Supreme Court upholds Obamacare subsidies

There is 100% zero way a doctor would know (or care) if insurance was purchased through an exchange, paid for with green stamps, or if you paid for it with unmarked bills from a bank heist.

This is what I mean....there is no "obamacare" insurance policy. The profound ignorance of the right wing knuckle draggers is so thick and so dense that it's actually pretty remarkable that so many have been so well mis-informed. It speaks to just how little outside of their specially constructed information bubble they venture in fear of something that may pierce that comfort zone.

That is BUNK!

Well, with irrefutable evidence like that....

It's UTTER Nonsense. The exchanges have specific plans designed for them. Anyone presenting such insurance to a provider is going to reveal that they are using an exchange based plan.
Prove that. Be specific.

It must be hard for you to get through life being so ignorant and incurious. If you had paid attention, you'd know that ObamaCare features standard plans with which insurers must comply. These plans are larded up with things that most people neither want nor need; but they are forced to purchase them.

Standardized Benefit Plans Covered California

Oh wow, it's the ACA-sucks-because-insurance-should-only-cover-what-each-individual-might-need-covered argument.

Didn't think that one would come up anymore after it was already explained a couple thousand times why it's impractical.
Mad, me? Na, I'm positively over joyed seeing cons like you have shit fits. You guys never get tired of being on the wrong side of issues. Confederate flag, healthcare, and now gay marriage. If you think life is tough now, wait till you grow up to find the GOP lost their asses in 2016. BWAH HA HA HA HA!

We are on the wrong side of issues? Is that why we kicked the living shit out of the Democrats in the last several elections, what are you smoking bro?
Your head is way to big about those past elections. The American people change and go back and forth like a pendulum. The last election followed a traditional pattern for an off year election. The voter turnout was extremely low. It indicated a frustration with nothing getting done in Washington and predictably ousted the party in control of the Senate. You are calling a handful of changes made in the Senate as the Democrats getting the living shit kicked out of them. You do remember the Democrats reelected the President just three years ago don't you? The country chose to keep the President and give him some competition and to balance things out with the Congress.

Ahahaha denial and excuses. Dude we bitch slapped the fool Democrats in beatings so epic you have to go all the way back to 1921 to find a beat down that bad. Go ahead tell us how with a black president in the White House and the over the top biased support in the MSM you people keep losing? lol
You claimed the Dem's got their ass's kicked the last "several elections" and that is an untrue statement. Repub's did good in the off year election last year. The one before that they failed to unseat the President. He won with overwhelming support. You are back peddling away from your original statement of victories in the last several elections.

Republicans control both houses of Congress......which in and of itself is a historical drubbing of the Democratic party. You also need to take into account that 31 governors and state legislatures are Republican. 31 out of addition to the US Congress. That's because the majority of America is conservative.

Obama might have won a couple of victories in court, but the US Congress and the 31 states are a direct result of Obama's "fundamental change" of America. With these last two court decisions, Democrats may have very well hammered the last nail in their coffin for 2016. Perhaps sanity and the rule of law will once again prevail.

The left is in denial.
Ah, deflection.
Deflection is a new word for you, huh. You use it like you use "victory for conservatives" on Obamacare. Sophomoric.

Awwww don't be mad, it sucks that the left owns this Obamacare turd but maybe you will recover in a decade or two. :eusa_boohoo:

Mad, me? Na, I'm positively over joyed seeing cons like you have shit fits. You guys never get tired of being on the wrong side of issues. Confederate flag, healthcare, and now gay marriage. If you think life is tough now, wait till you grow up to find the GOP lost their asses in 2016. BWAH HA HA HA HA!

We are on the wrong side of issues? Is that why we kicked the living shit out of the Democrats in the last several elections, what are you smoking bro?
What world do you live in? The dems kicked the crap out of us in 2006, 2008 and 2012; the Pubs did very well in 2010 and 2014; and who knows what will happen next year.

Ahahahaha IRONY! ^^^
That is BUNK!

Well, with irrefutable evidence like that....

It's UTTER Nonsense. The exchanges have specific plans designed for them. Anyone presenting such insurance to a provider is going to reveal that they are using an exchange based plan.
Prove that. Be specific.

It must be hard for you to get through life being so ignorant and incurious. If you had paid attention, you'd know that ObamaCare features standard plans with which insurers must comply. These plans are larded up with things that most people neither want nor need; but they are forced to purchase them.

Standardized Benefit Plans Covered California

Oh wow, it's the ACA-sucks-because-insurance-should-only-cover-what-each-individual-might-need-covered argument.

Didn't think that one would come up anymore after it was already explained a couple thousand times why it's impractical.

You're a moron if you believe that a menopausal woman should have to pay for prenatal care.
Deflection is a new word for you, huh. You use it like you use "victory for conservatives" on Obamacare. Sophomoric.

Awwww don't be mad, it sucks that the left owns this Obamacare turd but maybe you will recover in a decade or two. :eusa_boohoo:

Mad, me? Na, I'm positively over joyed seeing cons like you have shit fits. You guys never get tired of being on the wrong side of issues. Confederate flag, healthcare, and now gay marriage. If you think life is tough now, wait till you grow up to find the GOP lost their asses in 2016. BWAH HA HA HA HA!

We are on the wrong side of issues? Is that why we kicked the living shit out of the Democrats in the last several elections, what are you smoking bro?
What world do you live in? The dems kicked the crap out of us in 2006, 2008 and 2012; the Pubs did very well in 2010 and 2014; and who knows what will happen next year.

Ahahahaha IRONY! ^^^

Albeit completely unintentional on Fakey's part.
Awwww don't be mad, it sucks that the left owns this Obamacare turd but maybe you will recover in a decade or two. :eusa_boohoo:

Mad, me? Na, I'm positively over joyed seeing cons like you have shit fits. You guys never get tired of being on the wrong side of issues. Confederate flag, healthcare, and now gay marriage. If you think life is tough now, wait till you grow up to find the GOP lost their asses in 2016. BWAH HA HA HA HA!

We are on the wrong side of issues? Is that why we kicked the living shit out of the Democrats in the last several elections, what are you smoking bro?
What world do you live in? The dems kicked the crap out of us in 2006, 2008 and 2012; the Pubs did very well in 2010 and 2014; and who knows what will happen next year.

Ahahahaha IRONY! ^^^

Albeit completely unintentional on Fakey's part.

The guy is looney tunes.
It's been a tough day for righties.

I can't wait to watch Bill O'Reilly, but when big stuff that's bad for the GOP come down, he has someone else fill in.

Hannity will be fun

Mark Levin did not disappoint. I was late for an appointment because I stayed in my car and listened to him bust a gasket.

Yeah, people in the know get upset when the Constitution gets trashed. The loss of checks and balances between the three branches of government isn't something that should be taken lightly by anyone. Being uninformed like you are is no excuse.

Whatever loser....

I'm extremely well-informed on the topic. If nothing else, the ACA being back in the forefront of the news has exposed just how little the right wing knows about the subject.

I read it last evening...Doctors will not accept it US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

The brazen idiot in the OP would have you believe that Obamacare is something like a credit card only accepted at some places. This, along with the volumes of other lies people like you knowingly tell only make yourselves look worse. You'll note that very few of the GOP candidates are making repeal the centerpiece of their campaigns.

Welllllll, thank you for the honor of a reply. Next time, please actually reply to the subject at hand instead of doing a stream of conscience thing. I don't care about some other thread I didn't participate in.
Ahhh the bitter dreggs of sour grapes......

Don't bring up another thing that makes it suck to be a righty!
There is 100% zero way a doctor would know (or care) if insurance was purchased through an exchange, paid for with green stamps, or if you paid for it with unmarked bills from a bank heist.

This is what I mean....there is no "obamacare" insurance policy. The profound ignorance of the right wing knuckle draggers is so thick and so dense that it's actually pretty remarkable that so many have been so well mis-informed. It speaks to just how little outside of their specially constructed information bubble they venture in fear of something that may pierce that comfort zone.
I suppose that depends on the state you are in.
there are certain insurance providers that are not associated with the exchanges, and there are ones that are. Does not take a genius to figure it out.
If you actually look at the plans, you see names like Humana, Blue Cross, Assurant, United Health Care. No different that what many employers offer.


The Obamacare Lobster Trap


As a condition to implementing ACA, ACA requires that every State (and, interestingly, the federal territories) establish a health care "Exchange." The Exchange is a computer database of programs and designed to implement ACA within the States. Through the Exchange, authorized health care providers, participating employers and individuals and payers (insurers and the federal and state governments) will input information designed to create a "market" for health care services.

In order to create a market, however, ACA needs "information." Specifically, it needs information on the people who will be demanding services from this market — the lobsters. What if the lobsters are too smart to enter the trap themselves? ACA demands that the States to throw the lobsters into the trap by populating State Exchanges with their personal, private financial and health data without any lobster first giving their consent. ACA can never go anywhere without complicit State actors.

As the big bold letters proclaim, the post seems to be bullshit. Hit the link and you quickly discover it is from an undated Lew Rockwell piece (ultra right wing) by a guy who is a Tea Party celebrity lawyer who has been kicked out of practicing law in the District court and been sanctioned and fined.

If you want to have some real fun, click on any longknife threads (he starts about 50 every hour) and read the links. It's amazing where he gets some of his stuff.
I know, my favorite is
It's been a tough day for righties.

I can't wait to watch Bill O'Reilly, but when big stuff that's bad for the GOP come down, he has someone else fill in.

Hannity will be fun

Mark Levin did not disappoint. I was late for an appointment because I stayed in my car and listened to him bust a gasket.

Yeah, people in the know get upset when the Constitution gets trashed. The loss of checks and balances between the three branches of government isn't something that should be taken lightly by anyone. Being uninformed like you are is no excuse.

Whatever loser....

I'm extremely well-informed on the topic. If nothing else, the ACA being back in the forefront of the news has exposed just how little the right wing knows about the subject.

I read it last evening...Doctors will not accept it US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

The brazen idiot in the OP would have you believe that Obamacare is something like a credit card only accepted at some places. This, along with the volumes of other lies people like you knowingly tell only make yourselves look worse. You'll note that very few of the GOP candidates are making repeal the centerpiece of their campaigns.

Welllllll, thank you for the honor of a reply. Next time, please actually reply to the subject at hand instead of doing a stream of conscience thing. I don't care about some other thread I didn't participate in.
Ahhh the bitter dreggs of sour grapes......

Don't bring up another thing that makes it suck to be a righty!

^^^ Yet another float in the Parade of Leftwing Cognitive Dissonance ^^^^
We are on the wrong side of issues? Is that why we kicked the living shit out of the Democrats in the last several elections, what are you smoking bro?
Your head is way to big about those past elections. The American people change and go back and forth like a pendulum. The last election followed a traditional pattern for an off year election. The voter turnout was extremely low. It indicated a frustration with nothing getting done in Washington and predictably ousted the party in control of the Senate. You are calling a handful of changes made in the Senate as the Democrats getting the living shit kicked out of them. You do remember the Democrats reelected the President just three years ago don't you? The country chose to keep the President and give him some competition and to balance things out with the Congress.

Ahahaha denial and excuses. Dude we bitch slapped the fool Democrats in beatings so epic you have to go all the way back to 1921 to find a beat down that bad. Go ahead tell us how with a black president in the White House and the over the top biased support in the MSM you people keep losing? lol
You claimed the Dem's got their ass's kicked the last "several elections" and that is an untrue statement. Repub's did good in the off year election last year. The one before that they failed to unseat the President. He won with overwhelming support. You are back peddling away from your original statement of victories in the last several elections.

Republicans control both houses of Congress......which in and of itself is a historical drubbing of the Democratic party. You also need to take into account that 31 governors and state legislatures are Republican. 31 out of addition to the US Congress. That's because the majority of America is conservative.

Obama might have won a couple of victories in court, but the US Congress and the 31 states are a direct result of Obama's "fundamental change" of America. With these last two court decisions, Democrats may have very well hammered the last nail in their coffin for 2016. Perhaps sanity and the rule of law will once again prevail.

The left is in denial.
Nope realistic while guys like you are delusional and easily tricked. You can not claim mission accomplished and victory before reaching the goal and your chief opponent is still at the top of the hill bitch slapping you as the top of the hill sets the agenda. You guys are all excited about electing a congress that is continuing to be a do nothing congress and just reaffirming that Republicans are unable to function on the federal level. To much money and corruption.
Your head is way to big about those past elections. The American people change and go back and forth like a pendulum. The last election followed a traditional pattern for an off year election. The voter turnout was extremely low. It indicated a frustration with nothing getting done in Washington and predictably ousted the party in control of the Senate. You are calling a handful of changes made in the Senate as the Democrats getting the living shit kicked out of them. You do remember the Democrats reelected the President just three years ago don't you? The country chose to keep the President and give him some competition and to balance things out with the Congress.

Ahahaha denial and excuses. Dude we bitch slapped the fool Democrats in beatings so epic you have to go all the way back to 1921 to find a beat down that bad. Go ahead tell us how with a black president in the White House and the over the top biased support in the MSM you people keep losing? lol
You claimed the Dem's got their ass's kicked the last "several elections" and that is an untrue statement. Repub's did good in the off year election last year. The one before that they failed to unseat the President. He won with overwhelming support. You are back peddling away from your original statement of victories in the last several elections.

Republicans control both houses of Congress......which in and of itself is a historical drubbing of the Democratic party. You also need to take into account that 31 governors and state legislatures are Republican. 31 out of addition to the US Congress. That's because the majority of America is conservative.

Obama might have won a couple of victories in court, but the US Congress and the 31 states are a direct result of Obama's "fundamental change" of America. With these last two court decisions, Democrats may have very well hammered the last nail in their coffin for 2016. Perhaps sanity and the rule of law will once again prevail.

The left is in denial.
Nope realistic while guys like you are delusional and easily tricked. You can not claim mission accomplished and victory before reaching the goal and your chief opponent is still at the top of the hill bitch slapping you as the top of the hill sets the agenda. You guys are all excited about electing a congress that is continuing to be a do nothing congress and just reaffirming that Republicans are unable to function on the federal level. To much money and corruption.

Ahahaha the last gasps from a failed regime still stinging from their rejection. Cling to your fantasy.
Mark Levin did not disappoint. I was late for an appointment because I stayed in my car and listened to him bust a gasket.

Yeah, people in the know get upset when the Constitution gets trashed. The loss of checks and balances between the three branches of government isn't something that should be taken lightly by anyone. Being uninformed like you are is no excuse.

Whatever loser....

I'm extremely well-informed on the topic. If nothing else, the ACA being back in the forefront of the news has exposed just how little the right wing knows about the subject.

I read it last evening...Doctors will not accept it US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

The brazen idiot in the OP would have you believe that Obamacare is something like a credit card only accepted at some places. This, along with the volumes of other lies people like you knowingly tell only make yourselves look worse. You'll note that very few of the GOP candidates are making repeal the centerpiece of their campaigns.

Welllllll, thank you for the honor of a reply. Next time, please actually reply to the subject at hand instead of doing a stream of conscience thing. I don't care about some other thread I didn't participate in.
Ahhh the bitter dreggs of sour grapes......

Don't bring up another thing that makes it suck to be a righty!

^^^ Yet another float in the Parade of Leftwing Cognitive Dissonance ^^^^
What on earth makes you think I'm under any form of mental stress or discomfort about contradictory beliefs, ideas,
or values?

The SCOTUS ruling is wonderful, and I'm not conflicted one bit.
Well, with irrefutable evidence like that....

It's UTTER Nonsense. The exchanges have specific plans designed for them. Anyone presenting such insurance to a provider is going to reveal that they are using an exchange based plan.
Prove that. Be specific.

It must be hard for you to get through life being so ignorant and incurious. If you had paid attention, you'd know that ObamaCare features standard plans with which insurers must comply. These plans are larded up with things that most people neither want nor need; but they are forced to purchase them.

Standardized Benefit Plans Covered California

Oh wow, it's the ACA-sucks-because-insurance-should-only-cover-what-each-individual-might-need-covered argument.

Didn't think that one would come up anymore after it was already explained a couple thousand times why it's impractical.

You're a moron if you believe that a menopausal woman should have to pay for prenatal care.

And you're an idiot if you still don't understand how insurance works.
It's UTTER Nonsense. The exchanges have specific plans designed for them. Anyone presenting such insurance to a provider is going to reveal that they are using an exchange based plan.
Prove that. Be specific.

It must be hard for you to get through life being so ignorant and incurious. If you had paid attention, you'd know that ObamaCare features standard plans with which insurers must comply. These plans are larded up with things that most people neither want nor need; but they are forced to purchase them.

Standardized Benefit Plans Covered California

Oh wow, it's the ACA-sucks-because-insurance-should-only-cover-what-each-individual-might-need-covered argument.

Didn't think that one would come up anymore after it was already explained a couple thousand times why it's impractical.

You're a moron if you believe that a menopausal woman should have to pay for prenatal care.

And you're an idiot if you still don't understand how insurance works.

You're an idiot if you think a one size fits all government mandate is actually insurance.
The loonies are drowning in sour grapes.

They think the Dem victories were Pub victories.

They have no idea how health insurance, and ACA in particular, work.

The last week: Marriage Equality, ACA, Fair Housing Act, and 63% poll favor ME.

The far right reactionaries' time has gone never to return.
Last edited:
When are Republicans going to admit that they LIKE Obamacare?

1. They want no part of creating their own healthcare plan. Their base does not want ANY national healthcare plan. If they write a new plan THEY are responsible

2. It is so much easier to stand on the outside and say "Obamacare sucks" and block any attempt to improve it

3. It gives them something to run on year after year. Their base never catches on to the fact that "I will repeal Obamacare" is an empty promise

4. Republicans like Obamacare so much that they are now calling it ACA

The point is that Republicans want to fight against Obamacare, but they don't want to win

The last thing Republicans wanted was to win this case and have 6 million people screaming at them right before an election. Political ads showing sick people who can no longer afford insurance because of the Republican lawsuit
Even worse, Republicans would be expected to fix the problem they created and they know they are incapable of doing that

RW, let me ask you one simple question. So simple in fact that I honestly believe you and about 20 or so of your liberal friends might someday be capable of actually understanding it's relevance. Here goes... As a consumer, if you lived in a small town, are you better off with one grocery store or two competing grocery stores?
I will stand with my GOP against ACA when they come up with an acceptable alternative.

We have had since 1994 to offer solid alternatives.

Yet . . .

A false premise, an 'alternative' to the ACA isn't necessary. Gov't getting out of the way IS an acceptable alternative.
Reap what you sew.
House bill would force the Supreme Court to enroll in ObamaCare TheHill
Force these assholes to accept the same shit they are forcing the citizens to accept.

Thats sow

After Mondays decision on Same Sex Marriage are Republicans going to pass a bill requiring justices to marry same sex partners?

So you are opposed to lawmakers being exempted from the laws they create? The laws that you are forced to comply with and live under? Loki was right my friend, some humans just need to be controlled apparently.

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