Syria conflict: Bolton says US withdrawal is conditional

'The withdrawal of US troops from Syria depends on certain conditions, US National Security Adviser John Bolton says, in a further indication that the process is being slowed down.

On a trip to Israel and Turkey, he said he would seek Turkish assurances that Kurds in northern Syria would be safe.

The US also wants to ensure that the remnants of the Islamic State (IS) group are defeated, he added.

President Donald Trump has faced strong criticism over the planned US pullout.

When he first announced the move in the middle of December, he said: "They're all coming back and they're coming back now."

However, speaking on Sunday before leaving for his Camp David retreat, he told reporters: "We are pulling back... I never said we were doing it quickly."

Mr Trump also said last month that IS had been "defeated".'

US withdrawal from Syria 'conditional'

If Trump chickens out on this - he is a completely, spineless wimp.

You don't play political games with American troops. If you tell them (and their families) that you are pulling them out 'now'? You pull them out 'NOW'.

Hey Trump?

1) Fire that piece of shit, Neocon poster boy Bolton - the whack job. The man is a psycho. He will NEVER rest until American troops are in almost every country in the world.
2) Bring the troops home NOW.
Turkey will NEVER give/keep assurances about the Kurds. Nor should they. The Kurds stole the land in Syria they now occupy - they have NO RIGHT TO IT AT ALL. If The Turks want to boot the Kurds from this Syrian land that they stole - power to them.

He did the same thing with North Korea. He announced that we all can go to bed and sleep easy now that everyone is safe from North Korean nukes. Problem is, he was lying.

He didn't get anything in writing. Nothing was signed by Kim or trump. Nothing was passed through our congress and ratified. Nothing was even negotiated.

He announced our troops would leave South Korea too.

Our troops are still there. Those nukes are still there and being developed and pointed right at the United States.

I never believe a word from trump. I wait for what actually happens.
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The U.S. is leaving Syria, and will stay as long as it takes

'President Trump’s sudden announcement that the U.S. would pull out of Syria stunned the key players in the conflict, prompted America’s panicked Kurdish allies to turn to Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad, and led to the resignation of Defense Secretary James Mattis.
Between the lines: Nearly three weeks later, the withdrawal seems to be getting less imminent by the day.

  • Trump now says U.S. troops will withdraw “at a proper pace while at the same time continuing to fight ISIS and doing all else that is prudent and necessary.” He initially announced: “They’re all coming back, and they’re coming back now.”
  • National security adviser John Bolton has been more specific. He says the U.S. won’t pull out until ISIS is irreversibly defeated and the U.S. secures a promise from Turkey not to target Kurdish forces — a guarantee many observers say Turkey, which labels the Kurdish forces terrorists, can never credibly make.
  • The NY Times reports that Trump was convinced to extend the troop drawdown from one month to four, but that Bolton’s conditions “could leave American forces there for months or even years.” Bolton, meanwhile, says we shouldn’t even discuss timetables until all the U.S. objectives are met.'
The U.S. is leaving Syria, and will stay as long as it takes

I was afraid of this. But I was hoping that maybe Trump would do something right. And this would have been a great thing. A real feather in his cap. To do the right thing despite all the war mongers, neocons and/or Democrats yelling at him not to.

Nope...he is clearly caving.

Oh well.
'The withdrawal of US troops from Syria depends on certain conditions, US National Security Adviser John Bolton says, in a further indication that the process is being slowed down.

On a trip to Israel and Turkey, he said he would seek Turkish assurances that Kurds in northern Syria would be safe.

The US also wants to ensure that the remnants of the Islamic State (IS) group are defeated, he added.

President Donald Trump has faced strong criticism over the planned US pullout.

When he first announced the move in the middle of December, he said: "They're all coming back and they're coming back now."

However, speaking on Sunday before leaving for his Camp David retreat, he told reporters: "We are pulling back... I never said we were doing it quickly."

Mr Trump also said last month that IS had been "defeated".'

US withdrawal from Syria 'conditional'

If Trump chickens out on this - he is a completely, spineless wimp.

You don't play political games with American troops. If you tell them (and their families) that you are pulling them out 'now'? You pull them out 'NOW'.

Hey Trump?

1) Fire that piece of shit, Neocon poster boy Bolton - the whack job. The man is a psycho. He will NEVER rest until American troops are in almost every country in the world.
2) Bring the troops home NOW.
Turkey will NEVER give/keep assurances about the Kurds. Nor should they. The Kurds stole the land in Syria they now occupy - they have NO RIGHT TO IT AT ALL. If The Turks want to boot the Kurds from this Syrian land that they stole - power to them.
Just when there was a tiny light at the end of the tunnel the war mongering neocon shit and their allies, with no skin in the game, cling to the promise of more death with a lust that will not be denied.
'The withdrawal of US troops from Syria depends on certain conditions, US National Security Adviser John Bolton says, in a further indication that the process is being slowed down.

On a trip to Israel and Turkey, he said he would seek Turkish assurances that Kurds in northern Syria would be safe.

The US also wants to ensure that the remnants of the Islamic State (IS) group are defeated, he added.

President Donald Trump has faced strong criticism over the planned US pullout.

When he first announced the move in the middle of December, he said: "They're all coming back and they're coming back now."

However, speaking on Sunday before leaving for his Camp David retreat, he told reporters: "We are pulling back... I never said we were doing it quickly."

Mr Trump also said last month that IS had been "defeated".'

US withdrawal from Syria 'conditional'

If Trump chickens out on this - he is a completely, spineless wimp.

You don't play political games with American troops. If you tell them (and their families) that you are pulling them out 'now'? You pull them out 'NOW'.

Hey Trump?

1) Fire that piece of shit, Neocon poster boy Bolton - the whack job. The man is a psycho. He will NEVER rest until American troops are in almost every country in the world.
2) Bring the troops home NOW.
Turkey will NEVER give/keep assurances about the Kurds. Nor should they. The Kurds stole the land in Syria they now occupy - they have NO RIGHT TO IT AT ALL. If The Turks want to boot the Kurds from this Syrian land that they stole - power to them.
Just when there was a tiny light at the end of the tunnel the war mongering neocon shit and their allies, with no skin in the game, cling to the promise of more death with a lust that will not be denied.

Well put.

The bigger thread to American lives is not terrorists...but neocons.

How Bolton sees himself
'The withdrawal of US troops from Syria depends on certain conditions, US National Security Adviser John Bolton says, in a further indication that the process is being slowed down.

On a trip to Israel and Turkey, he said he would seek Turkish assurances that Kurds in northern Syria would be safe.

The US also wants to ensure that the remnants of the Islamic State (IS) group are defeated, he added.

President Donald Trump has faced strong criticism over the planned US pullout.

When he first announced the move in the middle of December, he said: "They're all coming back and they're coming back now."

However, speaking on Sunday before leaving for his Camp David retreat, he told reporters: "We are pulling back... I never said we were doing it quickly."

Mr Trump also said last month that IS had been "defeated".'

US withdrawal from Syria 'conditional'

If Trump chickens out on this - he is a completely, spineless wimp.

You don't play political games with American troops. If you tell them (and their families) that you are pulling them out 'now'? You pull them out 'NOW'.

Hey Trump?

1) Fire that piece of shit, Neocon poster boy Bolton - the whack job. The man is a psycho. He will NEVER rest until American troops are in almost every country in the world.
2) Bring the troops home NOW.
Turkey will NEVER give/keep assurances about the Kurds. Nor should they. The Kurds stole the land in Syria they now occupy - they have NO RIGHT TO IT AT ALL. If The Turks want to boot the Kurds from this Syrian land that they stole - power to them.

Screw you for backing Erdogan and wanting Turkey to kill those Syrian Kurds. The Kurds have turned once again to Assad for protection. Turkey has been part of this freaking dogs breakfast since the beginning.

Try more reading and less assuming....jerk.

I said nothing about Turks killing Kurds. Duh.

I simply said if the Turks want to help kick the Kurds out of land that does not belong to them (assuming they go home afterwards) power to them.

And think for fuck's sake...they don't need to kill them to do that. If America leaves and the Turks tell the Kurds to leave Syria or they will make them - the Kurds will go - guaranteed. No way they can stand up to one of Europe's most powerful military's - and they know it.

And if you knew anything about the Syrian Civil War - you would know that the Turks had little to do with it until the Kurds entered Syria and stated they were not going to leave it.
Only then did Erdogan (whom I cannot stand, btw) invade.

Here is a map asshole of the war from the start and how it progressed.

Now who entered Syria first - the Kurds or the Turks?

The answer is the Kurds...DUH.

Learn the subject you are talking about before you start flapping your gums about it and you won't sound so ignorant.

First off I want to apologize for saying screw you. That was uncalled for. And I mean it.
Apology accepted. Cool...damn rare around here.

Now to truth. The Kurds invaded nothing. They are Syrian and Iraqi Kurds. The Kurds live in both countries. Here comes your FYI.

Turkey was part of the effort to overthow Assad. Turn Syria over to the MB. The Kurds live and always have lived on the borders. No countries of their own. Hence no invasions.

I know my timelines.

Middle East
C.I.A. Said to Aid in Steering Arms to Syrian Opposition

WASHINGTON — A small number of C.I.A. officers are operating secretly in southern Turkey, helping allies decide which Syrian opposition fighters across the border will receive arms to fight the Syrian government, according to American officials and Arab intelligence officers.

The weapons, including automatic rifles, rocket-propelled grenades, ammunition and some antitank weapons, are being funneled mostly across the Turkish border by way of a shadowy network of intermediaries including Syria’s Muslim Brotherhood and paid for by Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar, the officials said.

More at link

C.I.A. Said to Aid in Steering Arms to Syrian Rebels

One - not all of the Kurds in the SDF originally came from Syria.
Two - but even if they did, you cannot just take a bunch of territory (whether in your own country or not) and just call it your own. That is illegal under property AND international law.
A bunch of Iowans cannot suddenly seize Iowa and say 'it's ours - we are a new country'. That would be illegal.
The Kurds had no elections or referendums (to my knowledge). They just took the land by force and said 'it's ours'.

THAT IS STEALING. They have NO legal right to the land except as Syrians.

Plus, as I said before, Turkey would not dare start murdering the Kurds (as much as some of them might want to) once America pulled out. Risk militarily pissing off the United States? No chance.

America should pull out, the Kurd's should abandon their self-declared 'country' and either go back home (and give the land back to Assad, who - like him or not - IS the duly elected leader of Syria) or go back to Kurdish Iraq.

How can America's State Department/the CIA officially denounce Russia annexing the Crimea - even though the Crimeans voted over 90% in a referendum to leave Ukraine for Russia?
And then turn around and say that it is okay for the Kurd's to just take a bunch of Syria and call it their own country...without even having an election?

Talk about hypocrisy?

NO...the SDF MUST give the land back to Assad and America (and Turkey) MUST leave Syria. Those are the only decent and legal things to do.
Trump’s Neocons Reverse His Syria Withdrawal Plan


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