Supreme Court upholds Obamacare subsidies

Well, I see that the Right is not idle. Now that are back to talking about privatizing SS.

I do think, however, that they have given up on terminating Medicare.....

How long before the Republicans show their butthurt and pass another "Repeal Obamacare" bill?
Four words

A petty attempt by Republicans to hurt Americans just so they can destroy Obamacare

How about the people who write a law pay attention when doing it?
How about cons quit obstructing so that it gets written correctly?

Exactly the same thing happened when Medicare was passed. The difference was that we didn't have an entire party intent on bringing down the country. The parties worked together and the result is that Medicare now works very well and within budget.
And like SS, it pays for itself.

Same is true of health care insurance and all other kinds of insurance as well.

Robert Riech, Obama's advisor, knew all along what they were planning to do.

Those who are too expensive, will simply be left on their own, much like the veterans in the VA.

What is striking is his admission that politicians would have to lie about it before getting elected.
Another freedom taken by the Obama administration.
which freedom is that?
Forcing someone to buy something isn't freedom.
Nobody is being forced to buy something, if you chose to oppose Obama by not buying insurance, and causing people like me to pay for your unexpected ER visit after a car accident, you can pay at tax time.

Put your money where your ideology du jour is
Right if you cannot afford the insurance, fine the poor. Tax them poor people even more.
It is a basic human right in all of the rest of the first world. Only in the greatest nation on the face of the Earth, where Conservative fucktards can muck up everything, can one still not think of basic health care as an essential to good living.

It amazes the hell out of me that this country tolerates those who say....Why should I have to pay for the healthcare of others?
As I said previously, if you chose to not have healthcare insurance, those of us who do, will be stuck with the added cost of your unexpected ER visit after a car crash.

So those who oppose Obamacare on political grounds...are actually targeted for that, or the risk they pose.

Futhermore...when you are brought to the ER unconscious, without insurance, you better have $50,000-$300,000 lying around, to keep yourself out of the bad credit world.

No other modern nation treats healthcare as something only for those who can afford it
Our founders once wrote about "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness" now it only seems to apply to those who can afford it

True. And, only two countries do not have substantial maternity leave - the US and Papua New Guinea.

Shameful that R's care so little about the American family.
Shameful that so many D's care so little about their own family that they refuse to provide for them.

I not only provide for my family but I am willing to provide for those who are not in as good a position for healthcare as I am

Republicans have a position of....I got mine, fuck everyone else
Another piss-poor decision from the Roberts court. They find ambiguity where none exists, then correct the ambiguity.

Scalia's dissenting opinion is dead-on.


Nope. Was fully expected.
Well, I see that the Right is not idle. Now that are back to talking about privatizing SS.

I do think, however, that they have given up on terminating Medicare.....

How long before the Republicans show their butthurt and pass another "Repeal Obamacare" bill?
Probably as soon as the majority of Americans elect a Republican POTUS in 2016, since most Americans think the ACA is a piece of crap, and the number will grow when premiums go up next year!!!!
Another freedom taken by the Obama administration.
which freedom is that?
Forcing someone to buy something isn't freedom.
Nobody is being forced to buy something, if you chose to oppose Obama by not buying insurance, and causing people like me to pay for your unexpected ER visit after a car accident, you can pay at tax time.

Put your money where your ideology du jour is
Right if you cannot afford the insurance, fine the poor. Tax them poor people even more.

Last I checked, the poor were getting health care before Obamacare.
Well, I see that the Right is not idle. Now that are back to talking about privatizing SS.

I do think, however, that they have given up on terminating Medicare.....

How long before the Republicans show their butthurt and pass another "Repeal Obamacare" bill?
Probably as soon as the majority of Americans elect a Republican POTUS in 2016, since most Americans think the ACA is a piece of crap, and the number will grow when premiums go up next year!!!!

If America has not awakened yet, they never will.
Well, I see that the Right is not idle. Now that are back to talking about privatizing SS.

I do think, however, that they have given up on terminating Medicare.....

How long before the Republicans show their butthurt and pass another "Repeal Obamacare" bill?
2016 when a republican president takes over. Finally an adult will be in charge again.
It amazes the hell out of me that this country tolerates those who say....Why should I have to pay for the healthcare of others?
As I said previously, if you chose to not have healthcare insurance, those of us who do, will be stuck with the added cost of your unexpected ER visit after a car crash.

So those who oppose Obamacare on political grounds...are actually targeted for that, or the risk they pose.

Futhermore...when you are brought to the ER unconscious, without insurance, you better have $50,000-$300,000 lying around, to keep yourself out of the bad credit world.

No other modern nation treats healthcare as something only for those who can afford it
Our founders once wrote about "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness" now it only seems to apply to those who can afford it

True. And, only two countries do not have substantial maternity leave - the US and Papua New Guinea.

Shameful that R's care so little about the American family.
Shameful that so many D's care so little about their own family that they refuse to provide for them.

I not only provide for my family but I am willing to provide for those who are not in as good a position for healthcare as I am

Republicans have a position of....I got mine, fuck everyone else
Maybe there should be a place to donate so lazy POS can get more free stuff.
personally, I work to better my family, F the lazy bastard that does nothing to help himself.
Another freedom taken by the Obama administration.
which freedom is that?
Forcing someone to buy something isn't freedom.
Nobody is being forced to buy something, if you chose to oppose Obama by not buying insurance, and causing people like me to pay for your unexpected ER visit after a car accident, you can pay at tax time.

Put your money where your ideology du jour is
Right if you cannot afford the insurance, fine the poor. Tax them poor people even more.

Last I checked, the poor were getting health care before Obamacare.
Right now they pay for it. Go Obama!
Supreme Court upholds Obamacare subsidies

Justice Antonin Scalia read much of his fiery dissent from the bench, seated next to Roberts. The chief justice, who looked grave for most of the morning, cracked a smile when Scalia said, testily, “We should really start calling this law SCOTUScare.” The dissenting justice argued that the Court was attempting to rescue the law by ignoring the statute’s messy contradictions that plaintiffs had argued would make millions of people ineligible for subsidies. Scalia argued that three years ago, the majority used “interpretative somersaults” to save the health care law’s individual mandate, and now it was doing the same thing to save the subsidies.

“The cases will publish forever the discouraging truth that the Supreme Court of the United States favors some laws over others, and is prepared to do whatever it takes to uphold and assist its favorites,” Scalia said.

Scalia should have railed against the pettyness of the suit tying up the Supreme Court
Well, I see that the Right is not idle. Now that are back to talking about privatizing SS.

I do think, however, that they have given up on terminating Medicare.....

How long before the Republicans show their butthurt and pass another "Repeal Obamacare" bill?
Probably as soon as the majority of Americans elect a Republican POTUS in 2016, since most Americans think the ACA is a piece of crap, and the number will grow when premiums go up next year!!!!

Do you think that they will go up as fast as they did in 1982? The reason that I ask is because my career was underwriting health insurance, and during the Carter years, i was rating in an annual health insurance premium inflation charge of 22%.....
Another loss for conservatives trying to take away peoples healthcare

So basically if a law is big enough, and poorly written enough, it can't be overturned no matter how much the court realizes the wording was explicit to the States?

From the decision:

If the statutory language is plain, the Court must enforce it according to its terms. But oftentimes the meaning—or ambiguity—of certain words or phrases may only become evident when placed in context. So when deciding whether the language is plain, the Court must read the words “in their context and with a view to their place in the overall statutory scheme.”

So basically the Chief Justice stretched as much as he could to save the law, even though he knows they screwed up on the language.

Why do conservatives struggle so much with context?

Why do progressive struggle so much with being able to competently write laws?

How do they struggle trying to explain their righteousness... When they don't care if laws are broken to push their agenda?

What laws does this decision break?
As I said previously, if you chose to not have healthcare insurance, those of us who do, will be stuck with the added cost of your unexpected ER visit after a car crash.

So those who oppose Obamacare on political grounds...are actually targeted for that, or the risk they pose.

Futhermore...when you are brought to the ER unconscious, without insurance, you better have $50,000-$300,000 lying around, to keep yourself out of the bad credit world.

No other modern nation treats healthcare as something only for those who can afford it
Our founders once wrote about "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness" now it only seems to apply to those who can afford it

True. And, only two countries do not have substantial maternity leave - the US and Papua New Guinea.

Shameful that R's care so little about the American family.
Shameful that so many D's care so little about their own family that they refuse to provide for them.

I not only provide for my family but I am willing to provide for those who are not in as good a position for healthcare as I am

Republicans have a position of....I got mine, fuck everyone else
Maybe there should be a place to donate so lazy POS can get more free stuff.
personally, I work to better my family, F the lazy bastard that does nothing to help himself.

Healthcare is a human is not "free stuff"

<why are all posters with "Patriot" in their screen name such assholes?>

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