Take a look at how US Democrats and left-wing media outlets cover the current Israel Palestine situation. It could be very telling.

That is undoubtably the case on Fox News. But not so much perhaps on MSNBC. …. time will tell on this one

I don’t know if MSNBC gave coverage to Israel bombing Gaza in the past few weeks leading up to this thing. I rarely watch MSNBC. But I had to tune in this morning to take a look at the coverage.
And exactly WHY did Israel has to go every now and then and destroy ammunitions and other places like this in Gaza? You have no idea at all, right?

It has not been because Hamas or other groups are launching rockets into Israel every now and then.

No, it could not be that.
That is very interesting because most of the Palestinians are Sunni Muslims. Iran and hezbollah are Shia Muslim. And there’s been plenty of interviews of Palestinians, who abhor Iran and think they talk a big game, but don’t do much to help their situation.

It’s possible that Iran has paid off some of the people from Gaza and are ordering them to go on attacks , against the will of most Palestinians perhaps. That’s just an idea though.

Iran is not popular in Palestine. Certainly people like Saddam Hussein and Iraq and the Sunni Arabs from back in the day were way more popular in the Palestinian hearts compared to the ayatollah’s.

Also of concern did some people in the IDF kind of look the other way when it came to security threats in the past week or so. And then kind of allow this recent thing to happen to ramp up the hatred between Israel and Palestine? Look at the iron dome missile defense system. I read a report that said it failed. What the heck is with that. Could be a red flag.

One thing most of us should all know is that the Israeli military is among the strongest in the world. A top 20 military if you will. It’s actually filled with a lot of people from the Soviet union and Russia, who are very battle hardened over the years.

The militant of Gaza stand no chance against the Israeli forces. Gaza has no tanks really no Air Force no navy. So this thing is 100% lopsided in favor of the Israeli defense forces.
Iran OWN Hamas and Gaza.

I do not provide hatred of Muslims.

I telling you history of the region which you are pathetically ignorant of.

You know nothing about the history of the region and could not care less about how the poor Arabs under Palestinian leadership have been paying with their lives for their leaders to try to destroy Israel. And THAT has been happening since 1920, not 1948.

When you do finally educate yourself THEN you can come and insult me and others. But insult me for the right reasons, for knowing what I am talking about and NOT because you want to attack Democrats in general.
You’re the one who made the comment you did about Islam no different than somebody saying Judaism is a bloodthirsty religion that seeks to get the blood of Christian children. The Jewish people cannot work with non-Jews, the goyim.

You’re the one who said it it’s your words, man you said what you said about Islam, so you cannot claim to be some kind of a defender or sympathizer with Muslims. Now on the other hand, I admire the Jewish faith that puts me in a totally different position compared to yourself.

No, I’m not insulting you, but simply showing you how your points are wrong and provably so.

So let’s see here there’s over 50 different Muslim majority countries today and your thesis again is incredibly wrong. Very narrow minded, and ignorant of the facts of history that there is cooperation between Israel and number of Muslim majority countries today.
I'm not certain where you get your information, but Palesitine is more than willing to take cash and weapons from Iran, regardless of any religious animosity.

The timing of this aggression is pretty obvious. Israel and Saudi were on the brink of signing some historic agreements that Iran clearly would kill to stop.

The only real question is why Hezbullah in Lebenon has not yet joined in the fight. It may be they are waiting for Israel to look away momentarily.

Who can say.

The blood for this conflict lays on the hands of the Palestinians and the Iranian government.
The information is because most Palestinians are Sunni Muslims. They don’t agree with the Shia Iran

I’m certain that some of the higher ups in hamas are open for the take irt whatever money they can get.

Many Egyptian Muslims For example have criticize hamas for living in Golden palaces in the UAE while the common Palestinian man suffers.

You can clearly see this above most Palestinian people do not support Iran. Now you go back to the 1990s when Saddam Hussein and Iraq were launching missiles into Israel. There is to this day a monument of Saddam Hussein in Palestine. That was in a Past tho and here we are in 2023. It’s a different time.

Still in 2023 Tons and tons of Arab Christians are vehemently critical of Israeli policy. And they also don’t like Iran because of the greater Arab Persian conflict over the years.

It’s become quite clear to me that this recent conflict is due to israeli and hamas government officials. Not really the common man in Israel or Gaza. It is because of these corrupt officials in Israel and Gaza, and perhaps in Iran that are at the center of this conflict. Funding it, it’s like they have a blood thirst. They want Palestinians and Israelis to hate each other. When you have this historic incredible honorable thing going on between Saudi Arabia and Israel. This is history in the making, and these people from Iran, from the IDF, from Hamas are trying to destroy this unity between Saudi Arab’s, and Israelis to Try and amend the situation between Palestinians and Israels once and for all. Just one way of looking at it.
That is very interesting because most of the Palestinians are Sunni Muslims. Iran and hezbollah are Shia Muslim. And there’s been plenty of interviews of Palestinians, who abhor Iran and think they talk a big game, but don’t do much to help their situation.

It’s possible that Iran has paid off some of the people from Gaza and are ordering them to go on attacks , against the will of most Palestinians perhaps. That’s just an idea though.

Iran is not popular in Palestine. Certainly people like Saddam Hussein and Iraq and the Sunni Arabs from back in the day were way more popular in the Palestinian hearts compared to the ayatollah’s.

Also of concern did some people in the IDF kind of look the other way when it came to security threats in the past week or so. And then kind of allow this recent thing to happen to ramp up the hatred between Israel and Palestine? Look at the iron dome missile defense system. I read a report that said it failed. What the heck is with that. Could be a red flag.

One thing most of us should all know is that the Israeli military is among the strongest in the world. A top 20 military if you will. It’s actually filled with a lot of people from the Soviet union and Russia, who are very battle hardened over the years.

The militant of Gaza stand no chance against the Israeli forces. Gaza has no tanks really no Air Force no navy. So this thing is 100% lopsided in favor of the Israeli defense forces.
" It’s actually filled with a lot of people from the Soviet union and Russia, who are very battle hardened over the years."

Thank you for proving what a total idiot you are.
All of those Jews from USSR, or Russia, as it is now, were persecuted Jews who fled the USSR, or Russia. They were not in the Russian Military as you are trying to portray them.

Iran feeds Gaza with weapons and Hamas feeds the population with endless hatred of Jews and Israelis, BECAUSE it is Israel and Israel is a SOVEREIGN Jewish country.

But go on living in your PEACE to the world, and totally anti Israel stance you have which can be seen a hundred miles away.

No problem.

Am Israel Chai
The People of Israel Live
" It’s actually filled with a lot of people from the Soviet union and Russia, who are very battle hardened over the years."

Thank you for proving what a total idiot you are.
All of those Jews from USSR, or Russia, as it is now, were persecuted Jews who fled the USSR, or Russia. They were not in the Russian Military as you are trying to portray them.

Iran feeds Gaza with weapons and Hamas feeds the population with endless hatred of Jews and Israelis, BECAUSE it is Israel and Israel is a SOVEREIGN Jewish country.

But go on living in your PEACE to the world, and totally anti Israel stance you have which can be seen a hundred miles away.

No problem.

Am Israel Chai
The People of Israel Live
Totally not the case. X Soviet military officials ended up immigrating to Israel after the fall of the Soviet union. Wow man your totally uninformed.

OK let’s just get this straight here. You are the one who said Islam cannot allow former Muslim lands to end up in the hands of non-Muslims. You’re ignorant of history. Why isn’t there a worldwide effort from 1.5 billion Muslims to invade Spain and take back the al Andalus.?

Ok a video has been posted showing Palestinians saying they are against Iran. You should be aware of the greater Arab Persian conflict over the years or maybe you’re not. Because you’re clearly uninformed about these issues. Most Palestinians do not agree with Iran. Doesn’t matter what you or I say about Iran. It matters with the Palestinian say, and we’ve already seen the video evidence showing it.

Again, you are the one who said what you said. You made direct attacks against Muslims in general unlike me I admire the Jewish people especially the 500,000 Soviet Jews, who patriotically fought for Russia against the Nazis including Ukrainian Nazis in World War II. And I have shown you video evidence of Soviet Jews. Praising Russia. I know what I’m talking about. I am in formed here and you’re engaging in propaganda. Actually going against what tons of Israeli people want which is a peaceful one state solution people to live side-by-side with each other.

Do you understand how easy it is to deconstruct your entire thesis. With one sentence. You claim Islam cannot allow Muslim lands to fall into the hands of non-Muslims. It is totally absurd. It’s simply could look at Spain, which is now no longer a Muslim country and they have diplomatic relations with Muslim countries. Come on man.
Gaza has been under occupation by Hamas, with Hamas rules, Hamas laws.

Let's be clear. And intellectually honest.

Israel, with the help of the United States, created Hamas to counteract Arafat.

Ultimately the United States, spreading so-called ''democracy,'' encouraged the Palestinians to have ''free and fair elections'' and they elected Hamas which became dominant.
You’re the one who made the comment you did about Islam no different than somebody saying Judaism is a bloodthirsty religion that seeks to get the blood of Christian children. The Jewish people cannot work with non-Jews, the goyim.

You’re the one who said it it’s your words, man you said what you said about Islam, so you cannot claim to be some kind of a defender or sympathizer with Muslims. Now on the other hand, I admire the Jewish faith that puts me in a totally different position compared to yourself.

No, I’m not insulting you, but simply showing you how your points are wrong and provably so.

So let’s see here there’s over 50 different Muslim majority countries today and your thesis again is incredibly wrong. Very narrow minded, and ignorant of the facts of history that there is cooperation between Israel and number of Muslim majority countries today.
Hamas is motivated by Islamic beliefs. That is what I said. Which is why SEVEN Muslim countries attacked Israel in 1948. Then in 1956. Then in 1967. Then in 1973. Then they started to simply supply help to Arafat and the others in order to attack and destroy Israel.

Sorry, but your attempts to turn my historical truth into something else only wins in the narrow world you live in.

I gave a Historical update of what the war Hamas just declared against Israel is all about and you keep attempting to turn it into "Sixties is against all Muslims".

Millions of Muslims live in Israel in peace, are Israeli citizens and fight FOR Israel.

You are truly pathetic in your attempts to change the subject.

It is about HAMAS, and what their laws and rules are in Gaza and what they teach their population on a daily basis. AGAINST Israel AND the Jews.

Try to get with the updates.
The consequences of enabling little brother's behavior over the last five decades. He just can't play nice in the sandbox and share.
How did everyone think this was going to end up? Come down with a heavy hand for too long and the extremist elements are going to make a move..even though I'll bet a safe amount
of money that it will be Palestinians who will have the most dead.
Totally not the case. X Soviet military officials ended up immigrating to Israel after the fall of the Soviet union. Wow man your totally uninformed.

OK let’s just get this straight here. You are the one who said Islam cannot allow former Muslim lands to end up in the hands of non-Muslims. You’re ignorant of history. Why isn’t there a worldwide effort from 1.5 billion Muslims to invade Spain and take back the al Andalus.?

Ok a video has been posted showing Palestinians saying they are against Iran. You should be aware of the greater Arab Persian conflict over the years or maybe you’re not. Because you’re clearly uninformed about these issues. Most Palestinians do not agree with Iran. Doesn’t matter what you or I say about Iran. It matters with the Palestinian say, and we’ve already seen the video evidence showing it.

Again, you are the one who said what you said. You made direct attacks against Muslims in general unlike me I admire the Jewish people especially the 500,000 Soviet Jews, who patriotically fought for Russia against the Nazis including Ukrainian Nazis in World War II. And I have shown you video evidence of Soviet Jews. Praising Russia. I know what I’m talking about. I am in formed here and you’re engaging in propaganda. Actually going against what tons of Israeli people want which is a peaceful one state solution people to live side-by-side with each other.

Do you understand how easy it is to deconstruct your entire thesis. With one sentence. You claim Islam cannot allow Muslim lands to fall into the hands of non-Muslims. It is totally absurd. It’s simply could look at Spain, which is now no longer a Muslim country and they have diplomatic relations with Muslim countries. Come on man.
Link. Educate me. I love being educated. But not with your empty words, but with actual facts.

And still this has NOTHING to do with the topic of your thread. Start another thread if you wish to accuse Israel of being like Russia, or something like that.
Let's be clear. And intellectually honest.

Israel, with the help of the United States, created Hamas to counteract Arafat.

Ultimately the United States, spreading so-called ''democracy'' as it does, encouraged the Palestinians to have ''free and fair elections'' and they elected Hamas which became dominant.

Yep, and now hamas builds terror factories in school districts while keeping the people in bondage which in turn allows the liberal media to report israel as a terror state and sympathizes with the actual hamas terrorists. Israels own knesset has been infiltrated by terrorists that hate israel. Who woulda thunk.
AND PLEASE ADD What right wing media saying about the situation.

Fox News is blatantly on the side of Israel. But I don’t know though about people like Tucker Carlson and others. A lot of people like on the PBD podcast have made criticisms toward Israel. So it’s an interesting dynamic going on with the right wing.

Seems there’s a lot of non interventionalists on the right now when it comes to Israelpalestine.

Its a new era its 2023
Sorry bout that,

1. But its time to blow up whats standing on the dome of the rock.
2. Letter blow!!!!
3. Its what I would do.

Link. Educate me. I love being educated. But not with your empty words, but with actual facts.

And still this has NOTHING to do with the topic of your thread. Start another thread if you wish to accuse Israel of being like Russia, or something like that.

in another thread I already provided you a video of World War II era Soviet Jews, praising the history of Russia.

Russian culture thrives in Israel

It’s my view I admire the Soviet Jew that fought Hitler. Yeah that’s because America was on the side of the allies in World War II. And we stood together with the soviet people against Adolf Hitler and the third Reich. Many Americans died storming the beaches of Normandy and many Soviets died in the fight against the third Reich.

It’s a matter of common sense, today the people of Israel, greatly admire and thank the Soviet and American people for their contributions in World War II. Of course common sense shows there’s a lot of people in Israel today whose ancestors fight for either America, England, or Russia against the third Reich.
Fox News is blatantly on the side of Israel. But I don’t know though about people like Tucker Carlson and others. A lot of people like on the PBD podcast have made criticisms toward Israel. So it’s an interesting dynamic going on with the right wing.

Seems there’s a lot of non interventionalists on the right now when it comes to Israelpalestine.

Its a new era its 2023

Israel will prevail and will not go down.
Yep, and now hamas builds terror factories in school districts while keeping the people in bondage which in turn allows the liberal media to report israel as a terror state and sympathizes with the actual hamas terrorists. Israels own knesset has been infiltrated by terrorists that hate israel. Who woulda thunk.

I'm just looking forward to the predictable bombardment of Nikki Haley threads and seeing her plastered all over the idiot box for the remainder of the cycle.


You know how they do...
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Hey Biden is funding Nazi's in Ukraine and Jew hating Muslims in Iran... sounds like Hitler would approve don't you think?....
Yes, it does.
Do the people in white coats, that give you your medication, look like Hitler too?

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