Supreme Court upholds Obamacare subsidies

Another loss for conservatives trying to take away peoples healthcare


No, it's a huge loss for our constitution. SCOTUS legislated from the bench by upholding a provision of the Obamacare law that never existed in the first place. No wording in the law allowed for this, but the judges opted to create law instead of deciding on the facts.

It's not about taking anything from these people who illegally got subsidies. They got something for nothing because others were robbed. It's about the Obamacare law taking from other people, not only against their will, but against the healthcare law as it was written.
In this case, Bush really did do it. It's his appointee who saved Obamacare, twice.
I knew you guys were gonna turn on Roberts.

He's already got one strike with you guys

People are always saying they want Justices to rule outside of party affiliation, and when it happens, they're crucified

In this case Roberts ignored the plain language of the law, twice.

So I guess the Supreme Court instead of ruling on the law as written go off and overide it.

Yep, instead of applying law as they are sworn to do they just make shit up as they go along. The really sad part is they brazenly admit it.

Bwahaha....they're not doing their job unless they do what you want them to. This is good news for 6+ million people....GOP wants to do away with ACA and has nothing to replace it, now that's brilliant...

Again, a false premise. There is nothing NEEDED to replace it. What we need is to turn the tables and let the insurance companies compete for your dollars, just like every other non-government entity. The answer is to get the government out of the way and let the free market do what it does best.
I will stand with my GOP against ACA when they come up with an acceptable alternative.

We have had since 1994 to offer solid alternatives.

Yet . . .

A false premise, an 'alternative' to the ACA isn't necessary. Gov't getting out of the way IS an acceptable alternative.
Only the weak minded think so, Dirk. Yes, national care is an imperative in the 21st century, the free market proved inadequate and is now happily making good money off ACA, and a better way is needed. We are not going backwards, make no mistake.
When are Republicans going to admit that they LIKE Obamacare?

1. They want no part of creating their own healthcare plan. Their base does not want ANY national healthcare plan. If they write a new plan THEY are responsible

2. It is so much easier to stand on the outside and say "Obamacare sucks" and block any attempt to improve it

3. It gives them something to run on year after year. Their base never catches on to the fact that "I will repeal Obamacare" is an empty promise

4. Republicans like Obamacare so much that they are now calling it ACA

The point is that Republicans want to fight against Obamacare, but they don't want to win

The last thing Republicans wanted was to win this case and have 6 million people screaming at them right before an election. Political ads showing sick people who can no longer afford insurance because of the Republican lawsuit
Even worse, Republicans would be expected to fix the problem they created and they know they are incapable of doing that

Same thing with Medicare.......they don't like the idea that Democrats get the credit for it....but they sure like using it.

They like using it b/c they've paid into it their entire professional lives. If the gov't stepped aside and gave them their money back, to use however they saw fit, do you really think they would complain?
I will stand with my GOP against ACA when they come up with an acceptable alternative.

We have had since 1994 to offer solid alternatives.

Yet . . .

A false premise, an 'alternative' to the ACA isn't necessary. Gov't getting out of the way IS an acceptable alternative.
Only the weak minded think so, Dirk. Yes, national care is an imperative in the 21st century, the free market proved inadequate and is now happily making good money off ACA, and a better way is needed. We are not going backwards, make no mistake.

So of course let the "Gubmint" do it.
I will stand with my GOP against ACA when they come up with an acceptable alternative.

We have had since 1994 to offer solid alternatives.

Yet . . .

A false premise, an 'alternative' to the ACA isn't necessary. Gov't getting out of the way IS an acceptable alternative.
Only the weak minded think so, Dirk. Yes, national care is an imperative in the 21st century, the free market proved inadequate and is now happily making good money off ACA, and a better way is needed. We are not going backwards, make no mistake.

So of course let the "Gubmint" do it.
Oh, quit the lib'teriun nonsense.
I really don't give a shit who it might benefit, the decision, by ignoring black letter law and replacing it with opinion hurts everyone. It wasn't a simple typo, the same language was used 7 times in the bill, the courts have no authority to impose their will on any law, it's up to the legislature to fix its own screw ups.
The other thing that the left is failing to understand is that even though the Not so Supreme court ruled that obamacare fit into the confines of constitutional, it did not rule that it was a constitutional right. Therefore, if we can get Americans back into office, its very possible that it can still be done away with.
Just keep beating that dead horse. It's the only thing cons are good at. Like destroying SS for the last 85 years, still beating that dead horse too.
now, did the cons destroy SS and Medicare, or did the liberals destroy it by deciding that even those that didnt pay into it were able to get back. And how about that liberal BS with the EIC? WTF?? you dont pay anything in tax, so you get 4k back? and the rich arent paying their fair share? LOL
Keep thinking that the socialists are doing you favors if it helps you sleep at night.

SS and Medicare are destroying themselves with an assist from the Fed. As they head towards insolvency, the Fed will ignite significant inflation that is not included in the CPI used to adjust SS payments. We see this already in the huge disconnect between food costs and the official inflation rates.
That's the conspiracy of the cons, to make SS insolvent. But this is just going to be another case the SC will rule in favor of repaying the $3 trillion stolen from the fund.

Hangover, have you ever heard of Ida May Fuller? If you have, explain to me how much in SS she received after paying in what she did? SS is eating itself, and has been since its infancy.
When are Republicans going to admit that they LIKE Obamacare?

1. They want no part of creating their own healthcare plan. Their base does not want ANY national healthcare plan. If they write a new plan THEY are responsible

2. It is so much easier to stand on the outside and say "Obamacare sucks" and block any attempt to improve it

3. It gives them something to run on year after year. Their base never catches on to the fact that "I will repeal Obamacare" is an empty promise

4. Republicans like Obamacare so much that they are now calling it ACA

The point is that Republicans want to fight against Obamacare, but they don't want to win

The last thing Republicans wanted was to win this case and have 6 million people screaming at them right before an election. Political ads showing sick people who can no longer afford insurance because of the Republican lawsuit
Even worse, Republicans would be expected to fix the problem they created and they know they are incapable of doing that

Same thing with Medicare.......they don't like the idea that Democrats get the credit for it....but they sure like using it.

They like using it b/c they've paid into it their entire professional lives. If the gov't stepped aside and gave them their money back, to use however they saw fit, do you really think they would complain?
Stop the libertarian crap. It has never worked.
The other thing that the left is failing to understand is that even though the Not so Supreme court ruled that obamacare fit into the confines of constitutional, it did not rule that it was a constitutional right. Therefore, if we can get Americans back into office, its very possible that it can still be done away with.
Just keep beating that dead horse. It's the only thing cons are good at. Like destroying SS for the last 85 years, still beating that dead horse too.
now, did the cons destroy SS and Medicare, or did the liberals destroy it by deciding that even those that didnt pay into it were able to get back. And how about that liberal BS with the EIC? WTF?? you dont pay anything in tax, so you get 4k back? and the rich arent paying their fair share? LOL
Keep thinking that the socialists are doing you favors if it helps you sleep at night.

SS and Medicare are destroying themselves with an assist from the Fed. As they head towards insolvency, the Fed will ignite significant inflation that is not included in the CPI used to adjust SS payments. We see this already in the huge disconnect between food costs and the official inflation rates.
That's the conspiracy of the cons, to make SS insolvent. But this is just going to be another case the SC will rule in favor of repaying the $3 trillion stolen from the fund.

Hangover, have you ever heard of Ida May Fuller? If you have, explain to me how much in SS she received after paying in what she did? SS is eating itself, and has been since its infancy.
You are simple. SS is an easy fix.
I will stand with my GOP against ACA when they come up with an acceptable alternative.

We have had since 1994 to offer solid alternatives.

Yet . . .

A false premise, an 'alternative' to the ACA isn't necessary. Gov't getting out of the way IS an acceptable alternative.
Only the weak minded think so, Dirk. Yes, national care is an imperative in the 21st century, the free market proved inadequate and is now happily making good money off ACA, and a better way is needed. We are not going backwards, make no mistake.

The free market proved 'inadequate?' Really? So that is why everyone leaves the US for their medical needs? Oh wait, that's not actually what happens, is it...?
When are Republicans going to admit that they LIKE Obamacare?

1. They want no part of creating their own healthcare plan. Their base does not want ANY national healthcare plan. If they write a new plan THEY are responsible

2. It is so much easier to stand on the outside and say "Obamacare sucks" and block any attempt to improve it

3. It gives them something to run on year after year. Their base never catches on to the fact that "I will repeal Obamacare" is an empty promise

4. Republicans like Obamacare so much that they are now calling it ACA

The point is that Republicans want to fight against Obamacare, but they don't want to win

The last thing Republicans wanted was to win this case and have 6 million people screaming at them right before an election. Political ads showing sick people who can no longer afford insurance because of the Republican lawsuit
Even worse, Republicans would be expected to fix the problem they created and they know they are incapable of doing that

Same thing with Medicare.......they don't like the idea that Democrats get the credit for it....but they sure like using it.

They like using it b/c they've paid into it their entire professional lives. If the gov't stepped aside and gave them their money back, to use however they saw fit, do you really think they would complain?
Stop the libertarian crap. It has never worked.

What part are you struggling with, the 'common' or the 'sense?' Based on this thread, 'both' would be my guess.
well, now. What the hell happened today.
Did someone get their asses kicked again by the SCOTUS!
Try looking in a different dictionary. Yours seems to be a bit outdated or bigoted.

ACA now same-sex marriage.!

Still having that little child attitude of denial. Having your ass handed to you and the right wingers 2 times now by the SCOTUS and then the 60 + times in the congress.
You never learn.

Sure you do! And they seem to have had their asses handed to them once again.

Surely, anyone can pull out a common dictionary and tell you what the word "state" means. But wait! Nobody can tell you what anything means, you make up your own definitions!

Still having problems finding that dictionary I see.
When are Republicans going to admit that they LIKE Obamacare?

1. They want no part of creating their own healthcare plan. Their base does not want ANY national healthcare plan. If they write a new plan THEY are responsible

2. It is so much easier to stand on the outside and say "Obamacare sucks" and block any attempt to improve it

3. It gives them something to run on year after year. Their base never catches on to the fact that "I will repeal Obamacare" is an empty promise

4. Republicans like Obamacare so much that they are now calling it ACA

The point is that Republicans want to fight against Obamacare, but they don't want to win

The last thing Republicans wanted was to win this case and have 6 million people screaming at them right before an election. Political ads showing sick people who can no longer afford insurance because of the Republican lawsuit
Even worse, Republicans would be expected to fix the problem they created and they know they are incapable of doing that

Same thing with Medicare.......they don't like the idea that Democrats get the credit for it....but they sure like using it.

They like using it b/c they've paid into it their entire professional lives. If the gov't stepped aside and gave them their money back, to use however they saw fit, do you really think they would complain?
Stop the libertarian crap. It has never worked.

What part are you struggling with, the 'common' or the 'sense?' Based on this thread, 'both' would be my guess.
You losertarians are so easy to deal with, just boringly so. SS is an easy fix. National health care is an easy fix. Libertarianism would be a death curse on the nation.
I knew you guys were gonna turn on Roberts.

He's already got one strike with you guys

People are always saying they want Justices to rule outside of party affiliation, and when it happens, they're crucified

In this case Roberts ignored the plain language of the law, twice.

So I guess the Supreme Court instead of ruling on the law as written go off and overide it.

Yep, instead of applying law as they are sworn to do they just make shit up as they go along. The really sad part is they brazenly admit it.

Bwahaha....they're not doing their job unless they do what you want them to. This is good news for 6+ million people....GOP wants to do away with ACA and has nothing to replace it, now that's brilliant...

Again, a false premise. There is nothing NEEDED to replace it. What we need is to turn the tables and let the insurance companies compete for your dollars, just like every other non-government entity. The answer is to get the government out of the way and let the free market do what it does best.
That's not going to work.

If it could, it would be happening within each state right now.

Inusrance is regulated by each state's department of insurance, and insurers all have the same pool of providers to contract with. So an Insurance company based in California, can't sell insurance policies to people in Connecticut. They have to set up nexus in that state.

What happens when you apply the otherwise very economically sound concept of "get the government out of the way and let the free market do what it does best" medical get what we have now.

Rising healthcare costs, increasing deductibles and out of pocket maximums, reduced benefits, increased copays....and all the other things that have been happening for 30 years, before Obama was out of college.
When are Republicans going to admit that they LIKE Obamacare?

1. They want no part of creating their own healthcare plan. Their base does not want ANY national healthcare plan. If they write a new plan THEY are responsible

2. It is so much easier to stand on the outside and say "Obamacare sucks" and block any attempt to improve it

3. It gives them something to run on year after year. Their base never catches on to the fact that "I will repeal Obamacare" is an empty promise

4. Republicans like Obamacare so much that they are now calling it ACA

The point is that Republicans want to fight against Obamacare, but they don't want to win

The last thing Republicans wanted was to win this case and have 6 million people screaming at them right before an election. Political ads showing sick people who can no longer afford insurance because of the Republican lawsuit
Even worse, Republicans would be expected to fix the problem they created and they know they are incapable of doing that

Same thing with Medicare.......they don't like the idea that Democrats get the credit for it....but they sure like using it.

They like using it b/c they've paid into it their entire professional lives. If the gov't stepped aside and gave them their money back, to use however they saw fit, do you really think they would complain?

You only pay taxes for Part A Medicare before you are eligible.....but, the Republicans wanting the "government not to mess with their medicare" weren't talking about being able to get their own if the government gave them their money back....they couldn't get what they get with Medicare outside of Medicare.

People on Medicare like it......just the way it is......whether you want to admit it or not, so quit speaking out for other than yourself.

A top-heavy majority of Americans don’t want cuts in Medicare and Social Security even if reductions go to close the federal deficit, according to a new national Pew Research poll.

“Six in ten (60 percent) say it is more important to keep Social Security and Medicare benefits as they are;

Eighty-seven percent said Social Security has worked well, 88 percent praised Medicare, and 77 percent endorsed Medicaid, the program that supports health services for the poor.

“As policy makers at the state and national level struggle with rising entitlement costs, overwhelming numbers of Americans agree that, over the years, Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid have been good for the country,” the poll found.

Don t mess with medicare poll - Strange Bedfellows Politics News
I will stand with my GOP against ACA when they come up with an acceptable alternative.

We have had since 1994 to offer solid alternatives.

Yet . . .

A false premise, an 'alternative' to the ACA isn't necessary. Gov't getting out of the way IS an acceptable alternative.

Don't be ridiculous. Government was out of the way before Obamacare, and guess what, we (taxpayers) were picking up the tab for millions going to the really don't know what you are talking your Congressmen.
I will stand with my GOP against ACA when they come up with an acceptable alternative.

We have had since 1994 to offer solid alternatives.

Yet . . .

A false premise, an 'alternative' to the ACA isn't necessary. Gov't getting out of the way IS an acceptable alternative.

Don't be ridiculous. Government was out of the way before Obamacare, and guess what, we (taxpayers) were picking up the tab for millions going to the really don't know what you are talking your Congressmen.
Dirk is the congressman, not in the know at all.
When are Republicans going to admit that they LIKE Obamacare?

1. They want no part of creating their own healthcare plan. Their base does not want ANY national healthcare plan. If they write a new plan THEY are responsible

2. It is so much easier to stand on the outside and say "Obamacare sucks" and block any attempt to improve it

3. It gives them something to run on year after year. Their base never catches on to the fact that "I will repeal Obamacare" is an empty promise

4. Republicans like Obamacare so much that they are now calling it ACA

The point is that Republicans want to fight against Obamacare, but they don't want to win

The last thing Republicans wanted was to win this case and have 6 million people screaming at them right before an election. Political ads showing sick people who can no longer afford insurance because of the Republican lawsuit
Even worse, Republicans would be expected to fix the problem they created and they know they are incapable of doing that

Same thing with Medicare.......they don't like the idea that Democrats get the credit for it....but they sure like using it.

They like using it b/c they've paid into it their entire professional lives. If the gov't stepped aside and gave them their money back, to use however they saw fit, do you really think they would complain?
Stop the libertarian crap. It has never worked.

Really? I can't see where we've actually tried Libertarianism. What we have now is Big Government Cronyism, and that is proving to be an Epic Fail.
I will stand with my GOP against ACA when they come up with an acceptable alternative.

We have had since 1994 to offer solid alternatives.

Yet . . .

A false premise, an 'alternative' to the ACA isn't necessary. Gov't getting out of the way IS an acceptable alternative.

Don't be ridiculous. Government was out of the way before Obamacare, and guess what, we (taxpayers) were picking up the tab for millions going to the really don't know what you are talking your Congressmen.

You are Sorely Misinformed.
I will stand with my GOP against ACA when they come up with an acceptable alternative.

We have had since 1994 to offer solid alternatives.

Yet . . .

A false premise, an 'alternative' to the ACA isn't necessary. Gov't getting out of the way IS an acceptable alternative.

Don't be ridiculous. Government was out of the way before Obamacare, and guess what, we (taxpayers) were picking up the tab for millions going to the really don't know what you are talking your Congressmen.

You are Sorely Misinformed.

Yeah...I see that you explained how I'm misinformed in such detail.

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