Supreme Court upholds Obamacare subsidies

The right for blacks to vote didn't come for decades and decades later, so why would they fight and die for it 100 years before it happened? Makes no sense. Why would they be worried about the black man voting, when its just about slavery? Freeing slaves doesn't give them a right to vote and there was no talk about letting them vote at the time. That didn't happen until 1965. Nice try but...

Try again.

Boy, you are really dense. The 13th Amendment, ending slavery was ratified in 1865.......the 15th Amendment, giving blacks the right to vote, was ratified in 1870....that's only 4 years, moron, not 100. Did you ever attend school?
But they fought over rights moron, not slavery. There were FAR more people in the war than slave owners, so why would people put their lives on the line to fight for others rights to own slaves when they didn't? Why would hundreds of thousands of non slave owners take a slug for slave owners they don't even know? There were only a small handful of actual slave owners in the south, compared with the population, especially compared with the population that took up arms.

Got a good explanation for that one, bubba?

I didn't think so because you're nothing more than a fucking stupid liberal moron.

It was in South Carolina that the Civil War began, when the Confederacy fired on Fort Sumter. The state’s casus belli was neither vague nor hard to comprehend:

...A geographical line has been drawn across the Union, and all the States north of that line have united in the election of a man to the high office of President of the United States, whose opinions and purposes are hostile to slavery. He is to be entrusted with the administration of the common Government, because he has declared that that “Government cannot endure permanently half slave, half free,” and that the public mind must rest in the belief that slavery is in the course of ultimate extinction. This sectional combination for the submersion of the Constitution, has been aided in some of the States by elevating to citizenship, persons who, by the supreme law of the land, are incapable of becoming citizens; and their votes have been used to inaugurate a new policy, hostile to the South, and destructive of its beliefs and safety.

As the Late Unpleasantness stretched from the predicted months into years, the very reason for the Confederacy’s existence came to threaten its diplomatic efforts. Fighting for slavery presented problems abroad, and so Confederate diplomats came up with the notion of emphasizing “states rights” over “slavery”—the first manifestation of what would later become a plank in the foundation of Lost Cause mythology.

The Confederate Cause in the Words of Its Leaders - The Atlantic
So you post some unsubstantiated unheard of source? That paragraph doesn't even make any sense.

Try again.

So, you can't read? the article, idiot. I gave you the link. You don't make sense.

I'll break it down for you.......the non-slave owners were fighting for the fact that they didn't want blacks to be equal to them....get it...simple.


Even after the war, as the Lost Cause rose, many veterans remained clear about why they had rallied to the Confederate flag. “I’ve never heard of any other cause than slavery,” wrote Confederate commander John S. Mosby. The progeny of the Confederacy repeatedly invoked slavery as the war’s cause.

Here, for example, is Mississippi Senator John Sharp Williams in 1904:

Local self-government temporarily destroyed may be recovered and ultimately retained. The other thing for which we fought is so complex in its composition, so delicate in its breath, so incomparable in its symmetry, that, being once destroyed, it is forever destroyed. This other thing for which we fought was the supremacy of the white man’s civilization in the country which he proudly claimed his own; “in the land which the Lord his God had given him;” founded upon the white man’s code of ethics, in sympathy with the white man’s traditions and ideals.

The Confederate Cause in the Words of Its Leaders - The Atlantic
I'm in the business of manufacturing medical instruments for hospitals. I know several hospital owners of this industry.
Google and look around you. How many hospitals that had closed before you even heard Obama? Look around you. How many hospitals that closed their ER program before you even heard Obama? This is from coast to coast by the thousands that suffered because of people don't have medical insurance then using ER as a primary care. All is left are trauma centers but few or limited ER. Hospital owners shoulder all the lost but they are not stupid. Why do you think hospital bills keep increasing and insurance premiums keeps going up before Obama? Who suffer all and pay for all these cost? You me and every tax payers.
Medicare is bankrupt. Let me ask ALL of you that are against ACA. Do you want to keep going this way? Should we just roll and die?
Who is doing something to help ease this problem? OBAMA.
Nonsense, hospitals have been closing their ER's for many years before Obama every became president. The number of hospital emergency departments in the United States fell from 4,884 in 1996 to 4,594 in 2009, a 6% decline. The main reason is of course uninsured patients. Since Obamacare was implemented at the end of 2013, the percent uninsured adults has decreased by over a third.

The massive expansion of insurance programs like Medicaid and a drop in emergency room visits saved hospitals at least $7.4 billion over the last year. If the fall in the number of uninsured continues, loses due to uninsured patents will become a minor expense in the next 5 years.

Study Emergency room closures can be deadly for area apos s residents - LA Times
HHS Hospitals saved billions under ObamaCare TheHill
Nonsense? You were just repeating what I said but more add ons. You may want to address your post to anti-ACA.
Sorry, I thought you meant hospital ER's weren't closing before Obama.
They're the same idiots that think the civil war was over slavery. No, it was over states rights to choose things LIKE SLAVERY.

Idiot....slavery was the main reason they wanted State rights......
Yes, Republicans used the term Obamacare to remind Americans that Obama was responsible for this terrible law. Now that the number of uninsured Americans is falling rapidly, it will remind Americans that Obama is responsible for the most important healthcare legislation since Medicare. I wouldn't be surprised to see Republicans start calling the law by it's real name.
You just don't understand ( I am trying to be nice)

I have not bothered to get health care from my employers for the past 20 years, I take care of my self, don't take risk, if I get hurt at work, it's on there dime not mine.

I take care of myself, always aware of safety.

I know females have their problems and needs, I don't mind helping paying for that because that's just biology, what I have a problem with, is people just being out right reckless with their health.

That's what I have a problem with.

Why should I pay for your mistakes in life?

Why should I pay?

When if a cut for me is solved with a little $3 bucks fishing wire and some super glue?

Obama care don't even cover dental or vision.

Well, first, I find it hard to believe you actually run a business, much less one that employs people.

second, I agree, employers should not be in the health insurance business. But that's the system the right wing insists on. Most of the rest of the world has single payer health insurance and the leaves the employers out of it.

So if your employee gets cancer, you shouldn't pay for 'his mistakes'? Really? or if he slips on some ice, not your problem? You'd be a real joy to work for.
I'm in the business of manufacturing medical instruments for hospitals. I know several hospital owners of this industry.
Google and look around you. How many hospitals that had closed before you even heard Obama? Look around you. How many hospitals that closed their ER program before you even heard Obama? This is from coast to coast by the thousands that suffered because of people don't have medical insurance then using ER as a primary care. All is left are trauma centers but few or limited ER. Hospital owners shoulder all the lost but they are not stupid. Why do you think hospital bills keep increasing and insurance premiums keeps going up before Obama? Who suffer all and pay for all these cost? You me and every tax payers.
Medicare is bankrupt. Let me ask ALL of you that are against ACA. Do you want to keep going this way? Should we just roll and die?
Who is doing something to help ease this problem? OBAMA.
Nonsense, hospitals have been closing their ER's for many years before Obama every became president. The number of hospital emergency departments in the United States fell from 4,884 in 1996 to 4,594 in 2009, a 6% decline. The main reason is of course uninsured patients. Since Obamacare was implemented at the end of 2013, the percent uninsured adults has decreased by over a third.

The massive expansion of insurance programs like Medicaid and a drop in emergency room visits saved hospitals at least $7.4 billion over the last year. If the fall in the number of uninsured continues, loses due to uninsured patents will become a minor expense in the next 5 years.

Study Emergency room closures can be deadly for area apos s residents - LA Times
HHS Hospitals saved billions under ObamaCare TheHill
Nonsense? You were just repeating what I said but more add ons. You may want to address your post to anti-ACA.
Sorry, I thought you meant hospital ER's weren't closing before Obama.

Why would ERs close? They are a cash cow for hospitals and there use is increasing. With SCOTUSCARE they are ensured of making even more money.
if two men or two women can marry, why can't three men or three women, or two men and six women. What possible argument can the court make to deny multiple marriage now that it has condoned same sex marriage?

well, first, because bigamy is against the law in all 50 states. now, if you can get the bigamy laws struck down, you might have an argument here.

I'm still not seeing a problem here, of course. So what if people want to engage in a group marriage?
Nations that have become liberalized where sexual immorality and Godlessness are the "rule" fail. It's backed up by history. More importantly, God as said it is so.....

My eternal destination is secure, but we have the duty and responsibility to stand up for God and to be a light to the unsaved and the backslidden.

You guys keeps saying that, but when pushed for examples, all you come up with is the Roman Empire, forgetting that the Roman Empire was a Christian Empire for the last 200 years of its existence.
Nations that have become liberalized where sexual immorality and Godlessness are the "rule" fail. It's backed up by history. More importantly, God as said it is so.....

My eternal destination is secure, but we have the duty and responsibility to stand up for God and to be a light to the unsaved and the backslidden.

You guys keeps saying that, but when pushed for examples, all you come up with is the Roman Empire, forgetting that the Roman Empire was a Christian Empire for the last 200 years of its existence.

Yes, and, the Roman Empire chose to live in an UNCHRISTIAN lifestyle, and look what happened!

Also, not just the Roman Empire - Britain, Spain, Persia, Babylon and Egypt
I'm in the business of manufacturing medical instruments for hospitals. I know several hospital owners of this industry.
Google and look around you. How many hospitals that had closed before you even heard Obama? Look around you. How many hospitals that closed their ER program before you even heard Obama? This is from coast to coast by the thousands that suffered because of people don't have medical insurance then using ER as a primary care. All is left are trauma centers but few or limited ER. Hospital owners shoulder all the lost but they are not stupid. Why do you think hospital bills keep increasing and insurance premiums keeps going up before Obama? Who suffer all and pay for all these cost? You me and every tax payers.
Medicare is bankrupt. Let me ask ALL of you that are against ACA. Do you want to keep going this way? Should we just roll and die?
Who is doing something to help ease this problem? OBAMA.
Nonsense, hospitals have been closing their ER's for many years before Obama every became president. The number of hospital emergency departments in the United States fell from 4,884 in 1996 to 4,594 in 2009, a 6% decline. The main reason is of course uninsured patients. Since Obamacare was implemented at the end of 2013, the percent uninsured adults has decreased by over a third.

The massive expansion of insurance programs like Medicaid and a drop in emergency room visits saved hospitals at least $7.4 billion over the last year. If the fall in the number of uninsured continues, loses due to uninsured patents will become a minor expense in the next 5 years.

Study Emergency room closures can be deadly for area apos s residents - LA Times
HHS Hospitals saved billions under ObamaCare TheHill
Nonsense? You were just repeating what I said but more add ons. You may want to address your post to anti-ACA.
Sorry, I thought you meant hospital ER's weren't closing before Obama.
I was confused at what he was saying as well....
Yes, and, the Roman Empire chose to live in an UNCHRISTIAN lifestyle, and look what happened!

it became the largest and most influential empire in the history of mankind?

Then some whacky emperor decided to make Christianity the State Religion and it all went to shit.

The Dark Ages- the First Christian Faith Based Initiative!!!

While the spread of Christianity may have played a small role in curbing Roman, so called, "civic virtue", most scholars argue that its influence paled in comparison to military, economic and administrative factors.

It had a very small role, if any.
While the spread of Christianity may have played a small role in curbing Roman, so called, "civic virtue", most scholars argue that its influence paled in comparison to military, economic and administrative factors.

It had a very small role, if any.

But your argument was that it was the evil sodomites who brought Rome down. This is the argument you Christians make...

Until someone with a history degree points out that the Roman Empire was Christian for its last 200 years. (Or it's last 1100 years if you count the Byzantine Empire as a continuation.)

Then you begrudgingly admit that the Roman Empire fell for the same reasons almost every other empire falls.
Yes, and, the Roman Empire chose to live in an UNCHRISTIAN lifestyle, and look what happened!

it became the largest and most influential empire in the history of mankind?

Then some whacky emperor decided to make Christianity the State Religion and it all went to shit.

The Dark Ages- the First Christian Faith Based Initiative!!!

It was on its way to Shit Town anyway. It's just that converting to Christianity did nothing to stop it.
It was on its way to Shit Town anyway. It's just that converting to Christianity did nothing to stop it.

That's where i have to disagree. I think the Catholic Church did do a lot to make the Dark Ages worse than they needed to be. They destroyed a lot of the centers of learning and burned a lot of the ancient knowledge because it was pagan, which is why we don't have a lot of the science and philosophy the Greeks and Romans discovered.
So do you have an explanation why hundreds of thousands of non slave owners would take a 50 cal slug to defend the rights of people that did own them to keep them?

If you can explain that, then maybe your theory that the civil war was over slavery MIGHT hold water. Until then, logic says you're full of shit.

CONFEDERATE AMERICAN PRIDE The Civil war was NOT over slavery

Who the fuck are you addressing? Don't you even know how to quote someone?

But to answer your stupid question..........why do conservatives who don't own corporations, bitch about money going to welfare but are okay with corporate welfare? Same thing with slavery.
Typical liberal throwing around the phrase "corporate welfare" with obviously no clue at all what it means.
lets try to break it down and explain why one is ok, and one is not.
If a corporation pays 30% in taxes, but it gets a break of lets say 10%, that is not a 10% loss for the taxpayers, its still a 20% gain, and it allows the corporation to perform research and development, or hire more employees, buy new equipment. In other words, that money is stimulating the economy. No you say, the greedy rich use the 10% to make the share holders even richer. Ok, those share holders invest their money, so now that 10% is being put in to other smaller companies to stimulate the economy, hire more people etc... There is no such thing as corporate welfare. Unless you consider those green companies that obammy threw money to that just used it to pay off its share holders then folded.
Now lets look at welfare. The majority of those on it add nothing to society, the are a drain, a burden, worthless. They will never contribute to the well being of the country.
oh again you will come back with, but they turn around and spend the money the get from welfare and stimulate the economy. No, they actually do not. the money would be better spent if it was invested in companies that hired people, that went to those that would invest it in other companies, if it stayed in the pockets of the taxpayer so he/she could better provide for his family.
Do you understand or would a picture book work better for you.
I'm in the business of manufacturing medical instruments for hospitals. I know several hospital owners of this industry.
Google and look around you. How many hospitals that had closed before you even heard Obama? Look around you. How many hospitals that closed their ER program before you even heard Obama? This is from coast to coast by the thousands that suffered because of people don't have medical insurance then using ER as a primary care. All is left are trauma centers but few or limited ER. Hospital owners shoulder all the lost but they are not stupid. Why do you think hospital bills keep increasing and insurance premiums keeps going up before Obama? Who suffer all and pay for all these cost? You me and every tax payers.
Medicare is bankrupt. Let me ask ALL of you that are against ACA. Do you want to keep going this way? Should we just roll and die?
Who is doing something to help ease this problem? OBAMA.
Nonsense, hospitals have been closing their ER's for many years before Obama every became president. The number of hospital emergency departments in the United States fell from 4,884 in 1996 to 4,594 in 2009, a 6% decline. The main reason is of course uninsured patients. Since Obamacare was implemented at the end of 2013, the percent uninsured adults has decreased by over a third.

The massive expansion of insurance programs like Medicaid and a drop in emergency room visits saved hospitals at least $7.4 billion over the last year. If the fall in the number of uninsured continues, loses due to uninsured patents will become a minor expense in the next 5 years.

Study Emergency room closures can be deadly for area apos s residents - LA Times
HHS Hospitals saved billions under ObamaCare TheHill
Nonsense? You were just repeating what I said but more add ons. You may want to address your post to anti-ACA.
Sorry, I thought you meant hospital ER's weren't closing before Obama.

Why would ERs close? They are a cash cow for hospitals and there use is increasing. With SCOTUSCARE they are ensured of making even more money.
Emergency rooms that loose money do so because they are forced by law to accept the uninsured. However, that's changing because the percentage of uninsured in the US is falling rather dramatically due to Obamacare and the economic recovery.

It's not all peaches and cream for the hospitals. We are seeing signs now that less people are using the ER as a replacement for outpatient care because more people have insurance. ER's in the future will have less patients but will have less losses due to unpaid bills.

20% to 30% of hospital admissions have come thru the ER. The goal of most hospitals is to shift ER admissions to elective admissions. This is one of the reasons why hospitals are becoming large healthcare centers with local and remote clinics and urgent care centers. This means better medical outcomes and more revenue.

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