"Tallying Trump's tab": The liberals suddenly care about excessive spending


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
After years (decades?) of pushing huge spending increases and "Do it for the children" rhetoric designed to get people to ignore that they are plunging the country into bottomless debt, suddenly the liberals have decided that a spending proposal is too expensive.

That spending proposal is, of course, Donald Trump saying he will make the government obey our immigrations laws. We can't have that!


Tallying Trump s Tab NBC Suddenly Cares About Excessive Spending

'Tallying Trump's Tab': NBC Suddenly Cares About Excessive Spending

By Scott Whitlock
August 18, 2015
11:31 AM EDT

NBC finally cares about government spending. The network that has been very friendly to Barack Obama (under whom the national debt will reach $19 trillion) worried that Donald Trump's policy goals may cost too much. Today reporter Hallie Jackson on Tuesday fretted, "The candidate known for his big money... turns out to be a big spender when it comes to his presidential proposals."

Jackson lamented Trump's plans as wasteful: "Deporting 11 million undocumented immigrants estimated to cost about $138 billion. Taking back Iraqi oil fields, which would mean U.S. boots on the ground, $13 billion to $22 billion and repealing the Affordable Care Act may cost the government $137 billion in the next decade."

Showcasing NBC's new-found interesting in fiscal austerity, Jackson complained of Trump: "He dodged NBC's Katy Tur's question about where that money to deport undocumented immigrants would come from."

Over ABC's Good Morning America, Tom Llamas did not focus on the cost of the immigration policies. Instead, he yelled questions at Trump (who was in New York City for jury duty) on enforcement: "How would you do it?... What would you tell a child of an undocumented immigrant? What would you tell that child born in the U.S.?"
Wonder if Trump ever had a website built, did it cost at least $1 Billion, were you able to actually use it to order stuff?
After years (decades?) of pushing huge spending increases and "Do it for the children" rhetoric designed to get people to ignore that they are plunging the country into bottomless debt, suddenly the liberals have decided that a spending proposal is too expensive.

That spending proposal is, of course, Donald Trump saying he will make the government obey our immigrations laws. We can't have that!


Tallying Trump s Tab NBC Suddenly Cares About Excessive Spending

'Tallying Trump's Tab': NBC Suddenly Cares About Excessive Spending

By Scott Whitlock
August 18, 2015
11:31 AM EDT

NBC finally cares about government spending. The network that has been very friendly to Barack Obama (under whom the national debt will reach $19 trillion) worried that Donald Trump's policy goals may cost too much. Today reporter Hallie Jackson on Tuesday fretted, "The candidate known for his big money... turns out to be a big spender when it comes to his presidential proposals."

Jackson lamented Trump's plans as wasteful: "Deporting 11 million undocumented immigrants estimated to cost about $138 billion. Taking back Iraqi oil fields, which would mean U.S. boots on the ground, $13 billion to $22 billion and repealing the Affordable Care Act may cost the government $137 billion in the next decade."

Showcasing NBC's new-found interesting in fiscal austerity, Jackson complained of Trump: "He dodged NBC's Katy Tur's question about where that money to deport undocumented immigrants would come from."

Over ABC's Good Morning America, Tom Llamas did not focus on the cost of the immigration policies. Instead, he yelled questions at Trump (who was in New York City for jury duty) on enforcement: "How would you do it?... What would you tell a child of an undocumented immigrant? What would you tell that child born in the U.S.?"

Deporting 11 million undocumented immigrants estimated to cost about $138 billion.

Worth every penny. Just think of all the education spending we'll save by getting rid of most ESL teachers.
And assuming Drumpf Truck is elected, the Right suddenly doesn't care again about deficits mattering when a Republican is president.

"Reagan proved deficits don't matter."
- Dick Cheney

"I am a deficit hawk."
- Dick Cheney
It's actually been quite hilarious seeing them TWIST themselves into knots and now all worried over THE COST of things.

Oscamcare cost us BILLIONS yet they just yawned over that all the while it was built ON LIES

As far as voters are concerned – and not just Republicans - Donald Trump has a winning formula for fighting illegal immigration.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 70% of Likely Republican Voters agree with the GOP presidential hopeful that the United States should build a wall along the Mexican border to help stop illegal immigration. Seventeen percent (17%) of GOP voters disagree, while 13% are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)


Imagine the government spending money on a program that's actually authorized by the Constitution for a change.

What a concept! :biggrin:
And assuming Drumpf Truck is elected, the Right suddenly doesn't care again about deficits mattering when a Republican is president.

"Reagan proved deficits don't matter."
- Dick Cheney

"I am a deficit hawk."
- Dick Cheney

Dick Cheney is running for President?
Wonder if Trump ever had a website built, did it cost at least $1 Billion, were you able to actually use it to order stuff?
If he ever tried, he probably would have bankrupted it, too.

That's the guy we need in charge of the US. Someone who knows how to bankrupt shit.

First, we round up all the spics. Then we invade Iraq again. Then I give tax cuts to all my friends. Then we lay off a lot of people and file for bankruptcy. What's the problem here? I've done this a lot of times. I'm a pro.
Wonder if Trump ever had a website built, did it cost at least $1 Billion, were you able to actually use it to order stuff?
If he ever tried, he probably would have bankrupted it, too.

That's the guy we need in charge of the US. Someone who knows how to bankrupt shit.

^ Democrat Fluffer First Responder reporting for Duty!
And assuming Drumpf Truck is elected, the Right suddenly doesn't care again about deficits mattering when a Republican is president.

"Reagan proved deficits don't matter."
- Dick Cheney

"I am a deficit hawk."
- Dick Cheney

Dick Cheney is running for President?
Idiot, deflection.
Dickless is typical of the Right, deficits only matter when a Democrat is president, as if you didn't know. When Carter was president Reagan ran against deficits. Reagan elected and deficits don't matter. Clinton elected and deficits are the end of the Earth, Bush II elected and debt is OK if it is the results of tax cuts paying for themselves. Obama elected and deficits are generational theft and if Trump is elected no deficit is too large for war and deportation.
The thread premise is nonsense.

Just look at the GWB years: A massive deficit created with wasteful spending on two failed, illegal wars, an unwarranted increase in the size of government, and reckless, irresponsible tax cuts.
The thread premise is nonsense.

Just look at the GWB years: A massive deficit created with wasteful spending on two failed, illegal wars, an unwarranted increase in the size of government, and reckless, irresponsible tax cuts.

Just look at the GWB years: A massive deficit created with wasteful spending

Yes, $5 trillion in deficit spending was awful.

Compared to Obama's $7.5 trillion, so far..........
The thread premise is nonsense.

Just look at the GWB years: A massive deficit created with wasteful spending on two failed, illegal wars, an unwarranted increase in the size of government, and reckless, irresponsible tax cuts.
TRANSLATION: I can't reply to the OP, but I hate it anyway. So I'll call it names, vaguely imply there's something wrong with it (without giving details), and then quickly change the subject to REPUBLICANS, REPUBLICANS!

First, we round up all the spics. Then we invade Iraq again. Then I give tax cuts to all my friends. Then we lay off a lot of people and file for bankruptcy. What's the problem here? I've done this a lot of times. I'm a pro.


First, we round up all the spics and bus them to the polls. Then we give Iran everything on their wish list. Then I give even more tax cuts and freebies to all my friends and donors. And double the national debt again. Then lay off even more people than Obama ever dreamed of. What's the problem here? What difference does it make? I'm a pro being investigated by the FBI.
The thread premise is nonsense.

Just look at the GWB years: A massive deficit created with wasteful spending on two failed, illegal wars, an unwarranted increase in the size of government, and reckless, irresponsible tax cuts.
so if the Iraq war was illegal, then how can you support Hillary? She voted for it.
The thread premise is nonsense.

Just look at the GWB years: A massive deficit created with wasteful spending on two failed, illegal wars, an unwarranted increase in the size of government, and reckless, irresponsible tax cuts.

Just look at the GWB years: A massive deficit created with wasteful spending

Yes, $5 trillion in deficit spending was awful.

Compared to Obama's $7.5 trillion, so far..........
The debt was 10.6 Trillion when Obama took office. It didn't get there without Republican help.

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