Swedish Women Being Raped at horrific level

I know it's been widely reported however he would have been taken more seriously if it wasn't Infowars he linked to.........

Well, if you know and you're just throwing out aspersions, that's on you.
Good God, Alex Jones is known by every sane person in the world to be a class A conspiracy nutjob so everything that comes from him is suspect at best.
Oh course I also know I'm conversing with the Great Gas Bag (the Joe McCarthy of the 21st century) so there is that also. :thup:

And yet, the media has been the ones downplaying this issue for quite some time.

THey have been so bad at their jobs, that they are giving Alex Jones the chance to do it instead.

What does that say about your Main Stream Media?
That, as usual they are more interested in American doom and gloom as opposed to European doom and gloom. It's called ratings........

The Left, on both sides of the Atlantic, are desperate to avoid any truth about the problems with Third World Immigration or Diversity.

Because one chick in their Wall of LIes, and they might have to explain the real reasons and costs of their agenda.
I look for the more common explanations not ones that can explain some actions that I can then use to demonize one side or the other. What drives the news? Ratings. What do ratings equate to? Money. Follow the money trail, it couldn't be more simple.
Sweden has had one of the highest rape rates in Europe prior to the refugees arrival. I don't doubt there are some refugees that have raped women. But it is not at the rate or epidemic that conservatives are making it out to be.

Feminist are not going hysterical over it because they know Sweden had a rape problem before the refugees arrived.
Back that up! It's horseshit! Sweden might have been one of the early countries to report statistics on rape, but that's utter BS!
Sweden has had one of the highest rape rates in Europe prior to the refugees arrival. I don't doubt there are some refugees that have raped women. But it is not at the rate or epidemic that conservatives are making it out to be.

Feminist are not going hysterical over it because they know Sweden had a rape problem before the refugees arrived.
Back that up! It's horseshit! Sweden might have been one of the early countries to report statistics on rape, but that's utter BS!

"According to rape crisis advocates in Sweden, one-third of Swedish women have been sexually assaulted by the time they leave their teens. According to a study published in 2003, and other later studies through 2009, Sweden has the highest sexual assault rate in Europe, and among the lowest conviction rates," Wolf wrote.
Top 5 countries with the highest rates of rape

You can do your own research as well if you like. These statistics were done before Syrian refugees started pouring into Europe.
It's funny how when a woman claims she was raped by a Muslim ,conservatives don't doubt she was raped. But if a woman claims to be raped by a another white Christian male then they start questioning the legitimacy of her rape and will even start victim blaming.

I wish conservatives were this outraged and vocal about the rape in America.
Maybe you should start a thread about that then?
Sweden has had one of the highest rape rates in Europe prior to the refugees arrival. I don't doubt there are some refugees that have raped women. But it is not at the rate or epidemic that conservatives are making it out to be.

Feminist are not going hysterical over it because they know Sweden had a rape problem before the refugees arrived.
Back that up! It's horseshit! Sweden might have been one of the early countries to report statistics on rape, but that's utter BS!

"According to rape crisis advocates in Sweden, one-third of Swedish women have been sexually assaulted by the time they leave their teens. According to a study published in 2003, and other later studies through 2009, Sweden has the highest sexual assault rate in Europe, and among the lowest conviction rates," Wolf wrote.
Top 5 countries with the highest rates of rape

You can do your own research as well if you like. These statistics were done before Syrian refugees started pouring into Europe.

Please stop embarrassing yourself with your comments on this issue.

A bit of near history. Beginning in 2008 Fredrik Reinfeldt the Cuckservative Prime Minister of Sweden, he decided to open the floodgates of Sweden to nearly one million Sub-Saharan Africans, this after he researched his family tree and found that his Great-Great Grandfather was an African American Circus Director named John Hood who had a child with Emma Reinfeld of Iecava, Latvia, his Great-Great Grandmother therefore.

So in a typical fit of White Guilt, this Traitor to the Swedish nation and the Swedish people decided to flood Sweden with nearly one million Sub-Saharan Africans, without asking the Swedish people if this was okay of course.

Traitor Fredrik Reinfeldt started the mess, it's only been continued by his successor, another Traitor Stefan Löfven, but this time with the "poor refugees" from all the crap holes of the Middle East flooding in to claim welfare and sexually assaulting blonde Swedish women and girls seemingly when and where they want to.

Sweden's population WAS 8 million, it's now 9.8 million, so that's 1.8 million non-Swedes squatting and claiming welfare and sexually assaulting blonde Swedish women and girls, thanks to the combination of Reinfeldt and Löfven, beginning in 2008 with the Sub-Saharan Africans and then continuing with the Middle Eastern Crowd starting in 2015.

The Swedes need punishing for....being those "racist" blonde haired and blue-eyed types and The Crusades and The Slave Trade or something :rolleyes-41:

Edited to add comment.
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"According to rape crisis advocates in Sweden, one-third of Swedish women have been sexually assaulted by the time they leave their teens. According to a study published in 2003, and other later studies through 2009, Sweden has the highest sexual assault rate in Europe, and among the lowest conviction rates," Wolf wrote.
Top 5 countries with the highest rates of rape

You can do your own research as well if you like. These statistics were done before Syrian refugees started pouring into Europe.
Bullshit: According to feminist Naomi Wolf, a decided skank with no regard for fact, and no link provided.

Naomi Wolf - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You can find anything on the internet.
These muzzie pigs consider Western women available for their pleasure since everywhere outside Dar el Islam is the house of war.

"Muhammad and his followers fought many battles. Some were offensive some were defensive. Following a victory the Muslims would take captives, or prisoners of war. Muhammad would usually distribute the captives, both male and female, as slaves to his soldiers. Islam provides some basic rights to its slaves but these rights are limited. Naturally, the rights or demands of the slave owner were greater than those of the slaves.

Female slaves were used for primarily for work. But they also provided another service to their male masters ...."

Muhammad and the Female Captives
Sweden has had one of the highest rape rates in Europe prior to the refugees arrival. I don't doubt there are some refugees that have raped women. But it is not at the rate or epidemic that conservatives are making it out to be.

Feminist are not going hysterical over it because they know Sweden had a rape problem before the refugees arrived.
Back that up! It's horseshit! Sweden might have been one of the early countries to report statistics on rape, but that's utter BS!

"According to rape crisis advocates in Sweden, one-third of Swedish women have been sexually assaulted by the time they leave their teens. According to a study published in 2003, and other later studies through 2009, Sweden has the highest sexual assault rate in Europe, and among the lowest conviction rates," Wolf wrote.
Top 5 countries with the highest rates of rape

You can do your own research as well if you like. These statistics were done before Syrian refugees started pouring into Europe.
Your study link does not work.
Sweden has had one of the highest rape rates in Europe prior to the refugees arrival. I don't doubt there are some refugees that have raped women. But it is not at the rate or epidemic that conservatives are making it out to be.

Feminist are not going hysterical over it because they know Sweden had a rape problem before the refugees arrived.
Back that up! It's horseshit! Sweden might have been one of the early countries to report statistics on rape, but that's utter BS!

"According to rape crisis advocates in Sweden, one-third of Swedish women have been sexually assaulted by the time they leave their teens. According to a study published in 2003, and other later studies through 2009, Sweden has the highest sexual assault rate in Europe, and among the lowest conviction rates," Wolf wrote.
Top 5 countries with the highest rates of rape

You can do your own research as well if you like. These statistics were done before Syrian refugees started pouring into Europe.
Your study link does not work.

It's the missing link :eusa_doh::eusa_whistle:
It's funny how when a woman claims she was raped by a Muslim ,conservatives don't doubt she was raped. But if a woman claims to be raped by a another white Christian male then they start questioning the legitimacy of her rape and will even start victim blaming.

I wish conservatives were this outraged and vocal about the rape in America.
You seem to have a problem with us discussing what is happening to the women of Sweden right now - that's what this thread is about. It has nothing whatsoever to do with your perceived notion that conservatives in America 'question the legitimacy' of rape by 'white Christians'. But i do suggest you start a thread about it if you care that much.
With Koranic rules like these, is it any wonder Moslems rape Western women:

1. Mature men are allowed to marry prepubescent girls.

2. Husbands may hit their wives even if the husbands merely fear highhandedness in their wives (quite apart from whether they actually are highhanded).

3. A husband may simply get rid of one of his undesirable wives.

4. A man may be polygamous with up to four wives.

5. Slave—girls are sexual property for their male owners.

6. A wife may remarry her ex—husband if and only if she marries another man, they have sex, and then this second man divorces her.

7. A woman's testimony counts half of a man's testimony.

8. A male gets a double share of the inheritance over that of a female.

9. Husbands are a degree above their wives.

10. A husband has sex with his wife, as a plow goes into a field.
Sweden has had one of the highest rape rates in Europe prior to the refugees arrival. I don't doubt there are some refugees that have raped women. But it is not at the rate or epidemic that conservatives are making it out to be.

Feminist are not going hysterical over it because they know Sweden had a rape problem before the refugees arrived.
Back that up! It's horseshit! Sweden might have been one of the early countries to report statistics on rape, but that's utter BS!

"According to rape crisis advocates in Sweden, one-third of Swedish women have been sexually assaulted by the time they leave their teens. According to a study published in 2003, and other later studies through 2009, Sweden has the highest sexual assault rate in Europe, and among the lowest conviction rates," Wolf wrote.
Top 5 countries with the highest rates of rape

You can do your own research as well if you like. These statistics were done before Syrian refugees started pouring into Europe.

Please stop embarrassing yourself with your comments on this issue.

A bit of near history. Beginning in 2008 Fredrik Reinfeldt the Cuckservative Prime Minister of Sweden, he decided to open the floodgates of Sweden to nearly one million Sub-Saharan Africans, this after he researched his family tree and found that his Great-Great Grandfather was an African American Circus Director named John Hood who had a child with Emma Reinfeld of Iecava, Latvia, his Great-Great Grandmother therefore.

So in a typical fit of White Guilt, this Traitor to the Swedish nation and the Swedish people decided to flood Sweden with nearly one million Sub-Saharan Africans, without asking the Swedish people if this was okay of course.

Traitor Fredrik Reinfeldt started the mess, it's only been continued by his successor, another Traitor Stefan Löfven, but this time with the "poor refugees" from all the crap holes of the Middle East flooding in to claim welfare and sexually assaulting blonde Swedish women and girls seemingly when and where they want to.

Sweden's population WAS 8 million, it's now 9.8 million, so that's 1.8 million non-Swedes squatting and claiming welfare and sexually assaulting blonde Swedish women and girls, thanks to the combination of Reinfeldt and Löfven, beginning in 2008 with the Sub-Saharan Africans and then continuing with the Middle Eastern Crowd starting in 2015.

The Swedes need punishing for....being those "racist" blonde haired and blue-eyed types and The Crusades and The Slave Trade or something :rolleyes-41:

Edited to add comment.

Maybe Freja would like to make some comments in this thread.
No doubt it is their own fault, just as it was the fault of the women of Cologne last New Year:

Warning women against “adding fuel to the fire”, the Imam of a Salafist Cologne mosque has said the victims of the New Year’s Eve attacks in that city were themselves responsible for their sex assault, by dressing inappropriately and wearing perfume.

Speaking to major Russian channel REN TV, Imam Sami Abu-Yusuf’s remarks came during a 12 minute segment bringing Russians up to date with the latest developments in the migrant invasion of Europe. Sandwiched between eyewitness-footage of migrant rampages in Cologne, women being sexually assaulted by apparently Arab gangs, and a segment on a surge of interest in self defence courses in Germany the Imam told the interviewer: “we need to react properly, and not to add fuel to the fire”.

Explaining in the view of Salafist Islam why hundreds of women found themselves groped, sexually assaulted and in some cases raped by gangs of migrant men in cities across Germany the Imam said: “the events of New Year’s Eve were the girls own fault, because they were half naked and wearing perfume. It is not surprising the men wanted to attack them. [Dressing like that] is like adding fuel to the fire. ...

Cologne Imam: Girls Were Raped For Being Half Naked And Wore Perfume
Sweden has been accepting ME immigrants since the 1970's.

Yes but back then it was controlled immigration, not this open the floodgates, free for all.
I agree, but someone was trying to say that after 2003 and before the huge immigration of the last few years, rape was horrifically high so it has nothing to do with immigrants? Lol.
Also: Sweden reformed its sex crime legislation and made the legal definition of rape much wider in 2005,[3][4][8][12] which largely explains a significant increase in the number of reported rapes in the ten-year period of 2004-2013.[13][14
And: The BRÅ has not released detailed data on rape committed by immigrants since 1996, but according to that report individuals with an immigrant background made up 53% of all rape convictions between 1985 and 1989.[21]

Rape in Sweden - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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