Supreme Court upholds Obamacare subsidies

I'm in the business of manufacturing medical instruments for hospitals. I know several hospital owners of this industry.
Google and look around you. How many hospitals that had closed before you even heard Obama? Look around you. How many hospitals that closed their ER program before you even heard Obama? This is from coast to coast by the thousands that suffered because of people don't have medical insurance then using ER as a primary care. All is left are trauma centers but few or limited ER. Hospital owners shoulder all the lost but they are not stupid. Why do you think hospital bills keep increasing and insurance premiums keeps going up before Obama? Who suffer all and pay for all these cost? You me and every tax payers.
Medicare is bankrupt. Let me ask ALL of you that are against ACA. Do you want to keep going this way? Should we just roll and die?
Who is doing something to help ease this problem? OBAMA.
Nonsense, hospitals have been closing their ER's for many years before Obama every became president. The number of hospital emergency departments in the United States fell from 4,884 in 1996 to 4,594 in 2009, a 6% decline. The main reason is of course uninsured patients. Since Obamacare was implemented at the end of 2013, the percent uninsured adults has decreased by over a third.

The massive expansion of insurance programs like Medicaid and a drop in emergency room visits saved hospitals at least $7.4 billion over the last year. If the fall in the number of uninsured continues, loses due to uninsured patents will become a minor expense in the next 5 years.

Study Emergency room closures can be deadly for area apos s residents - LA Times
HHS Hospitals saved billions under ObamaCare TheHill
Nonsense? You were just repeating what I said but more add ons. You may want to address your post to anti-ACA.
Sorry, I thought you meant hospital ER's weren't closing before Obama.

Why would ERs close? They are a cash cow for hospitals and there use is increasing. With SCOTUSCARE they are ensured of making even more money.
Emergency rooms that loose money do so because they are forced by law to accept the uninsured. However, that's changing because the percentage of uninsured in the US is falling rather dramatically due to Obamacare and the economic recovery.

It's not all peaches and cream for the hospitals. We are seeing signs now that less people are using the ER as a replacement for outpatient care because more people have insurance. ER's in the future will have less patients but will have less losses due to unpaid bills.

20% to 30% of hospital admissions have come thru the ER. The goal of most hospitals is to shift ER admissions to elective admissions. This is one of the reasons why hospitals are becoming large healthcare centers with local and remote clinics and urgent care centers. This means better medical outcomes and more revenue.


ER visits still rising despite ACA - Modern Healthcare
Nonsense, hospitals have been closing their ER's for many years before Obama every became president. The number of hospital emergency departments in the United States fell from 4,884 in 1996 to 4,594 in 2009, a 6% decline. The main reason is of course uninsured patients. Since Obamacare was implemented at the end of 2013, the percent uninsured adults has decreased by over a third.

The massive expansion of insurance programs like Medicaid and a drop in emergency room visits saved hospitals at least $7.4 billion over the last year. If the fall in the number of uninsured continues, loses due to uninsured patents will become a minor expense in the next 5 years.

Study Emergency room closures can be deadly for area apos s residents - LA Times
HHS Hospitals saved billions under ObamaCare TheHill
Nonsense? You were just repeating what I said but more add ons. You may want to address your post to anti-ACA.
Sorry, I thought you meant hospital ER's weren't closing before Obama.

Why would ERs close? They are a cash cow for hospitals and there use is increasing. With SCOTUSCARE they are ensured of making even more money.
Emergency rooms that loose money do so because they are forced by law to accept the uninsured. However, that's changing because the percentage of uninsured in the US is falling rather dramatically due to Obamacare and the economic recovery.

It's not all peaches and cream for the hospitals. We are seeing signs now that less people are using the ER as a replacement for outpatient care because more people have insurance. ER's in the future will have less patients but will have less losses due to unpaid bills.

20% to 30% of hospital admissions have come thru the ER. The goal of most hospitals is to shift ER admissions to elective admissions. This is one of the reasons why hospitals are becoming large healthcare centers with local and remote clinics and urgent care centers. This means better medical outcomes and more revenue.


ER visits still rising despite ACA - Modern Healthcare
Rome wasn't built in a day...
Nations that have become liberalized where sexual immorality and Godlessness are the "rule" fail. It's backed up by history. More importantly, God as said it is so.....

My eternal destination is secure, but we have the duty and responsibility to stand up for God and to be a light to the unsaved and the backslidden.

You guys keeps saying that, but when pushed for examples, all you come up with is the Roman Empire, forgetting that the Roman Empire was a Christian Empire for the last 200 years of its existence.

Yes, and, the Roman Empire chose to live in an UNCHRISTIAN lifestyle, and look what happened!

Also, not just the Roman Empire - Britain, Spain, Persia, Babylon and Egypt
Well, if all these empires have failed due to their unchristian life styles, how about listing the great empires that have flourished due to living the christian lifestyle.
It was on its way to Shit Town anyway. It's just that converting to Christianity did nothing to stop it.

That's where i have to disagree. I think the Catholic Church did do a lot to make the Dark Ages worse than they needed to be. They destroyed a lot of the centers of learning and burned a lot of the ancient knowledge because it was pagan, which is why we don't have a lot of the science and philosophy the Greeks and Romans discovered.
Not just in Europe. The invading Spanish catholic friars and monks also destroyed nearly all the Aztecs and Mayan books and codices which were records of their history, philosophies, and inventions. Literally hundreds of African cultures were partially or completed destroyed by Christian conquerors and missionaries. The same thing is going on today as ISIS destroys ancient artifices, temples and shrines. It seems the very nature of religious fundamentalism is too destroy all competing beliefs and ideas.
The fact that so many woefully ignorant morons refer to the mindless decision by the SCOTUS as the "passage" of that "Act," proves that the Republic is fucked.

I'm sure you intended to say "Republicans" instead of "Republic"....:)

Not at all.

It is clear, however, that you are as stupid as you are petty and trite.

You are not a good judge of who may be stupid....being stupid yourself....and making a proclamation such as "the Republic is fucked" just proves that if the country doesn't abide by your archaic and draconian policies it is fucked......actually it has become a better world, where millions of people (that you probably don't give a shit about) are now able to afford health care and lead better lives. You are not only stupid, but greedy and self absorbed.

Wrong as you almost always are. Since YOU are clearly nothing more than a babbling imbecile, it would be absurd to value YOUR assessment of my intelligence.
It doesn't take rocket science to figure out how stupid you really are. If you had any intelligence at all you wouldn't post stupid comments that make you look like a retarded buffoon.

ObumblerCare doesn't work as written, so the SCOTUS had to legislate to change the plain and completely non-ambiguous words to something else.
So what? Apparently the SCOTUS is smarter than you, and realized what a travesty it would be to pull the rug out from under 6 million Americans just because of some simple mistake in the verbiage. You and the rest of the morons who keep claiming that the ACA isn't working don't have any proof except the lies that some idiots are willing to manufacture because they are too stupid to know what benefits them, and would rather see the country suffer than to give credit where credit is due.

The claims for the value of ObumblerCare are entirely fictional. The "number" of people formerly uninsured who now have the dubious "benefit" of ObumblerCare as touted by Obumbler and the dishonest media is a known fraud. What ObumblerCare "provides" is also ephemeral and more and more people will be realizing it, now.
That's another proof that you are stupid.... here you are probably quoting the lies of Glenn Beck or Rush Limbaugh without providing any facts. Even Forbes (who leans right) and US News (and that was back in 2014)......have admitted that more people have health insurance now......and that's great because that means less taxpayer money will be going to pay for ER where poor people get last minute care because they couldn't afford insurance under the old plan you idiots think was so great.

At least 9 million people are getting coverage under the health care law.
Millions of People Have Health Insurance Thanks to Obamacare - US News
If there was a problem with the delivery of health care in America prior to ObumblerCare being passed and signed, UNREAD and clearly not even understood, then that problem deserves PROPER attention. ObumblerCare is not that. doofus George W Bush and Republicans gave a damn and gave it any attention at all.

The stupid one is you. You are a mindless droid dutifully lapping up the bullshit offered to you by the sycophantic leftist media on behalf of the Administration and then praising the Presidunce for his tasty concoctions. You LIKE guzzling bullshit. That makes you a very stupid fly.

You are the stupid droid, dutifully lapping up the misinformation given to you by the likes of Sarah Palin who doesn't know her ass from a hole in the ground or Rush Limbaugh who utters rubbish he makes up in his brainless mind. You're fuming because the Supreme Court, who is no dummy...... knew that millions of people would be shitting mad if they ruled against ACA and they all lost their insurance, especially with the idiots we have now in control of both House and Senate, who keep talking "repeal" but don't have anything to replace it, and are having trouble getting any shit done. The SCOTUS grew a pair and decided not to go along with you retards, so weep all you want, Bozo.

It takes a person just slightly smarter than you (i.e., any village idiot or smarter person) to see that you are utterly mindless.

The REASON the SCOTUS decision was wrong, you idiot, is precisely because it is NOT their province to "fix" the misbegotten erroneous draftsmanship of the legislative branch.

If the Congress wants to "fix" what Congress had so poorly drafted, Congress can do so. But SCOTUS, you abysmal fuck wit, is not a legislative body.

It comes as zero surprise that it was written so poorly but passed anyway. The jerk-offs in Congress didn't bother to READ that shit before they voted to pass it. They are morons like you are.
Kotex, you fucking idiot:

The ACA IS ObumblerCare.
LiarMeilyr, you are the fucking idiot, of course it is......ACA is the real name idiot....Obamacare is what you idiots labeled it thinking it was an insult, but turns out it is a perfect name for it since Obama is the only President who "cares" about Americans.

It is something out of the ass of Presidunce Obumbler and his screwey socialist pals.
Sounds like you are pissing mad.....mad because you retards weren't able to convince the SCOTUS that to have a country with a shitty health care system is better.

It was premised to some extent on a STATE law. You and your fellow idiot drone lolberals love to note that Romney originally came up with the plan. But none of you fucking idiots has the brains to see or the balls to acknowledge that what might be a proper exercise of the powers of an individual STATE is not a proper function of the Federal government.
Who gives a shit.......actually Obamacare (ACA) was originally written by Republicans....that are so stupid they thought it was a bad thing when the Democrats presented it as a bill to be passed.

Get the fuck to the back of the class, you moron. You are probably one of the jerk-offs who buy the baseless notion that Obumbler was some kind of scholar.
Bwahaha, says the stupid moron who probably thinks Sarah Palin is smarter than Obama......with her attending various colleges and nobody has every seen her degree and no university has every claimed she graduated there. You're just jealous because the bunch of clowns representing your party don't even have a chance....even some Republicans won't be voting for them.

We all know, you pathetic imbecile, that the "real" name of the act that Congress passed is abbreviated "ACA." Perhaps not the members of Congress who voted on it. After all, they didn't bother to READ it first. But the rest of us know it.

Many of us also refer to it as ObamaCare. But since the Presidunce is a fucking jerk-off, it is more appropriate to refer to that hideous "law," as ObumblerCare.
Last edited:
Homer Stokes, masquerading as Ilar, is not an authority on anything federal or state about ACA, just a hater.

Here you go, Homer.

Fakey, still pretending to be a "Republican" has the audacity to comment about anybody else with whom he ignorantly disagrees.

Of course, I don't open his links or view his videos.

And I didn't claim to be an expert on anything. It isn't difficult to have more knowledge on such things, however, than the dishonest fraudulent bullshit artist, Fakey.
Ilar is not an expert on anything at all.

And he lies: he reads every last word I post on the Board. :lol:

The ACA decision is conservatively and traditionally correct: since the issue is a legislative one then it is up to Congress, not the Court, to fix it.
I'm in the business of manufacturing medical instruments for hospitals. I know several hospital owners of this industry.
Google and look around you. How many hospitals that had closed before you even heard Obama? Look around you. How many hospitals that closed their ER program before you even heard Obama? This is from coast to coast by the thousands that suffered because of people don't have medical insurance then using ER as a primary care. All is left are trauma centers but few or limited ER. Hospital owners shoulder all the lost but they are not stupid. Why do you think hospital bills keep increasing and insurance premiums keeps going up before Obama? Who suffer all and pay for all these cost? You me and every tax payers.
Medicare is bankrupt. Let me ask ALL of you that are against ACA. Do you want to keep going this way? Should we just roll and die?
Who is doing something to help ease this problem? OBAMA.
Nonsense, hospitals have been closing their ER's for many years before Obama every became president. The number of hospital emergency departments in the United States fell from 4,884 in 1996 to 4,594 in 2009, a 6% decline. The main reason is of course uninsured patients. Since Obamacare was implemented at the end of 2013, the percent uninsured adults has decreased by over a third.

The massive expansion of insurance programs like Medicaid and a drop in emergency room visits saved hospitals at least $7.4 billion over the last year. If the fall in the number of uninsured continues, loses due to uninsured patents will become a minor expense in the next 5 years.

Study Emergency room closures can be deadly for area apos s residents - LA Times
HHS Hospitals saved billions under ObamaCare TheHill
Nonsense? You were just repeating what I said but more add ons. You may want to address your post to anti-ACA.
Sorry, I thought you meant hospital ER's weren't closing before Obama.

Why would ERs close? They are a cash cow for hospitals and there use is increasing. With SCOTUSCARE they are ensured of making even more money.
Emergency rooms that loose money do so because they are forced by law to accept the uninsured. However, that's changing because the percentage of uninsured in the US is falling rather dramatically due to Obamacare and the economic recovery.

It's not all peaches and cream for the hospitals. We are seeing signs now that less people are using the ER as a replacement for outpatient care because more people have insurance. ER's in the future will have less patients but will have less losses due to unpaid bills.

20% to 30% of hospital admissions have come thru the ER. The goal of most hospitals is to shift ER admissions to elective admissions. This is one of the reasons why hospitals are becoming large healthcare centers with local and remote clinics and urgent care centers. This means better medical outcomes and more revenue.

What surprises me is that I looked for information on if ERs made money or not and happened upon this article that used the same words I did. Of course that is because it is common knowledge so that is no real big surprise. Next time I am at an ER I hope to find some of their loose money. :D

Study sees unlikely cash cow / Emergency departments create profit for hospitals

"California consumers don't have to worry their local ED (emergency department) is going to close. They're on sound economic footing," saidGlenn Melnick, the study's lead author and director of USC's Center for Health Financing, Policy & Management.

According to the study, which was commissioned by the California Healthcare Foundation, emergency departments in 2002 lost an average of $84 per patient treated and discharged, but they generated an average profit of $1,220 for each patient that had to be admitted for additional care.
Ilar is not an expert on anything at all.

And he lies: he reads every last word I post on the Board. :lol:

The ACA decision is conservatively and traditionally correct: since the issue is a legislative one then it is up to Congress, not the Court, to fix it.

No Fakey. You are the dishonest bitch who claims (an obvious lie) that you are a "Republican."

Everyone knows you are merely a lying sack of shit.

I occasionally read some of your posts. I usually don't read all of any given post of yours, though. You are far too much of a useless dishonest twat to bother with that shit.

And I don't click on your links or your videos. You are the kind of twat who might get other people' infected with virus or malware.

The problem with ObumblerCare (an undeniably socialist miasma) is that it was written poorly and passed unread. It violates the Constitution despite the dishonest hack SCOTUS bullshit decision in which words simply have no meaning.

You inadvertently get one thing right, Fakey, you socialist Democrat Party bitch. The problem SHOULD have been fixed legislatively. Hurry and get back to giving head to the Presidunce. Toss his salad. Your leader NEEDS your services.
well, now. What the hell happened today.
Did someone get their asses kicked again by the SCOTUS!
Try looking in a different dictionary. Yours seems to be a bit outdated or bigoted.

ACA now same-sex marriage.!

Still having that little child attitude of denial. Having your ass handed to you and the right wingers 2 times now by the SCOTUS and then the 60 + times in the congress.
You never learn.

Sure you do! And they seem to have had their asses handed to them once again.

Surely, anyone can pull out a common dictionary and tell you what the word "state" means. But wait! Nobody can tell you what anything means, you make up your own definitions!

Still having problems finding that dictionary I see.

No, Americans collectively got their asses screwed by SCOTUS. Of course, you enjoy that sort of thing, sooooo......
I'm in the business of manufacturing medical instruments for hospitals. I know several hospital owners of this industry.
Google and look around you. How many hospitals that had closed before you even heard Obama? Look around you. How many hospitals that closed their ER program before you even heard Obama? This is from coast to coast by the thousands that suffered because of people don't have medical insurance then using ER as a primary care. All is left are trauma centers but few or limited ER. Hospital owners shoulder all the lost but they are not stupid. Why do you think hospital bills keep increasing and insurance premiums keeps going up before Obama? Who suffer all and pay for all these cost? You me and every tax payers.
Medicare is bankrupt. Let me ask ALL of you that are against ACA. Do you want to keep going this way? Should we just roll and die?
Who is doing something to help ease this problem? OBAMA.
Nonsense, hospitals have been closing their ER's for many years before Obama every became president. The number of hospital emergency departments in the United States fell from 4,884 in 1996 to 4,594 in 2009, a 6% decline. The main reason is of course uninsured patients. Since Obamacare was implemented at the end of 2013, the percent uninsured adults has decreased by over a third.

The massive expansion of insurance programs like Medicaid and a drop in emergency room visits saved hospitals at least $7.4 billion over the last year. If the fall in the number of uninsured continues, loses due to uninsured patents will become a minor expense in the next 5 years.

Study Emergency room closures can be deadly for area apos s residents - LA Times
HHS Hospitals saved billions under ObamaCare TheHill
Nonsense? You were just repeating what I said but more add ons. You may want to address your post to anti-ACA.
Sorry, I thought you meant hospital ER's weren't closing before Obama.

Why would ERs close? They are a cash cow for hospitals and there use is increasing. With SCOTUSCARE they are ensured of making even more money.

With more people insured and getting "real" healthcare....there won't be as much need for ER....we can revert to using the ER for real emergencies.
So do you have an explanation why hundreds of thousands of non slave owners would take a 50 cal slug to defend the rights of people that did own them to keep them?

If you can explain that, then maybe your theory that the civil war was over slavery MIGHT hold water. Until then, logic says you're full of shit.

CONFEDERATE AMERICAN PRIDE The Civil war was NOT over slavery

Who the fuck are you addressing? Don't you even know how to quote someone?

But to answer your stupid question..........why do conservatives who don't own corporations, bitch about money going to welfare but are okay with corporate welfare? Same thing with slavery.
Typical liberal throwing around the phrase "corporate welfare" with obviously no clue at all what it means.
lets try to break it down and explain why one is ok, and one is not.
If a corporation pays 30% in taxes, but it gets a break of lets say 10%, that is not a 10% loss for the taxpayers, its still a 20% gain, and it allows the corporation to perform research and development, or hire more employees, buy new equipment. In other words, that money is stimulating the economy. No you say, the greedy rich use the 10% to make the share holders even richer. Ok, those share holders invest their money, so now that 10% is being put in to other smaller companies to stimulate the economy, hire more people etc... There is no such thing as corporate welfare. Unless you consider those green companies that obammy threw money to that just used it to pay off its share holders then folded.
Now lets look at welfare. The majority of those on it add nothing to society, the are a drain, a burden, worthless. They will never contribute to the well being of the country.
oh again you will come back with, but they turn around and spend the money the get from welfare and stimulate the economy. No, they actually do not. the money would be better spent if it was invested in companies that hired people, that went to those that would invest it in other companies, if it stayed in the pockets of the taxpayer so he/she could better provide for his family.
Do you understand or would a picture book work better for you.

Typical idiot conservative sheeple, making excuses for corporations.

About $59 billion is spent on traditional social welfare programs. $92 billion is spent on corporate subsidies. So, the government spent 50% more on corporate welfare than it did on food stamps and housing assistance in 2006.

There’s so much suffering in the world. It can all get pretty overwhelming sometimes. Consider, for a moment the sorrow in the eyes of a CEO who’s just found out that his end-of-year bonus is only going to be a paltry $2.3 million.

Imagine what it would feel like just before Christmas to find out that you’re going to be forced to scrape by on your standard $8.4 million compensation package alone. Imagine what is was like to have to look into my daughter’s face and tell her that I couldn’t afford to both buy her a dollar sign shaped island and hire someone to chew her food from now on, too. To put her in that situation of having to choose… She’s only a child for God’s sake.”

It doesn’t have to be this way. Thanks to federal subsidies from taxpayers like you, CEO’s like G. Allen Andreas of Archer Daniels Midland was able to take home almost $14 million in executive compensation last year. But he’s one of the lucky ones. There are still corporations out there that actually have to provide goods and services to their consumers in order to survive. They need your help.

Now, with the recent changes in healthcare including Obamacare tax implications, some states are enacting strict criteria that a family must meet to be eligible for TANF. One key aspect of this reform required recipients to engage in job searches, on the job training, community service work, or other constructive behaviors as a condition for receiving aid. The bill was signed by a man named Bill Clinton, who is much better known for an act of fellatio which, of course, had far greater societal implications. Regardless, the success of this reform was pretty dramatic. Caseloads were cut nearly in half. Once individuals were required to work or undertake constructive activities as a condition of receiving aid they left welfare rapidly. Another surprising result was a drop in the child poverty rate. Employment of single mothers increased substantially and the child poverty rate fell sharply from 20.8 percent in 1995 to 16.3 percent in 2000.

Think by Numbers Government Spends More on Corporate Welfare Subsidies than Social Welfare Programs
I'm sure you intended to say "Republicans" instead of "Republic"....:)

Not at all.

It is clear, however, that you are as stupid as you are petty and trite.

You are not a good judge of who may be stupid....being stupid yourself....and making a proclamation such as "the Republic is fucked" just proves that if the country doesn't abide by your archaic and draconian policies it is fucked......actually it has become a better world, where millions of people (that you probably don't give a shit about) are now able to afford health care and lead better lives. You are not only stupid, but greedy and self absorbed.

Wrong as you almost always are. Since YOU are clearly nothing more than a babbling imbecile, it would be absurd to value YOUR assessment of my intelligence.
It doesn't take rocket science to figure out how stupid you really are. If you had any intelligence at all you wouldn't post stupid comments that make you look like a retarded buffoon.

ObumblerCare doesn't work as written, so the SCOTUS had to legislate to change the plain and completely non-ambiguous words to something else.
So what? Apparently the SCOTUS is smarter than you, and realized what a travesty it would be to pull the rug out from under 6 million Americans just because of some simple mistake in the verbiage. You and the rest of the morons who keep claiming that the ACA isn't working don't have any proof except the lies that some idiots are willing to manufacture because they are too stupid to know what benefits them, and would rather see the country suffer than to give credit where credit is due.

The claims for the value of ObumblerCare are entirely fictional. The "number" of people formerly uninsured who now have the dubious "benefit" of ObumblerCare as touted by Obumbler and the dishonest media is a known fraud. What ObumblerCare "provides" is also ephemeral and more and more people will be realizing it, now.
That's another proof that you are stupid.... here you are probably quoting the lies of Glenn Beck or Rush Limbaugh without providing any facts. Even Forbes (who leans right) and US News (and that was back in 2014)......have admitted that more people have health insurance now......and that's great because that means less taxpayer money will be going to pay for ER where poor people get last minute care because they couldn't afford insurance under the old plan you idiots think was so great.

At least 9 million people are getting coverage under the health care law.
Millions of People Have Health Insurance Thanks to Obamacare - US News
If there was a problem with the delivery of health care in America prior to ObumblerCare being passed and signed, UNREAD and clearly not even understood, then that problem deserves PROPER attention. ObumblerCare is not that. doofus George W Bush and Republicans gave a damn and gave it any attention at all.

The stupid one is you. You are a mindless droid dutifully lapping up the bullshit offered to you by the sycophantic leftist media on behalf of the Administration and then praising the Presidunce for his tasty concoctions. You LIKE guzzling bullshit. That makes you a very stupid fly.

You are the stupid droid, dutifully lapping up the misinformation given to you by the likes of Sarah Palin who doesn't know her ass from a hole in the ground or Rush Limbaugh who utters rubbish he makes up in his brainless mind. You're fuming because the Supreme Court, who is no dummy...... knew that millions of people would be shitting mad if they ruled against ACA and they all lost their insurance, especially with the idiots we have now in control of both House and Senate, who keep talking "repeal" but don't have anything to replace it, and are having trouble getting any shit done. The SCOTUS grew a pair and decided not to go along with you retards, so weep all you want, Bozo.

It takes a person just slightly smarter than you (i.e., any village idiot or smarter person) to see that you are utterly mindless.
Bwahahaha....the village idiot wants to claim that he is smarter than me.....and then babbles on misinformation about the Supreme Court, what it can and can't're too funny.

The REASON the SCOTUS decision was wrong, you idiot, is precisely because it is NOT their province to "fix" the misbegotten erroneous draftsmanship of the legislative branch.

You're such a fucking think the Supreme Court just looks at the law and based on semantics makes a decision....what an idiot you truly are. The Supreme Court has to look out for the well-being of the country along with what the Constitution dictates. They knew that making a ruling that would undo Obamacare that the well-being of the country was at stake, and they weren't going to allow that over "semantics".

The Constitution may dictate "freedom of speech" - but the Supreme Court has to determine whether your "free" speech violated other parts of the Constitution and rules accordingly. But, you're such an uninformed idiot, you shouldn't even be discussing things your teeny brain can't comprehend.

Schenck v. United States, 1919
Speech that presents a “clear and present danger” to the security of the United States is in violation of the principle of free speech as protected by the First Amendment to the Constitution.

Even words themselves may pose a "clear and present danger" to the wellbeing of the country.
The Role of the Supreme Court

If the Congress wants to "fix" what Congress had so poorly drafted, Congress can do so. But SCOTUS, you abysmal fuck wit, is not a legislative body.
Prove it. Show me where it says that the SCOTUS goes strictly by the letter of the law. Also, moron, ruling against Obamacare would have devasted the insurance companies....and you conservatives, who consider yourself capitalists obviously don't know shit from shinola what that means. Roberts may not have been looking out for the 6 million Americans, but rather the Insurance companies.

The justices decided not to rule based on the letter of the law, but rather on the real world impact of their decision. "Congress passed the Affordable Care Act to improve health insurance markets, not to destroy them," wrote Roberts. The impact of a decision to declare 6 million people ineligible for subsidies would have devastated the insurance markets.
Articles Supreme Court upholds subsidies for Obamacare state exchanges

It comes as zero surprise that it was written so poorly but passed anyway. The jerk-offs in Congress didn't bother to READ that shit before they voted to pass it. They are morons like you are.

It shouldn't come as a surprise since the gist of it was written by Republicans. And the real moron is you, who doesn't know the job of the SCOTUS and who claims to be a capitalist and then like a blind idiot would want a decision made that would affect companies in a gigantic way.

You are a buffoon - quit discussing adult things, you mental pygmy.
We all know, you pathetic imbecile, that the "real" name of the act that Congress passed is abbreviated "ACA." Perhaps not the members of Congress who voted on it. After all, they didn't bother to READ it first. But the rest of us know it.

Many of us also refer to it as ObamaCare. But since the Presidunce is a fucking jerk-off, it is more appropriate to refer to that hideous "law," as ObumblerCare.

Well, buffoon........only an idiot would consider something that is making America better an OBumblerCare.......OdoofusBushcare never materialized, all we ever got was OdoofusBush/Cheny Oworthlesswar and a bunch of idiotic conservatives like you thinking it was so great when America was tanking due OdoofusBush/Cheney policies.
And I didn't claim to be an expert on anything. It isn't difficult to have more knowledge on such things, however, than the dishonest fraudulent bullshit artist, Fakey.

It wouldn't matter if you did, idiot....most of us have sized up the many erroneous assertions you have made and are laughing at just how stupid you really are. You are an expert at making yourself look like an idiot........FACT.
All this decision means is that elections matter and the scotus has again confirmed that the us government is allowed to tax us to hell and back for any effing reason it wants and then do whatever the hell it wants with our income.

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