Susan Estrich Obama has no mandate to raise my taxes

President Obama has a mandate to raise taxes on wealthy Americans, senior campaign adviser David Axelrod said on Sunday on CBS’s Face the Nation.

Obama has threatened to veto any bill that that does not allow tax rates to rise on households that earn more than $250,000 a year. Asked if Obama has won a mandate with his election victory, despite winning by a small percentage, Axelrod did not answer directly, but said Obama had won a mandate on taxes.

“On this particular issue, it wasn't close,” Axlerod said, citing exit polling that show about 60 percent of voters agreed with Obama’s position on taxes.
Axelrod: Obama Has Tax Mandate - Yahoo! News

Axelrod is lying.

An overwhelming number of Americans support raising taxes on the rich

That is no lie
I don't understand people. Why the hell would you vote for the man if you didn't like his platform?

Because we only have to choices. She figured, like me, that Romney would be worse. Same as why repubs voted for Romney. They thought Obama would be worse. And most republicans I believe didn't like Romney as their candidate, True or not?
Axelrod is lying.

An overwhelming number of Americans support raising taxes on the rich

That is no lie

Tell you what, why don't you post the actual polls that prove that, and I will use them to prove you wrong.

Gallup - October - 55 to 39 in favor of raising taxes on rich.

CBS - September - 62 to 30 in favor of raising taxes on rich.

Wash. Post - July - 65 to 33 in favor of raising taxes on rich.

Nat Journal poll - October - 55 to 36 in favor of raising taxes on rich.
An overwhelming number of Americans support raising taxes on the rich

That is no lie

Tell you what, why don't you post the actual polls that prove that, and I will use them to prove you wrong.

Gallup - October - 55 to 39 in favor of raising taxes on rich.

CBS - September - 62 to 30 in favor of raising taxes on rich.

Wash. Post - July - 65 to 33 in favor of raising taxes on rich.

Nat Journal poll - October - 55 to 36 in favor of raising taxes on rich.

Posting made up numbers with a link that doesn't back them up, how typical.
Tell you what, why don't you post the actual polls that prove that, and I will use them to prove you wrong.

Gallup - October - 55 to 39 in favor of raising taxes on rich.

CBS - September - 62 to 30 in favor of raising taxes on rich.

Wash. Post - July - 65 to 33 in favor of raising taxes on rich.

Nat Journal poll - October - 55 to 36 in favor of raising taxes on rich.

Posting made up numbers with a link that doesn't back them up, how typical.

That's your proof? lol, grow up asshole.
Gallup - October - 55 to 39 in favor of raising taxes on rich.

CBS - September - 62 to 30 in favor of raising taxes on rich.

Wash. Post - July - 65 to 33 in favor of raising taxes on rich.

Nat Journal poll - October - 55 to 36 in favor of raising taxes on rich.

Posting made up numbers with a link that doesn't back them up, how typical.

That's your proof? lol, grow up asshole.

This is the link you posted. Why don't you show me where it supports anything you posted?



  • $2012-11-22 14_45_45-[#] PollingReport.jpg
    $2012-11-22 14_45_45-[#] PollingReport.jpg
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Yes, he has a mandate.

I agree.

Strip Ashley Judd of all her wealth. You own it right? Now strip Speilberg of all his wealth.

You own it right?

Chris Rock. Strip him of his wealth. You own Lakhota right? You earned your chunk of Chris Rock's wealth right?

You Lakhota have the right to all their wealth just because you were born in an Obama world.

Nobody is being stripped of their wealth, you fucking idiot.
An overwhelming number of Americans support raising taxes on the rich

That is no lie

Tell you what, why don't you post the actual polls that prove that, and I will use them to prove you wrong.

Gallup - October - 55 to 39 in favor of raising taxes on rich.

CBS - September - 62 to 30 in favor of raising taxes on rich.

Wash. Post - July - 65 to 33 in favor of raising taxes on rich.

Nat Journal poll - October - 55 to 36 in favor of raising taxes on rich.

Really? Whats rich?
Tell you what, why don't you post the actual polls that prove that, and I will use them to prove you wrong.

Gallup - October - 55 to 39 in favor of raising taxes on rich.

CBS - September - 62 to 30 in favor of raising taxes on rich.

Wash. Post - July - 65 to 33 in favor of raising taxes on rich.

Nat Journal poll - October - 55 to 36 in favor of raising taxes on rich.

Really? Whats rich?
"Just a little bit more than what I make."

-- NYcarbineer
Tell you what, why don't you post the actual polls that prove that, and I will use them to prove you wrong.

Gallup - October - 55 to 39 in favor of raising taxes on rich.

CBS - September - 62 to 30 in favor of raising taxes on rich.

Wash. Post - July - 65 to 33 in favor of raising taxes on rich.

Nat Journal poll - October - 55 to 36 in favor of raising taxes on rich.

Really? Whats rich?

Net above $250k a year
Really? Whats rich?

Net above $250k a year

I think not hater

I think do I know?

Because Republicans told us so

We used to have tax brackets for the near wealthy and then higher brackets for the wealthy and super wealthy. Republicans told us we needed to "simplify" our tax code and reduce the number of tax brackets. republicans gave us one bracket for the near wealthy, wealthy and super wealthy

Now, when we want to raise taxes on our highest bracket, Republicans whine about the plight of the near wealthy and how a 4% tax increase will cripple them

Why don't you tell us Republicans.....don't those making over $250k qualify as "job creators"?
Tell you what, why don't you post the actual polls that prove that, and I will use them to prove you wrong.

Gallup - October - 55 to 39 in favor of raising taxes on rich.

CBS - September - 62 to 30 in favor of raising taxes on rich.

Wash. Post - July - 65 to 33 in favor of raising taxes on rich.

Nat Journal poll - October - 55 to 36 in favor of raising taxes on rich.

Really? Whats rich?

Whatever you want to say is rich. The above numbers include the richest Americans.
Posting made up numbers with a link that doesn't back them up, how typical.

That's your proof? lol, grow up asshole.

This is the link you posted. Why don't you show me where it supports anything you posted?


First of all, all the polls are on pollingreport, all you had to do was find them, like I did.

Second of all, answer this question, why would you even need links to the polls - you're claiming you know they're wrong,

how could you know that if you've never seen them?
It seems not all liberals want their taxes raised..


I did not vote for Obama because I think I am paying too little in taxes.
Like many people I know, I am "rich" by Obama's standards. I pay more taxes, percentage wise, than Mitt Romney and Warren Buffett, because I earn virtually every penny of my income.

I work. And yes, all those deductions that allow the truly rich to not work, or at least to not work all the jobs I do, make me angry.

I am all for closing loopholes. I am all for ending deductions for things I don't even understand. But I am not for putting a low cap on deductions that would make it all but impossible for the charities I support to raise funds. I am not for putting a limit on the mortgage deduction that would mean, as a practical matter, that "middle class" (not rich) people in California would be priced out of the housing market, and the charities I support would not be able to raise what they need to survive.

And frankly, I don't think I'm alone. As a matter of fact, on this one, I don't think 51 percent of all Americans are to my "left" — if that's how you define the higher tax constituency.

Obama needs to be very careful. Yes, he was re-elected. But so were all those folks who blocked the extension of the Bush tax cuts if they excluded individuals and small businesses who make enough money to qualify as rich — but not enough to send their kids to college, or help their aging parents, or buy a home in a decent neighborhood.

We need to avoid going over the fiscal cliff. But Obama must also avoid the political cliff.
One of the amazing things about this country is that the middle class doesn't hate the rich. We are not a society divided by economic castes. Yes, there are real issues as the gap between the top and the middle, between CEOs and those in good but not great jobs, grows. But beginning a new term with what will look to many like a class war is not the way to fulfill the real mandate of this election, which is to bring us together, not turn us against each other.

(Susan Estrich is a professor of Law and Political Science at the University of Southern California Law Center. A best-selling author, lawyer and politician, as well as a teacher, she first gained national prominence as national campaign manager for Dukakis for President in 1988.)

Susan Estrich - I'm 'rich' & Obama has no mandate to raise my taxes

She makes perfect sense. :clap2:

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