Swedish Women Being Raped at horrific level

No one seems to care....will the same thing begin to occur when we get thousands and thousands more of mulim immigrants?

Will our leadeship ignore it....well they have ignored the horrific amount of black youths raping white women for decades now...so no doubt they will expand that into also covering up and excusing muslim rapists just like they do black rapists.

Swedish Women Use Bracelets To Stop Muslim Rapists
Alex Jones? Nutjob number one? I'm sure if you tried you could find a legitimate news outlet that won't spin it out of all proportion. :thup:

The Swedish rape epidemic has been widely reported on. So far, libtards have just thrown out aspersions in this thread. It's what they do.
I know it's been widely reported however he would have been taken more seriously if it wasn't Infowars he linked to.........

Well, if you know and you're just throwing out aspersions, that's on you.
No one seems to care....will the same thing begin to occur when we get thousands and thousands more of mulim immigrants?

Will our leadeship ignore it....well they have ignored the horrific amount of black youths raping white women for decades now...so no doubt they will expand that into also covering up and excusing muslim rapists just like they do black rapists.

Swedish Women Use Bracelets To Stop Muslim Rapists
Well what do you expect? They aren't Muslim, and not wearing Islamic garb in public means they're whores and asking for it. Swedish should consider letting in even more Muslims.
No one seems to care....will the same thing begin to occur when we get thousands and thousands more of mulim immigrants?

Will our leadeship ignore it....well they have ignored the horrific amount of black youths raping white women for decades now...so no doubt they will expand that into also covering up and excusing muslim rapists just like they do black rapists.

Swedish Women Use Bracelets To Stop Muslim Rapists
Well what do you expect? They aren't Muslim, and not wearing Islamic garb in public means they're whores and asking for it. Swedish should consider letting in even more Muslims.
Isn't it fun being liberal?!
Why don't you guys take back your government? You're still a relatively homogeneous population that can rally around a national identity.

They simply do not have it within them to do anything about it. It will be a slow death, but Sweden in the coming decades will be no more.
No one seems to care....will the same thing begin to occur when we get thousands and thousands more of mulim immigrants?

Will our leadeship ignore it....well they have ignored the horrific amount of black youths raping white women for decades now...so no doubt they will expand that into also covering up and excusing muslim rapists just like they do black rapists.

Swedish Women Use Bracelets To Stop Muslim Rapists
Alex Jones? Nutjob number one? I'm sure if you tried you could find a legitimate news outlet that won't spin it out of all proportion. :thup:

The Swedish rape epidemic has been widely reported on. So far, libtards have just thrown out aspersions in this thread. It's what they do.
I know it's been widely reported however he would have been taken more seriously if it wasn't Infowars he linked to.........

The issue is confused by radical and stupid changes in how Sweden reports rape, AND by very poor reporting on crimes broken down by ethnicity, or even ON demographics by Sweden.

This is interesting though.

A LOT of the immigration to sweden has been very recent.

So that nearly twenty percent of the current, 2016 population is immigrant.

The LATEST release on information on rape by immigrants is from the 1980s.

Rape in Sweden - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The BRÅ has not released detailed data on rape committed by immigrants since 1996, but according to that report individuals with an immigrant background made up 53% of all rape convictions between 1985 and 1989."

Those numbers indicate that a absolute minimum FLOOR, shows that the "immigrant" population is raping at more than two and a half times the rate of native swedes.,

And of course the rate is far higher because,

1. The immigrant population of Sweden was not 20% in 1985.

2. "Immigrants" includes Poles and Germans that have moved to Sweden, who, lets keep it real, are NOT raping like Muslims.

3. Much of the rape being reported on the native population includes long term abuse being reported as hundreds of sexual assaults, which hides the much higher incident of "one off" stranger rape by muslim immigrants.

The data is spotty, suspiciously so, BUT enough information is there to see that there is a real and huge problem that is resulting not only is pain and suffering for hundreds of thousands of women, BUT is the destruction of a liberal First World culture.
Yeah, it's the only answer for one way train brains...

You morons run interference for all manner of Moslem atrocities and now for Moslem rape.

They must have a rape fetish, they must enjoy hearing about white Western women being raped.

The Feminists are silent, this is because most Feminists are butt ugly and are either Lesbians or Bisexual, and as such hate Heterosexual women and they hope that the psychological trauma of being raped by feral savages will turn them off the hated Western men and thus they hope turn them into Lesbians or at the least Bisexuals.

I myself think that a good portion of Lesbians became Lesbians because they had a traumatic sexual encounter with a man, so now to them all men are potential rapists.

How else can one explain the Lesbians irrational hatred of the penis? Where the penis is considered effectively a weapon.

Edited to add comment.

One interesting thing about rape victims is that a high percentage of them become pregnant....aka at a higher percentage than by normal intercourse with their husband or partner.

Different theories about this but it is well known that a lot of women that are raped have intense orgasms whilst being raped...perhaps that accounts for the pregnancies?

Also well known that a lot of women have rape fantasys.

I am sure there are some women on here that have been raped...perhaps they might help enlighten us in regards to any of the above.

From what I have read the rape experiences vary quite a bit...some are very violent and the rapist intentionally does much harm to the woman....aka bill clinton almost biting off the lip of one of his victims.

Since thousands and thousands of muslims are now being allowed to come here....our women have a lot to look forward to...at least if they have fantasys about getting raped.
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It's funny how when a woman claims she was raped by a Muslim ,conservatives don't doubt she was raped. But if a woman claims to be raped by a another white Christian male then they start questioning the legitimacy of her rape and will even start victim blaming.

I wish conservatives were this outraged and vocal about the rape in America.
No one seems to care....will the same thing begin to occur when we get thousands and thousands more of mulim immigrants?

Will our leadeship ignore it....well they have ignored the horrific amount of black youths raping white women for decades now...so no doubt they will expand that into also covering up and excusing muslim rapists just like they do black rapists.

Swedish Women Use Bracelets To Stop Muslim Rapists
Alex Jones? Nutjob number one? I'm sure if you tried you could find a legitimate news outlet that won't spin it out of all proportion. :thup:

The Swedish rape epidemic has been widely reported on. So far, libtards have just thrown out aspersions in this thread. It's what they do.
I know it's been widely reported however he would have been taken more seriously if it wasn't Infowars he linked to.........

Well, if you know and you're just throwing out aspersions, that's on you.
Good God, Alex Jones is known by every sane person in the world to be a class A conspiracy nutjob so everything that comes from him is suspect at best.
Oh course I also know I'm conversing with the Great Gas Bag (the Joe McCarthy of the 21st century) so there is that also. :thup:
Yeah, it's the only answer for one way train brains...

You morons run interference for all manner of Moslem atrocities and now for Moslem rape.

They must have a rape fetish, they must enjoy hearing about white Western women being raped.

The Feminists are silent, this is because most Feminists are butt ugly and are either Lesbians or Bisexual, and as such hate Heterosexual women and they hope that the psychological trauma of being raped by feral savages will turn them off the hated Western men and thus they hope turn them into Lesbians or at the least Bisexuals.

I myself think that a good portion of Lesbians became Lesbians because they had a traumatic sexual encounter with a man, so now to them all men are potential rapists.

How else can one explain the Lesbians irrational hatred of the penis? Where the penis is considered effectively a weapon.

Edited to add comment.

One interesting thing about rape victims is that a high percentage of them become pregnant....aka at a higher percentage than by normal intercourse with their husband or partner.

Different theories about this but it is well known that a lot of women that are raped have intense orgasms whilst being raped...perhaps that accounts for the pregnancies?

Also well known that a lot of women have rape fantasys.

I am sure there are some women on here that have been raped...perhaps they might help enlighten us in regards to any of the above.

From what I have read the rape experiences vary quite a bit...some are very violent and the rapist intentionally does much harm to the woman....aka bill clinton almost biting off the lip of one of his victims.

Since thousands and thousands of muslims are now being allowed to come here....our women have a lot to look forward to...at least if they have fantasys about getting raped.

Well, this now is incorporating rape in general, so we need to think how to approach this in a sensitive way.

Regarding pregnancies resulting from rape, they should ALL be aborted.

Myself I'm anti-abortion, with the exceptions for rape and incest.
It's funny how when a woman claims she was raped by a Muslim ,conservatives don't doubt she was raped. But if a woman claims to be raped by a another white Christian male then they start questioning the legitimacy of her rape and will even start victim blaming.

I wish conservatives were this outraged and vocal about the rape in America.

Stop attempting to deflect from the topic, the topic is the "poor refugees" and their addiction to raping white Western women and why all the Feminists are completely silent about this situation.

It has nothing to do with Christians or The Crusades or The Slave Trade.
No one seems to care....will the same thing begin to occur when we get thousands and thousands more of mulim immigrants?

Will our leadeship ignore it....well they have ignored the horrific amount of black youths raping white women for decades now...so no doubt they will expand that into also covering up and excusing muslim rapists just like they do black rapists.

Swedish Women Use Bracelets To Stop Muslim Rapists
Alex Jones? Nutjob number one? I'm sure if you tried you could find a legitimate news outlet that won't spin it out of all proportion. :thup:

The Swedish rape epidemic has been widely reported on. So far, libtards have just thrown out aspersions in this thread. It's what they do.
I know it's been widely reported however he would have been taken more seriously if it wasn't Infowars he linked to.........

The issue is confused by radical and stupid changes in how Sweden reports rape, AND by very poor reporting on crimes broken down by ethnicity, or even ON demographics by Sweden.

This is interesting though.

A LOT of the immigration to sweden has been very recent.

So that nearly twenty percent of the current, 2016 population is immigrant.

The LATEST release on information on rape by immigrants is from the 1980s.

Rape in Sweden - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The BRÅ has not released detailed data on rape committed by immigrants since 1996, but according to that report individuals with an immigrant background made up 53% of all rape convictions between 1985 and 1989."

Those numbers indicate that a absolute minimum FLOOR, shows that the "immigrant" population is raping at more than two and a half times the rate of native swedes.,

And of course the rate is far higher because,

1. The immigrant population of Sweden was not 20% in 1985.

2. "Immigrants" includes Poles and Germans that have moved to Sweden, who, lets keep it real, are NOT raping like Muslims.

3. Much of the rape being reported on the native population includes long term abuse being reported as hundreds of sexual assaults, which hides the much higher incident of "one off" stranger rape by muslim immigrants.

The data is spotty, suspiciously so, BUT enough information is there to see that there is a real and huge problem that is resulting not only is pain and suffering for hundreds of thousands of women, BUT is the destruction of a liberal First World culture.
In many Islamic cultures if a women is raped it's her fault and has to marry the rapist and if not a believer in Islam must convert to her husband's faith. Rape is one method used in that culture as a conversion tool, it's quite possible this is what some are trying to do in Europe.
I'm wondering though just how prevalent the number of rapes really are whether it's being blown out of proportion or under reported. :dunno:
Also if a woman is not properly dressed (too exposed) in that culture it's her fault if she gets raped, that's the way they see it.
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The rape problem would be completely solved overnight if women would simply carry a gun or a can of bear spray. They don't have that choice in yurp but they do in america.
It's funny how when a woman claims she was raped by a Muslim ,conservatives don't doubt she was raped. But if a woman claims to be raped by a another white Christian male then they start questioning the legitimacy of her rape and will even start victim blaming.

I wish conservatives were this outraged and vocal about the rape in America.

Stop attempting to deflect from the topic, the topic is the "poor refugees" and their addiction to raping white Western women and why all the Feminists are completely silent about this situation.

It has nothing to do with Christians or The Crusades or The Slave Trade.

Sweden has had one of the highest rape rates in Europe prior to the refugees arrival. I don't doubt there are some refugees that have raped women. But it is not at the rate or epidemic that conservatives are making it out to be.

Feminist are not going hysterical over it because they know Sweden had a rape problem before the refugees arrived.
The rape problem would be completely solved overnight if women would simply carry a gun or a can of bear spray. They don't have that choice in yurp but they do in america.

Are you serious? Many rapes are committed by a person the woman knows. So she wouldn't have her gun with her or pepper spray.

The rape problem would go away if people taught their sons to respect women and that no means no.
It's funny how when a woman claims she was raped by a Muslim ,conservatives don't doubt she was raped. But if a woman claims to be raped by a another white Christian male then they start questioning the legitimacy of her rape and will even start victim blaming.

I wish conservatives were this outraged and vocal about the rape in America.

What you just did there was demonstrate that you have the listening skills of a monkey.

And not one of the smarter monkeys.

REmember the Duke Lacross rape scandal? How well did you libs look in that?

Remember the Tawana Brawley rape scandal? How well did you libs look in that?

Remember when the reports of the Cologne assaults came out, and how you libs tried to argue first that it was normal, and then that we didn't know the ethnicity of the assaulters? WHo well did you libs look in that?
No one seems to care....will the same thing begin to occur when we get thousands and thousands more of mulim immigrants?

Will our leadeship ignore it....well they have ignored the horrific amount of black youths raping white women for decades now...so no doubt they will expand that into also covering up and excusing muslim rapists just like they do black rapists.

Swedish Women Use Bracelets To Stop Muslim Rapists
Alex Jones? Nutjob number one? I'm sure if you tried you could find a legitimate news outlet that won't spin it out of all proportion. :thup:

The Swedish rape epidemic has been widely reported on. So far, libtards have just thrown out aspersions in this thread. It's what they do.
I know it's been widely reported however he would have been taken more seriously if it wasn't Infowars he linked to.........

Well, if you know and you're just throwing out aspersions, that's on you.
Good God, Alex Jones is known by every sane person in the world to be a class A conspiracy nutjob so everything that comes from him is suspect at best.
Oh course I also know I'm conversing with the Great Gas Bag (the Joe McCarthy of the 21st century) so there is that also. :thup:

And yet, the media has been the ones downplaying this issue for quite some time.

THey have been so bad at their jobs, that they are giving Alex Jones the chance to do it instead.

What does that say about your Main Stream Media?
It's funny how when a woman claims she was raped by a Muslim ,conservatives don't doubt she was raped. But if a woman claims to be raped by a another white Christian male then they start questioning the legitimacy of her rape and will even start victim blaming.

I wish conservatives were this outraged and vocal about the rape in America.

Stop attempting to deflect from the topic, the topic is the "poor refugees" and their addiction to raping white Western women and why all the Feminists are completely silent about this situation.

It has nothing to do with Christians or The Crusades or The Slave Trade.

Sweden has had one of the highest rape rates in Europe prior to the refugees arrival. I don't doubt there are some refugees that have raped women. But it is not at the rate or epidemic that conservatives are making it out to be.

Feminist are not going hysterical over it because they know Sweden had a rape problem before the refugees arrived.

Sweden has some odd issues with the way they report rapes, that have been artificially inflating their numbers.

And does a very poor jobs of tracking the demographics of it's criminals.

BUT, what data there is suggests that there is a real and massive and growing problem.

And the feminist have long ago demonstrated that they are not about representing any interests of women, but only in advancing the lefty agenda.
Alex Jones? Nutjob number one? I'm sure if you tried you could find a legitimate news outlet that won't spin it out of all proportion. :thup:

The Swedish rape epidemic has been widely reported on. So far, libtards have just thrown out aspersions in this thread. It's what they do.
I know it's been widely reported however he would have been taken more seriously if it wasn't Infowars he linked to.........

Well, if you know and you're just throwing out aspersions, that's on you.
Good God, Alex Jones is known by every sane person in the world to be a class A conspiracy nutjob so everything that comes from him is suspect at best.
Oh course I also know I'm conversing with the Great Gas Bag (the Joe McCarthy of the 21st century) so there is that also. :thup:

And yet, the media has been the ones downplaying this issue for quite some time.

THey have been so bad at their jobs, that they are giving Alex Jones the chance to do it instead.

What does that say about your Main Stream Media?
That, as usual they are more interested in American doom and gloom as opposed to European doom and gloom. It's called ratings........
The Swedish rape epidemic has been widely reported on. So far, libtards have just thrown out aspersions in this thread. It's what they do.
I know it's been widely reported however he would have been taken more seriously if it wasn't Infowars he linked to.........

Well, if you know and you're just throwing out aspersions, that's on you.
Good God, Alex Jones is known by every sane person in the world to be a class A conspiracy nutjob so everything that comes from him is suspect at best.
Oh course I also know I'm conversing with the Great Gas Bag (the Joe McCarthy of the 21st century) so there is that also. :thup:

And yet, the media has been the ones downplaying this issue for quite some time.

THey have been so bad at their jobs, that they are giving Alex Jones the chance to do it instead.

What does that say about your Main Stream Media?
That, as usual they are more interested in American doom and gloom as opposed to European doom and gloom. It's called ratings........

The Left, on both sides of the Atlantic, are desperate to avoid any truth about the problems with Third World Immigration or Diversity.

Because one chick in their Wall of LIes, and they might have to explain the real reasons and costs of their agenda.

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