Supreme Court upholds Obamacare subsidies

The ONLY thing standing between Patriots and our taking back the White House from the scum of the earth dimocrap party was the SCOTUS ruling to strike down the ACA.

It would have KILLED us.

Now, we have a clear path. There is little dividing the Party.

Trying to get a new Health Care Law would have split the Party apart. It would have ruined us for decades...... Maybe forever.

I know you don't see it now but, trust me. I'm right

I usually am
Your mommy needs to change your diaper now.
So basically if a law is big enough, and poorly written enough, it can't be overturned no matter how much the court realizes the wording was explicit to the States?

From the decision:

If the statutory language is plain, the Court must enforce it according to its terms. But oftentimes the meaning—or ambiguity—of certain words or phrases may only become evident when placed in context. So when deciding whether the language is plain, the Court must read the words “in their context and with a view to their place in the overall statutory scheme.”

So basically the Chief Justice stretched as much as he could to save the law, even though he knows they screwed up on the language.

Why do conservatives struggle so much with context?

Why do progressive struggle so much with being able to competently write laws?

They did.

The only reason this is a problem is because the supreme court ruled a few years ago that the states didn't have to join the exchanges if they didn't want to. So something like 34 states didn't join.

If the supreme court had not ruled that way all the states would have an exchange. Thank goodness 2 of those 5 came to their senses and overruled the 3 who are still trying to do all they can to destroy health care for millions of Americans.

So basically "F&&k the law, F&%k having to write a law right, and elections only mean something when progressive win them.

A pox on all your houses.

Basicaly, they said the law is clear enough as it is written

Only those who take each phrase literally (in other words CONSERVATIVES) without regard to the context would have trouble interpreting the law
I bet you found Saclia's opinion worthy in Heller and didn't whine and cry when he went on and on and on to square a circle.


please apply Vicks into each nostril, the smell of bullshit will rise as you open the link to Scalia's written words.

You don't seem to grasp basic concepts.

Roberts openly declared that law is irrelevant,

“Congress passed the Affordable Care Act to improve health insurance markets, not to destroy them,” Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. wrote for the majority.

Roberts openly stated that the law be damned - he promotes the social agenda and does not uphold the law.

I expect this treason from Ginsburg and Kagan, I expect Kagan's pet monkey Sotomayor to do exactly as Kagan orders. But Roberts at one time masqueraded as one who supported the rule of law.
Ever been to the emergency room without insurance...? Thousands of dollars to just see a doctor, so basically the emergency room fines you for not having insurance and our insurance goes up.

BTW : I have cancer for the second time and one shot is $20,000, one bag of chemo $10,000 . If we were to be fair to the American people ,we would need a complete overhaul with the medical corruption of overcharging to get the necessary medical care. Many women in my situation died because they couldn't afford the treatment after losing their jobs, home, and were rejected by insurance companies. This is just wrong~

What's wrong?

The ACA is a good thing. And I'm THE most Conservative person on the Board.

It's the liberturdian morons of the imbecile wing of our party that are the loudest. Most of us have understood the necessity for an ACA for decades.

At least, I have
Why do conservatives struggle so much with context?

Why do progressive struggle so much with being able to competently write laws?

They did.

The only reason this is a problem is because the supreme court ruled a few years ago that the states didn't have to join the exchanges if they didn't want to. So something like 34 states didn't join.

If the supreme court had not ruled that way all the states would have an exchange. Thank goodness 2 of those 5 came to their senses and overruled the 3 who are still trying to do all they can to destroy health care for millions of Americans.

So basically "F&&k the law, F&%k having to write a law right, and elections only mean something when progressive win them.

A pox on all your houses.
You're crying about this almost as much as scalia

and you are celebrating on the corpse of the separation of powers that used to be in our federal government.

It seems the separation of powers has worked as intended as all three branches have weighed in on Obamacare and it is the law of the land
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Actually, all the polls show that more Americans are against Obamacare than support it (and even the one that is close includes the possibility of changes when considering support) .... And the number is likely to grow when premiums increase by the projected 25-30% next year.

Face it, the Democrats own an unpopular program now, and the Republicans have a stronger platform to run on!!!!!

It's possible the SCOTU just gave the Presidency to the Republicans in 2016.....:banana:

The GOP is not serious about overturning Obamacare.

If Jeb gets elected he will just put more "conservative" on the bench like Roberts.
The GOP isn't serious about overturning Obamacare because they know it's just not possible. Prior 2017 it would require an override of a presidential veto plus a new healthcare plan that congress could agree on. In 2017, there will be approximately 35 million people under Obamacare. The insurance companies and most of the medical establishment would fight against any system that would result in a reduction of number insured which means any new plan would look quite a bit like Obamacare.

The Kaiser Health Tracking poll reports that 43% have a favorable view of the Affordable Care Act and 42% have an unfavorable view -- the first time the law has been in positive territory since November of 2012. With SCOTUS latest ruling supporting the law, public support should continue to improve.

Republicans need to move on. They're beating a dead horse.

Kaiser Health Tracking Poll April 2015 The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation

RealClear says Kaiser is full of shit.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Public Approval of Health Care Law
If you take the time to look at those polls, you will see not only a difference in questions asked but also who they asked, registered voters versus the general public as well as the age groups. The 18 point swing between the polls are a clear indication that they are not on the same page. This shouldn't be surprising since Real Clear Politics is run by conservatives and their leaning is definitely to the right.
Conservatives are all Butthurt-nistas now !!

Not me. I have been for the ACA all along. And I don't even need or use it.

I am a retired Insurance Agency Owner. I understand Insurance. We NEED the ACA or something like it.

Plus the fact, the SCOTUS did Republicans a HUGE favor.

Can you imagine the clusterfuck it would be trying to get the liiberturdian-scum wing of our party on board to pass a Health Care Law or to try and fix the ACA?

It would have destroyed us. liberturdians are some primitive fuckwads. I doubt they understand much in the way of modernity. Most of them are stuck in the 18th Century

Now? Now we are unstoppable. Our only roadblock to the White House has been removed. Thanks SCOTUS.

Thank you very much
You're diagonally parked in a parallel universe.
Hey each and everyone of dead from the neck up ConJobs, RePugs and TeaHadists.


You fucking lost.

You fucking lost.

You fucking lost.


Each of you want the now Millions of Americans who have Health Care to die without it, YOU FUCKING LOST!!!!!

Now, another important matter.

To all those members of this forum, all those Military/Federal Retirees who rant on and on and on and on about the evils "Government Supported Health Care".


You must also return your Federal/State/Local Retirement Money as well, you don't believe in such things. The Government has no business helping you with your retirement, you said so hundreds of times and therefore you should be among the first to be willing to put your money where you mouth is.

Also, all of you loud mouth low life Cons who bitch, whine, moan and complain about Social Security and MediCare, you should just as willing to prove how opposed you to Social Security and MediCare by NOT TAKING IT!!!!!

Time for all you bitch mouth Cons to walk the walk that you have talked about for so damn long.

Time to Give Up Your Social Security.

Time to Give Up Your MediCare.

Time to Give Up Your Military Retirement.

Time to Give Up You U.S. Tax Payer Funded Health Care.

Walk the Walk or SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!
For Christ sake... take your fucking medication before the men in white coats put your straight jacket back on.
Actually, all the polls show that more Americans are against Obamacare than support it (and even the one that is close includes the possibility of changes when considering support) .... And the number is likely to grow when premiums increase by the projected 25-30% next year.

Face it, the Democrats own an unpopular program now, and the Republicans have a stronger platform to run on!!!!!

It's possible the SCOTU just gave the Presidency to the Republicans in 2016.....:banana:

The GOP is not serious about overturning Obamacare.

If Jeb gets elected he will just put more "conservative" on the bench like Roberts.
The GOP isn't serious about overturning Obamacare because they know it's just not possible. Prior 2017 it would require an override of a presidential veto plus a new healthcare plan that congress could agree on. In 2017, there will be approximately 35 million people under Obamacare. The insurance companies and most of the medical establishment would fight against any system that would result in a reduction of number insured which means any new plan would look quite a bit like Obamacare.

The Kaiser Health Tracking poll reports that 43% have a favorable view of the Affordable Care Act and 42% have an unfavorable view -- the first time the law has been in positive territory since November of 2012. With SCOTUS latest ruling supporting the law, public support should continue to improve.

Republicans need to move on. They're beating a dead horse.

Kaiser Health Tracking Poll April 2015 The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation

RealClear says Kaiser is full of shit.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Public Approval of Health Care Law
If you take the time to look at those polls, you will see not only a difference in questions asked but also who they asked, registered voters versus the general public as well as the age groups. The 18 point swing between the polls are a clear indication that they are not on the same page. This shouldn't be surprising since Real Clear Politics is run by conservatives and their leaning is definitely to the right.

Or maybe kaiser is wrong.....good grief
Oh my God did that hurt it was about ye long

That's code for 'Clarence Thomas agrees with me."
And you were happy when the con SCOTUS ruled that money is free speech, and corporations are people. Remember, it was your hero that appointed Roberts for life.

Again moron, ruling on issues of law is legitimate judicial review - openly declaring that the law is irrelevant because the need for social reform is great is the end of the Republic.

Roberts openly stated that law has no meaning.

{Chief Justice Roberts wrote that the words must be understood as part of a larger statutory plan. “In this instance,” he wrote, “the context and structure of the act compel us to depart from what would otherwise be the most natural reading of the pertinent statutory phrase.”}

Roberts pissed on the very foundational concept that the law should govern this nation. What the law says has no impact on Roberts and his fellow traitors - only the goals of the rulers who seek to implement social programs.

Roberts declared we are in fact a dictatorship.
The left loons breath a sigh of relief now that the taxpayers will continue to support them.
SCOTUScare will implode. There is no way this side of reality that it's sustainable. SCOTUScare as well as the economy is quickly drawing to a catastrophic implosion. You see articles written on it more and more by the day. So SCOTUScare doesn't stand a chance, our economy doesn't stand a chance. We are a train wreck in motion, and virtually nothing can stop it at this point, and you can blame it all on our government, ALL of them, dems and repubs. When it comes to their greed and level of corruption there's not a pubic hairs difference between them.

So hang on to your hat... the ride is about to get rough... and I hope and pray that all these filthy little shit stain progtards never buy a gun or stock up on food or anything of the sort. I hope they all continue to think that unicorns are shitting rainbows out their ass and everything is beautiful forever in their land of commie utopia, because then they'll all be the first to perish. What a wonderful thought.

You guys have been making these lame "trainwreck" predictions for six years

The economy didn't implode, people did not lose their jobs, the Government did not take over healthcare, there are no Death Panels

Ten million people now have insurance that didn't have it before
Did I force her to have sex? I didn't demand her to have sex, but you want to demand me buy health insurance. Nice try, you fail again.
Now THAT'S deflection. You're still trying to force a poor woman to have a child she can't afford. You don't even know the meaning of the word fail...look in the mirror.
You dumb shit, I raised a son on my own. Couldn't really afford it, but we got by anyway.

Well, presumably, you have about 1 and 1/2 million dollars in spare change, because that was the final bill for my wife's first husbands leukemia before he died at age 54.
What does that have to do with me raising my son?
What does raising your son have to do with cons saying that Obamacare isn't freedom, yet they try to force poor women to have children they can't afford? You just keep digging that hole, don't you.
Women shouldn't get pregnant then. Called personal responsibility.
Why do conservatives struggle so much with context?

Why do progressive struggle so much with being able to competently write laws?

They did.

The only reason this is a problem is because the supreme court ruled a few years ago that the states didn't have to join the exchanges if they didn't want to. So something like 34 states didn't join.

If the supreme court had not ruled that way all the states would have an exchange. Thank goodness 2 of those 5 came to their senses and overruled the 3 who are still trying to do all they can to destroy health care for millions of Americans.

So basically "F&&k the law, F&%k having to write a law right, and elections only mean something when progressive win them.

A pox on all your houses.
You're crying about this almost as much as scalia

and you are celebrating on the corpse of the separation of powers that used to be in our federal government.
No. This narrow ruling is not unusual. Neither is conservative butt-hurt
Did I force her to have sex? I didn't demand her to have sex, but you want to demand me buy health insurance. Nice try, you fail again.
Now THAT'S deflection. You're still trying to force a poor woman to have a child she can't afford. You don't even know the meaning of the word fail...look in the mirror.
You dumb shit, I raised a son on my own. Couldn't really afford it, but we got by anyway.
Another adolescent response, because your hypocrisy was exposed. You lose.
What I proved you wrong, I came up with the money to raise my son. Anyone can, I guess if you're not a liberal.
Again, raising your son has nothing to do with the fact that cons try to force poor women to have children they can't afford. You are only trying to deflect attention from the fact that cons are fascists.
Actually we are trying to save a life.
Now THAT'S deflection. You're still trying to force a poor woman to have a child she can't afford. You don't even know the meaning of the word fail...look in the mirror.
You dumb shit, I raised a son on my own. Couldn't really afford it, but we got by anyway.

Well, presumably, you have about 1 and 1/2 million dollars in spare change, because that was the final bill for my wife's first husbands leukemia before he died at age 54.
What does that have to do with me raising my son?
What does raising your son have to do with cons saying that Obamacare isn't freedom, yet they try to force poor women to have children they can't afford? You just keep digging that hole, don't you.
Women shouldn't get pregnant then. Called personal responsibility.

Personal responsibility is a foreign concept to a leftist.

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