Survivor Frontman: How Dare Kim Davis and Huckabee Use 'Eye of the Tiger'

Kim Davis is a brave American and a hero for standing up to the sodomite hoards. ...... :thup:

Funny. Kim Davis has been married FOUR times. I suspect all her orifices have been thoroughly reamed out.
i bet you popped a woody the first time you seen her.....didnt you? nazilibs love those loose women...
Yuck! Wouldn't fuck that with the 5th husband's tiny dick...
lakota would fuck anything that moves....just ask his dog....if he hasnt run off yet...

That picture is just sooo twisted.

What a bunch of cracker rubes! And one with a hill billy hat!!!
"Outraged" ! Lol !!! Typical lib !
Misuse of intellectual property is serious business, bringing that song into such a highly charged political situation gives the owner of that song every right to publicly take exception. If some democrat were to just use a Toby Keith song for a political stunt (as if) he would break his neck getting to a news camera to protest and you would be behind him 110%.
We should never see you trying to quote Bible verses if this is how you feel about it then.
I only ever quote the words of Jesus, the only part of Christianity that really matters, the rest is just a bunch of spiritual smoke and mirrors written by much lesser men for their own furtherance.

Well, Jesus didn't write the Bible. There's no actual recording of Jesus saying stuff, just what "lesser men [wrote] for their own furtherance."
"Outraged" ! Lol !!! Typical lib !
Misuse of intellectual property is serious business, bringing that song into such a highly charged political situation gives the owner of that song every right to publicly take exception. If some democrat were to just use a Toby Keith song for a political stunt (as if) he would break his neck getting to a news camera to protest and you would be behind him 110%.
We should never see you trying to quote Bible verses if this is how you feel about it then.
I only ever quote the words of Jesus, the only part of Christianity that really matters, the rest is just a bunch of spiritual smoke and mirrors written by much lesser men for their own furtherance.

Well, Jesus didn't write the Bible. There's no actual recording of Jesus saying stuff, just what "lesser men [wrote] for their own furtherance."
In your OP. Still ain't this one's words so quit abusing them.
Misuse of intellectual property is serious business, bringing that song into such a highly charged political situation gives the owner of that song every right to publicly take exception. If some democrat were to just use a Toby Keith song for a political stunt (as if) he would break his neck getting to a news camera to protest and you would be behind him 110%.
We should never see you trying to quote Bible verses if this is how you feel about it then.
I only ever quote the words of Jesus, the only part of Christianity that really matters, the rest is just a bunch of spiritual smoke and mirrors written by much lesser men for their own furtherance.
But these are not your words so you are infringing.
You think the religious right owns the exclusive rights to Jesus Christ? LOL you guys only care what he allegedly was doing for three days. Do not be offended if I try to remind you of what he said before Religious conservatives killed him.
Actually I personally think you are simply a hypocrite as you claim you do not believe in the Lord's word yet you desire to use it for your own purpose against those who do believe it. Again you claim certain proprietor rights are protected and yet in other threads you do nothing more than try to bash Christians who do believe those words. It really is simple quit using something you fail to believe in if you believe in such things as "intellectual property" as "serious business".
You people dishonor the word every time you treat people in ways Jesus said not to. You people may believe in Jesus but just let someone like me remind you that he said things like love each other, be honestly charitable, don't be greedy, do not give in to wrath, etc. and you act like I do not know what I am talking about. It is the religious right that has used scripture for their own selfish purposes, it's why I walked away from them after being raised a southern baptist, I read the bible and just couldn't square it with how they acted.
We should never see you trying to quote Bible verses if this is how you feel about it then.
I only ever quote the words of Jesus, the only part of Christianity that really matters, the rest is just a bunch of spiritual smoke and mirrors written by much lesser men for their own furtherance.
But these are not your words so you are infringing.
You think the religious right owns the exclusive rights to Jesus Christ? LOL you guys only care what he allegedly was doing for three days. Do not be offended if I try to remind you of what he said before Religious conservatives killed him.
Actually I personally think you are simply a hypocrite as you claim you do not believe in the Lord's word yet you desire to use it for your own purpose against those who do believe it. Again you claim certain proprietor rights are protected and yet in other threads you do nothing more than try to bash Christians who do believe those words. It really is simple quit using something you fail to believe in if you believe in such things as "intellectual property" as "serious business".
You people dishonor the word every time you treat people in ways Jesus said not to. You people may believe in Jesus but just let someone like me remind you that he said things like love each other, be honestly charitable, don't be greedy, do not give in to wrath, etc. and you act like I do not know what I am talking about. It is the religious right that has used scripture for their own selfish purposes, it's why I walked away from them after being raised a southern baptist, I read the bible and just couldn't square it with how they acted.
He also said son of man warn them for if not their sin is and blood is not on your hands. So you again are in error. When people attempt to warn you if you deny that your blood is on your own hands. If they also deny as they are given warnings of what the word or the spirit says their blood will also be in their own hands.
Survivor Frontman: How Dare Kim Davis and Huckabee Use 'Eye of the Tiger'

It plays better than "You Crazy Eyed Fat Bitch"
I only ever quote the words of Jesus, the only part of Christianity that really matters, the rest is just a bunch of spiritual smoke and mirrors written by much lesser men for their own furtherance.
But these are not your words so you are infringing.
You think the religious right owns the exclusive rights to Jesus Christ? LOL you guys only care what he allegedly was doing for three days. Do not be offended if I try to remind you of what he said before Religious conservatives killed him.
Actually I personally think you are simply a hypocrite as you claim you do not believe in the Lord's word yet you desire to use it for your own purpose against those who do believe it. Again you claim certain proprietor rights are protected and yet in other threads you do nothing more than try to bash Christians who do believe those words. It really is simple quit using something you fail to believe in if you believe in such things as "intellectual property" as "serious business".
You people dishonor the word every time you treat people in ways Jesus said not to. You people may believe in Jesus but just let someone like me remind you that he said things like love each other, be honestly charitable, don't be greedy, do not give in to wrath, etc. and you act like I do not know what I am talking about. It is the religious right that has used scripture for their own selfish purposes, it's why I walked away from them after being raised a southern baptist, I read the bible and just couldn't square it with how they acted.
He also said son of man warn them for if not their sin is and blood is not on your hands. So you again are in error. When people attempt to warn you if you deny that your blood is on your own hands. If they also deny as they are given warnings of what the word or the spirit says their blood will also be in their own hands.

OK. You've said what you had to say, now STFU. He said warn, not nag, berate, and try to deny their rights.
But these are not your words so you are infringing.
You think the religious right owns the exclusive rights to Jesus Christ? LOL you guys only care what he allegedly was doing for three days. Do not be offended if I try to remind you of what he said before Religious conservatives killed him.
Actually I personally think you are simply a hypocrite as you claim you do not believe in the Lord's word yet you desire to use it for your own purpose against those who do believe it. Again you claim certain proprietor rights are protected and yet in other threads you do nothing more than try to bash Christians who do believe those words. It really is simple quit using something you fail to believe in if you believe in such things as "intellectual property" as "serious business".
You people dishonor the word every time you treat people in ways Jesus said not to. You people may believe in Jesus but just let someone like me remind you that he said things like love each other, be honestly charitable, don't be greedy, do not give in to wrath, etc. and you act like I do not know what I am talking about. It is the religious right that has used scripture for their own selfish purposes, it's why I walked away from them after being raised a southern baptist, I read the bible and just couldn't square it with how they acted.
He also said son of man warn them for if not their sin is and blood is not on your hands. So you again are in error. When people attempt to warn you if you deny that your blood is on your own hands. If they also deny as they are given warnings of what the word or the spirit says their blood will also be in their own hands.

OK. You've said what you had to say, now STFU. He said warn, not nag, berate, and try to deny their rights.
Sorry you do not get to say when I speak, post or write or anything else. A higher authority than you makes that decision so piss off.
I only ever quote the words of Jesus, the only part of Christianity that really matters, the rest is just a bunch of spiritual smoke and mirrors written by much lesser men for their own furtherance.
But these are not your words so you are infringing.
You think the religious right owns the exclusive rights to Jesus Christ? LOL you guys only care what he allegedly was doing for three days. Do not be offended if I try to remind you of what he said before Religious conservatives killed him.
Actually I personally think you are simply a hypocrite as you claim you do not believe in the Lord's word yet you desire to use it for your own purpose against those who do believe it. Again you claim certain proprietor rights are protected and yet in other threads you do nothing more than try to bash Christians who do believe those words. It really is simple quit using something you fail to believe in if you believe in such things as "intellectual property" as "serious business".
You people dishonor the word every time you treat people in ways Jesus said not to. You people may believe in Jesus but just let someone like me remind you that he said things like love each other, be honestly charitable, don't be greedy, do not give in to wrath, etc. and you act like I do not know what I am talking about. It is the religious right that has used scripture for their own selfish purposes, it's why I walked away from them after being raised a southern baptist, I read the bible and just couldn't square it with how they acted.
He also said son of man warn them for if not their sin is and blood is not on your hands. So you again are in error. When people attempt to warn you if you deny that your blood is on your own hands. If they also deny as they are given warnings of what the word or the spirit says their blood will also be in their own hands.
You think that passage makes it OK to act like the Pharisees trying to use secular law to save people's souls against their will? Jesus never seemed that concerned with earthly law and religious authority, why should you or anyone? Besides, Jesus didn't even say that it was written in Ezekiel to the children of Israel.
You think the religious right owns the exclusive rights to Jesus Christ? LOL you guys only care what he allegedly was doing for three days. Do not be offended if I try to remind you of what he said before Religious conservatives killed him.
Actually I personally think you are simply a hypocrite as you claim you do not believe in the Lord's word yet you desire to use it for your own purpose against those who do believe it. Again you claim certain proprietor rights are protected and yet in other threads you do nothing more than try to bash Christians who do believe those words. It really is simple quit using something you fail to believe in if you believe in such things as "intellectual property" as "serious business".
You people dishonor the word every time you treat people in ways Jesus said not to. You people may believe in Jesus but just let someone like me remind you that he said things like love each other, be honestly charitable, don't be greedy, do not give in to wrath, etc. and you act like I do not know what I am talking about. It is the religious right that has used scripture for their own selfish purposes, it's why I walked away from them after being raised a southern baptist, I read the bible and just couldn't square it with how they acted.
He also said son of man warn them for if not their sin is and blood is not on your hands. So you again are in error. When people attempt to warn you if you deny that your blood is on your own hands. If they also deny as they are given warnings of what the word or the spirit says their blood will also be in their own hands.

OK. You've said what you had to say, now STFU. He said warn, not nag, berate, and try to deny their rights.
Sorry you do not get to say when I speak, post or write or anything else. A higher authority than you makes that decision so piss off.

According to what you, yourself, said you are obligated to do, you are adding a lot to your instructions. I guess we are all used to people using the Christian name but just making shit up to do.
You think that passage makes it OK to act like the Pharisees trying to use secular law to save people's souls against their will?
I am not trying to save your soul. Not my job and I do not belong to any religious organization so the Pharisees comment I don't believes applies where you would like to put it here. Besides lets break down what a Pharisees is if you want to go that route. You can start a thread on that subject in the religious and ethics section.

Jesus never seemed that concerned with earthly law and religious authority, why should you or anyone?
Not sure where you get that idea. Again maybe you should start a thread in the religious section and ask that question.

Besides, Jesus didn't even say that it was written in Ezekiel to the children of Israel.
This is where you lack some understanding as Jesus is the Word, The Spirit of Prophecy and that which was written about through the ages. The Old and New Testament is the Word given and written about through generations. It all applies if you have the spirit and the desire to understand. Again put forth the inquiry in the religious and ethics section.
Actually I personally think you are simply a hypocrite as you claim you do not believe in the Lord's word yet you desire to use it for your own purpose against those who do believe it. Again you claim certain proprietor rights are protected and yet in other threads you do nothing more than try to bash Christians who do believe those words. It really is simple quit using something you fail to believe in if you believe in such things as "intellectual property" as "serious business".
You people dishonor the word every time you treat people in ways Jesus said not to. You people may believe in Jesus but just let someone like me remind you that he said things like love each other, be honestly charitable, don't be greedy, do not give in to wrath, etc. and you act like I do not know what I am talking about. It is the religious right that has used scripture for their own selfish purposes, it's why I walked away from them after being raised a southern baptist, I read the bible and just couldn't square it with how they acted.
He also said son of man warn them for if not their sin is and blood is not on your hands. So you again are in error. When people attempt to warn you if you deny that your blood is on your own hands. If they also deny as they are given warnings of what the word or the spirit says their blood will also be in their own hands.

OK. You've said what you had to say, now STFU. He said warn, not nag, berate, and try to deny their rights.
Sorry you do not get to say when I speak, post or write or anything else. A higher authority than you makes that decision so piss off.

According to what you, yourself, said you are obligated to do, you are adding a lot to your instructions. I guess we are all used to people using the Christian name but just making shit up to do.
Yeah I have seen you make up stuff a lot on this forum. Their is only One I am obligated to serve. Sorry you fail in that department.
You people dishonor the word every time you treat people in ways Jesus said not to. You people may believe in Jesus but just let someone like me remind you that he said things like love each other, be honestly charitable, don't be greedy, do not give in to wrath, etc. and you act like I do not know what I am talking about. It is the religious right that has used scripture for their own selfish purposes, it's why I walked away from them after being raised a southern baptist, I read the bible and just couldn't square it with how they acted.
He also said son of man warn them for if not their sin is and blood is not on your hands. So you again are in error. When people attempt to warn you if you deny that your blood is on your own hands. If they also deny as they are given warnings of what the word or the spirit says their blood will also be in their own hands.

OK. You've said what you had to say, now STFU. He said warn, not nag, berate, and try to deny their rights.
Sorry you do not get to say when I speak, post or write or anything else. A higher authority than you makes that decision so piss off.

According to what you, yourself, said you are obligated to do, you are adding a lot to your instructions. I guess we are all used to people using the Christian name but just making shit up to do.
Yeah I have seen you make up stuff a lot on this forum. Their is only One I am obligated to serve. Sorry you fail in that department.

Example of something I made up?

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