Supreme Court upholds Obamacare subsidies

Pretty much what I expected to hear. Anecdotal nonsense.
Is there a way know that a patient got their medical insurance through an exchange, hence, the ACA? How would doctors even know that?

There is 100% zero way a doctor would know (or care) if insurance was purchased through an exchange, paid for with green stamps, or if you paid for it with unmarked bills from a bank heist.

This is what I mean....there is no "obamacare" insurance policy. The profound ignorance of the right wing knuckle draggers is so thick and so dense that it's actually pretty remarkable that so many have been so well mis-informed. It speaks to just how little outside of their specially constructed information bubble they venture in fear of something that may pierce that comfort zone.
I suppose that depends on the state you are in.
there are certain insurance providers that are not associated with the exchanges, and there are ones that are. Does not take a genius to figure it out.
If you actually look at the plans, you see names like Humana, Blue Cross, Assurant, United Health Care. No different that what many employers offer.


The Obamacare Lobster Trap


As a condition to implementing ACA, ACA requires that every State (and, interestingly, the federal territories) establish a health care "Exchange." The Exchange is a computer database of programs and designed to implement ACA within the States. Through the Exchange, authorized health care providers, participating employers and individuals and payers (insurers and the federal and state governments) will input information designed to create a "market" for health care services.

In order to create a market, however, ACA needs "information." Specifically, it needs information on the people who will be demanding services from this market — the lobsters. What if the lobsters are too smart to enter the trap themselves? ACA demands that the States to throw the lobsters into the trap by populating State Exchanges with their personal, private financial and health data without any lobster first giving their consent. ACA can never go anywhere without complicit State actors.

As the big bold letters proclaim, the post seems to be bullshit. Hit the link and you quickly discover it is from an undated Lew Rockwell piece (ultra right wing) by a guy who is a Tea Party celebrity lawyer who has been kicked out of practicing law in the District court and been sanctioned and fined.
Well, with irrefutable evidence like that....

It's UTTER Nonsense. The exchanges have specific plans designed for them. Anyone presenting such insurance to a provider is going to reveal that they are using an exchange based plan.

That part is actually true. I'm sure that was an error on your part. All insurance companies have different plans they offer--always have and always will. Just like life insurance companies offer different coverage levels based on how much the insured wishes to spend.

What is a canard is that the physician will know that you're getting a subsidy
What is a canard is that the doctor's office will do a double take. What they will do (what we do) is call up the company and see if procedure X is covered. If it is, you're in. If it isn''re told that we will need another form of payment.

if the doctor notes that you are poor, don't have a job, and not a senior....he will probably know that you get subsidized through Obamacare.....
I'm sure somewhere in our system, a physician who works for us is putting that 2 and 2 together right now. The point is that before the doctor is seen, the insurance company has pre-approved the examination/procedure/lab work, etc...

I don't know how he'd determine if you're poor. As for employment and senior status, okay; but because you're not employed while seeing a physician doesn't mean you're poor.
doctors do talk with their patients......although less and less now that the computer 'paperwork' has come between them and their patients....

It's not really a conversation about one's health when all one is doing is spouting the one or two word responses for the doctor to use for data entry (all while the doctor is staring intently at the screen).
Is there a way know that a patient got their medical insurance through an exchange, hence, the ACA? How would doctors even know that?

There is 100% zero way a doctor would know (or care) if insurance was purchased through an exchange, paid for with green stamps, or if you paid for it with unmarked bills from a bank heist.

This is what I mean....there is no "obamacare" insurance policy. The profound ignorance of the right wing knuckle draggers is so thick and so dense that it's actually pretty remarkable that so many have been so well mis-informed. It speaks to just how little outside of their specially constructed information bubble they venture in fear of something that may pierce that comfort zone.
I suppose that depends on the state you are in.
there are certain insurance providers that are not associated with the exchanges, and there are ones that are. Does not take a genius to figure it out.
If you actually look at the plans, you see names like Humana, Blue Cross, Assurant, United Health Care. No different that what many employers offer.


The Obamacare Lobster Trap


As a condition to implementing ACA, ACA requires that every State (and, interestingly, the federal territories) establish a health care "Exchange." The Exchange is a computer database of programs and designed to implement ACA within the States. Through the Exchange, authorized health care providers, participating employers and individuals and payers (insurers and the federal and state governments) will input information designed to create a "market" for health care services.

In order to create a market, however, ACA needs "information." Specifically, it needs information on the people who will be demanding services from this market — the lobsters. What if the lobsters are too smart to enter the trap themselves? ACA demands that the States to throw the lobsters into the trap by populating State Exchanges with their personal, private financial and health data without any lobster first giving their consent. ACA can never go anywhere without complicit State actors.

As the big bold letters proclaim, the post seems to be bullshit. Hit the link and you quickly discover it is from an undated Lew Rockwell piece (ultra right wing) by a guy who is a Tea Party celebrity lawyer who has been kicked out of practicing law in the District court and been sanctioned and fined.

If you want to have some real fun, click on any longknife threads (he starts about 50 every hour) and read the links. It's amazing where he gets some of his stuff.
Actually it is an issue because the far right wants to run its fascist rule on morality in America.

Let them be quiet, and it becomes a non issue.

Do not victimize the victim, marylandpatriot.
The position the right holds on gay marriage is quite counter intuitive to the Libertarian movement within the GOP.

I'm disappointed in how they want to apply Christian values to social issues, but the social platform the GOP churns out is anything but hands off...whether it's abortion, or gay marriage

Not just Christian values. The basic definition and understanding of marriage has been consistent between virtually all religions and cultures since before recorded history. Of course, today's culture is all about coopting and changing terms like "marriage" or "state" to mean something totally different from the historical meaning in an effort to legitimize an agenda.
You of all people want to speak for culture and its values? You? Give us your reasons why, and be specific.

I didn't speak for anyone simpleton. I stated a historical fact. Feel free to dispute what the term marriage has meant since the dawn of time.
Then you have nothing to say. You, of all people, are not qualified to define marriage values. If you are, be specific.

Justice Kennedy has decided this, not the likes of you or your ilk. This is over.

Poor Fakey.....doesn't understand what a common term like marriage means and needs to explained to him. Bless your little heart.
That is BUNK!

Well, with irrefutable evidence like that....

It's UTTER Nonsense. The exchanges have specific plans designed for them. Anyone presenting such insurance to a provider is going to reveal that they are using an exchange based plan.

That part is actually true. I'm sure that was an error on your part. All insurance companies have different plans they offer--always have and always will. Just like life insurance companies offer different coverage levels based on how much the insured wishes to spend.

What is a canard is that the physician will know that you're getting a subsidy
What is a canard is that the doctor's office will do a double take. What they will do (what we do) is call up the company and see if procedure X is covered. If it is, you're in. If it isn''re told that we will need another form of payment.

if the doctor notes that you are poor, don't have a job, and not a senior....he will probably know that you get subsidized through Obamacare.....

as for healthcare plans you are correct as the same old insurance companies still provide individual subsidized plans through O'care..........Blue Cross, Blue Shield, Wellpoint, United Healthcare, etc....

All they need to see is the Bronze, Silver or Gold Designation. They will then be able to figure out who has the HUGE deductibles which make care options financially unrealistic. These poor folks will be given the Obama Aspirin treatment.
It sounds like you are just guessing and speculating. Coincidentally the guesses and speculations always support your agenda and opinions.
It's UTTER Nonsense. The exchanges have specific plans designed for them. Anyone presenting such insurance to a provider is going to reveal that they are using an exchange based plan.

That part is actually true. I'm sure that was an error on your part. All insurance companies have different plans they offer--always have and always will. Just like life insurance companies offer different coverage levels based on how much the insured wishes to spend.

What is a canard is that the physician will know that you're getting a subsidy
What is a canard is that the doctor's office will do a double take. What they will do (what we do) is call up the company and see if procedure X is covered. If it is, you're in. If it isn''re told that we will need another form of payment.

if the doctor notes that you are poor, don't have a job, and not a senior....he will probably know that you get subsidized through Obamacare.....
I'm sure somewhere in our system, a physician who works for us is putting that 2 and 2 together right now. The point is that before the doctor is seen, the insurance company has pre-approved the examination/procedure/lab work, etc...

I don't know how he'd determine if you're poor. As for employment and senior status, okay; but because you're not employed while seeing a physician doesn't mean you're poor.
doctors do talk with their patients......although less and less now that the computer 'paperwork' has come between them and their patients....

It's not really a conversation about one's health when all one is doing is spouting the one or two word responses for the doctor to use for data entry (all while the doctor is staring intently at the screen).
You might want to consider getting a new doctor.
That part is actually true. I'm sure that was an error on your part. All insurance companies have different plans they offer--always have and always will. Just like life insurance companies offer different coverage levels based on how much the insured wishes to spend.

What is a canard is that the physician will know that you're getting a subsidy
What is a canard is that the doctor's office will do a double take. What they will do (what we do) is call up the company and see if procedure X is covered. If it is, you're in. If it isn''re told that we will need another form of payment.

if the doctor notes that you are poor, don't have a job, and not a senior....he will probably know that you get subsidized through Obamacare.....
I'm sure somewhere in our system, a physician who works for us is putting that 2 and 2 together right now. The point is that before the doctor is seen, the insurance company has pre-approved the examination/procedure/lab work, etc...

I don't know how he'd determine if you're poor. As for employment and senior status, okay; but because you're not employed while seeing a physician doesn't mean you're poor.
doctors do talk with their patients......although less and less now that the computer 'paperwork' has come between them and their patients....

It's not really a conversation about one's health when all one is doing is spouting the one or two word responses for the doctor to use for data entry (all while the doctor is staring intently at the screen).
You might want to consider getting a new doctor.

Thank you for your concern. Your energy, however, would be better spent on gaining some actual knowledge of reality.
Well, with irrefutable evidence like that....

It's UTTER Nonsense. The exchanges have specific plans designed for them. Anyone presenting such insurance to a provider is going to reveal that they are using an exchange based plan.

That part is actually true. I'm sure that was an error on your part. All insurance companies have different plans they offer--always have and always will. Just like life insurance companies offer different coverage levels based on how much the insured wishes to spend.

What is a canard is that the physician will know that you're getting a subsidy
What is a canard is that the doctor's office will do a double take. What they will do (what we do) is call up the company and see if procedure X is covered. If it is, you're in. If it isn''re told that we will need another form of payment.

if the doctor notes that you are poor, don't have a job, and not a senior....he will probably know that you get subsidized through Obamacare.....

as for healthcare plans you are correct as the same old insurance companies still provide individual subsidized plans through O'care..........Blue Cross, Blue Shield, Wellpoint, United Healthcare, etc....

All they need to see is the Bronze, Silver or Gold Designation. They will then be able to figure out who has the HUGE deductibles which make care options financially unrealistic. These poor folks will be given the Obama Aspirin treatment.
It sounds like you are just guessing and speculating. Coincidentally the guesses and speculations always support your agenda and opinions.

The doctor cares about your health and getting paid. If you cannot pay (unless the doctor has a totally dysfunctional office), you never see the physican.

Everything else is just a smokescreen designed to engineer fear, mis-trust,second guessing, etc... Boedicia knows this, knows what he/she is doing, etc....
The position the right holds on gay marriage is quite counter intuitive to the Libertarian movement within the GOP.

I'm disappointed in how they want to apply Christian values to social issues, but the social platform the GOP churns out is anything but hands off...whether it's abortion, or gay marriage

Not just Christian values. The basic definition and understanding of marriage has been consistent between virtually all religions and cultures since before recorded history. Of course, today's culture is all about coopting and changing terms like "marriage" or "state" to mean something totally different from the historical meaning in an effort to legitimize an agenda.
You of all people want to speak for culture and its values? You? Give us your reasons why, and be specific.

I didn't speak for anyone simpleton. I stated a historical fact. Feel free to dispute what the term marriage has meant since the dawn of time.
Then you have nothing to say. You, of all people, are not qualified to define marriage values. If you are, be specific.

Justice Kennedy has decided this, not the likes of you or your ilk. This is over.

Poor Fakey.....doesn't understand what a common term like marriage means and needs to explained to him. Bless your little heart.
Whatever definition people think they know for marriage was made null and void by the SCOTUS. Theirs is the only one that counts now.
It's UTTER Nonsense. The exchanges have specific plans designed for them. Anyone presenting such insurance to a provider is going to reveal that they are using an exchange based plan.

That part is actually true. I'm sure that was an error on your part. All insurance companies have different plans they offer--always have and always will. Just like life insurance companies offer different coverage levels based on how much the insured wishes to spend.

What is a canard is that the physician will know that you're getting a subsidy
What is a canard is that the doctor's office will do a double take. What they will do (what we do) is call up the company and see if procedure X is covered. If it is, you're in. If it isn''re told that we will need another form of payment.

if the doctor notes that you are poor, don't have a job, and not a senior....he will probably know that you get subsidized through Obamacare.....
I'm sure somewhere in our system, a physician who works for us is putting that 2 and 2 together right now. The point is that before the doctor is seen, the insurance company has pre-approved the examination/procedure/lab work, etc...

I don't know how he'd determine if you're poor. As for employment and senior status, okay; but because you're not employed while seeing a physician doesn't mean you're poor.
doctors do talk with their patients......although less and less now that the computer 'paperwork' has come between them and their patients....

It's not really a conversation about one's health when all one is doing is spouting the one or two word responses for the doctor to use for data entry (all while the doctor is staring intently at the screen).
true....but that's where Obamacare is taking us....

doctors who have served a community for any length of time usually get to somewhat know their repeat patients...but i admit that too is changing....especailly for those who couldn't keep their doctors....
if the doctor notes that you are poor, don't have a job, and not a senior....he will probably know that you get subsidized through Obamacare.....
I'm sure somewhere in our system, a physician who works for us is putting that 2 and 2 together right now. The point is that before the doctor is seen, the insurance company has pre-approved the examination/procedure/lab work, etc...

I don't know how he'd determine if you're poor. As for employment and senior status, okay; but because you're not employed while seeing a physician doesn't mean you're poor.
doctors do talk with their patients......although less and less now that the computer 'paperwork' has come between them and their patients....

It's not really a conversation about one's health when all one is doing is spouting the one or two word responses for the doctor to use for data entry (all while the doctor is staring intently at the screen).
You might want to consider getting a new doctor.

Thank you for your concern. Your energy, however, would be better spent on gaining some actual knowledge of reality.
I have some medical issue's and see three different doctors. Not a single one behaves in the way you described.
I'm sure somewhere in our system, a physician who works for us is putting that 2 and 2 together right now. The point is that before the doctor is seen, the insurance company has pre-approved the examination/procedure/lab work, etc...

I don't know how he'd determine if you're poor. As for employment and senior status, okay; but because you're not employed while seeing a physician doesn't mean you're poor.
doctors do talk with their patients......although less and less now that the computer 'paperwork' has come between them and their patients....

It's not really a conversation about one's health when all one is doing is spouting the one or two word responses for the doctor to use for data entry (all while the doctor is staring intently at the screen).
You might want to consider getting a new doctor.

Thank you for your concern. Your energy, however, would be better spent on gaining some actual knowledge of reality.
I have some medical issue's and see three different doctors. Not a single one behaves in the way you described.
yeah, the real issue is that people will have insurance they can't afford to use because of deductibles. HOWEVER, Obamacare requires that preventative checkups have no deductible, so that is an improvement.
kwc does not understand what is marriage.

boedicca thinks all American families can act like hers or mine.

Life in America is far greater than the circumscribing of their imaginations. Bless them.
doctors do talk with their patients......although less and less now that the computer 'paperwork' has come between them and their patients....

It's not really a conversation about one's health when all one is doing is spouting the one or two word responses for the doctor to use for data entry (all while the doctor is staring intently at the screen).
You might want to consider getting a new doctor.

Thank you for your concern. Your energy, however, would be better spent on gaining some actual knowledge of reality.
I have some medical issue's and see three different doctors. Not a single one behaves in the way you described.
yeah, the real issue is that people will have insurance they can't afford to use because of deductibles. HOWEVER, Obamacare requires that preventative checkups have no deductible, so that is an improvement.
the real issue is that we can't afford Obamacare....just like Medicare and's another socialist boondoggle....
This is what I mean....there is no "obamacare" insurance policy. The profound ignorance of the right wing knuckle draggers is so thick and so dense that it's actually pretty remarkable that so many have been so well mis-informed.

How interesting.

Can you name a few right-wing knuckle draggers who have claimed there IS an "Obamacare insurance policy"?

I'll let you do your own research on that.

Maryland Patriot

for starters...

Excellent! Now please post the message number where I claimed there is an Obamacare insurance policy.
The entitlements are not socialism, folks.

Sorry, the definitions don't support your interp.
It's not really a conversation about one's health when all one is doing is spouting the one or two word responses for the doctor to use for data entry (all while the doctor is staring intently at the screen).
You might want to consider getting a new doctor.

Thank you for your concern. Your energy, however, would be better spent on gaining some actual knowledge of reality.
I have some medical issue's and see three different doctors. Not a single one behaves in the way you described.
yeah, the real issue is that people will have insurance they can't afford to use because of deductibles. HOWEVER, Obamacare requires that preventative checkups have no deductible, so that is an improvement.
the real issue is that we can't afford Obamacare....just like Medicare and's another socialist boondoggle....
Well, Obamacare is not really fueling the deficit. But, I was against it because I think it'll lead to medicare for all, and we can see how easy it is for pols to promise people shite that isn't paid for with revenues.

At one time, I was hopeful the gop would, in a rare moment of sanity, raise revenue much like Obamacare does and require no-deductible wellness checkups, but rahter thant the whole exchange thing, just provide every non-insured American enough of a tax credit to get a wellness check up, and allow for some relatively affordable public plan that people can buy into if their kid breaks a leg .... and just put really really sick people on Medicaid.
I'm sure somewhere in our system, a physician who works for us is putting that 2 and 2 together right now. The point is that before the doctor is seen, the insurance company has pre-approved the examination/procedure/lab work, etc...

I don't know how he'd determine if you're poor. As for employment and senior status, okay; but because you're not employed while seeing a physician doesn't mean you're poor.
doctors do talk with their patients......although less and less now that the computer 'paperwork' has come between them and their patients....

It's not really a conversation about one's health when all one is doing is spouting the one or two word responses for the doctor to use for data entry (all while the doctor is staring intently at the screen).
You might want to consider getting a new doctor.

Thank you for your concern. Your energy, however, would be better spent on gaining some actual knowledge of reality.
I have some medical issue's and see three different doctors. Not a single one behaves in the way you described.

That's only because...

It's against their Hippocratic Oath as physicians, the policies of their hosting agencies (hospitals, LLP, LLC, etc..), probably a felony in many jurisdictions, know....likely a pathway to hell.0
There is 100% zero way a doctor would know (or care) if insurance was purchased through an exchange, paid for with green stamps, or if you paid for it with unmarked bills from a bank heist.

This is what I mean....there is no "obamacare" insurance policy. The profound ignorance of the right wing knuckle draggers is so thick and so dense that it's actually pretty remarkable that so many have been so well mis-informed. It speaks to just how little outside of their specially constructed information bubble they venture in fear of something that may pierce that comfort zone.

That is BUNK!

Well, with irrefutable evidence like that....

It's UTTER Nonsense. The exchanges have specific plans designed for them. Anyone presenting such insurance to a provider is going to reveal that they are using an exchange based plan.
Prove that. Be specific.

It must be hard for you to get through life being so ignorant and incurious. If you had paid attention, you'd know that ObamaCare features standard plans with which insurers must comply. These plans are larded up with things that most people neither want nor need; but they are forced to purchase them.

Standardized Benefit Plans Covered California
If people don't use those essential benefits required by the law such as preventive care, maternity care, emergency room services, hospital care, drug coverage, etc, then the cost of providing those services won't be reflected in the plan premium. By law, insurance companies must base their premiums on actual claim experience, not advertised coverage.

Litmited coverage plans where the customer can pick and choose what benefits they want in the plan simply don't work for a number of reasons. One being that it becomes impossible to compare costs because they all have different coverage. It's hard enough to comparing plans with the same coverage with different co-insurance, copays, deductibles, and premiums.
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