Supreme Court upholds Obamacare subsidies

You think forcing the poor to pay for something and if they cannot afford it. Make them pay a fine, because they couldn't afford it. Is okay? Why do you hate the poor?
But forcing a poor woman to have a child she can't afford, is con freedom. Why do cons hate the poor and women?
Did I force her to have sex? I didn't demand her to have sex, but you want to demand me buy health insurance. Nice try, you fail again.
Now THAT'S deflection. You're still trying to force a poor woman to have a child she can't afford. You don't even know the meaning of the word fail...look in the mirror.
You dumb shit, I raised a son on my own. Couldn't really afford it, but we got by anyway.
Another adolescent response, because your hypocrisy was exposed. You lose.
What I proved you wrong, I came up with the money to raise my son. Anyone can, I guess if you're not a liberal.
Actually, all the polls show that more Americans are against Obamacare than support it (and even the one that is close includes the possibility of changes when considering support) .... And the number is likely to grow when premiums increase by the projected 25-30% next year.

Face it, the Democrats own an unpopular program now, and the Republicans have a stronger platform to run on!!!!!

It's possible the SCOTU just gave the Presidency to the Republicans in 2016.....:banana:

The GOP is not serious about overturning Obamacare.

If Jeb gets elected he will just put more "conservative" on the bench like Roberts.
The GOP isn't serious about overturning Obamacare because they know it's just not possible. Prior 2017 it would require an override of a presidential veto plus a new healthcare plan that congress could agree on. In 2017, there will be approximately 35 million people under Obamacare. The insurance companies and most of the medical establishment would fight against any system that would result in a reduction of number insured which means any new plan would look quite a bit like Obamacare.

The Kaiser Health Tracking poll reports that 43% have a favorable view of the Affordable Care Act and 42% have an unfavorable view -- the first time the law has been in positive territory since November of 2012. With SCOTUS latest ruling supporting the law, public support should continue to improve.

Republicans need to move on. They're beating a dead horse.

Kaiser Health Tracking Poll April 2015 The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation

RealClear says Kaiser is full of shit.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Public Approval of Health Care Law
So basically what we have been told is any bill that becomes law no matter how badly written or worded does not have to be obeyed and that going forward ANY future President can change a law to suit has and his parties agenda. Everyone regardless of party affiliation should really take some time sit back and think about this.
Exactly that. At this point the actual wording of a law has taken second place to popular whim.
Another loss for conservatives trying to take away peoples healthcare

So basically if a law is big enough, and poorly written enough, it can't be overturned no matter how much the court realizes the wording was explicit to the States?

The issue was the right's unwarranted hostility toward the president, having little to do with the merits of the case.
Probably as soon as the majority of Americans elect a Republican POTUS in 2016, since most Americans think the ACA is a piece of crap, and the number will grow when premiums go up next year!!!!

Do you think that they will go up as fast as they did in 1982? The reason that I ask is because my career was underwriting health insurance, and during the Carter years, i was rating in an annual health insurance premium inflation charge of 22%.....

If you check online, some plans are projecting up to a 30% increase, and you can still have a deductible that can have you paying thousands before the insurance even kicks in....

Look at it like a McSwaggart... You get to pay for it, and watch while somebody else eats it!!!!:badgrin:

Ok, I get it. having no health care at all is better than having health care with a 30% premium increase. Sounds like you could give economic lessons to Brownback!
Actually, having health insurance with such high deductibles that you can't afford them is like having no insurance at all, since you can't afford to go to the doctor.... And you get to pay the premiums anyway!!!!

Well, then, I guess whether ACA exists or not, makes no difference, does it?
I have zero deuductable right now. I would prefer watch someone that is not a contribution to society die than to see one of my family members die because of a suddenly high deductible.
As much as the left seems to love Darwin, I just dont understand why the keep trying to alter the normal course of survival of the fittest
OK conservatives

You have had five years...When are you going to unveil your plan on what you would replace Obamacare with?
Do you think that they will go up as fast as they did in 1982? The reason that I ask is because my career was underwriting health insurance, and during the Carter years, i was rating in an annual health insurance premium inflation charge of 22%.....

If you check online, some plans are projecting up to a 30% increase, and you can still have a deductible that can have you paying thousands before the insurance even kicks in....

Look at it like a McSwaggart... You get to pay for it, and watch while somebody else eats it!!!!:badgrin:

Ok, I get it. having no health care at all is better than having health care with a 30% premium increase. Sounds like you could give economic lessons to Brownback!
Actually, having health insurance with such high deductibles that you can't afford them is like having no insurance at all, since you can't afford to go to the doctor.... And you get to pay the premiums anyway!!!!

Well, then, I guess whether ACA exists or not, makes no difference, does it?
I have zero deuductable right now. I would prefer watch someone that is not a contribution to society die than to see one of my family members die because of a suddenly high deductible.
As much as the left seems to love Darwin, I just dont understand why the keep trying to alter the normal course of survival of the fittest

<Why are those with "Patriot" in their names such assholes?>
Do you think that they will go up as fast as they did in 1982? The reason that I ask is because my career was underwriting health insurance, and during the Carter years, i was rating in an annual health insurance premium inflation charge of 22%.....

If you check online, some plans are projecting up to a 30% increase, and you can still have a deductible that can have you paying thousands before the insurance even kicks in....

Look at it like a McSwaggart... You get to pay for it, and watch while somebody else eats it!!!!:badgrin:

Ok, I get it. having no health care at all is better than having health care with a 30% premium increase. Sounds like you could give economic lessons to Brownback!
Actually, having health insurance with such high deductibles that you can't afford them is like having no insurance at all, since you can't afford to go to the doctor.... And you get to pay the premiums anyway!!!!
Cons have such lame arguments. The Premiums are paid by the government if the poor can't pay them....and it's much cheaper than paying the hospital bills.
And the government gets the money from where?????
The stupid is strong in this one.
Same place it gets $700 billion a year for the war contractors. And it's a hell of a lot less to care for Americans than to kill Iraqi's. In fact, if all the money GIVEN to Iraq and Afghanistan was used for healthcare for AMERICANS, it would pay for Obamacare for a hundred years.
Why don't the rightwinger pray for it to go away , or maybe they didn't pray hard enough!! What will be their excuse with gay marriage? :boohoo:
What is gay marriage going to cost me?
Dont most gays support themselves rather nicely?
Save the gays, kill the leaches
I sure hope to hell all this negative news about ACA doesn't get back to the world's other industrialized countries! Although they have had universal health care for up to 100 years in some cases, it only exists because they don't know that it is impossible....
Yeah, and we how how some of them work.....

If Universal Health Care Is The Goal Don t Copy Canada - Forbes

Do you think that they will go up as fast as they did in 1982? The reason that I ask is because my career was underwriting health insurance, and during the Carter years, i was rating in an annual health insurance premium inflation charge of 22%.....

If you check online, some plans are projecting up to a 30% increase, and you can still have a deductible that can have you paying thousands before the insurance even kicks in....

Look at it like a McSwaggart... You get to pay for it, and watch while somebody else eats it!!!!:badgrin:

Ok, I get it. having no health care at all is better than having health care with a 30% premium increase. Sounds like you could give economic lessons to Brownback!
Actually, having health insurance with such high deductibles that you can't afford them is like having no insurance at all, since you can't afford to go to the doctor.... And you get to pay the premiums anyway!!!!

Well, then, I guess whether ACA exists or not, makes no difference, does it?
I have zero deuductable right now. I would prefer watch someone that is not a contribution to society die than to see one of my family members die because of a suddenly high deductible.
As much as the left seems to love Darwin, I just dont understand why the keep trying to alter the normal course of survival of the fittest

Then you would have been in hog's heaven if you had had my job! My underwriting decisions over 50 years resulted in thousands of deaths.
What an utterly absurd Ruling.

Roberts has utter contempt for the rule of law.

“The court’s decision reflects the philosophy that judges should endure whatever interpretive distortions it takes in order to correct a supposed flaw in the statutory machinery,” he wrote.

“It is up to Congress to design its laws with care,” he added, “and it is up to the people to hold them to account if they fail to carry out that responsibility.”

Justice Scalia announced his dissent from the bench, a sign of bitter disagreement. His summary was laced with notes of incredulity and sarcasm, which sometimes drawing amused murmurs in the courtroom as he described the “interpretive somersaults” he said the majority had performed to reach the decision.
“We really should start calling this law Scotus-care,” Justice Scalia said, to laughter from the audience.}

We are not a nation of law, we are a nation of rulers.
But forcing a poor woman to have a child she can't afford, is con freedom. Why do cons hate the poor and women?
Did I force her to have sex? I didn't demand her to have sex, but you want to demand me buy health insurance. Nice try, you fail again.
Now THAT'S deflection. You're still trying to force a poor woman to have a child she can't afford. You don't even know the meaning of the word fail...look in the mirror.
You dumb shit, I raised a son on my own. Couldn't really afford it, but we got by anyway.

Well, presumably, you have about 1 and 1/2 million dollars in spare change, because that was the final bill for my wife's first husbands leukemia before he died at age 54.
What does that have to do with me raising my son?
What does raising your son have to do with cons saying that Obamacare isn't freedom, yet they try to force poor women to have children they can't afford? You just keep digging that hole, don't you.
I sure hope to hell all this negative news about ACA doesn't get back to the world's other industrialized countries! Although they have had universal health care for up to 100 years in some cases, it only exists because they don't know that it is impossible....
Yeah, and we how how some of them work.....

If Universal Health Care Is The Goal Don t Copy Canada - Forbes

If you check online, some plans are projecting up to a 30% increase, and you can still have a deductible that can have you paying thousands before the insurance even kicks in....

Look at it like a McSwaggart... You get to pay for it, and watch while somebody else eats it!!!!:badgrin:

Ok, I get it. having no health care at all is better than having health care with a 30% premium increase. Sounds like you could give economic lessons to Brownback!
Actually, having health insurance with such high deductibles that you can't afford them is like having no insurance at all, since you can't afford to go to the doctor.... And you get to pay the premiums anyway!!!!

Well, then, I guess whether ACA exists or not, makes no difference, does it?
I have zero deuductable right now. I would prefer watch someone that is not a contribution to society die than to see one of my family members die because of a suddenly high deductible.
As much as the left seems to love Darwin, I just dont understand why the keep trying to alter the normal course of survival of the fittest

Then you would have been in hog's heaven if you had had my job! My underwriting decisions over 50 years resulted in thousands of deaths.

Maryland Patriot is one very sick puppy.
Another loss for conservatives trying to take away peoples healthcare


The republicans caused their own misery and once again the supreme court has to bail their butts out.

I wish the republicans would stop all these games and just let people be and have health insurance.

When the bush boy instituted his drug prescription program the democrats didn't do anything to harm it or anything to keep it from being implemented. Not so with republicans. They have been waging a war on the ACA since day one and they won't stop until they're forced to stop.

What's next from them?
Another loss for conservatives trying to take away peoples healthcare

So basically if a law is big enough, and poorly written enough, it can't be overturned no matter how much the court realizes the wording was explicit to the States?

Four words

A petty attempt by Republicans to hurt Americans just so they can destroy Obamacare

How about the people who write a law pay attention when doing it?
How about cons quit obstructing so that it gets written correctly?

Elections mean things.

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