T-shirts at a memorial service aren't political?

First and foremost I blame Congress and the Government. I do point out this was at a Democrat political event so the Democrats do bear responsibility.

What should they have done to prevent this from happening. Not allowed guns into the event?

One man is guilty of murder.

Congress is guilty of not protecting the public.

Congress can't protect every single person, that's impractical. Again what should they have done-not allowed guns into the event?

attacked, would you just say it was simply a crime by a nut or would you question why the President did not have the security to protect himself and the public.

Don't understand the point you're trying to make here?

Whenever anything happens its never the politicians fault. When will we hold the politicians accountable.

I hold them accountable for lots of things-but the actions of one specific individual at an event that happens all the time in our country? You want congress all over every political event-both large and small, and to run the whole thing? Sounds like big government to me.

Here is your chance to shine, tell me how the Democrat party has no responsibility to protect the public.

Of course they do-but same thing as before-how could they have prevented this?
A child is dead and the last people we can blame are the people who are sworn to protect us. Too bad a little of that trillion dollar stimulus did not pay for extra security with all this extreme rhetoric.

I guess when all the Democrats and all the media screams how dangerous the far right is that must be just Rhetoric because they took no steps to protect themselves from us.

Maybe they do when they travel away from home and they were just to naive, in their districts they are loved too much to worry.

Congress fails us again and the Rhetoric is the Cover-up. Do not be partisan, just blame the criminal.

If your money is stolen from the bank because they left the doors open and the alarm off can we blame the bank?

Ok the bank comparison for lack of a better word is just stupid. What does that have to do with anything.

You just rambled on and on and on, but failed to name ONE way the democrats could have prevented Loughner from carrying out this attack.
First and foremost I blame Congress and the Government. I do point out this was at a Democrat political event so the Democrats do bear responsibility.

What should they have done to prevent this from happening. Not allowed guns into the event?

One man is guilty of murder.

Congress is guilty of not protecting the public.

Congress can't protect every single person, that's impractical. Again what should they have done-not allowed guns into the event?

Don't understand the point you're trying to make here?

I hold them accountable for lots of things-but the actions of one specific individual at an event that happens all the time in our country? You want congress all over every political event-both large and small, and to run the whole thing? Sounds like big government to me.

Here is your chance to shine, tell me how the Democrat party has no responsibility to protect the public.

Of course they do-but same thing as before-how could they have prevented this?
A child is dead and the last people we can blame are the people who are sworn to protect us. Too bad a little of that trillion dollar stimulus did not pay for extra security with all this extreme rhetoric.

I guess when all the Democrats and all the media screams how dangerous the far right is that must be just Rhetoric because they took no steps to protect themselves from us.

Maybe they do when they travel away from home and they were just to naive, in their districts they are loved too much to worry.

Congress fails us again and the Rhetoric is the Cover-up. Do not be partisan, just blame the criminal.

If your money is stolen from the bank because they left the doors open and the alarm off can we blame the bank?

Ok the bank comparison for lack of a better word is just stupid. What does that have to do with anything.

You just rambled on and on and on, but failed to name ONE way the democrats could have prevented Loughner from carrying out this attack.

Don't parse my statement and hatchet my quote and then maybe when someone reads your post what I said would make sense.

I said my piece, I stated the truth, I gave you an example you could comprehend. The fact you cannot even quote me in entirety says much about you. You may see this as a partisan attack on the Democrats, if is not. If your familiar with all my posts you would see I am critical of both parties.

Congress has a responsibility to the public, they have now gone into session to address security. What the hell have they done, ever, in the last 4 decades since Kennedy was assassinated. What does the Department of Homeland security do.

How many people are law enforcement in our government.

If this was George Bush what do you think the media would of said, he was not careless with security. If this was Obama what would people be saying, where was the security.

I am asking, why, how, where was the security. This was a political event and since I can remember the far right are extremist who are dangerous. Why was there not security their to protect the Democrat Gifford from far right extremist.

The far right is extremely dangerous yet the politicians do nothing to protect themselves from us.

That makes the Democrats liars, they took no action to protect themselves from the extremist they claim we are, they did not believe that we were a threat, they made those statements purely to scare the public. Had the Democrats been serious or believed what they said they would of taken precautions.

Government is to blame for the tragedy.
Do you own a gun mdn2000? You sound a little unbalanced. Please stay away from political events. Also, history does not support you. The people who attempted to kill Ford were not far right supporters. Hickley was not far right. There are many other examples.
First and foremost I blame Congress and the Government. I do point out this was at a Democrat political event so the Democrats do bear responsibility.

What should they have done to prevent this from happening. Not allowed guns into the event?

One man is guilty of murder.

Congress can't protect every single person, that's impractical. Again what should they have done-not allowed guns into the event?

Don't understand the point you're trying to make here?

I hold them accountable for lots of things-but the actions of one specific individual at an event that happens all the time in our country? You want congress all over every political event-both large and small, and to run the whole thing? Sounds like big government to me.

Of course they do-but same thing as before-how could they have prevented this?
A child is dead and the last people we can blame are the people who are sworn to protect us. Too bad a little of that trillion dollar stimulus did not pay for extra security with all this extreme rhetoric.

I guess when all the Democrats and all the media screams how dangerous the far right is that must be just Rhetoric because they took no steps to protect themselves from us.

Maybe they do when they travel away from home and they were just to naive, in their districts they are loved too much to worry.

Congress fails us again and the Rhetoric is the Cover-up. Do not be partisan, just blame the criminal.

If your money is stolen from the bank because they left the doors open and the alarm off can we blame the bank?

Ok the bank comparison for lack of a better word is just stupid. What does that have to do with anything.

You just rambled on and on and on, but failed to name ONE way the democrats could have prevented Loughner from carrying out this attack.

Don't parse my statement and hatchet my quote and then maybe when someone reads your post what I said would make sense.

I said my piece, I stated the truth, I gave you an example you could comprehend. The fact you cannot even quote me in entirety says much about you. You may see this as a partisan attack on the Democrats, if is not. If your familiar with all my posts you would see I am critical of both parties.

Congress has a responsibility to the public, they have now gone into session to address security. What the hell have they done, ever, in the last 4 decades since Kennedy was assassinated. What does the Department of Homeland security do.

How many people are law enforcement in our government.

If this was George Bush what do you think the media would of said, he was not careless with security. If this was Obama what would people be saying, where was the security.

I am asking, why, how, where was the security. This was a political event and since I can remember the far right are extremist who are dangerous. Why was there not security their to protect the Democrat Gifford from far right extremist.

The far right is extremely dangerous yet the politicians do nothing to protect themselves from us.

That makes the Democrats liars, they took no action to protect themselves from the extremist they claim we are, they did not believe that we were a threat, they made those statements purely to scare the public. Had the Democrats been serious or believed what they said they would of taken precautions.

Government is to blame for the tragedy.

I never claimed the far right was "dangerous", although I did say there were extremists on both sides. Extremists =/= dangerous, but nice try.

Also I separated your statements, to address each one individually (and to make it easier to read). I never edited your statements one tiny bit-take a look for yourself. I didn't "hatchet" a thing. If you can't figure that out, then you're even less able to comprehend logic than I originally thought.

In an earlier post you claim you're not far-right. Fine. In this post you claim that the far right, then refer to it as "us" (obviously including yourself). So which one is it? Can't be both ways.

Let me get this straight in an earlier post you blame the Democrats. In this post you're also blaming congress/the government...last time I checked congress and the government have quite a few Republicans no?

So which part of your statements did you mean?:
-the democrats are to blame
-congress is to blame

Maybe you can answer those contradictions in your post, while you once again dodge my simple question: How should the Democrats (or I guess congress now that you've also added them to the blame game), have prevented this? Give me some concrete ideas.

If you can't, then it's clear you're merely full of crap.
Is there anything more offensive than the right wing idiots criticizing the people of Tucson for how they mourn?

You people really can't sink much lower.

This is straight out of the rightwing playbook. The accuse-Democrats-of-politicizing-a-memorial section.

It appears to me you are inflating this.

I personally don't care but this is just exactly what got us here, is he allowed to ask a question without getting questioned as to some evil motive or intent? its takes money and org. to make up and lpace several thousand t- shirts, you or ravi don't see it as an issue, cool, so thats it? no questions shall be asked, anyone expressing interest will be labeled as as an offender or sinking to a new level, lets get a grip shall we? ......we saw exactly this last Sunday.....

You haven't ever noticed a repeating pattern of propaganda tactics from the rightwing used to attack certain types of situations?
So let me get this right? We have a now 12+ page thread about t-shirts?? T-shirts?? T-shirts that say nothing political and don't mention anyone by name? T-shirts?
Some people STILL don't know what really matters in life. You obviously didn't bother listening to the speech last night or it went right over your head.
when people of tucson see these shirts being worn in their community what do you think will be the reaction?

The same as this:

I was unaware the investigation was closed. Seems as if everyone else around him knew he was unstable and a threat. He lived at home, the parents bear some level of responsibility for not seeking help.

No, they do not.

He was an adult, and you are assuming they had the know how to know he needed help.

Let me explain what you are saying;
Every kid caought drinking or using drugs takes the parents down with them, b/c they should have known

Parents are guilty of murder if thier kid kills themselves.

Kids out after curfew? Parents in cuffs

On and on

Let me explain reality.

If your kids hold a party at your house and someone gets killed on the way home from alcohol they drank at the party... you as the parent get charged.

You can't have it both ways. Either he was mentally insane and another adult should have been responsible for him or he was a complete adult and responsible for his actions. The parents had to know what was going on to an extent. The dad worked from home. My guess is, the state is still building their case before charging the parents.

I dont think you really know what youre talking about.
when people of tucson see these shirts being worn in their community what do you think will be the reaction?

My guess... they won't care and will simply keep doing what they are doing at the time.

Seriously, anyone influenced by a tshirt isnt someone I want around me, unless im trying to help them not be influenced so easily.
So let me get this right? We have a now 12+ page thread about t-shirts?? T-shirts?? T-shirts that say nothing political and don't mention anyone by name? T-shirts?
Some people STILL don't know what really matters in life. You obviously didn't bother listening to the speech last night or it went right over your head.

T-shirts handed out at a political rally with the President of the United States making a political speech, T-Shirts handed out by Democrats, to remember a democrat, with a slogan that is being used politically is not political.

Democrats must believe people are stupid. I have a lot of disagreements with Republicans but when I read this kind of bullshit I know the only path to take, regardless of how corrupt the Republican path they are the lesser of two evils. Democrats are simply a dead end of Rhetoric.
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Thanks for begging us to let the community thrive together as Democrats in honor of Democrats who died at a Democrats political event.

Yes, lets keep partisan politics out.

Maybe we should all be wondering what kind of protection Democrats can give the nation when they cannot protect themselves in their own backyards.

This is another huge Democrat failure, now the whole nation must address security for those who work day and night on security issues.

Congress has the lowest approval rating of all time, how in the hell can they fail to provide security at a political event. Did they assume it being in their town that everyone loved them. Are they this disconnected from their people they just let their guard down.

This is a serious question, what was the security on the Federal level, why this massive failure of government.

Assassination in the year 2011, I hope they get things right, hell did they not just find an aide or something in a dumpster. Why does Congress do with our money.

Sadly, Gifford failed herself and the country.

Democrats died? Judge Rolls was a Republican, as was at least one of the others who died. Christina Green was 9 - to the best of anyone's knowledge, she was not a member of any political party. Your response is partisan rhetoric. And you should be ashamed of it.

Partisan Rhetoric, no, its not. A coach to a young girl to a Democrat rally, it was for a member of Congress. I clearly state Congress failed us, I clearly state the government failed us.

My exact words ending my statement are clear, I did not end stating Democrat Congress or our Democrat President.

Nobody failed to do there job than why are they holding sessions in Congress discussing security. If this is not a failure of government why are they addressing security. If nobody failed, who is to blame, only the person who did.

Sorry, but this is politics, this is not a citizen that was a target. Sure its hindsight now but my god, if politicians come around my house I am going to have my guns ready, politicians have always attracted crazy people. Of course they are passing a law that you cannot have a gun near a Congressman so I will never be able to protect myself. Even after the Government proves over and over they fail.

I am sorry the parents have lost a child. I actual only care about the child. I feel bad for the parents, they were not even there at the end of the child's life at least from the article I read.

We can not separate the politics from a political event. We live in a dangerous world. Is this the one Congressman that never got a threat in the mail. In all seriousness, if she can think when this is all over, do you think she will apologize or will she just say I have no guilt.

Public officials first responsibility is to the safety to the public, its in their oath, its why they are in office. Gifford failed to protect herself and the public.

Its terrible, its pretty bad that we are so damned politically correct and going out of our way to prove we are better than the other we cannot state the truth.

i would respect politicians if for once they would just admit they failed.

Anyone admit they failed before 9/11? They admit they failed before the financial meltdown. When does the government ever take responsibility.

This was not a citizen, she was a politician, it was her responsibility. I do not know what to say to anyone who thinks the politicians are not responsible for the safety of the public.

The shooter is guilty of murder.

Gifford failed in her primary responsibility to the public. Our safety.

Hopefully people will realize a political event is not a place for a child. It is insane to take a child to any political event.

Personally, I refuse to walk around in a constant state of fear. That must suck, and you have my sympathies if you're that paranoid.
I found the T-shirts, the boos, the standing ovations, the cheers crass as all get out..

sad to say, I didn't expect anything else.
So let me get this right? We have a now 12+ page thread about t-shirts?? T-shirts?? T-shirts that say nothing political and don't mention anyone by name? T-shirts?
Some people STILL don't know what really matters in life. You obviously didn't bother listening to the speech last night or it went right over your head.

T-shirts handed out at a political rally with the President of the United States making a political speech, T-Shirts handed out by Democrats, to remember a democrat, with a slogan that is being used politically is not political.

Democrats must believe people are stupid. I have a lot of disagreements with Republicans but when I read this kind of bullshit I know the only path to take, regardless of how corrupt the Republican path they are the lesser of two evils. Democrats are simply a dead end of Rhetoric.

Did you have this as a bumper sticker by chance?

Democrats died? Judge Rolls was a Republican, as was at least one of the others who died. Christina Green was 9 - to the best of anyone's knowledge, she was not a member of any political party. Your response is partisan rhetoric. And you should be ashamed of it.
thank you for saying that. The rightwingnts are an embarrassment. Can you imagine blaming the congress woman for being shot? Can you imagine the petulance and ignorance of these people saying it was a 'democratic' rally? I'm betting the morons didn't even watch, but got their spin from other imbeciles in the blogosphere. We already know for a fact that the boi troll OP didn't watch or listen. What was 'democratic' about the event? The fact that no one was asking about 'second amendment remedies? Can you imagin what these nutbars would have said if a republic congress person was shot and pelosi didn't show up when SHE was speaker?
Loons, the lot of them. Thanks for *your* post. It reminds me there are rational people on the right.
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I do not recall ever seeing a memorial where people cheered and gave standing ovations. I don't believe I've ever seen a memorial where souvenir t-shirts were given out. It all seems rather strange to me.

I can understand the hailing of some of the Heroes who were present in the crowd, to an extent. I simply cannot grasp the Pep rally type actions by the crowd. It's almost scary.

And yet when I look at the Tucson news I see no complaints and only good things pointed out.

To me it just seemed wrong. Felt wrong. Was wrong.

I didn't feel like plowing through over a hundred posts in this thread, so hopefully someone by now has pointed out that it was the University of Arizona that had the T-shirts made up and distributed. The reason it resembled a "pep" rally is because there were thousands of students there in an arena usually used for pep rallies. And as I mentioned elsewhere, it wasn't as though it was a memorial held in a church or religious environment to honor the dead. It was a testimonial to the brave ones who did die and also to those who survived the horrific event.

So the T-shirts were a government funded project to help the homeless? The whole thing reeks of political crassness. By the way, dying of a killer's bullet does not make you a hero. It makes you a victim of a tragedy. Granted some did shield others from bullets.

Ah yes, the immediate reaction by conservatives was to criticize the fucking t-shirts. Way to go. To HELL with the purpose of the memorial. The entire conservative body is all atwitter about those evil "political" t-shirts, when in fact University of Arizona STUDENTS (not the government) designed and passed out the t-shirts with an upbeat message thereon which promoted NOTHING except the City of Tucson.

Can you people BE any more picky? To you ever listen to yourselves?
Democrats died? Judge Rolls was a Republican, as was at least one of the others who died. Christina Green was 9 - to the best of anyone's knowledge, she was not a member of any political party. Your response is partisan rhetoric. And you should be ashamed of it.

thank you for saying that. The rightwingnts are an embarrassment. Can you imagine blaming the congress woman for being shot? Can you imagine the petulance and ignorance of these people saying it was a 'democratic' rally? I'm betting the morons didn't even watch, but gt their doubtful other imbeciles in the blogosphere. We already know for a fact that the boi troll OP didn't watch or listen. What was 'democratic' about the event? The fact that no one was asking about 'second amendment remedies?

Can you imagin what these nutbars would have said if a republic congress person was shot and pelosi didn't show up when SHE was speaker?

Loons, the lot of them. Hanks four *your* post. It reminds me there are rational people on the right.

And you call this rant, rational?:lol:

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