hurt because they lost, just like football fans when their team loses
So basically if a law is big enough, and poorly written enough, it can't be overturned no matter how much the court realizes the wording was explicit to the States?

From the decision:

If the statutory language is plain, the Court must enforce it according to its terms. But oftentimes the meaning—or ambiguity—of certain words or phrases may only become evident when placed in context. So when deciding whether the language is plain, the Court must read the words “in their context and with a view to their place in the overall statutory scheme.”

So basically the Chief Justice stretched as much as he could to save the law, even though he knows they screwed up on the language.

Yep, they read the law, didn't like what it said so they said it said something else and that was what was meant. In other words they made law. The read the mind of those who wrote the law. Regardless of which side you are on one would think what is happening is bad for the country. But I think those who just love shoving crap down on people will think this is the best thing that ever happened, they win and we all lose.

It isn't going to happen but imagine if the SCOTUS rules 5-4 against gay marriage. What do you think those crowing today will say about the SCOTUS?
All due respect...that just sounds like the third stage of grieving...bargaining.

If a Republican beats Hillary, and congress stays red after 2016, you'll not once hear righties, possibly you as well, say the phrase "shoving crap down throats".

If it turn out that way, the GOP will be doing what our government does regardless of who's in charge, they will spend all the money we send them, and some more on top of that...only then, on things righties want, as opposed to things lefties want.

The concept of having things "crammed down somebody's throat" simply a demonization of what happens to the losers of an election, after the winners implement what they ran on.

Obama ran on Obamacare, and was reelected.

Right now I'm listening to Fox News, and they're all a mixed bag of the 2nd and 4th stages of grieving, anger, and depression.

Who elected the SCOTUS? I certainly don't remember that vote. Your whole posts sounds like the little kid that is happy they got what they wanted.
That's just the anger talking.

Congress was the one who voted, and passed the law. The SCOTUS ruled on challenges to it.

The challenger lost.

There are no demons here, but I'm listening to Karl Rove now, and his buck up speech includes a good strategy. He's already getting righties fired up about repealing Obamacare after 2016.

He's babbling a bit, like he's bargaining. Not as bad as election night 2012 on Fox, now that was funny..."Romney by a landslide"....hehe...good times, good times...but my concern isn't just a hobby. I work for a medical insurance company, and my company has itself, and me, so far out on a limb with Obamacare, undoing it would be catastrophic to my company and millions of America.

Righties are all about the idea of "right or wrong, you break it, you bought it" when defending the decision to g into Iraq, but not so much on post Obamacare healthcare in America.

I am not really angry because that passed long ago. I never thought in a million years that the SCOTUS would rule differently. That does not change the FACT of what the law says and the SCOTUS ruled that it didn't say what it says. An acknowledgement of fact isn't necessarily anger it is frustration perhaps.

Who in the hell listens to Rove? I sure don't. SCOTUSCARE will NEVER be repealed but this decision will be used forever to allow the court to make law. For that reason alone it was a very bad decision. If they would have kicked it back to congress this congress would not have had the guts to let it stand they would have fast tracked a bill. The SCOTUS let congress off the hook.
This whole thing just blew up in Republicans faces again

The whole issue could have been quickly resolved by Congress

End any ambiguity by adding the words "and Federal" to the four words in question. Case closed, move on

But Republican hatred of Obama is so strong they are willing to withold federal subsidies to 6 million Americans just to embarass Obama

Glad to see the court slap them down


This is by far the best posting on the thread and goes to the heart of someone that can only be decribed as vile and disgusting hatred.

Now might be a good time to start erecting help clinics for depressed Elephants suffering under ITS (Impotent Trunk Syndrome)
This thread is soaking wet from all the con tears. They're getting the asses handed to them even by their own judges.
Right now they're all grieving, let's be sympathetic.

They'll be going through denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance (eventually on the acceptance)

The only thing that would keep me from indulging my own celebration, would be if righties actually cared about Americans, and the quality of their access to healthcare, as opposed to just being butt hurt because they lost, just like football fans when their team loses

The real joy comes later when Mark Levin is on the air....Gonna be sweet!
The Right has lost on this issue - permanently.

Clinton will campaign mightily on this and she will win on this.

Until January 20th, 2017, at 11:59 AM, Pres. Obama can veto any bill that would try to dismantle Obamacare.

If Hillary is elected in 2016, then the same thing applies from 2017-2021.

If a Republican is elected, he will need a 60 seat Republican Senate to even get an Obamacare-repeal bill through.

And by then, this legislation will be so anchored into American life that you will not be able to uproot it.

This is a lot like the desperate fight against Social Security in the 1930s, a fight that the Right lost, miserably.
Cons continue to try to destroy Social Security, beating that dead horse for 85 years.
Ahh, another reason to laugh at you. Not that we needed it.

SassyIrishLass is too damn dumb to understand that the bill was passed more than 50 times.

That's the opposite of "tyranny and despotism".

^^^ Old man, pretending to be female. Pathetic

Boring...old man. LOL You don't realize I know who you are LMAO
This thread is soaking wet from all the con tears. They're getting the asses handed to them even by their own judges.
Right now they're all grieving, let's be sympathetic.

They'll be going through denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance (eventually on the acceptance)

The only thing that would keep me from indulging my own celebration, would be if righties actually cared about Americans, and the quality of their access to healthcare, as opposed to just being butt hurt because they lost, just like football fans when their team loses

No. Fuck them. :D

Well, not literally.

It's time for them to stop being a bunch of socialist pussies, hoping for a handout from victorious Libs. It's time for those lazy-assed Elephants to get up and get moving again, and figure out why they have fucked up so badly now for 7 years in a row.
Rubio disagrees with the decision because "people are getting hit with a $4,000 deductible". I guess he thinks a $30,000 bill is preferable to an insurance deductible.

And he is wrong, it is more like 6000
The Right has lost on this issue - permanently.

Clinton will campaign mightily on this and she will win on this.

Until January 20th, 2017, at 11:59 AM, Pres. Obama can veto any bill that would try to dismantle Obamacare.

If Hillary is elected in 2016, then the same thing applies from 2017-2021.

If a Republican is elected, he will need a 60 seat Republican Senate to even get an Obamacare-repeal bill through.

And by then, this legislation will be so anchored into American life that you will not be able to uproot it.

This is a lot like the desperate fight against Social Security in the 1930s, a fight that the Right lost, miserably.
Cons continue to try to destroy Social Security, beating that dead horse for 85 years.

They will fail.

Hell, even the most idiotic of badly-spelled placard Tea Partiers want their SS.
From the decision:

So basically the Chief Justice stretched as much as he could to save the law, even though he knows they screwed up on the language.

Yep, they read the law, didn't like what it said so they said it said something else and that was what was meant. In other words they made law. The read the mind of those who wrote the law. Regardless of which side you are on one would think what is happening is bad for the country. But I think those who just love shoving crap down on people will think this is the best thing that ever happened, they win and we all lose.

It isn't going to happen but imagine if the SCOTUS rules 5-4 against gay marriage. What do you think those crowing today will say about the SCOTUS?
All due respect...that just sounds like the third stage of grieving...bargaining.

If a Republican beats Hillary, and congress stays red after 2016, you'll not once hear righties, possibly you as well, say the phrase "shoving crap down throats".

If it turn out that way, the GOP will be doing what our government does regardless of who's in charge, they will spend all the money we send them, and some more on top of that...only then, on things righties want, as opposed to things lefties want.

The concept of having things "crammed down somebody's throat" simply a demonization of what happens to the losers of an election, after the winners implement what they ran on.

Obama ran on Obamacare, and was reelected.

Right now I'm listening to Fox News, and they're all a mixed bag of the 2nd and 4th stages of grieving, anger, and depression.

Who elected the SCOTUS? I certainly don't remember that vote. Your whole posts sounds like the little kid that is happy they got what they wanted.
That's just the anger talking.

Congress was the one who voted, and passed the law. The SCOTUS ruled on challenges to it.

The challenger lost.

There are no demons here, but I'm listening to Karl Rove now, and his buck up speech includes a good strategy. He's already getting righties fired up about repealing Obamacare after 2016.

He's babbling a bit, like he's bargaining. Not as bad as election night 2012 on Fox, now that was funny..."Romney by a landslide"....hehe...good times, good times...but my concern isn't just a hobby. I work for a medical insurance company, and my company has itself, and me, so far out on a limb with Obamacare, undoing it would be catastrophic to my company and millions of America.

Righties are all about the idea of "right or wrong, you break it, you bought it" when defending the decision to g into Iraq, but not so much on post Obamacare healthcare in America.

I am not really angry because that passed long ago. I never thought in a million years that the SCOTUS would rule differently. That does not change the FACT of what the law says and the SCOTUS ruled that it didn't say what it says. An acknowledgement of fact isn't necessarily anger it is frustration perhaps.

Who in the hell listens to Rove? I sure don't. SCOTUSCARE will NEVER be repealed but this decision will be used forever to allow the court to make law. For that reason alone it was a very bad decision. If they would have kicked it back to congress this congress would not have had the guts to let it stand they would have fast tracked a bill. The SCOTUS let congress off the hook.

That' a pretty decent take on things. The GOP lacks the balls to go against the ACA even though in principal, it is not overwhelmingly supported. It's a mess that is only going to get worse... like I said, I fear we're doomed anyway.... we're $17,000,000,000,000 in debt with nearly $60,000,000,000,000 n unfunded liabilities.

It's only a mater of when.

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