Target to stop offering health care coverage for part-time workers

Son, they were being paid low wages, and they are getting better health care and a subsidy for it.

And health care costs continue to flatten.

Tough, ain't it.
A lot of companies are doing this, cutting back hours.....mine included. However, since the employees will no longer be receiving insurance because of the increasing costs, I'll be passing the money that was used for insurance to the employees so they can buy a plan thats tailored to their needs.
Son, they were being paid low wages, and they are getting better health care and a subsidy for it.

And health care costs continue to flatten.

Tough, ain't it.

and be absorbed by the tax payer. one problem, we are quickly running out of taxpayers to keep footing ever growing entitlement bills
A lot of companies are doing this, cutting back hours.....mine included. However, since the employees will no longer be receiving insurance because of the increasing costs, I'll be passing the money that was used for insurance to the employees so they can buy a plan thats tailored to their needs.

I am not sure what you mean. I went on the Obamacare site did the selection and came up with four plans. The only thing I could tailor is the deductible everything else appeared the same. Certainly the more deductible the lowered the cost but it in no way was lower then employer sponsored health care.

I also do not see where you passing on money to the employees make it any cheaper for anyone other then the employer.

Never the less, even if this is better or cheaper people ARE losing the healthcare they had due to Obamacare.
Son, they were being paid low wages, and they are getting better health care and a subsidy for it.

And health care costs continue to flatten.

Tough, ain't it.

Actually, they're being paid low waged, getting their hours cut, and now are being required to pay for something they can't afford, without getting any kind of "subsidy" of any meaningful worth.
Son, they were being paid low wages, and they are getting better health care and a subsidy for it.

And health care costs continue to flatten.

Tough, ain't it.

Boy, ACA has not been around long enough to have had a major effect. Except to raise costs with the 30 hour rule and covering children to 26.

My cost is skyrocketing that is what I know for a fact.

Any decrease in health care RISE is due mostly to the democrat created economic slump.

Here is an article covering health care it is not partisan:

Here is a snippet: (Bold are my comments)

Four factors deflate medical cost trend in 2014
Care continues to move outside costly settings such as hospitals to more affordable retail clinics and mobile health. Consumers value the convenience, and costs can be as little as one-third of the bill in a traditional healthcare site. (nothing to do with Obamacare)

Major employers such as Walmart, Boeing, and Lowe’s now contract directly with big-name health systems for costly, complicated procedures such as heart surgery and spinal fusion. The employers are making the move to “high performance networks” far away from the home office in the belief that even with travel costs, these networks still deliver overall savings. (nothing to do with Obamacare)

The federal government’s new readmission penalties take direct aim at waste in the health system, estimated to be as high as 30%. According to government data, hospital readmissions dropped by nearly 70,000 in 2012, and this trend is expected to accelerate through 2014 as hospitals focus on discharge planning, compliance and the continuum of care. (maybe due to obamacare)

Seventeen percent of employers in PwC’s 2013 Touchstone survey today offer a high deductible health plan as the only option for employees. And more than 44% are considering offering it as the only option. When consumers pay more for their healthcare, they often make more cost-conscious choices. (nothing to do with Obamacare and what it tells me is that people will just quit being treated)

Two factors inflate medical cost trend in 2014

Until recently, widespread adoption of generic medicines helped dampen overall medical inflation, but the rise of expensive complex biologics will nudge spending trends upward. Approvals of new biologics now outpace traditional therapies, and that pattern will continue in 2014 as research efforts target complex cases such as cancer. (nothing to do with Obamacare but Obama did enter in a secret deal with drug companies)

Health industry consolidation has increased more than 50% since 2009—activity that is expected to continue through 2014. Higher prices are sure to follow in some markets. According to a recent report, hospital mergers can lead to price increases of up to 20.3% These price increases are especially acute in markets with one dominant system (definitely caused by Obamacare)
A lot of companies are doing this, cutting back hours.....mine included. However, since the employees will no longer be receiving insurance because of the increasing costs, I'll be passing the money that was used for insurance to the employees so they can buy a plan thats tailored to their needs.

I am not sure what you mean. I went on the Obamacare site did the selection and came up with four plans. The only thing I could tailor is the deductible everything else appeared the same. Certainly the more deductible the lowered the cost but it in no way was lower then employer sponsored health care.

I also do not see where you passing on money to the employees make it any cheaper for anyone other then the employer.

Never the less, even if this is better or cheaper people ARE losing the healthcare they had due to Obamacare.

I offered a group plan that had some nice coverages but was a crap, shitty plan according to O so they weren't able to keep this plan anymore. Instead, I'm reimbursing them the matching funds that I originally paid into the group plan. They are now responsible for choosing ocare or some other type plan. I'm not involved anymore.
Son, they were being paid low wages, and they are getting better health care and a subsidy for it.

And health care costs continue to flatten.

Tough, ain't it.

Actually, they're being paid low waged, getting their hours cut, and now are being required to pay for something they can't afford, without getting any kind of "subsidy" of any meaningful worth.

Actually I read in the article Target was going to give them 500/month which would not cover Obamacare by a very long shot so the tax payer will pick up the rest. IBM is doing the same with its retirees but is giving a set amount. My company is cutting HC for retirees and just saying too bad for you.
A lot of companies are doing this, cutting back hours.....mine included. However, since the employees will no longer be receiving insurance because of the increasing costs, I'll be passing the money that was used for insurance to the employees so they can buy a plan thats tailored to their needs.

I am not sure what you mean. I went on the Obamacare site did the selection and came up with four plans. The only thing I could tailor is the deductible everything else appeared the same. Certainly the more deductible the lowered the cost but it in no way was lower then employer sponsored health care.

I also do not see where you passing on money to the employees make it any cheaper for anyone other then the employer.

Never the less, even if this is better or cheaper people ARE losing the healthcare they had due to Obamacare.

I offered a group plan that had some nice coverages but was a crap, shitty plan according to O so they weren't able to keep this plan anymore. Instead, I'm reimbursing them the matching funds that I originally paid into the group plan. They are now responsible for choosing ocare or some other type plan. I'm not involved anymore.

That makes it great for YOU but not so much for them. I'll will bet money that even if you match what they got before it won't come real close to what they will pay. Time will tell.
I read about this a few days ago and was wondering how long it would take USMB Republicans to mis-represent the "facts".

First, less than 10% of Target's part time workers had health care of any type.

And the company said it's lawyers were worried that those workers that wanted health care on the exchange wouldn't get as good a deal because it was offered at Target. Even though Target's insurance was so shitty less than 10% of the people that work part time even wanted it.

And sure enough, there go the USMB right wingers. And they call me a liar. Hilarious!
I am not sure what you mean. I went on the Obamacare site did the selection and came up with four plans. The only thing I could tailor is the deductible everything else appeared the same. Certainly the more deductible the lowered the cost but it in no way was lower then employer sponsored health care.

I also do not see where you passing on money to the employees make it any cheaper for anyone other then the employer.

Never the less, even if this is better or cheaper people ARE losing the healthcare they had due to Obamacare.

I offered a group plan that had some nice coverages but was a crap, shitty plan according to O so they weren't able to keep this plan anymore. Instead, I'm reimbursing them the matching funds that I originally paid into the group plan. They are now responsible for choosing ocare or some other type plan. I'm not involved anymore.

That makes it great for YOU but not so much for them. I'll will bet money that even if you match what they got before it won't come real close to what they will pay. Time will tell.

I agree.
This purge against our most important basic rights will in time destroy the dems you'd think.
Millions more without care people will die this year because of this jackasses lies the working and sane people will help destroy these leftist tyrants.
I read about this a few days ago and was wondering how long it would take USMB Republicans to mis-represent the "facts".

Only one fact was given in the OP and it is true so in fact it is you who is loose with the truth, once again.

First, less than 10% of Target's part time workers had health care of any type.

As usual it is you that present half truths, from the article:

Less than 10 percent of the company's 361,000 employees currently participate in the insurance plan that is being discontinued, Target said in a company blog post on Tuesday.

"By offering them insurance, we could actually disqualify many of them from being eligible for newly available subsidies that could reduce their overall health insurance expense," Target said.

So exactly as I said, they are being kicked off what they had so they can be paid low wages and go onto Obamacare exchanges getting subsidized. On the government dole.

And the company said it's lawyers were worried that those workers that wanted health care on the exchange wouldn't get as good a deal because it was offered at Target. Even though Target's insurance was so shitty less than 10% of the people that work part time even wanted it.

10 present represents 30000 employees. 30,000 that are getting cut off even though Obama promised it would not happen.

I looked through the article linked and didn't see where a lawyer was quoted. You are making things up out of what you want it to say. In other words you are doing what you do, lying like a rug. It is obvious don't even try and deny it.
And sure enough, there go the USMB right wingers. And they call me a liar. Hilarious!

Home Depot and Wallgreen are doing the same exactly as was predicted is coming true and all you can do is lie about people lying. No one has lied in this thread except you.

I brought this up for two reasons. The liberals were and if this was Walmart there would have been 10 posts by now.

Second it makes a lie out of what Obama said and the discussion board liberals have been telling us for months.
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This purge against our most important basic rights will in time destroy the dems you'd think.
Millions more without care people will die this year because of this jackasses lies the working and sane people will help destroy these leftist tyrants.

I am not sure if this is a "rights" issue but I see what you are saying.

What will happen, in my opinion, is that the poor will be thrown onto Obamacare exchanges and will do well with the when subsidized. Except that in all the plans that I saw there is a large deductible reduced by how much one wants to pay up front. So someone not paying anything will take the Platium plan with the lowest co pay. The guy in the middle trying to pay it on their own will be required to pay the premium and pay the co pay. So people will have to make a decision, pay the high co-pay or do without, THAT will result in people making decisions that could cost them their lives. Or have them driven into debtors prison.
Son, they were being paid low wages, and they are getting better health care and a subsidy for it.

And health care costs continue to flatten.

Tough, ain't it.

Boy, ACA has not been around long enough to have had a major effect. Except to raise costs with the 30 hour rule and covering children to 26.

My cost is skyrocketing that is what I know for a fact.

Any decrease in health care RISE is due mostly to the democrat created economic slump.

Here is an article covering health care it is not partisan:

Here is a snippet: (Bold are my comments)

Four factors deflate medical cost trend in 2014
Care continues to move outside costly settings such as hospitals to more affordable retail clinics and mobile health. Consumers value the convenience, and costs can be as little as one-third of the bill in a traditional healthcare site. (nothing to do with Obamacare)

Major employers such as Walmart, Boeing, and Lowe’s now contract directly with big-name health systems for costly, complicated procedures such as heart surgery and spinal fusion. The employers are making the move to “high performance networks” far away from the home office in the belief that even with travel costs, these networks still deliver overall savings. (nothing to do with Obamacare)

The federal government’s new readmission penalties take direct aim at waste in the health system, estimated to be as high as 30%. According to government data, hospital readmissions dropped by nearly 70,000 in 2012, and this trend is expected to accelerate through 2014 as hospitals focus on discharge planning, compliance and the continuum of care. (maybe due to obamacare)

Seventeen percent of employers in PwC’s 2013 Touchstone survey today offer a high deductible health plan as the only option for employees. And more than 44% are considering offering it as the only option. When consumers pay more for their healthcare, they often make more cost-conscious choices. (nothing to do with Obamacare and what it tells me is that people will just quit being treated)

Two factors inflate medical cost trend in 2014

Until recently, widespread adoption of generic medicines helped dampen overall medical inflation, but the rise of expensive complex biologics will nudge spending trends upward. Approvals of new biologics now outpace traditional therapies, and that pattern will continue in 2014 as research efforts target complex cases such as cancer. (nothing to do with Obamacare but Obama did enter in a secret deal with drug companies)

Health industry consolidation has increased more than 50% since 2009—activity that is expected to continue through 2014. Higher prices are sure to follow in some markets. According to a recent report, hospital mergers can lead to price increases of up to 20.3% These price increases are especially acute in markets with one dominant system (definitely caused by Obamacare)

Behind the numbers: 2014 health care and medical cost trends report: PwC

The complaint about keeping his son parents plans until age 26 is stupid. If they weren't on their parents' plans they would most likely be eligible for free plans via medicare. DO you not understand that?
One more step to single payor. The target part time employees have low enough wages to qualify for obamacare money.

People keep saying stuff like that. But it doesn't actually materialize.

Below I believe 60000/year a family starts getting subsidized. So yes it will happen for these people. Go to and see for yourself. It is actually easy and you don't need to sign up.
One more step to single payor. The target part time employees have low enough wages to qualify for obamacare money.

People keep saying stuff like that. But it doesn't actually materialize.

It will take time. Besides the gop will now never have the votes to repeal it, because the medicaid expansion is popular, even in the red states that have gone along with it. The "hole" in Obamacare has always been taxing one low earner to pay for another low earner. The only logical explanation for the dems doing this was it will increase the voter demand for single payor financed through highly progressive taxes.

Personally I preferred the Coburn and Barrazzo approaches, but the tea party said NYET. marvelous.

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