Switzerland votes to criminalize homophobia and hate speech

If you dont care why did you even reply to me?
Because fundamentalists fascinate me. You're a terribly interesting ongoing amateur psychological/sociological/anthropological study for me.
Observe. Poke. Observe. Poke. Observe. Flush.
So, thanks.
So you lied then? You do care or else you wouldnt be studying me.
No, I don't care about your opinion. I don't try to change the minds of fundies.

It's your behaviors that fascinate me.

And better yet, you're all so willing to participate.
I didnt say you cared about my opinion. I said you care about me or you wouldnt be studying me. I'm flattered. :rolleyes:
Good, whatever makes you feel better about yourself.

You're definitely an interesting study, so that's good.

See? We can agree.
You shouldnt be embarrassed to express you care about me. Dont deny it again when its obvious you care. :)
Because fundamentalists fascinate me. You're a terribly interesting ongoing amateur psychological/sociological/anthropological study for me.
Observe. Poke. Observe. Poke. Observe. Flush.
So, thanks.
So you lied then? You do care or else you wouldnt be studying me.
No, I don't care about your opinion. I don't try to change the minds of fundies.

It's your behaviors that fascinate me.

And better yet, you're all so willing to participate.
I didnt say you cared about my opinion. I said you care about me or you wouldnt be studying me. I'm flattered. :rolleyes:
Good, whatever makes you feel better about yourself.

You're definitely an interesting study, so that's good.

See? We can agree.
You shouldnt be embarrassed to express you care about me. Dont deny it again when its obvious you care. :)
Sure, whatever you'd like.
So you lied then? You do care or else you wouldnt be studying me.
No, I don't care about your opinion. I don't try to change the minds of fundies.

It's your behaviors that fascinate me.

And better yet, you're all so willing to participate.
I didnt say you cared about my opinion. I said you care about me or you wouldnt be studying me. I'm flattered. :rolleyes:
Good, whatever makes you feel better about yourself.

You're definitely an interesting study, so that's good.

See? We can agree.
You shouldnt be embarrassed to express you care about me. Dont deny it again when its obvious you care. :)
Sure, whatever you'd like.
Good boy. :itsok:
You are claiming that the first human had and used a verbal language... purely on instinct? LMFAO.
Where did I claim it was verbal? :rolleyes:

Have you forgotten how this conversation started already or are you intentionally being a tool?

You claimed the word heterophobia is made up. I countered ALL words are made up. You said "food" and "eat" were not. When pressed on it, you pathetically tried to confound natural human instinct with developed human language in some desperate attempt not to look like an even bigger moron.

Face it, cupcake, every word that exists was "made up" at some point. Just because YOU personally haven't heard it before doesn't make it any less authentic.
I remember how the conversation started and I remember you looking like a jackass when I proved it was a made up word. :rolleyes:

Your deflection about all words being made up was also shot down. Youre just too stupid to let it go.

Literally every word in existence was made up at some point in human history. The fact that you would even TRY to deny this shows how fabulously ignorant you are. Man I thought people on Facebook were bad, but you are on a wholly unexplored dimension of STUPID.
Prove the word for eat in its earliest form was made up. I'll wait. :)

It was made up because it required a human to make it up you DUMB. SHIT. The first human wasn't born with a dictionary stuffed up his ass now was he?
Where did I claim it was verbal? :rolleyes:

Have you forgotten how this conversation started already or are you intentionally being a tool?

You claimed the word heterophobia is made up. I countered ALL words are made up. You said "food" and "eat" were not. When pressed on it, you pathetically tried to confound natural human instinct with developed human language in some desperate attempt not to look like an even bigger moron.

Face it, cupcake, every word that exists was "made up" at some point. Just because YOU personally haven't heard it before doesn't make it any less authentic.
I remember how the conversation started and I remember you looking like a jackass when I proved it was a made up word. :rolleyes:

Your deflection about all words being made up was also shot down. Youre just too stupid to let it go.

Literally every word in existence was made up at some point in human history. The fact that you would even TRY to deny this shows how fabulously ignorant you are. Man I thought people on Facebook were bad, but you are on a wholly unexplored dimension of STUPID.
Prove the word for eat in its earliest form was made up. I'll wait. :)

It was made up because it required a human to make it up you DUMB. SHIT. The first human wasn't born with a dictionary stuffed up his ass now was he?
Prove a human made it up. Can you do that? Telling me your opinion really isnt working for me. :rolleyes:
Have you forgotten how this conversation started already or are you intentionally being a tool?

You claimed the word heterophobia is made up. I countered ALL words are made up. You said "food" and "eat" were not. When pressed on it, you pathetically tried to confound natural human instinct with developed human language in some desperate attempt not to look like an even bigger moron.

Face it, cupcake, every word that exists was "made up" at some point. Just because YOU personally haven't heard it before doesn't make it any less authentic.
I remember how the conversation started and I remember you looking like a jackass when I proved it was a made up word. :rolleyes:

Your deflection about all words being made up was also shot down. Youre just too stupid to let it go.

Literally every word in existence was made up at some point in human history. The fact that you would even TRY to deny this shows how fabulously ignorant you are. Man I thought people on Facebook were bad, but you are on a wholly unexplored dimension of STUPID.
Prove the word for eat in its earliest form was made up. I'll wait. :)

It was made up because it required a human to make it up you DUMB. SHIT. The first human wasn't born with a dictionary stuffed up his ass now was he?
Prove a human made it up. Can you do that? :rolleyes:

Oh ffs. We're done here. You can go pigeon shit in some other thread.
(CBN News) Switzerland has voted to make it illegal to be homophobic or discriminate against anyone in the LGBTQ community. The National Council, which is the lower house in Switzerland’s legislature, voted 118 – 60 in favor of a law that says anyone guilty of homophobia will face heavy fines or up to three years in prison. “I tabled the motion after speaking to friends of mine who have personally been victims of verbal and physical homophobic violence,” Mathias Reynard, a member of the Swiss Socialist Party told ShortList.
Switzerland Votes to Criminalize Homophobia and 'Hate Speech'

And hate speech OMFG, they can make hate speech out of anything look as the ass clowns here... Hate speech can be I don't like your hair cut ........ gawd snowfales panzies pathetic.

THis is what happens when you want a communist Country which is once again what hte gays are pushing for ( the leftist tards ), this is what you get when you have ANTIFA's, BLM the mentality doesn't know that's what they are doing though because dumb meets dumber ........

This won't make ppl down and kiss their asses it will just generate HATRED all the more.

So let me get this straight, its illegal to discriminate against someone based on their sexual preference or to say "Let's go kill all fags" in Switzerland now? It wasn't before? Is it illegal to say, "Let's go kill all them WASPS" here?

Who knows, if it's like antifa you can beat the shit out of someone as long as they are " Heteroseuxal , White Men that's ok to do.
If you are a normal female it's ok to beat the shit out of them too.

You see all the wrongs are made right and all the rights are made wrong. , this is the Globalist collapsing societies.
You guys should stop whining.

1. Its in Switzerland.
2. No one is going to beat you up because you are a heterosexual.

It serves to remind lefties that Europe is declining rapidly and no longer civilized compared to the US.

They have outlawed free speech which is abominable.
What's wrong with this? How are heterosexuals not free to go their way and be heterosexuals? Better that heterosexuals turn their attention on the things going wrong within the heterosexual community. Domestic violence? Patriarchy, otherwise known as the worship of the sacred penis?
Patriarchy is religious myth of fourth wave feminists.
`There is an axiom which states the more you try to suppress or force an issue, the more resistant and stronger it gets. `
Thanks for all of that, particularly this.

Authoritarians convince themselves that controlling people will ultimately work. I guess part of that involves ignoring your point.

How do they not see this?
You would think that the pushback that gave us Trump would have taught them something. But they've learned nothing. Period.

Authoritarianism is terribly illiberal, and wrong.
Banning hate speech isn't authoritarian. The same concept exists in the US. Just chill.
The concept exists but the law does not.

The first amendment protects free speech as it should.

Yes it is absolutely authoritarian to ban speech
Banning hate speech isn't authoritarian. The same concept exists in the US. Just chill.

Really? Please show me where this concept exists in the USA. I must've missed the 1st Amendment being repealed.
It may be less regulated, but it can be shut down for being inciting lawless action. Just because the US regulates hatred less than other liberal democracies, doesn't make it right. Don't worry, you guys can still go on hating.
Yes we are right and they are hypocrites who have banned freedom of speech.
(CBN News) Switzerland has voted to make it illegal to be homophobic or discriminate against anyone in the LGBTQ community. The National Council, which is the lower house in Switzerland’s legislature, voted 118 – 60 in favor of a law that says anyone guilty of homophobia will face heavy fines or up to three years in prison. “I tabled the motion after speaking to friends of mine who have personally been victims of verbal and physical homophobic violence,” Mathias Reynard, a member of the Swiss Socialist Party told ShortList.
Switzerland Votes to Criminalize Homophobia and 'Hate Speech'

And hate speech OMFG, they can make hate speech out of anything look as the ass clowns here... Hate speech can be I don't like your hair cut ........ gawd snowfales panzies pathetic.

THis is what happens when you want a communist Country which is once again what hte gays are pushing for ( the leftist tards ), this is what you get when you have ANTIFA's, BLM the mentality doesn't know that's what they are doing though because dumb meets dumber ........

This won't make ppl down and kiss their asses it will just generate HATRED all the more.
No it won't. Except among the haters, and they already hate anyway, so what's the big deal.
THis is what happens when you want a communist Country which is once again what hte gays are pushing for ( the leftist tards ), this is what you get when you have ANTIFA's, BLM the mentality doesn't know that's what they are doing though because dumb meets dumber.....

Switzerland is a communist country? When did that happen?

They are certainly not free. Not after this.

"Verbal violence"? DId you catch that bullshit. It's 1984 over there, and I don't mean the good kind with Ronald Reagan, and Ghostbusters.
(CBN News) Switzerland has voted to make it illegal to be homophobic or discriminate against anyone in the LGBTQ community. The National Council, which is the lower house in Switzerland’s legislature, voted 118 – 60 in favor of a law that says anyone guilty of homophobia will face heavy fines or up to three years in prison. “I tabled the motion after speaking to friends of mine who have personally been victims of verbal and physical homophobic violence,” Mathias Reynard, a member of the Swiss Socialist Party told ShortList.
Switzerland Votes to Criminalize Homophobia and 'Hate Speech'

And hate speech OMFG, they can make hate speech out of anything look as the ass clowns here... Hate speech can be I don't like your hair cut ........ gawd snowfales panzies pathetic.

THis is what happens when you want a communist Country which is once again what hte gays are pushing for ( the leftist tards ), this is what you get when you have ANTIFA's, BLM the mentality doesn't know that's what they are doing though because dumb meets dumber ........

This won't make ppl down and kiss their asses it will just generate HATRED all the more.

So let me get this straight, its illegal to discriminate against someone based on their sexual preference or to say "Let's go kill all fags" in Switzerland now? It wasn't before? Is it illegal to say, "Let's go kill all them WASPS" here?

Who knows, if it's like antifa you can beat the shit out of someone as long as they are " Heteroseuxal , White Men that's ok to do.
If you are a normal female it's ok to beat the shit out of them too.

You see all the wrongs are made right and all the rights are made wrong. , this is the Globalist collapsing societies.
You guys should stop whining.

1. Its in Switzerland.
2. No one is going to beat you up because you are a heterosexual.

It serves to remind lefties that Europe is declining rapidly and no longer civilized compared to the US.

They have outlawed free speech which is abominable.
I say, good for Switzerland. Abominable speech should be squelched.
(CBN News) Switzerland has voted to make it illegal to be homophobic or discriminate against anyone in the LGBTQ community. The National Council, which is the lower house in Switzerland’s legislature, voted 118 – 60 in favor of a law that says anyone guilty of homophobia will face heavy fines or up to three years in prison. “I tabled the motion after speaking to friends of mine who have personally been victims of verbal and physical homophobic violence,” Mathias Reynard, a member of the Swiss Socialist Party told ShortList.
Switzerland Votes to Criminalize Homophobia and 'Hate Speech'

And hate speech OMFG, they can make hate speech out of anything look as the ass clowns here... Hate speech can be I don't like your hair cut ........ gawd snowfales panzies pathetic.

THis is what happens when you want a communist Country which is once again what hte gays are pushing for ( the leftist tards ), this is what you get when you have ANTIFA's, BLM the mentality doesn't know that's what they are doing though because dumb meets dumber ........

This won't make ppl down and kiss their asses it will just generate HATRED all the more.

So let me get this straight, its illegal to discriminate against someone based on their sexual preference or to say "Let's go kill all fags" in Switzerland now? It wasn't before? Is it illegal to say, "Let's go kill all them WASPS" here?

Who knows, if it's like antifa you can beat the shit out of someone as long as they are " Heteroseuxal , White Men that's ok to do.
If you are a normal female it's ok to beat the shit out of them too.

You see all the wrongs are made right and all the rights are made wrong. , this is the Globalist collapsing societies.
You guys should stop whining.

1. Its in Switzerland.
2. No one is going to beat you up because you are a heterosexual.

It serves to remind lefties that Europe is declining rapidly and no longer civilized compared to the US.

They have outlawed free speech which is abominable.
I say, good for Switzerland. Abominable speech should be squelched.
Your speech is abominable never speak or post again
(CBN News) Switzerland has voted to make it illegal to be homophobic or discriminate against anyone in the LGBTQ community. The National Council, which is the lower house in Switzerland’s legislature, voted 118 – 60 in favor of a law that says anyone guilty of homophobia will face heavy fines or up to three years in prison. “I tabled the motion after speaking to friends of mine who have personally been victims of verbal and physical homophobic violence,” Mathias Reynard, a member of the Swiss Socialist Party told ShortList.
Switzerland Votes to Criminalize Homophobia and 'Hate Speech'

And hate speech OMFG, they can make hate speech out of anything look as the ass clowns here... Hate speech can be I don't like your hair cut ........ gawd snowfales panzies pathetic.

THis is what happens when you want a communist Country which is once again what hte gays are pushing for ( the leftist tards ), this is what you get when you have ANTIFA's, BLM the mentality doesn't know that's what they are doing though because dumb meets dumber ........

This won't make ppl down and kiss their asses it will just generate HATRED all the more.

So let me get this straight, its illegal to discriminate against someone based on their sexual preference or to say "Let's go kill all fags" in Switzerland now? It wasn't before? Is it illegal to say, "Let's go kill all them WASPS" here?

Who knows, if it's like antifa you can beat the shit out of someone as long as they are " Heteroseuxal , White Men that's ok to do.
If you are a normal female it's ok to beat the shit out of them too.

You see all the wrongs are made right and all the rights are made wrong. , this is the Globalist collapsing societies.
You guys should stop whining.

1. Its in Switzerland.
2. No one is going to beat you up because you are a heterosexual.

It serves to remind lefties that Europe is declining rapidly and no longer civilized compared to the US.

They have outlawed free speech which is abominable.
I say, good for Switzerland. Abominable speech should be squelched.

How very fascist of you.
(CBN News) Switzerland has voted to make it illegal to be homophobic or discriminate against anyone in the LGBTQ community. The National Council, which is the lower house in Switzerland’s legislature, voted 118 – 60 in favor of a law that says anyone guilty of homophobia will face heavy fines or up to three years in prison. “I tabled the motion after speaking to friends of mine who have personally been victims of verbal and physical homophobic violence,” Mathias Reynard, a member of the Swiss Socialist Party told ShortList.
Switzerland Votes to Criminalize Homophobia and 'Hate Speech'

And hate speech OMFG, they can make hate speech out of anything look as the ass clowns here... Hate speech can be I don't like your hair cut ........ gawd snowfales panzies pathetic.

THis is what happens when you want a communist Country which is once again what hte gays are pushing for ( the leftist tards ), this is what you get when you have ANTIFA's, BLM the mentality doesn't know that's what they are doing though because dumb meets dumber ........

This won't make ppl down and kiss their asses it will just generate HATRED all the more.
No it won't. Except among the haters, and they already hate anyway, so what's the big deal.
Freedom of speech includes hate speech or it does not exist.

You are one of the haters so be silent or be a hypocrite.
(CBN News) Switzerland has voted to make it illegal to be homophobic or discriminate against anyone in the LGBTQ community. The National Council, which is the lower house in Switzerland’s legislature, voted 118 – 60 in favor of a law that says anyone guilty of homophobia will face heavy fines or up to three years in prison. “I tabled the motion after speaking to friends of mine who have personally been victims of verbal and physical homophobic violence,” Mathias Reynard, a member of the Swiss Socialist Party told ShortList.
Switzerland Votes to Criminalize Homophobia and 'Hate Speech'

And hate speech OMFG, they can make hate speech out of anything look as the ass clowns here... Hate speech can be I don't like your hair cut ........ gawd snowfales panzies pathetic.

THis is what happens when you want a communist Country which is once again what hte gays are pushing for ( the leftist tards ), this is what you get when you have ANTIFA's, BLM the mentality doesn't know that's what they are doing though because dumb meets dumber ........

This won't make ppl down and kiss their asses it will just generate HATRED all the more.
No it won't. Except among the haters, and they already hate anyway, so what's the big deal.

You really want to jail people for disagreeing with you?

And you think we are the bad guys?
What's wrong with this? How are heterosexuals not free to go their way and be heterosexuals? Better that heterosexuals turn their attention on the things going wrong within the heterosexual community. Domestic violence? Patriarchy, otherwise known as the worship of the sacred penis?
Patriarchy is religious myth of fourth wave feminists.

Tell that to the penis-worshipers. Southern Baptists? Roman Catholics? Yes, patriarchy exists. They tell everyone that you have to have a dick to get in. Then you deny it? What the hell is going on? This is something out of Orwell or Fahrenheit 451. Do these organizations exist that do not allow people with vaginas into their leadership circles or not? You tell me how patriarchy does not actually exist. These organizations either have these rules or they don't. Which is it? Face facts.
THis is what happens when you want a communist Country which is once again what hte gays are pushing for ( the leftist tards ), this is what you get when you have ANTIFA's, BLM the mentality doesn't know that's what they are doing though because dumb meets dumber.....

Switzerland is a communist country? When did that happen?
Since the so-called OP doesn't like something they did. You know..."If I don't like you, you're a 'commie'." Regardless of reality.

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