Take Sides - Israel or Hamas Terrorists - Choose ONLY ONE!

It's war.

Nobody is justifying anything....Wars in urban civilian areas produce civilian casualties, every time....Sad but true.

One side is building military installations around and under civilian areas like hospitals and schools, the other is not....The "genocide" hysteria is a contrivance design to try and make people take sides.
No it’s genocide and a war crime.

Believing mass murder is a contrivance is foolish and illogical, but typical of Americans duped by controlled media.

LOL! Eh, gipper, wouldn't it be wonderful if Israel was as "moral" as Hamas?
If you've ever noticed, he (and a few others) will never criticize Hamas or express any outrage about the kidnapped and murdered Israelites. There is zero concern among them for the victims. Instead they celebrate the people who danced in the streets over the rapes, murders and kidnappings. I get thoroughly disgusted when I think about these people.
It needn't be framed that way. Whoever sends rockets into civilian areas (and films it and shows it on the Internet) must be wiped out
That happens to be Hamas. Many hate Hamas but I won't get into that. They violated completely interntaional law. so they must be exterminated.
They didn’t just video the rockets, they videoed the torture and murders as well.
If you've ever noticed, he (and a few others) will never criticize Hamas or express any outrage about the kidnapped and murdered Israelites. There is zero concern among them for the victims. Instead they celebrate the people who danced in the streets over the rapes, murders and kidnappings. I get thoroughly disgusted when I think about these people.
I understand & agree. But I never am disgusted with them. Need more of them here. Love them to play with & let them be the ones who are disgusted.
If you've ever noticed, he (and a few others) will never criticize Hamas or express any outrage about the kidnapped and murdered Israelites. There is zero concern among them for the victims. Instead they celebrate the people who danced in the streets over the rapes, murders and kidnappings. I get thoroughly disgusted when I think about these people.
I just talked about the subhuman savagery HAMAS committed against innocent Jews, and the liberal poster answered back with a mocking “oh….here we go with Lisa’s litany of atrocities again.”

And then she goes on to falsely smear Israel with an accusation of genocide. Her mocking is intended to silence me - make fun of me - because what I said shows that Israel is superior to the Muslim monsters, and she can’t have that.
I understand & agree. But I never am disgusted with them. Need more of them here. Love them to play with & let them be the ones who are disgusted.
You’re not disgusted by monsters who saw off the heads of innocent babies and burn children alive? Rape women to death while another monster slices off her breasts? Force a woman’s legs open, stick a gun in there, and fire? How can you not be disgusted?
Great clip! May I use it on other threads when going up against a liberal smearing Israel with the genocide lie?

Sure. Go ahead.

Actually, while we’re on the topic, as l was in the region, in December, l was planning a visit down to the Israel-Gaza area, to see for myself how it was. Maybe could have run into Douglas himself, that would have been nice. Unfortunately l got sick, and ended up in hospital, so couldn’t go anywhere.
Sure. Go ahead.

Actually, while we’re on the topic, as l was in the region, in December, l was planning a visit down to the Israel-Gaza area, to see for myself how it was. Maybe could have run into Douglas himself, that would have been nice. Unfortunately l got sick, and ended up in hospital, so couldn’t go anywhere.
Montezuma’s revenge ?
Sure. Go ahead.

Actually, while we’re on the topic, as l was in the region, in December, l was planning a visit down to the Israel-Gaza area, to see for myself how it was. Maybe could have run into Douglas himself, that would have been nice. Unfortunately l got sick, and ended up in hospital, so couldn’t go anywhere.
So sorry you got sick, but hope all Is well now?
The anti Israel conspiracy theorists here latch into things like this to support what they WANT to believe. They talk about "facts" but they build their theories on Shakey ground

What is genuinely anti Israel is blind support of the right wing Netanyahu regime that seems determined to enflame the entire region and bring about Israel's destruction faster than Hamas could hope to.

You can be sure that American blood will, once again, soak distant soil because of inexcusable right wing Zionist machinations.

Israel is too valuable to be destroyed by genocidal, right wing psycho Settler types who feel entitled to their "Greater Israel"

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