Supreme Court upholds Obamacare subsidies

This is what happens when a dictator threatens the lives of the justices.
This is what you type...when youre mentally ill.
Mentally ill and eating sour grapes.
And the millions and millions of hours and taxpayer money spent by the white christian party to try to overturn it.
Another freedom taken by the Obama administration.
which freedom is that?
Forcing someone to buy something isn't freedom.
But you think denying healthcare to the poor is freedom?
You think forcing the poor to pay for something and if they cannot afford it. Make them pay a fine, because they couldn't afford it. Is okay? Why do you hate the poor?
But forcing a poor woman to have a child she can't afford, is con freedom. Why do cons hate the poor and women?
No other modern nation treats healthcare as something only for those who can afford it
Our founders once wrote about "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness" now it only seems to apply to those who can afford it

True. And, only two countries do not have substantial maternity leave - the US and Papua New Guinea.

Shameful that R's care so little about the American family.
Shameful that so many D's care so little about their own family that they refuse to provide for them.

I not only provide for my family but I am willing to provide for those who are not in as good a position for healthcare as I am

Republicans have a position of....I got mine, fuck everyone else
Maybe there should be a place to donate so lazy POS can get more free stuff.
personally, I work to better my family, F the lazy bastard that does nothing to help himself.

Healthcare is a human is not "free stuff"

Yes, it's "free stuff", when someone else pays for it. DUH!
He can add nationwide samesex marriage early next week
The court wants to go out on a high note

Yes, I am suspecting that it will be a majority decision for SSM.

And then the Right will be seeing black helicopters everywhere.
I can't see Scalia and Thomas backing SSM. And Alito is questionable, imo.

But I can see Kennedy supporting it.

It will be at least a 5-4 decision, if not a 6-3 decision.

I doubt it will be a 7-2 decision.

On CNN it is being argued that Robert's decision is actually a very Conservative decision.

I think Roberts understands the inevitability of SSM in this country. It is his court and he will want to go down in history as supporting it

Scalia, Thomas and Alito are lost causes
I think Roberts opinion reflects the feelings of most Americans regardless of whether they supported the passage of the ACA or not.

"Congress passed the Affordable Care Act to improve health insurance markets, not to destroy them," Roberts wrote in the majority opinion. "If at all possible, we must interpret the Act in a way that is consistent with the former, and avoids the latter."

I'm just thankful for the ruling. If the court had gone the other way, many Americans would have lost their insurance including a member of my family.

A member of my family as well.

I just saw a poll reported that said only 25% want ObamaCare gone.

No way the Rs can take health insurance away from Americans now.
No other modern nation treats healthcare as something only for those who can afford it
Our founders once wrote about "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness" now it only seems to apply to those who can afford it

True. And, only two countries do not have substantial maternity leave - the US and Papua New Guinea.

Shameful that R's care so little about the American family.
Shameful that so many D's care so little about their own family that they refuse to provide for them.

I not only provide for my family but I am willing to provide for those who are not in as good a position for healthcare as I am

Republicans have a position of....I got mine, fuck everyone else
Maybe there should be a place to donate so lazy POS can get more free stuff.
personally, I work to better my family, F the lazy bastard that does nothing to help himself.

Healthcare is a human is not "free stuff"

Explains the people that signed up for Obamacare. Got subsidies and never paid their premiums.
Another freedom taken by the Obama administration.
which freedom is that?
Forcing someone to buy something isn't freedom.
Nobody is being forced to buy something, if you chose to oppose Obama by not buying insurance, and causing people like me to pay for your unexpected ER visit after a car accident, you can pay at tax time.

Put your money where your ideology du jour is
Right if you cannot afford the insurance, fine the poor. Tax them poor people even more.

Last I checked, the poor were getting health care before Obamacare.

...and you were paying for it through fed and state subsidies, as well as a $20 charge for an aspirin by your hospital to cover free care to the indigent, which was passed on to your employer's health insurance costs, who, in turn, outsourced your job to Mexico, were that sort of nonsense did not happen.
Well, I see that the Right is not idle. Now that are back to talking about privatizing SS.

I do think, however, that they have given up on terminating Medicare.....

How long before the Republicans show their butthurt and pass another "Repeal Obamacare" bill?
Probably as soon as the majority of Americans elect a Republican POTUS in 2016, since most Americans think the ACA is a piece of crap, and the number will grow when premiums go up next year!!!!

Do you think that they will go up as fast as they did in 1982? The reason that I ask is because my career was underwriting health insurance, and during the Carter years, i was rating in an annual health insurance premium inflation charge of 22%.....

If you check online, some plans are projecting up to a 30% increase, and you can still have a deductible that can have you paying thousands before the insurance even kicks in....

Look at it like a McSwaggart... You get to pay for it, and watch while somebody else eats it!!!!:badgrin:
Damn it.

I'm back on death row.

Are you old or terminally ill?

If so, nice know'in ya!!
Speaking of. They are voting on death panels too pretty soon at the state level.

Don't worry! Sarah will save you!

I pay for my own healthcare. I'm not worried.

Then you must not need health care. As a health insurance underwriter, it was my job to decline application from anyone for health care who was ill, or pregnant.
Another freedom taken by the Obama administration.
which freedom is that?
Forcing someone to buy something isn't freedom.
Nobody is being forced to buy something, if you chose to oppose Obama by not buying insurance, and causing people like me to pay for your unexpected ER visit after a car accident, you can pay at tax time.

Put your money where your ideology du jour is
Right if you cannot afford the insurance, fine the poor. Tax them poor people even more.

Actually, of course, its the other way around.

No excuse for poor and working class Americans to go without health care just because the R in the hip pocket of the Big Insurance and Big Pharma.
Another loss for conservatives trying to take away peoples healthcare.

Ahahaha you fools still don't get it, the passing of Obamacare was a major victory for conservatives. Its the gift that just keeps on giving spewing liberal failure like a fire hydrant. I love that. Look what it did to the Democratic party, it demolished it. What's not to love. Obamacare will eventually fail, in the mean time the more Democrats it destroys the better! :eusa_dance:
They have been saying that about Social Security for eighty years. Any day now Social Security will end.

Ah, deflection.
Deflection is a new word for you, huh. You use it like you use "victory for conservatives" on Obamacare. Sophomoric.
Damn it.

I'm back on death row.

Are you old or terminally ill?

If so, nice know'in ya!!
Speaking of. They are voting on death panels too pretty soon at the state level.

Don't worry! Sarah will save you!

I pay for my own healthcare. I'm not worried.

Then you must not need health care. As a health insurance underwriter, it was my job to decline application from anyone for health care who was ill, or pregnant.
I agree with denying for pre existing. I cant wait till I have an accident before I buy car insurance. Why should someone else get to do it with health insurance.

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