Sure the senate won’t remove Trump, but seeing Trump losing his shit alone is worth it

Yep, the Democrats have been trying to impeach him ever since he took office. You're just sore because you were stupid enough to nominate someone as stupid and crazy as Hillary. While this is technically an impeachment, we all know it is just a Democratic political stunt intended to distract voters from Biden's corrupt actions in Ukraine on the eve of the 2016 political season.
Not try. Did. Now he really has something in common with Bill Clinton.
Bill Clinton was guilty of perjury but Trump is only guilty of winning the 2016 election.
Clinton testified. Trump won't take the stand and blocks others from testifying. He is guilty of obstruction of justice.

Aw what gives? These folks aren't talking like winners this morning

What did we win? We impeached an idiot president and the choice of that fool shows we have a serious defect in the American culture that must be addressed.
The Democrats made a mockery of the impeachment process, directly assaulted the institution of the presidency and the Constitution's separation of powers all to try to cover up Biden's corrupt action in Ukraine on the eve of the 2016 election season.
Not try. Did. Now he really has something in common with Bill Clinton.
Bill Clinton was guilty of perjury but Trump is only guilty of winning the 2016 election.
Clinton testified. Trump won't take the stand and blocks others from testifying. He is guilty of obstruction of justice.

Aw what gives? These folks aren't talking like winners this morning

What did we win? We impeached an idiot president and the choice of that fool shows we have a serious defect in the American culture that must be addressed.
The Democrats made a mockery of the impeachment process, directly assaulted the institution of the presidency and the Constitution's separation of powers all to try to cover up Biden's corrupt action in Ukraine on the eve of the 2016 election season.
Bullshit. Try talking about reality.
Bill Clinton was guilty of perjury but Trump is only guilty of winning the 2016 election.
Clinton testified. Trump won't take the stand and blocks others from testifying. He is guilty of obstruction of justice.

Aw what gives? These folks aren't talking like winners this morning

What did we win? We impeached an idiot president and the choice of that fool shows we have a serious defect in the American culture that must be addressed.
The Democrats made a mockery of the impeachment process, directly assaulted the institution of the presidency and the Constitution's separation of powers all to try to cover up Biden's corrupt action in Ukraine on the eve of the 2016 election season.
Bullshit. Try talking about reality.
That is the reality. It was never anything more than a political stunt that made a mockery of the impeachment process, damaged the institution of the presidency and the Constitution's separation of powers all to try to cover up Biden's corrupt actions in Ukraine on the eve of the 2016 elections.
What does Trump have to worry about? Isn’t he an innocent man and republicans will save him? Didn’t he tell the American people it was all a sham? That doesn’t stop the Twitter tantrums. He’s a whiny little bitch after all. After this vote goes through, Trump’s reaction alone will make it all worth it.
The objective....trolling political opponents.

Yeah, these are the people we need in charge.

Can some adults please take control of both parties? Please!!!

Being one of three presidents that were impeached is enough.
Only two presidents have been legitimately impeached. This was just a political stunt that made a mockery of the impeachment process and damaged the institution of the presidency and the Constitution's separation of powers in the process.
What does Trump have to worry about? Isn’t he an innocent man and republicans will save him? Didn’t he tell the American people it was all a sham? That doesn’t stop the Twitter tantrums. He’s a whiny little bitch after all. After this vote goes through, Trump’s reaction alone will make it all worth it.
Yeah... let's talk about who likes to throw TEMPER TANTRUMS... SHALL WE?

Imagine that... an UNHINGED LEFTARD starting a thread about TANTRUMS.... PROJECTION MUCH? ...

Democrats are the BIGGEST FLAMING HYPOCRITES on the PLANET... to say they're RETARDED is putting it MILDLY.
Clinton testified. Trump won't take the stand and blocks others from testifying. He is guilty of obstruction of justice.

Aw what gives? These folks aren't talking like winners this morning

What did we win? We impeached an idiot president and the choice of that fool shows we have a serious defect in the American culture that must be addressed.
The Democrats made a mockery of the impeachment process, directly assaulted the institution of the presidency and the Constitution's separation of powers all to try to cover up Biden's corrupt action in Ukraine on the eve of the 2016 election season.
Bullshit. Try talking about reality.
That is the reality. It was never anything more than a political stunt that made a mockery of the impeachment process, damaged the institution of the presidency and the Constitution's separation of powers all to try to cover up Biden's corrupt actions in Ukraine on the eve of the 2016 elections.

The reality is that you have just repeated a bunch of right wing crap.
Aw what gives? These folks aren't talking like winners this morning

What did we win? We impeached an idiot president and the choice of that fool shows we have a serious defect in the American culture that must be addressed.
The Democrats made a mockery of the impeachment process, directly assaulted the institution of the presidency and the Constitution's separation of powers all to try to cover up Biden's corrupt action in Ukraine on the eve of the 2016 election season.
Bullshit. Try talking about reality.
That is the reality. It was never anything more than a political stunt that made a mockery of the impeachment process, damaged the institution of the presidency and the Constitution's separation of powers all to try to cover up Biden's corrupt actions in Ukraine on the eve of the 2016 elections.

The reality is that you have just repeated a bunch of right wing crap.
lol No, I repeated the truth and you don't like the truth.
and he has been under attack for three years

Trump's attacked the press, fired 1/2 his staff, and blamed everyone that he possibly could blame since day one in office

Hard to be sympathetic for such petulant vitriol



Can you please tell us which libtard you are channeling so we can expect your fanatical tirades?
You sound as stupid as the idiot who did not know Clinton was impeached.
The reality is that you have just repeated a bunch of right wing crap.

Hey look, its shoe shine boy, straight off the plantation, here to deliver his masters' message.
There are none so insecure or as disgusting as those who use race to put others down. In the end they only make themselves look bad. But they are too fricking stupid to realize it. UGLY people.
What does Trump have to worry about? Isn’t he an innocent man and republicans will save him? Didn’t he tell the American people it was all a sham? That doesn’t stop the Twitter tantrums. He’s a whiny little bitch after all. After this vote goes through, Trump’s reaction alone will make it all worth it.
Yeah... let's talk about who likes to throw TEMPER TANTRUMS... SHALL WE?

The worst is trump, cries about everything....he is the biggest pussy that ever appeared on TV.
What does Trump have to worry about? Isn’t he an innocent man and republicans will save him? Didn’t he tell the American people it was all a sham? That doesn’t stop the Twitter tantrums. He’s a whiny little bitch after all. After this vote goes through, Trump’s reaction alone will make it all worth it.
Trump and his followers will be a shit stain on US history along with Joseph McCarty and his supporters and Benedict Arnold.
Impeachment will be a stain on Trump, forever, but he has so many stains, I am not sure it matters.
To know how bad Trump is look at the character or lack of character of his followers. Most have been losers their whole life and a dysfunctional President has allowed them to come out of their rat holes. And they know it.
What does Trump have to worry about? Isn’t he an innocent man and republicans will save him? Didn’t he tell the American people it was all a sham? That doesn’t stop the Twitter tantrums. He’s a whiny little bitch after all. After this vote goes through, Trump’s reaction alone will make it all worth it.
Yeah... let's talk about who likes to throw TEMPER TANTRUMS... SHALL WE?

The worst is trump, cries about everything....he is the biggest pussy that ever appeared on TV.

Sure... DUMBASS... SURE - - - - - - - - - - - -

What does Trump have to worry about? Isn’t he an innocent man and republicans will save him? Didn’t he tell the American people it was all a sham? That doesn’t stop the Twitter tantrums. He’s a whiny little bitch after all. After this vote goes through, Trump’s reaction alone will make it all worth it.
Trump and his followers will be a shit stain on US history along with Joseph McCarty and his supporters and Benedict Arnold.
Impeachment will be a stain on Trump, forever, but he has so many stains, I am not sure it matters.
To know how bad Trump is look at the character or lack of character of his followers. Most have been losers their whole life and a dysfunctional President has allowed them to come out of their rat holes. And they know it.
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
What does Trump have to worry about? Isn’t he an innocent man and republicans will save him? Didn’t he tell the American people it was all a sham? That doesn’t stop the Twitter tantrums. He’s a whiny little bitch after all. After this vote goes through, Trump’s reaction alone will make it all worth it.
Trump and his followers will be a shit stain on US history along with Joseph McCarty and his supporters and Benedict Arnold.
Impeachment will be a stain on Trump, forever, but he has so many stains, I am not sure it matters.
To know how bad Trump is look at the character or lack of character of his followers. Most have been losers their whole life and a dysfunctional President has allowed them to come out of their rat holes. And they know it.
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Good reply, another sign of an illiterate Trump supporter. They struggle with the written language and must rely on emoji's. I bet it comes back with 2 or three emoji reply.
Why Did Black Voters Flee The Republican Party In The 1960s?

Black voters began supporting the Democratic party in greater numbers almost a century ago. But the events of 1964 marked a dramatic shift in voting patterns that's still with us today.

Vincent Hutchings, a political scientist who studies voter patterns at the University of Michigan, says the first major shift in black party affiliation away from the Republican Party happened during the Depression. Franklin Roosevelt's second administration — led by the New Deal — made the Democrats a beacon for black Americans deeply affected by the crushing poverty that was plaguing the country.

But many black voters stuck with the party of Lincoln.

"The data suggests that even as late as 1960, only about two-thirds of African-Americans were identified with the Democratic Party," he says. "Now, two-thirds is a pretty big number. But when you compare it to today, that number hovers at about 90 percent."

Ninety percent. So what happened?

Well, according to Hutchings and to Tufts University historian Peniel Joseph, Barry Goldwater happened.

"Barry Goldwater, for Republicans, becomes a metaphor for the Republican response for this revolution that's happening in the United States," Joseph says.

The "revolution" was Freedom Summer, the period 50 years ago when hundreds of college students, most of them white, had journeyed to Mississippi to help black Mississippians become registered voters. The state's response to that integrated movement had been swift — and violent. Less than a month before the GOP met for its national convention in San Francisco, organizers Andrew Goodman, James Chaney (who was African-American and Mississippi-born) and Michael Schwerner had been kidnapped on a dark back road in Neshoba County. The only hint that they'd existed was Schwerner's charred Ford station wagon.

The media attention that followed the men's disappearance roiled the entire South. (Their bodies would be found in early August, buried in the shallow earthen works of a dam.)

Then, two weeks after the men's disappearance and mere days before the GOP convention opened, Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act into law, making discrimination in public venues illegal.

Peniel Joseph says the events outside the GOP's convention hall affected what went on under its roof. Supporters of the presumed front-runner, liberal New York Gov. Nelson Rockefeller, were blindsided by the party's well-organized conservative wing, which nominated Arizona's Sen. Barry Goldwater. His nickname was "Mr. Conservative."

Goldwater can be seen as the godfather (or maybe the midwife) of the current Tea Party. He wanted the federal government out of the states' business. He believed the Civil Rights Act was unconstitutional — although he said that once it had been enacted into law, it would be obeyed. But states, he said, should implement the law in their own time. Many white southerners, especially segregationists, felt reassured by Goldwater's words. Black Americans, says Vince Hutchings, felt anything but:

"African-Americans heard the message that was intended to be heard. Which was that Goldwater and the Goldwater wing of the Republican party were opposed not only to the Civil Rights Act, but to the civil rights movement, in large part, as well."

Why Did Black Voters Flee The Republican Party In The 1960s?

The republican party is the plantation and all the gaslighting in the world is not going to make me join a party full of AIDS riddled, stank p----- hos like terri.

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