Take the Masks Off Kids

So are mine since they are not kids any longer, but I agree with the OP, it is time to take them off. Hearing that they are making kids play sports in them just blew my mind, so stupid

Try spending an eight-hour shift doing hard construction work in one.

It's not just that when you're doing hard work, the impact of anything obstructing your ability to breathe becomes greater. Just think of all the sweat and drool and snot and blood accumulating on the inside of a mask, and the mask holding all of that against your face, against your skin, and causing you to breath all that shit back in again.
No, no, no. Back up. You said:. "Masks have always been about making people obedient and controlling them."

That's just silly. I can hear them plotting:

"How can we make people obedient and easy to control?". ...

"Make them wear masks?"

"Yeah, yeah... It just might be crazy enough to work. Do it!"

Well, that’s exactly what they did.

Have masks ever been effective to filter the virus? No.

Yet they made people wear masks. Since the science doesn’t back it up, why do it?
This perspective kind of blows my mind. I've always felt that I lean a little bit paranoid, but this is just bonkers. Masks are a conspiracy to make people obedient???

Wow. But I guess when you line it with the stolen election, deep state lizards and the rest, it fits right in.

I find myself living in a bizarre time, in which the sort of stuff that in my younger days, I would have dismissed as batshit-crazy conspiracy nonsense is now much more believable than the official lies that we are being told to believe and obey.

I do not know for certain what to think of the motives, but it is absolutely clear to me that these masks do much more harm than good, and that those responsible for mandating them know damn well that they do more harm than good. Same with the “vaccine” mandates.
If progressives truly believe in science, they should support removing mask mandates in schools. They do more harm than good.


Some of us have been here from the beginning. I'll be happy with anything that gets these face diapers off, but it's ironic to see people crying about killing grandma see the poll results come in now and do such a quick 180
I do not know for certain what to think of the motives, but it is absolutely clear to me that these masks do much more harm than good, and that those responsible for mandating them know damn well that they do more harm than good. Same with the “vaccine” mandates.
That's a legitimate debate to have - one we need to be having as a nation. But when critics lead with batshit crazy conspiracy claims, we never get there.
That's a legitimate debate to have - one we need to be having as a nation. But when critics lead with batshit crazy conspiracy claims, we never get there.

It certainly doesn't help when the proponents of extreme government policies openly behave exactly the way usually reserved for conspiracy theories, and then accuse those who rightfully call out their behavior for being “conspiracy theorists”.

The point has been reached that stuff that sane people once would have dismissed as batshit crazy conspiracy theories is now more believable than the official lies that we are being told to believe and obey.

bastard leftists..I hope these kids remember your tyranny and despise you as they grow up.

My fear is that by the time they are old enough to vote, the lying media will have them convinced that it was Republicans that were to blame for what was done to them at this point in time.
LOL, oh please. This is what you voted for. Everyone knew from day one that n95 masks are not able to filter this virus. Masks have always been about making people obedient and controlling them. Just like the vaccines, as they aren’t safe and they sure as hell aren’t effective.

We’ve also known from the start that children were not affected by WuFlu at all. Scientists discovered that when WuFlu spreads to the lungs, it attaches to ACE II type receptor cells, which children do not even have developed yet. But that didn’t stop the fear mongering from the media and government, and stupid people put masks on kids and injected them with experimental mRNA vaccines which gave many of them myocarditis or will in the future. All for a virus that has zero percent chance of giving them the deadly respiratory infection. To this day the average WuFlu death is over 80 years old.

So STFU and keep your mask on, and go get your fourth booster shot. You voted for this, you own it.
From the BBC:

Outdoor public events have been banned in an area of France as a record breaking heatwave sweeps across Europe.
In Gironde, officials said public events, including some of the official 18 June Resistance celebrations, will be prohibited from Friday at 14:00 “until the end of the heat wave”. Indoor events at venues without air-conditioning are also banned.
Private celebrations, such as weddings, will still be allowed.
“Everyone now faces a health risk”, local official Fabienne Buccio told France Bleu radio.

The most destructive aspects of containment have been retired, but for what remains, they don’t even bother with Corona as an excuse anymore. All you need is a heat wave to ban mass gatherings in France now; public health officials just have to declare that “Everyone faces a health risk,” and that’s it, your right to assemble is voided. The lunatic German government, meanwhile, is feverishly trying to make masks a permanent feature of winter life, even if SARS-2 disappears tomorrow. Masks might “curb … respiratory infections,” and that’s all you need to mandate face coverings in a major central European country these days.

The depressing truth is that a lot of people – maybe twenty percent of all people – love these policies. We might’ve expected that of petty bureaucratic tyrants, but it’s increasingly clear that they’re joined by vast numbers of ordinary citizens.

I am so, so tired of masks, but more than that, I am sick to death of these unkillable zombie virus solutions that we can apparently never get rid of, no matter how often or how thoroughly they’re discredited by common sense and empirical studies, no matter whether their original justification even applies anymore.


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