Supreme Court upholds Obamacare subsidies

But forcing a poor woman to have a child she can't afford, is con freedom. Why do cons hate the poor and women?
Did I force her to have sex? I didn't demand her to have sex, but you want to demand me buy health insurance. Nice try, you fail again.
Now THAT'S deflection. You're still trying to force a poor woman to have a child she can't afford. You don't even know the meaning of the word fail...look in the mirror.
You dumb shit, I raised a son on my own. Couldn't really afford it, but we got by anyway.
Another adolescent response, because your hypocrisy was exposed. You lose.
What I proved you wrong, I came up with the money to raise my son. Anyone can, I guess if you're not a liberal.
Again, raising your son has nothing to do with the fact that cons try to force poor women to have children they can't afford. You are only trying to deflect attention from the fact that cons are fascists.
Another loss for conservatives trying to take away peoples healthcare

So basically if a law is big enough, and poorly written enough, it can't be overturned no matter how much the court realizes the wording was explicit to the States?

Four words

A petty attempt by Republicans to hurt Americans just so they can destroy Obamacare

How about the people who write a law pay attention when doing it?
How about cons quit obstructing so that it gets written correctly?

Elections mean things.

And when Republicans win elections we (The People) get mean things.
This is what happens when a dictator threatens the lives of the justices.

^^^This^^^ is what happens when people have sex with their siblings.

Dear God, you are an absurd piece of shit. Are you trying to get people to register Democrat or something? You're not worthy of being a conservative.
So basically what we have been told is any bill that becomes law no matter how badly written or worded does not have to be obeyed and that going forward ANY future President can change a law to suit has and his parties agenda. Everyone regardless of party affiliation should really take some time sit back and think about this.

It is simply a declaration that we are not a nation of law.

Legislated and codified law is no more than Kabuki theater to placate the masses. We are in fact a dictatorship where the word of our rulers is law. Roberts didn't just piss on the law, he pissed on the concept that as a nation we be ruled by law.
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Another loss for conservatives trying to take away peoples healthcare


The republicans caused their own misery and once again the supreme court has to bail their butts out.

I wish the republicans would stop all these games and just let people be and have health insurance.

When the bush boy instituted his drug prescription program the democrats didn't do anything to harm it or anything to keep it from being implemented. Not so with republicans. They have been waging a war on the ACA since day one and they won't stop until they're forced to stop.

What's next from them?

I have this vision of a pond of quicksand. The GOP has already disappeared under it, so all you can see is a flag sticking out of it, waving franticly, which reads, "We will NEVER surrender!"

Lily Ledbetter act - a DEM win
Auto Bailout - a DEM win
ACA - a DEM win
Got Osama bin Ladin - an AMERICAN win under a DEM president
ending DADT/gays in the military - a DEM win
Indian Trade Pact - a DEM win.
Renegotiated STARK treaty with Russia - a DEM win
Pacific Trade Agreement - a DEM win.

President Obama will indeed be able to claim that the vast majority of what he wanted to push through the US Congress indeed came to pass.

His record of successes will be greater than either Reagan's or Eisenhower's.

Congratulations, Mr. President.

He can add nationwide samesex marriage early next week
The court wants to go out on a high note

Yes, I am suspecting that it will be a majority decision for SSM.

And then the Right will be seeing black helicopters everywhere.
I can't see Scalia and Thomas backing SSM. And Alito is questionable, imo.

They will come to the right decision, that you can't force a State to change its marriage contract, but you can force them to recognize marriage contracts from other States.
Another loss for conservatives trying to take away peoples healthcare

So basically if a law is big enough, and poorly written enough, it can't be overturned no matter how much the court realizes the wording was explicit to the States?

Four words

A petty attempt by Republicans to hurt Americans just so they can destroy Obamacare

How about the people who write a law pay attention when doing it?
How about cons quit obstructing so that it gets written correctly?

Elections mean things.
...and obstruction is the con ideology.
As much as I would love to sit here and poke monkeys through a cage with a stick, I have to go to work where I volunteer.

Chin up, Rightees! Maybe you can take away abortion rights instead!
Another loss for conservatives trying to take away peoples healthcare

So basically if a law is big enough, and poorly written enough, it can't be overturned no matter how much the court realizes the wording was explicit to the States?

From the decision:

If the statutory language is plain, the Court must enforce it according to its terms. But oftentimes the meaning—or ambiguity—of certain words or phrases may only become evident when placed in context. So when deciding whether the language is plain, the Court must read the words “in their context and with a view to their place in the overall statutory scheme.”

So basically the Chief Justice stretched as much as he could to save the law, even though he knows they screwed up on the language.

Why do conservatives struggle so much with context?

Why do progressive struggle so much with being able to competently write laws?

They did.

The only reason this is a problem is because the supreme court ruled a few years ago that the states didn't have to join the exchanges if they didn't want to. So something like 34 states didn't join.

If the supreme court had not ruled that way all the states would have an exchange. Thank goodness 2 of those 5 came to their senses and overruled the 3 who are still trying to do all they can to destroy health care for millions of Americans.
As a "single-payer" advocate, I have mixed feelings about the resounding win for Obama....

Good ol' Scalia, however, is fuming with his dissent. (and nothing could please me more.....LOL)
How the hell do dems think we're going to pay for this monstrosity?
We'll be 20 trillion in debt by the time obama leaves office as it is.
Taxes are going to sky rocket for the middle class making it even more difficult to pay the ridiculous out of pocket expenses for medical care.
I expect a shitload of people to renounce their citizenship in the coming years and getting the fuck out of here with some of their savings intact.
I know I'm going to be one of them.
Hey each and everyone of dead from the neck up ConJobs, RePugs and TeaHadists.


You fucking lost.

You fucking lost.

You fucking lost.


Each of you want the now Millions of Americans who have Health Care to die without it, YOU FUCKING LOST!!!!!

Now, another important matter.

To all those members of this forum, all those Military/Federal Retirees who rant on and on and on and on about the evils "Government Supported Health Care".


You must also return your Federal/State/Local Retirement Money as well, you don't believe in such things. The Government has no business helping you with your retirement, you said so hundreds of times and therefore you should be among the first to be willing to put your money where you mouth is.

Also, all of you loud mouth low life Cons who bitch, whine, moan and complain about Social Security and MediCare, you should just as willing to prove how opposed you to Social Security and MediCare by NOT TAKING IT!!!!!

Time for all you bitch mouth Cons to walk the walk that you have talked about for so damn long.

Time to Give Up Your Social Security.

Time to Give Up Your MediCare.

Time to Give Up Your Military Retirement.

Time to Give Up You U.S. Tax Payer Funded Health Care.

Walk the Walk or SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!
I sure hope to hell all this negative news about ACA doesn't get back to the world's other industrialized countries! Although they have had universal health care for up to 100 years in some cases, it only exists because they don't know that it is impossible....
Yeah, and we how how some of them work.....

If Universal Health Care Is The Goal Don t Copy Canada - Forbes

Ok, I get it. having no health care at all is better than having health care with a 30% premium increase. Sounds like you could give economic lessons to Brownback!
Actually, having health insurance with such high deductibles that you can't afford them is like having no insurance at all, since you can't afford to go to the doctor.... And you get to pay the premiums anyway!!!!

Well, then, I guess whether ACA exists or not, makes no difference, does it?
I have zero deuductable right now. I would prefer watch someone that is not a contribution to society die than to see one of my family members die because of a suddenly high deductible.
As much as the left seems to love Darwin, I just dont understand why the keep trying to alter the normal course of survival of the fittest

Then you would have been in hog's heaven if you had had my job! My underwriting decisions over 50 years resulted in thousands of deaths.

Maryland Patriot is one very sick puppy.
Does a belief in have self responsibility make one sick?
I think sick is being a lazy bastard that expects everyone else to pay your way through life.
Another loss for conservatives trying to take away peoples healthcare

So basically if a law is big enough, and poorly written enough, it can't be overturned no matter how much the court realizes the wording was explicit to the States?

From the decision:

If the statutory language is plain, the Court must enforce it according to its terms. But oftentimes the meaning—or ambiguity—of certain words or phrases may only become evident when placed in context. So when deciding whether the language is plain, the Court must read the words “in their context and with a view to their place in the overall statutory scheme.”

So basically the Chief Justice stretched as much as he could to save the law, even though he knows they screwed up on the language.

Why do conservatives struggle so much with context?

Why do progressive struggle so much with being able to competently write laws?

They did.

The only reason this is a problem is because the supreme court ruled a few years ago that the states didn't have to join the exchanges if they didn't want to. So something like 34 states didn't join.

If the supreme court had not ruled that way all the states would have an exchange. Thank goodness 2 of those 5 came to their senses and overruled the 3 who are still trying to do all they can to destroy health care for millions of Americans.

So basically "F&&k the law, F&%k having to write a law right, and elections only mean something when progressive win them.

A pox on all your houses.
So basically what we have been told is any bill that becomes law no matter how badly written or worded does not have to be obeyed and that going forward ANY future President can change a law to suit has and his parties agenda. Everyone regardless of party affiliation should really take some time sit back and think about this.

It is simply a declaration that we are not a nation of law.

Legislated and codified law is no more the Kabuki theater to placate the masses. We are in fact a dictatorship where the word of our rulers is law. Roberts didn't just piss on the law, he pissed on the concept that as a nation we be ruled by law.

I bet you found Saclia's opinion worthy in Heller and didn't whine and cry when he went on and on and on to square a circle.


please apply Vicks into each nostril, the smell of bullshit will rise as you open the link to Scalia's written words.

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