Sure am glad Hailey cancelled obamaburgh cellebration

I feel sorry for the townspeople who have supported the "bring him home" campaign.
The rapid conviction of Bergdahl may be unjustified, ever think of THAT?
The alleged "backlash" is really the truth which was ignored by the mainstream media. Back in the old days when Cronkite was the "most trusted voice" there would have been no "backlash" because the liberal media would have ignored the truth.
Bergdahl's hometown cancelled his homecoming celebration siting "security risk." LOL. The real reason is probably due to the fact nobody wants to celebrate a slithering deserter. What do you think?

HAILEY, Idaho (AP) — Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl's hometown abruptly canceled plans Wednesday for a welcome-home celebration, citing security concerns over the prospect of big crowds — both for and against the soldier.
The town of 8,000 has been swamped with hate mail and angry calls over Bergdahl, whose release after five years of Taliban captivity in Afghanistan has touched off a debate over whether the 28-year-old should get a hero's welcome or be punished a deserter.


Hailey Chamber of Commerce President Jane Drussel said she and the organization have gotten hate mail and calls from people lambasting the town and branding Bergdahl un-American and a traitor. "The joy has all of a sudden become not so joyful," she said.

Bergdahl's hometown cancels celebration amid furor - World news

I hope he hangs his head in shame. The very least he could do is own up to his miserable actions; explain himself; then offer a public apology. That would be a start.
Not "cool". This soldier is accused of serious crimes, and other soldiers died looking for him. This is not a "KEWL" matter as the dingbats phrase it. It is of the utmost severity.
Not "cool". This soldier is accused of serious crimes, and other soldiers died looking for him. This is not a "KEWL" matter as the dingbats phrase it. It is of the utmost severity.

Exactly! That's why we should celebrate the cancellation of his celebration. He doesn't deserve one.
Next the right wingers will be standing in line to spit on the soldier.
Maybe he needs spitting on. In behalf of the 6 that died looking for him.
Next the right wingers will be standing in line to spit on the soldier.

Because, OBAMA is involved. Sickening; the same with FINALLY killing bin Laden, no good news because Obama bothered to find him. His Saudi ties seemed to leave Bush disinterested. IRAQ was all Bush cared about from day 1.
I think he deserves one thing and one thing only- a court martial. He must face Military Justice.

I only wish we could do the same for Obama.

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