Supreme Court upholds Obamacare subsidies

What we have now is Big Government Cronyism, and that is proving to be an Epic Fail.

Really? Is the sky blue in your world? Malcontent conservatives continue to say that, but the facts don't back them up.

You need to quit listening to Glenn Beck.


American Funds

With the latest batch of manufacturing data out, it couldn't be more clear that the US economy is outperforming the rest of the world.

As far as big economy's go, we're pretty much the world's last best hope.

But beyond the sheer numbers, a more interesting question might be: why is the US doing so good?

We'd point to a few reasons.

1. Excellent policy out of Washington DC.
Three Reasons The US Economy Is Doing Better Than Everywhere Else In The World - Business Insider

Why the US will power the world economy in 2015
The United States is back, and ready to drive global growth in 2015.
After long struggling to claw its way out of the Great Recession, the world's biggest economy is on an extended win streak that is edging it closer to full health. But the new year doesn't look quite so bright in other major countries.

Why the US will power the world economy in 2015

RBS: US economy nearly thriving, in 2015 dollars is still expected to maintain upward
there seems to have more evidence that the US dollar index in 2015 Year to go further, to continue to refresh a high level for many years.
......because the majority of countries in the world since the second half of this year, sluggish economic performance, while the US economy is thriving to maintain a strong and basically no adverse impact of external economic environment and the US dollar and other negative factors.
RBS US economy nearly thriving in 2015 dollars is still expected to maintain upward - News News
They are playing to a misinformed small base who do not give a fuck about right or wrong.
Again, a false premise. There is nothing NEEDED to replace it. What we need is to turn the tables and let the insurance companies compete for your dollars, just like every other non-government entity.

I hate to break it to you, but that is what we had before Obamacare...........and it wasn't working. Ask the people who were getting the shaft because they had what the insurance company wanted to call a "pre-existing" condition....when the insurance companies were the ones making the rules, ask those whose premiums went up because the insurance company thought they were using too much insurance.......ask the taxpayers, that were paying for the uninsured going to the ER to get companies were being unscrupulous and had nobody to rein them in......until Obamacare....Thanks Obama.
doctors do talk with their patients......although less and less now that the computer 'paperwork' has come between them and their patients....

It's not really a conversation about one's health when all one is doing is spouting the one or two word responses for the doctor to use for data entry (all while the doctor is staring intently at the screen).
You might want to consider getting a new doctor.

Thank you for your concern. Your energy, however, would be better spent on gaining some actual knowledge of reality.
I have some medical issue's and see three different doctors. Not a single one behaves in the way you described.

That's only because...

It's against their Hippocratic Oath as physicians, the policies of their hosting agencies (hospitals, LLP, LLC, etc..), probably a felony in many jurisdictions, know....likely a pathway to hell.0
My wife and I see a lot of doctors. I have never had a doctor spend much time collecting and enter health data. That has always been done mostly by nurses or medical assistants. Doctors today will often refer to their computer screen to see your current health status, prescriptions, tests, and information from other doctors.

Just yesterday, I had an MRI and an appointment with my doctor to discuss the results. The MRI was on line and he was able to actually show me the problem area online just 4 hours after the the MRI.

With your permission, doctors that are part of the network can see your test results, prescriptions, diagnosis and treatments Having this information online can speed up the process of getting a diagnosis and treatment, avoid unnecessary tests, and keep all your doctors on the same page in regard to your current health status.. IMHO, online medical records are a great step forward.
Well, with irrefutable evidence like that....

It's UTTER Nonsense. The exchanges have specific plans designed for them. Anyone presenting such insurance to a provider is going to reveal that they are using an exchange based plan.
Prove that. Be specific.

It must be hard for you to get through life being so ignorant and incurious. If you had paid attention, you'd know that ObamaCare features standard plans with which insurers must comply. These plans are larded up with things that most people neither want nor need; but they are forced to purchase them.

Standardized Benefit Plans Covered California

Oh wow, it's the ACA-sucks-because-insurance-should-only-cover-what-each-individual-might-need-covered argument.

Didn't think that one would come up anymore after it was already explained a couple thousand times why it's impractical.

You're a moron if you believe that a menopausal woman should have to pay for prenatal care.
Using your logic, she should never have to pay for any benefit that she will never need such as treatment of childhood diseases, birth control pills, and a host of other health problems that she will never have. Why should a blind person have to pay for other peoples cataract surgery? Why should a person have to pay for treatments for diseases for which they are immune? The reason really is quite simply. Healthcare insurance only works if people pay for benefits they are not likely to ever need.
Another loss for conservatives trying to take away peoples healthcare


No, it's a huge loss for our constitution. SCOTUS legislated from the bench by upholding a provision of the Obamacare law that never existed in the first place. No wording in the law allowed for this, but the judges opted to create law instead of deciding on the facts.

It's not about taking anything from these people who illegally got subsidies. They got something for nothing because others were robbed. It's about the Obamacare law taking from other people, not only against their will, but against the healthcare law as it was written.
The court ruled based on the intent of the law, not the black and white letter of law. The intent of law was to have more people covered by insurance not less which would have been the result had the court ruled against the subsidies. This is nothing new.

The whole reason for the case was to create a crisis in which millions of people would lose their health insurance coverage, a victory for Republicans.
I'm in the business of manufacturing medical instruments for hospitals. I know several hospital owners of this industry.
Google and look around you. How many hospitals that had closed before you even heard Obama? Look around you. How many hospitals that closed their ER program before you even heard Obama? This is from coast to coast by the thousands that suffered because of people don't have medical insurance then using ER as a primary care. All is left are trauma centers but few or limited ER. Hospital owners shoulder all the lost but they are not stupid. Why do you think hospital bills keep increasing and insurance premiums keeps going up before Obama? Who suffer all and pay for all these cost? You me and every tax payers.
Medicare is bankrupt. Let me ask ALL of you that are against ACA. Do you want to keep going this way? Should we just roll and die?
Who is doing something to help ease this problem? OBAMA.
I'm in the business of manufacturing medical instruments for hospitals. I know several hospital owners of this industry.
Google and look around you. How many hospitals that had closed before you even heard Obama? Look around you. How many hospitals that closed their ER program before you even heard Obama? This is from coast to coast by the thousands that suffered because of people don't have medical insurance then using ER as a primary care. All is left are trauma centers but few or limited ER. Hospital owners shoulder all the lost but they are not stupid. Why do you think hospital bills keep increasing and insurance premiums keeps going up before Obama? Who suffer all and pay for all these cost? You me and every tax payers.
Medicare is bankrupt. Let me ask ALL of you that are against ACA. Do you want to keep going this way? Should we just roll and die?
Who is doing something to help ease this problem? OBAMA.
Nonsense, hospitals have been closing their ER's for many years before Obama every became president. The number of hospital emergency departments in the United States fell from 4,884 in 1996 to 4,594 in 2009, a 6% decline. The main reason is of course uninsured patients. Since Obamacare was implemented at the end of 2013, the percent uninsured adults has decreased by over a third.

The massive expansion of insurance programs like Medicaid and a drop in emergency room visits saved hospitals at least $7.4 billion over the last year. If the fall in the number of uninsured continues, loses due to uninsured patents will become a minor expense in the next 5 years.

Study Emergency room closures can be deadly for area apos s residents - LA Times
HHS Hospitals saved billions under ObamaCare TheHill
I'm in the business of manufacturing medical instruments for hospitals. I know several hospital owners of this industry.
Google and look around you. How many hospitals that had closed before you even heard Obama? Look around you. How many hospitals that closed their ER program before you even heard Obama? This is from coast to coast by the thousands that suffered because of people don't have medical insurance then using ER as a primary care. All is left are trauma centers but few or limited ER. Hospital owners shoulder all the lost but they are not stupid. Why do you think hospital bills keep increasing and insurance premiums keeps going up before Obama? Who suffer all and pay for all these cost? You me and every tax payers.
Medicare is bankrupt. Let me ask ALL of you that are against ACA. Do you want to keep going this way? Should we just roll and die?
Who is doing something to help ease this problem? OBAMA.
Nonsense, hospitals have been closing their ER's for many years before Obama every became president. The number of hospital emergency departments in the United States fell from 4,884 in 1996 to 4,594 in 2009, a 6% decline. The main reason is of course uninsured patients. Since Obamacare was implemented at the end of 2013, the percent uninsured adults has decreased by over a third.

The massive expansion of insurance programs like Medicaid and a drop in emergency room visits saved hospitals at least $7.4 billion over the last year. If the fall in the number of uninsured continues, loses due to uninsured patents will become a minor expense in the next 5 years.

Study Emergency room closures can be deadly for area apos s residents - LA Times
HHS Hospitals saved billions under ObamaCare TheHill
Nonsense? You were just repeating what I said but more add ons. You may want to address your post to anti-ACA.
This is what I mean....there is no "obamacare" insurance policy. The profound ignorance of the right wing knuckle draggers is so thick and so dense that it's actually pretty remarkable that so many have been so well mis-informed.

How interesting.

Can you name a few right-wing knuckle draggers who have claimed there IS an "Obamacare insurance policy"?

I'll let you do your own research on that.

Maryland Patriot

for starters...

Excellent! Now please post the message number where I claimed there is an Obamacare insurance policy.

I see I'm still waiting, as I expected. Why do Lefties always box themselves in like this, claiming proof where none ever existed?
This is what I mean....there is no "obamacare" insurance policy. The profound ignorance of the right wing knuckle draggers is so thick and so dense that it's actually pretty remarkable that so many have been so well mis-informed.

How interesting.

Can you name a few right-wing knuckle draggers who have claimed there IS an "Obamacare insurance policy"?

I'll let you do your own research on that.

Maryland Patriot

for starters...

Excellent! Now please post the message number where I claimed there is an Obamacare insurance policy.

I see I'm still waiting, as I expected. Why do Lefties always box themselves in like this, claiming proof where none ever existed?
what I don't understand Is, if there is no such thing as obamacare, why do the socialist scum want to keep it so bad.
must be something there.
I'm in the business of manufacturing medical instruments for hospitals. I know several hospital owners of this industry.
Google and look around you. How many hospitals that had closed before you even heard Obama? Look around you. How many hospitals that closed their ER program before you even heard Obama? This is from coast to coast by the thousands that suffered because of people don't have medical insurance then using ER as a primary care. All is left are trauma centers but few or limited ER. Hospital owners shoulder all the lost but they are not stupid. Why do you think hospital bills keep increasing and insurance premiums keeps going up before Obama? Who suffer all and pay for all these cost? You me and every tax payers.
Medicare is bankrupt. Let me ask ALL of you that are against ACA. Do you want to keep going this way? Should we just roll and die?
Who is doing something to help ease this problem? OBAMA.
Nonsense, hospitals have been closing their ER's for many years before Obama every became president. The number of hospital emergency departments in the United States fell from 4,884 in 1996 to 4,594 in 2009, a 6% decline. The main reason is of course uninsured patients. Since Obamacare was implemented at the end of 2013, the percent uninsured adults has decreased by over a third.

The massive expansion of insurance programs like Medicaid and a drop in emergency room visits saved hospitals at least $7.4 billion over the last year. If the fall in the number of uninsured continues, loses due to uninsured patents will become a minor expense in the next 5 years.

Study Emergency room closures can be deadly for area apos s residents - LA Times
HHS Hospitals saved billions under ObamaCare TheHill

But ER loading hasn't dropped.

I'm still waiting to see the data posted that says the 16% of GDP has dropped.

I figured if it hadn't, the right would be crowing.

If it had, the left would be dancing in the streets.


Is anyone even paying attention.
We have had the program less than three years, yet Sun Devil is in a tizzy, lizzy.
Woohoo......the Supreme Court just passed the ACA and claimed that states with federally run exchanges can still receive tax subsidies. For all the states that put their foot down and didn't want to set up their own exchanges a double whammy.....they don't like government interference but in essence agreed to government interference, and if they did it hoping that it would cause the whole thing to fail......well, sorry again.

Read and weep.....Obamacare opposers.

Chief Justice Roberts: Congress passed ACA to improve insurance markets, not destroy them

The Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Affordable Care Act for a second time, stating that states with federally run exchanges can still receive tax subsidies. Had the court ruled against subsidies, millions of Americans would have been left without means to pay their insurance premiums. The court also also sided with civil rights activists in a challenge to housing law.

Affordable Care Act subsidies survive high court challenge

The fact that so many woefully ignorant morons refer to the mindless decision by the SCOTUS as the "passage" of that "Act," proves that the Republic is fucked.

I'm sure you intended to say "Republicans" instead of "Republic"....:)

Not at all.

It is clear, however, that you are as stupid as you are petty and trite.
To those who say that the GOP lost this battle a long time ago, I say you are right.

It is obvious (except to shitheads like Boehner) that you can never win a battle in which you refuse to do anything other than capitulate.
Woohoo......the Supreme Court just passed the ACA and claimed that states with federally run exchanges can still receive tax subsidies. For all the states that put their foot down and didn't want to set up their own exchanges a double whammy.....they don't like government interference but in essence agreed to government interference, and if they did it hoping that it would cause the whole thing to fail......well, sorry again.

Read and weep.....Obamacare opposers.

Chief Justice Roberts: Congress passed ACA to improve insurance markets, not destroy them

The Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Affordable Care Act for a second time, stating that states with federally run exchanges can still receive tax subsidies. Had the court ruled against subsidies, millions of Americans would have been left without means to pay their insurance premiums. The court also also sided with civil rights activists in a challenge to housing law.

Affordable Care Act subsidies survive high court challenge

The fact that so many woefully ignorant morons refer to the mindless decision by the SCOTUS as the "passage" of that "Act," proves that the Republic is fucked.

I'm sure you intended to say "Republicans" instead of "Republic"....:)

Not at all.

It is clear, however, that you are as stupid as you are petty and trite.

You are not a good judge of who may be stupid....being stupid yourself....and making a proclamation such as "the Republic is fucked" just proves that if the country doesn't abide by your archaic and draconian policies it is fucked......actually it has become a better world, where millions of people (that you probably don't give a shit about) are now able to afford health care and lead better lives. You are not only stupid, but greedy and self absorbed.
Woohoo......the Supreme Court just passed the ACA and claimed that states with federally run exchanges can still receive tax subsidies. For all the states that put their foot down and didn't want to set up their own exchanges a double whammy.....they don't like government interference but in essence agreed to government interference, and if they did it hoping that it would cause the whole thing to fail......well, sorry again.

Read and weep.....Obamacare opposers.

Chief Justice Roberts: Congress passed ACA to improve insurance markets, not destroy them

The Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Affordable Care Act for a second time, stating that states with federally run exchanges can still receive tax subsidies. Had the court ruled against subsidies, millions of Americans would have been left without means to pay their insurance premiums. The court also also sided with civil rights activists in a challenge to housing law.

Affordable Care Act subsidies survive high court challenge

The fact that so many woefully ignorant morons refer to the mindless decision by the SCOTUS as the "passage" of that "Act," proves that the Republic is fucked.

I'm sure you intended to say "Republicans" instead of "Republic"....:)

Not at all.

It is clear, however, that you are as stupid as you are petty and trite.

You are not a good judge of who may be stupid....being stupid yourself....and making a proclamation such as "the Republic is fucked" just proves that if the country doesn't abide by your archaic and draconian policies it is fucked......actually it has become a better world, where millions of people (that you probably don't give a shit about) are now able to afford health care and lead better lives. You are not only stupid, but greedy and self absorbed.

Wrong as you almost always are. Since YOU are clearly nothing more than a babbling imbecile, it would be absurd to value YOUR assessment of my intelligence.

ObumblerCare doesn't work as written, so the SCOTUS had to legislate to change the plain and completely non-ambiguous words to something else.

The claims for the value of ObumblerCare are entirely fictional. The "number" of people formerly uninsured who now have the dubious "benefit" of ObumblerCare as touted by Obumbler and the dishonest media is a known fraud. What ObumblerCare "provides" is also ephemeral and more and more people will be realizing it, now.

If there was a problem with the delivery of health care in America prior to ObumblerCare being passed and signed, UNREAD and clearly not even understood, then that problem deserves PROPER attention. ObumblerCare is not that.

The stupid one is you. You are a mindless droid dutifully lapping up the bullshit offered to you by the sycophantic leftist media on behalf of the Administration and then praising the Presidunce for his tasty concoctions. You LIKE guzzling bullshit. That makes you a very stupid fly.

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