Supreme Court upholds Obamacare subsidies

Whatever loser.

Here are the real losers, you hateful hag:

In practice, most co-ops have significantly underpriced premiums and grossly underestimated medical claims. Many seek significant premium increases for 2016: 58% for individual plans in Utah, 38% in Oregon and 25% in Kentucky, for example.

Iowa’s CoOportunity Health, which operated in both Iowa and Nebraska, was the first to confront the hard reality of insurance economics as medical claims far outpaced premium income. After the co-op burned through $145 million in federal loans, an Iowa state court in February ordered the organization to be liquidated.

At least 120,000 members were forced to quickly find coverage elsewhere. The Iowa Insurance Division had this helpful advice: “Your coverage with CoOportunity Health will stop, and claims will not be paid after cancellation. If you do not purchase replacement insurance, you may be penalized by the federal government.”...

Another ObamaCare Dream Goes Bust - WSJ
This is what I mean....there is no "obamacare" insurance policy. The profound ignorance of the right wing knuckle draggers is so thick and so dense that it's actually pretty remarkable that so many have been so well mis-informed.

How interesting.

Can you name a few right-wing knuckle draggers who have claimed there IS an "Obamacare insurance policy"?

I'll let you do your own research on that.

Maryland Patriot

for starters...
Actually it is an issue because the far right wants to run its fascist rule on morality in America.

Let them be quiet, and it becomes a non issue.

Do not victimize the victim, marylandpatriot.
The position the right holds on gay marriage is quite counter intuitive to the Libertarian movement within the GOP.

I'm disappointed in how they want to apply Christian values to social issues, but the social platform the GOP churns out is anything but hands off...whether it's abortion, or gay marriage

Not just Christian values. The basic definition and understanding of marriage has been consistent between virtually all religions and cultures since before recorded history. Of course, today's culture is all about coopting and changing terms like "marriage" or "state" to mean something totally different from the historical meaning in an effort to legitimize an agenda.
You of all people want to speak for culture and its values? You? Give us your reasons why, and be specific.

I didn't speak for anyone simpleton. I stated a historical fact. Feel free to dispute what the term marriage has meant since the dawn of time.
Then you have nothing to say. You, of all people, are not qualified to define marriage values. If you are, be specific.

Justice Kennedy has decided this, not the likes of you or your ilk. This is over.

so you are the one qualified to define marriage values.....? hahahaha

what....exactly.....are the values of the left.......???
Have righties even once considered, that all these Supreme Court cases they're losing, might just indicate their ideas are not as consitutionally sound as they think?

Mr Dingle Berry Sir

Have the fascists ever once considered that the Justices are aware of the fact that any president can actually abolished their institution like FDR attempted in 1935. So they concluded that since they can not fight parasitism, Americans don't know their ass from a hole in the ground then it is a lot easier to join, than fight, the parasitic fascistic majorities.

It's occurred to me that it's very enjoyable watching you nutbags thrash around.


You are then in for a treat.

Wait until you are severe distress and need medical about a nut bag thrashing around. Make sure your folks upload the video to YOU tube

No doubt. Next time you're in the DMV, think about having these same people in charge of your healthcare. Thanks Obama...
Let ne be completely honest, about the good and bad things about Obamacare.

Consider this a communique from the trenches, written by me, someone who spends the day on the phone, talking with people in a red state, who have Obamacare plans, and problems that people actually have.

By far the biggest problem...the customer service people at the federal healthcare exchange, and the half remedied enrollment procedures 75% of them perform poorly.

When you call the exchange, not one single representative uses their real names, and nobody has a direct phone number to call back. That means every time you call, you get a different person. I have made calls with our policy holders, and taken copious notes, and when I call back, the next rep will say they can't find any details noted by the rep I heard with my own ears...usually to the detriment of the issue the policy holder is trying to resolve.

Worse yet, if the exchange rep misinforms you, and that causes cancellations, and rate corrections resulting in higher premiums, the list of "valid appeal reasons" doesn't include most scenarios that actually happen. That list consists of a small number of situations common during the web site problems from last year!

I've seen people get screwed big time by the exchange customer service, even when they practiced all due diligence to pay their bills, and try to be covered.

More to follow as the battle progresses
As long we are giving blow by blow descriptions, here's mine.
I went through the registration with my son last year. We spent about an hour online picked two policies for consideration. Most of the questions about coverage were answered on the web site but we had a question concerning the formulary. We called the number of the insurer on the and they answered our question within a few minutes. The next day my son returned to the website and completed the registration, made his first payment and had his insurance card and plan description in about 4 weeks. Everything was exactly as advertised.

About 5 years before Obamacare, I had to get individual insurance for my wife because she could not qualify for Medicare for two years. We decided on a Blue Cross Blue Shield policy. I called the company and asked for the application. They mailed the application plus a 24 page medical questionnaire used to determine whether you qualify. Each medical problem you checked off lessen your chance of getting the policy. She had 3 items checked. Breast Cancer which she had been free of for 5 years, asthma, and a chronic sinus condition. She then had an physical exam with an insurance company PA who went over her application. After 4 weeks, we were informed that she didn't qualify for reasons they would not divulge, Also she was disqualified with all companies in the state since all companies used the same questionnaire. She was placed in a high risk pool and after 3 weeks was accepted by a company with a premium $2200/mo, a $2,000 deductible, a 60 day wait for coverage, and exclusion of any re-occurrence of the cancer. After 18 months on this plan she qualified for Medicare and we dropped it.

Frankly, I find your complains about the quality of service in getting signed up for insurance on the exchange a bit silly compared to the problems people faced before there were exchanges.
It's been a tough day for righties.

I can't wait to watch Bill O'Reilly, but when big stuff that's bad for the GOP come down, he has someone else fill in.

Hannity will be fun

Mark Levin did not disappoint. I was late for an appointment because I stayed in my car and listened to him bust a gasket.

Yeah, people in the know get upset when the Constitution gets trashed. The loss of checks and balances between the three branches of government isn't something that should be taken lightly by anyone. Being uninformed like you are is no excuse.

Whatever loser....

I'm extremely well-informed on the topic. If nothing else, the ACA being back in the forefront of the news has exposed just how little the right wing knows about the subject.

I read it last evening...Doctors will not accept it US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

The brazen idiot in the OP would have you believe that Obamacare is something like a credit card only accepted at some places. This, along with the volumes of other lies people like you knowingly tell only make yourselves look worse. You'll note that very few of the GOP candidates are making repeal the centerpiece of their campaigns.

Welllllll, thank you for the honor of a reply. Next time, please actually reply to the subject at hand instead of doing a stream of conscience thing. I don't care about some other thread I didn't participate in.

Whatever loser.

Your logical and well reasoned rebuttals display an extremely high level of intelligence..........for someone in an obvious vegetative state.
My doctor has nothing to do with Obamacare or the insurance companies. He does not accept Medicare. You pay him directly for services. He will provide you what you need to file any claims. He employs two administrators. The rest of the staff is composed of doctors and nurse practitioners.

He is a happy man.

Pretty much what I expected to hear. Anecdotal nonsense.
Is there a way know that a patient got their medical insurance through an exchange, hence, the ACA? How would doctors even know that?

There is 100% zero way a doctor would know (or care) if insurance was purchased through an exchange, paid for with green stamps, or if you paid for it with unmarked bills from a bank heist.

This is what I mean....there is no "obamacare" insurance policy. The profound ignorance of the right wing knuckle draggers is so thick and so dense that it's actually pretty remarkable that so many have been so well mis-informed. It speaks to just how little outside of their specially constructed information bubble they venture in fear of something that may pierce that comfort zone.
I suppose that depends on the state you are in.
there are certain insurance providers that are not associated with the exchanges, and there are ones that are. Does not take a genius to figure it out.
If you actually look at the plans, you see names like Humana, Blue Cross, Assurant, United Health Care. No different that what many employers offer.


The Obamacare Lobster Trap


As a condition to implementing ACA, ACA requires that every State (and, interestingly, the federal territories) establish a health care "Exchange." The Exchange is a computer database of programs and designed to implement ACA within the States. Through the Exchange, authorized health care providers, participating employers and individuals and payers (insurers and the federal and state governments) will input information designed to create a "market" for health care services.

In order to create a market, however, ACA needs "information." Specifically, it needs information on the people who will be demanding services from this market — the lobsters. What if the lobsters are too smart to enter the trap themselves? ACA demands that the States to throw the lobsters into the trap by populating State Exchanges with their personal, private financial and health data without any lobster first giving their consent. ACA can never go anywhere without complicit State actors.
The anti ACA folks here at this site have been caught lying so often that I don't know why anyone would believe them. They come up with this anecdotal stuff that is just impossible to be true.
Pretty much what I expected to hear. Anecdotal nonsense.
Is there a way know that a patient got their medical insurance through an exchange, hence, the ACA? How would doctors even know that?

There is 100% zero way a doctor would know (or care) if insurance was purchased through an exchange, paid for with green stamps, or if you paid for it with unmarked bills from a bank heist.

This is what I mean....there is no "obamacare" insurance policy. The profound ignorance of the right wing knuckle draggers is so thick and so dense that it's actually pretty remarkable that so many have been so well mis-informed. It speaks to just how little outside of their specially constructed information bubble they venture in fear of something that may pierce that comfort zone.

That is BUNK!

Well, with irrefutable evidence like that....

It's UTTER Nonsense. The exchanges have specific plans designed for them. Anyone presenting such insurance to a provider is going to reveal that they are using an exchange based plan.

That part is actually true. I'm sure that was an error on your part. All insurance companies have different plans they offer--always have and always will. Just like life insurance companies offer different coverage levels based on how much the insured wishes to spend.

What is a canard is that the physician will know that you're getting a subsidy
What is a canard is that the doctor's office will do a double take. What they will do (what we do) is call up the company and see if procedure X is covered. If it is, you're in. If it isn''re told that we will need another form of payment.
Is there a way know that a patient got their medical insurance through an exchange, hence, the ACA? How would doctors even know that?

There is 100% zero way a doctor would know (or care) if insurance was purchased through an exchange, paid for with green stamps, or if you paid for it with unmarked bills from a bank heist.

This is what I mean....there is no "obamacare" insurance policy. The profound ignorance of the right wing knuckle draggers is so thick and so dense that it's actually pretty remarkable that so many have been so well mis-informed. It speaks to just how little outside of their specially constructed information bubble they venture in fear of something that may pierce that comfort zone.

That is BUNK!

Well, with irrefutable evidence like that....

It's UTTER Nonsense. The exchanges have specific plans designed for them. Anyone presenting such insurance to a provider is going to reveal that they are using an exchange based plan.
Prove that. Be specific.

It must be hard for you to get through life being so ignorant and incurious. If you had paid attention, you'd know that ObamaCare features standard plans with which insurers must comply. These plans are larded up with things that most people neither want nor need; but they are forced to purchase them.

Standardized Benefit Plans Covered California
I'm extremely well-informed on the topic. If nothing else, the ACA being back in the forefront of the news has exposed just how little the right wing knows about the subject.

I read it last evening...Doctors will not accept it US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

The brazen idiot in the OP would have you believe that Obamacare is something like a credit card only accepted at some places. This, along with the volumes of other lies people like you knowingly tell only make yourselves look worse. You'll note that very few of the GOP candidates are making repeal the centerpiece of their campaigns.

My doctor has nothing to do with Obamacare or the insurance companies. He does not accept Medicare. You pay him directly for services. He will provide you what you need to file any claims. He employs two administrators. The rest of the staff is composed of doctors and nurse practitioners.

He is a happy man.

Pretty much what I expected to hear. Anecdotal nonsense.
Is there a way know that a patient got their medical insurance through an exchange, hence, the ACA? How would doctors even know that?

There is 100% zero way a doctor would know (or care) if insurance was purchased through an exchange, paid for with green stamps, or if you paid for it with unmarked bills from a bank heist.

This is what I mean....there is no "obamacare" insurance policy. The profound ignorance of the right wing knuckle draggers is so thick and so dense that it's actually pretty remarkable that so many have been so well mis-informed. It speaks to just how little outside of their specially constructed information bubble they venture in fear of something that may pierce that comfort zone.
They are not interested in the truth. Conservatives constructed a doomsday scenario when the healthcare law passed and they twisted and distorted the true to fit into that scenario. The one thing they can't escape is the steady increase in number of insured, and failure of their ridiculous predictions of doctor shortages, skyrocketing medical costs, and the economic collapse of the country due to Obamacare.
The anti ACA folks here at this site have been caught lying so often that I don't know why anyone would believe them. They come up with this anecdotal stuff that is just impossible to be true.

Some of what they say is true. A very small %. There were some employers who offered "junk plans" that basically covered very little. Some plans offered in the backs of magazines or on grocery store bulletin boards did the same thing. Those who purchased these plans lost their meaningless coverage. Those who didn't have insurance were forced to buy insurance. I'm really not sure how the Court came to be able to force that on people.

Beyond that, they have very little to offer outside of what they always offer:

Step one. Try to make you afraid
Step two. Try to fix blame on political enemies

If you look at the words here, you see that pattern over and over and over and over again. Amazingly....we're suddenly doomed now that two men (or women) can get married. If they were room-mates living in a platonic relationship, it was fine but if they connect 2 parts of their anatomy...doom occurs.

Comical only begins to describe it.
There is 100% zero way a doctor would know (or care) if insurance was purchased through an exchange, paid for with green stamps, or if you paid for it with unmarked bills from a bank heist.

This is what I mean....there is no "obamacare" insurance policy. The profound ignorance of the right wing knuckle draggers is so thick and so dense that it's actually pretty remarkable that so many have been so well mis-informed. It speaks to just how little outside of their specially constructed information bubble they venture in fear of something that may pierce that comfort zone.

That is BUNK!

Well, with irrefutable evidence like that....

It's UTTER Nonsense. The exchanges have specific plans designed for them. Anyone presenting such insurance to a provider is going to reveal that they are using an exchange based plan.
Prove that. Be specific.

It must be hard for you to get through life being so ignorant and incurious. If you had paid attention, you'd know that ObamaCare features standard plans with which insurers must comply. These plans are larded up with things that most people neither want nor need; but they are forced to purchase them.

Standardized Benefit Plans Covered California

Absolutely correct. And this is what Republicans should be trying to fix instead of throwing a six year temper tantrum.
Is there a way know that a patient got their medical insurance through an exchange, hence, the ACA? How would doctors even know that?

There is 100% zero way a doctor would know (or care) if insurance was purchased through an exchange, paid for with green stamps, or if you paid for it with unmarked bills from a bank heist.

This is what I mean....there is no "obamacare" insurance policy. The profound ignorance of the right wing knuckle draggers is so thick and so dense that it's actually pretty remarkable that so many have been so well mis-informed. It speaks to just how little outside of their specially constructed information bubble they venture in fear of something that may pierce that comfort zone.

That is BUNK!

Well, with irrefutable evidence like that....

It's UTTER Nonsense. The exchanges have specific plans designed for them. Anyone presenting such insurance to a provider is going to reveal that they are using an exchange based plan.

That part is actually true. I'm sure that was an error on your part. All insurance companies have different plans they offer--always have and always will. Just like life insurance companies offer different coverage levels based on how much the insured wishes to spend.

What is a canard is that the physician will know that you're getting a subsidy
What is a canard is that the doctor's office will do a double take. What they will do (what we do) is call up the company and see if procedure X is covered. If it is, you're in. If it isn''re told that we will need another form of payment.

if the doctor notes that you are poor, don't have a job, and not a senior....he will probably know that you get subsidized through Obamacare.....

as for healthcare plans you are correct as the same old insurance companies still provide or will provide individual subsidized plans through O'care.........Wellpoint via Blue Cross, Blue Shield, United Healthcare, Aetna, etc....
There is 100% zero way a doctor would know (or care) if insurance was purchased through an exchange, paid for with green stamps, or if you paid for it with unmarked bills from a bank heist.

This is what I mean....there is no "obamacare" insurance policy. The profound ignorance of the right wing knuckle draggers is so thick and so dense that it's actually pretty remarkable that so many have been so well mis-informed. It speaks to just how little outside of their specially constructed information bubble they venture in fear of something that may pierce that comfort zone.

That is BUNK!

Well, with irrefutable evidence like that....

It's UTTER Nonsense. The exchanges have specific plans designed for them. Anyone presenting such insurance to a provider is going to reveal that they are using an exchange based plan.

That part is actually true. I'm sure that was an error on your part. All insurance companies have different plans they offer--always have and always will. Just like life insurance companies offer different coverage levels based on how much the insured wishes to spend.

What is a canard is that the physician will know that you're getting a subsidy
What is a canard is that the doctor's office will do a double take. What they will do (what we do) is call up the company and see if procedure X is covered. If it is, you're in. If it isn''re told that we will need another form of payment.

if the doctor notes that you are poor, don't have a job, and not a senior....he will probably know that you get subsidized through Obamacare.....

as for healthcare plans you are correct as the same old insurance companies still provide individual subsidized plans through O'care..........Blue Cross, Blue Shield, Wellpoint, United Healthcare, etc....

All they need to see is the Bronze, Silver or Gold Designation. They will then be able to figure out who has the HUGE deductibles which make care options financially unrealistic. These poor folks will be given the Obama Aspirin treatment.
There is 100% zero way a doctor would know (or care) if insurance was purchased through an exchange, paid for with green stamps, or if you paid for it with unmarked bills from a bank heist.

This is what I mean....there is no "obamacare" insurance policy. The profound ignorance of the right wing knuckle draggers is so thick and so dense that it's actually pretty remarkable that so many have been so well mis-informed. It speaks to just how little outside of their specially constructed information bubble they venture in fear of something that may pierce that comfort zone.

That is BUNK!

Well, with irrefutable evidence like that....

It's UTTER Nonsense. The exchanges have specific plans designed for them. Anyone presenting such insurance to a provider is going to reveal that they are using an exchange based plan.

That part is actually true. I'm sure that was an error on your part. All insurance companies have different plans they offer--always have and always will. Just like life insurance companies offer different coverage levels based on how much the insured wishes to spend.

What is a canard is that the physician will know that you're getting a subsidy
What is a canard is that the doctor's office will do a double take. What they will do (what we do) is call up the company and see if procedure X is covered. If it is, you're in. If it isn''re told that we will need another form of payment.

if the doctor notes that you are poor, don't have a job, and not a senior....he will probably know that you get subsidized through Obamacare.....
I'm sure somewhere in our system, a physician who works for us is putting that 2 and 2 together right now. The point is that before the doctor is seen, the insurance company has pre-approved the examination/procedure/lab work, etc...

I don't know how he'd determine if you're poor. As for employment and senior status, okay; but because you're not employed while seeing a physician doesn't mean you're poor.
That is BUNK!

Well, with irrefutable evidence like that....

It's UTTER Nonsense. The exchanges have specific plans designed for them. Anyone presenting such insurance to a provider is going to reveal that they are using an exchange based plan.

That part is actually true. I'm sure that was an error on your part. All insurance companies have different plans they offer--always have and always will. Just like life insurance companies offer different coverage levels based on how much the insured wishes to spend.

What is a canard is that the physician will know that you're getting a subsidy
What is a canard is that the doctor's office will do a double take. What they will do (what we do) is call up the company and see if procedure X is covered. If it is, you're in. If it isn''re told that we will need another form of payment.

if the doctor notes that you are poor, don't have a job, and not a senior....he will probably know that you get subsidized through Obamacare.....

as for healthcare plans you are correct as the same old insurance companies still provide individual subsidized plans through O'care..........Blue Cross, Blue Shield, Wellpoint, United Healthcare, etc....

All they need to see is the Bronze, Silver or Gold Designation. They will then be able to figure out who has the HUGE deductibles which make care options financially unrealistic. These poor folks will be given the Obama Aspirin treatment.
but only in cases where they cannot be sued...
That is BUNK!

Well, with irrefutable evidence like that....

It's UTTER Nonsense. The exchanges have specific plans designed for them. Anyone presenting such insurance to a provider is going to reveal that they are using an exchange based plan.

That part is actually true. I'm sure that was an error on your part. All insurance companies have different plans they offer--always have and always will. Just like life insurance companies offer different coverage levels based on how much the insured wishes to spend.

What is a canard is that the physician will know that you're getting a subsidy
What is a canard is that the doctor's office will do a double take. What they will do (what we do) is call up the company and see if procedure X is covered. If it is, you're in. If it isn''re told that we will need another form of payment.

if the doctor notes that you are poor, don't have a job, and not a senior....he will probably know that you get subsidized through Obamacare.....

as for healthcare plans you are correct as the same old insurance companies still provide individual subsidized plans through O'care..........Blue Cross, Blue Shield, Wellpoint, United Healthcare, etc....

All they need to see is the Bronze, Silver or Gold Designation. They will then be able to figure out who has the HUGE deductibles which make care options financially unrealistic. These poor folks will be given the Obama Aspirin treatment.

Total canard yet again. In most of the cases, the designation isn't on the card. Secondly, and this varies...., most physicians never see your insurance card (the front office handles that). Lastly, the insurance company pre-approves the reason for the visit in most cases.
That is BUNK!

Well, with irrefutable evidence like that....

It's UTTER Nonsense. The exchanges have specific plans designed for them. Anyone presenting such insurance to a provider is going to reveal that they are using an exchange based plan.

That part is actually true. I'm sure that was an error on your part. All insurance companies have different plans they offer--always have and always will. Just like life insurance companies offer different coverage levels based on how much the insured wishes to spend.

What is a canard is that the physician will know that you're getting a subsidy
What is a canard is that the doctor's office will do a double take. What they will do (what we do) is call up the company and see if procedure X is covered. If it is, you're in. If it isn''re told that we will need another form of payment.

if the doctor notes that you are poor, don't have a job, and not a senior....he will probably know that you get subsidized through Obamacare.....
I'm sure somewhere in our system, a physician who works for us is putting that 2 and 2 together right now. The point is that before the doctor is seen, the insurance company has pre-approved the examination/procedure/lab work, etc...

I don't know how he'd determine if you're poor. As for employment and senior status, okay; but because you're not employed while seeing a physician doesn't mean you're poor.
doctors do talk with their patients......although less and less now that the computer 'paperwork' has come between them and their patients....

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