Supreme Court upholds Obamacare subsidies

what I don't understand Is, if there is no such thing as obamacare, why do the socialist scum want to keep it so bad.
must be something there.

Are you myopic? There is no such thing as Obamacare insurance policy......nobody said there was no such thing as Obamacare.....we're glad that there is ACA....and that you all labeled it Obamacare, because Obama is the only president that cared enough to change our terrible system of healthcare we had before ACA...

What we know:

  • More Americans have health insurance.
Whether it is 7.2 million or closer to 8.2 million, we know that more Americans are insured today than a year ago. This is a positive for measuring the success of the ACA, a weakness for politicians looking to replace the ACA, and a potential opportunity for various healthcare organizations across the industry today.

ACA Now Serving Millions...So Far - Forbes
Kotex, you fucking idiot:

The ACA IS ObumblerCare.

It is something out of the ass of Presidunce Obumbler and his screwey socialist pals.

It was premised to some extent on a STATE law. You and your fellow idiot drone lolberals love to note that Romney originally came up with the plan. But none of you fucking idiots has the brains to see or the balls to acknowledge that what might be a proper exercise of the powers of an individual STATE is not a proper function of the Federal government.

Get the fuck to the back of the class, you moron. You are probably one of the jerk-offs who buy the baseless notion that Obumbler was some kind of scholar.
They're the same idiots that think the civil war was over slavery. No, it was over states rights to choose things LIKE SLAVERY.
Homer Stokes, masquerading as Ilar, is not an authority on anything federal or state about ACA, just a hater.

Here you go, Homer.

Woohoo......the Supreme Court just passed the ACA and claimed that states with federally run exchanges can still receive tax subsidies. For all the states that put their foot down and didn't want to set up their own exchanges a double whammy.....they don't like government interference but in essence agreed to government interference, and if they did it hoping that it would cause the whole thing to fail......well, sorry again.

Read and weep.....Obamacare opposers.

Chief Justice Roberts: Congress passed ACA to improve insurance markets, not destroy them

The Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Affordable Care Act for a second time, stating that states with federally run exchanges can still receive tax subsidies. Had the court ruled against subsidies, millions of Americans would have been left without means to pay their insurance premiums. The court also also sided with civil rights activists in a challenge to housing law.

Affordable Care Act subsidies survive high court challenge

The fact that so many woefully ignorant morons refer to the mindless decision by the SCOTUS as the "passage" of that "Act," proves that the Republic is fucked.

I'm sure you intended to say "Republicans" instead of "Republic"....:)

Not at all.

It is clear, however, that you are as stupid as you are petty and trite.

You are not a good judge of who may be stupid....being stupid yourself....and making a proclamation such as "the Republic is fucked" just proves that if the country doesn't abide by your archaic and draconian policies it is fucked......actually it has become a better world, where millions of people (that you probably don't give a shit about) are now able to afford health care and lead better lives. You are not only stupid, but greedy and self absorbed.

Wrong as you almost always are. Since YOU are clearly nothing more than a babbling imbecile, it would be absurd to value YOUR assessment of my intelligence.
It doesn't take rocket science to figure out how stupid you really are. If you had any intelligence at all you wouldn't post stupid comments that make you look like a retarded buffoon.

ObumblerCare doesn't work as written, so the SCOTUS had to legislate to change the plain and completely non-ambiguous words to something else.
So what? Apparently the SCOTUS is smarter than you, and realized what a travesty it would be to pull the rug out from under 6 million Americans just because of some simple mistake in the verbiage. You and the rest of the morons who keep claiming that the ACA isn't working don't have any proof except the lies that some idiots are willing to manufacture because they are too stupid to know what benefits them, and would rather see the country suffer than to give credit where credit is due.

The claims for the value of ObumblerCare are entirely fictional. The "number" of people formerly uninsured who now have the dubious "benefit" of ObumblerCare as touted by Obumbler and the dishonest media is a known fraud. What ObumblerCare "provides" is also ephemeral and more and more people will be realizing it, now.
That's another proof that you are stupid.... here you are probably quoting the lies of Glenn Beck or Rush Limbaugh without providing any facts. Even Forbes (who leans right) and US News (and that was back in 2014)......have admitted that more people have health insurance now......and that's great because that means less taxpayer money will be going to pay for ER where poor people get last minute care because they couldn't afford insurance under the old plan you idiots think was so great.

At least 9 million people are getting coverage under the health care law.
Millions of People Have Health Insurance Thanks to Obamacare - US News
If there was a problem with the delivery of health care in America prior to ObumblerCare being passed and signed, UNREAD and clearly not even understood, then that problem deserves PROPER attention. ObumblerCare is not that. doofus George W Bush and Republicans gave a damn and gave it any attention at all.

The stupid one is you. You are a mindless droid dutifully lapping up the bullshit offered to you by the sycophantic leftist media on behalf of the Administration and then praising the Presidunce for his tasty concoctions. You LIKE guzzling bullshit. That makes you a very stupid fly.

You are the stupid droid, dutifully lapping up the misinformation given to you by the likes of Sarah Palin who doesn't know her ass from a hole in the ground or Rush Limbaugh who utters rubbish he makes up in his brainless mind. You're fuming because the Supreme Court, who is no dummy...... knew that millions of people would be shitting mad if they ruled against ACA and they all lost their insurance, especially with the idiots we have now in control of both House and Senate, who keep talking "repeal" but don't have anything to replace it, and are having trouble getting any shit done. The SCOTUS grew a pair and decided not to go along with you retards, so weep all you want, Bozo.
Kotex, you fucking idiot:

The ACA IS ObumblerCare.
LiarMeilyr, you are the fucking idiot, of course it is......ACA is the real name idiot....Obamacare is what you idiots labeled it thinking it was an insult, but turns out it is a perfect name for it since Obama is the only President who "cares" about Americans.

It is something out of the ass of Presidunce Obumbler and his screwey socialist pals.
Sounds like you are pissing mad.....mad because you retards weren't able to convince the SCOTUS that to have a country with a shitty health care system is better.

It was premised to some extent on a STATE law. You and your fellow idiot drone lolberals love to note that Romney originally came up with the plan. But none of you fucking idiots has the brains to see or the balls to acknowledge that what might be a proper exercise of the powers of an individual STATE is not a proper function of the Federal government.
Who gives a shit.......actually Obamacare (ACA) was originally written by Republicans....that are so stupid they thought it was a bad thing when the Democrats presented it as a bill to be passed.

Get the fuck to the back of the class, you moron. You are probably one of the jerk-offs who buy the baseless notion that Obumbler was some kind of scholar.
Bwahaha, says the stupid moron who probably thinks Sarah Palin is smarter than Obama......with her attending various colleges and nobody has every seen her degree and no university has every claimed she graduated there. You're just jealous because the bunch of clowns representing your party don't even have a chance....even some Republicans won't be voting for them.
But they fought over rights moron, not slavery. There were FAR more people in the war than slave owners, so why would people put their lives on the line to fight for others rights to own slaves when they didn't? Why would hundreds of thousands of non slave owners take a slug for slave owners they don't even know? There were only a small handful of actual slave owners in the south, compared with the population, especially compared with the population that took up arms.

Got a good explanation for that one, bubba?

I didn't think so because you're nothing more than a fucking stupid liberal moron.
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They fought to keep blacks down in their culture. They fought for a White Supremacist Society. They, unfortunately for the good, lost the war but won the peace.
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But they fought over rights moron, not slavery. There were FAR more people in the war than slave owners, so why would people put their lives on the line to fight for others rights to own slaves when they didn't? Why would non slave owners take a slug for slave owners they don't even know? There were only a small handful of actual slave owners in the south, compared with the population, especially compared with the population that took up arms.

Got a good explanation for that one, bubba?

Yeah right........all you morons trying to change the reason for the Civil War isn't going to redo history. You're not the first moron to suggest that, either. Nice try.

The erratic anti-feminist and purposefullypolitically incorrect Gavin McInnes added his take on the Confederate flag controversy. McInnes, a frequent Fox News guest, tweeted to more than 50,000 followers on June 23, 2015, that the Confederate flag should continue to fly.

Why? Because, "The Civil War wasn't about slavery," he wrote. "It was about secession."

In a companion tweet, McInnes said anyone, like Northerners, who think the Civil War was about slavery should go to Google. "Look it up," said McInnes, who was born in England and grew up in Canada.

So we did.

We typed in "causes of the Civil War." The first hit was which told us, "The burning issue that led to the disruption of the union, however, was the debate over the future of slavery. That dispute led to secession, and secession brought about a war in which the Northern and Western states and territories fought to preserve the Union, and the South fought to establish Southern independence as a new confederation of states under its own constitution."

The second link on Google was to PBS and its History Detectives series. There we read, "What led to the outbreak of the bloodiest conflict in the history of North America? A common explanation is that the Civil War was fought over the moral issue of slavery. In fact, it was the economics of slavery and political control of that system that was central to the conflict."

No. 3 on the Google hit parade was That page offered five main reasons and the first one was "Economic and social differences between the North and the South." And what were those differences?

Well, slavery.

In defense of Confederate flag frequent Fox News guest claims Civil War wasn t about slavery PunditFact
Nonsense, hospitals have been closing their ER's for many years before Obama every became president.

Er, that is what he said......

I'm in the business of manufacturing medical instruments for hospitals. I know several hospital owners of this industry.
Google and look around you. How many hospitals that had closed before you even heard Obama? Look around you. How many hospitals that closed their ER program before you even heard Obama? This is from coast to coast by the thousands that suffered because of people don't have medical insurance then using ER as a primary care. All is left are trauma centers but few or limited ER. Hospital owners shoulder all the lost but they are not stupid. Why do you think hospital bills keep increasing and insurance premiums keeps going up before Obama? Who suffer all and pay for all these cost? You me and every tax payers.
Medicare is bankrupt. Let me ask ALL of you that are against ACA. Do you want to keep going this way? Should we just roll and die?
Who is doing something to help ease this problem? OBAMA.
So you say not to paint all Muslims with the same brush but you don't hesitate to say every single person fighting for the south in the civil war was racist?

You are a fucking moron. You can't explain it so you make up shit and make accusations that you can't back up.

Go back to school moron.

I'll try again. Explain why hundreds of thousands of people would put their lives on the line to defend something they did not have.
So do you have an explanation why hundreds of thousands of non slave owners would take a 50 cal slug to defend the rights of people that did own them to keep them?

If you can explain that, then maybe your theory that the civil war was over slavery MIGHT hold water. Until then, logic says you're full of shit.

CONFEDERATE AMERICAN PRIDE The Civil war was NOT over slavery

Who the fuck are you addressing? Don't you even know how to quote someone?

But to answer your stupid question..........why do conservatives who don't own corporations, bitch about money going to welfare but are okay with corporate welfare? Same thing with slavery.

4. The non-slaveholder of the South preserves the status of the white man, and is not regarded as an inferior or a dependant. He is not told that the Declaration of Independence, when it says that all men are born free and equal, refers to the negro equally with himself. It is not proposed to him that the free negro’s vote shall weigh equally with his own at the ballot-box, and that the little children of both colors shall be mixed in the classes and benches of the schoolhouse, and embrace each other filially in its outside sports. It never occurs to him that a white man could be degraded enough to boast in a public assembly, as was recently done in New-York, of having actually slept with a negro. And his patriotic ire would crush with a blow the free negro who would dare, in his presence, as is done in the free States, to characterize the father of the country as a “scoundrel.” No white man at the South serves another as a body-servant, to clean his boots, wait on his table, and perform the menial services of his household! His blood revolts against this, and his necessities never drive him to it. He is a companion and an equal. When in the employ of the slaveholder, or in intercourse with him, he enters his hall, and has a seat at his table. If a distinction exists, it is only that which education and refinement may give, and this is so courteously exhibited as scarcely to strike attention. The poor white laborer at the North is at the bottom of the social ladder, while his brother here has ascended several steps, and can look down upon those who are beneath him at an infinite remove!
Why Non-Slaveholders Will Fight For Slavery CIVIL WAR MEMORY
So you post some unsubstantiated unheard of source? That paragraph doesn't even make any sense. Half of that crap didn't even exist at the time. The right for blacks to vote didn't come for decades and decades later, so why would they fight and die for it 100 years before it happened? Makes no sense. Why would they be worried about the black man voting, when its just about slavery? Freeing slaves doesn't give them a right to vote and there was no talk about letting them vote at the time. That didn't happen until 1965. Nice try but...

Try again.
So you say not to paint all Muslims with the same brush but you don't hesitate to say every single person fighting for the south in the civil war was racist?

You are a fucking moron. You can't explain it so you make up shit and make accusations that you can't back up.

Go back to school moron.

I'll try again. Explain why hundreds of thousands of people would put their lives on the line to defend something they did not have.

You're the stupid don't even know how to quote who you are addressing.

And yes, there are many conservatives who receive welfare and vote Republican......they vote against their own interests....same with the slave owners. Not every one fighting for the south was racist....hell, they didn't even know what racist meant....they just didn't believe that blacks were equal to them. That sentiment hung around for decades....why, it wasn't until 1964 that the Civil Rights Act was passed.....that blacks were no longer having to go to separate schools, drink from separate fountains, sit at the back of the bus..........and not all whites were racist in 1964....that was just the laws that had been passed by racists.
So you post some unsubstantiated unheard of source? That paragraph doesn't even make any sense.

Try again.

So, you can't read? the article, idiot. I gave you the link. You don't make sense.

I'll break it down for you.......the non-slave owners were fighting for the fact that they didn't want blacks to be equal to them....get it...simple.

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