Tax Revenues Jump 13% To Record High In April — When Will Dems Admit They Were Wrong?

...revenue has been steadily increasing for the last 5 years...
Here are the actual Dept. Treas. numbers:

Not exactly what we'd call "steadily" but the fact is that the extreme partisans have been saying from the get-go that the tax cut would lower revenue. Didn't happen.

Over these past 5 years:
  • revenue before the tax cut: $266,625,456,140 per month
  • revenue after the tax cut: $309,485,000,000 per month
  • Revenue increase with the tax cut: $42,859,543,860 per month.

The tax cut just took effect so of course it hasn’t affected revenues yet. In addition, corporations are paying taxes on repatriated funds which is a one-time punch to the revenue side. Revenue this year should be high.

Gotta fool the rubes in the mid-terms with misleading stats!
Business invest on coming trends, which your side ignores............the Markets SPECULATE the hell out of guessing future trends.

Simply look to California for the opposite trend. They are leaving..............
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I'm sure glad old President Trumpybear finally solved Obama's 2008 economic collapse and depression.


What a bizarre way to give Trump credit for solving W's 2008 economic collapse. Obama failed for eight years. Worst economic recovery since the depression. I would say solving W's economy with the same economic solutions was a bad idea in hindsight, but since I said that for eight years it's really not hindsight. Barry buried us in spending
...revenue has been steadily increasing for the last 5 years...
Here are the actual Dept. Treas. numbers:

Not exactly what we'd call "steadily" but the fact is that the extreme partisans have been saying from the get-go that the tax cut would lower revenue. Didn't happen.

Over these past 5 years:
  • revenue before the tax cut: $266,625,456,140 per month
  • revenue after the tax cut: $309,485,000,000 per month
  • Revenue increase with the tax cut: $42,859,543,860 per month.

The tax cut just took effect so of course it hasn’t affected revenues yet. In addition, corporations are paying taxes on repatriated funds which is a one-time punch to the revenue side. Revenue this year should be high.

Gotta fool the rubes in the mid-terms with misleading stats!

Corporations get newspapers and watch the news. Didn't know that, did you? They are spending money knowing the tax cuts are in effect.

Ronald Reagan. Leftists know so many things. It's just that most of them are wrong.

Seriously, you didn't know CEOs watch the news? Unreal
April 17 2018 was the filing date for 2017 tax returns

Revenue in April reflects an influx of people paying their 2017 taxes. It has nothing to do with a tax cut that took effect in Jan 2018
any taxes paid after the 1st of the year when Trump's tax cuts went into effect would apply to taxes in 2018, not 2017.

Uh, ummm, I guess you don't know that the government operates on a fiscal year (October to October), not on the calendar year. In any case, the bottom line, which you guys keep ignoring, is that federal revenue has gone UP, whereas you guys promised it would go DOWN.
Idiot, we’re talking about taxes. Taxes are paid quarterly or annually based on a calendar year and annual taxes due this past April were based on 2017 tax laws. That’s why this thread is a fail and why the OP is a fucking moron.
April 17 2018 was the filing date for 2017 tax returns

Revenue in April reflects an influx of people paying their 2017 taxes. It has nothing to do with a tax cut that took effect in Jan 2018
Years are numbers and numbers confuse conservatives.
April 17 2018 was the filing date for 2017 tax returns

Revenue in April reflects an influx of people paying their 2017 taxes. It has nothing to do with a tax cut that took effect in Jan 2018
Which is the same thing they did the year before.............LOL

Still a record revenue which means..................People are making more money...........How that shit
April 17 2018 was the filing date for 2017 tax returns

Revenue in April reflects an influx of people paying their 2017 taxes. It has nothing to do with a tax cut that took effect in Jan 2018
Years are numbers and numbers confuse conservatives.
And............they didn't do the same thing the year before..............Or did it magically pop out of your ass a lighting bolt this time only.........

Business is growing...........Manufacturing is making a come back................Getting better................and your side can't stand it.

Fucks up your daily dose of TRUMP SUCKS PROPAGANDA..................
Fucking moron ... any taxes paid after the 1st of the year when Trump's tax cuts went into effect would apply to taxes in 2018, not 2017.
Why do I get the feeling you don't like Tax Cuts.................Guess you think they don't work..........

Everyone is gonna die....................Why are the people in California leaving in droves..........Have you checked that lately.

Any correlation................


I've noticed that states that don't provide much for citizens are all federal leeches...
And here goes the Red State Rant..................Revenues are up..........why you bitching,,,,,,,,,,,,
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
I've been using that site and the debt to the penny site forever................Funny now your side is using it to attack Trump.

How much did Obama add to the debt............hmmmm

More than all the other Presidents before him.............hmmmm

And Suddenly you care.

Certainly you don’t mean “all other presidents before him” combined? The last president to do that was Reagan.
Why do I get the feeling you don't like Tax Cuts.................Guess you think they don't work..........

Everyone is gonna die....................Why are the people in California leaving in droves..........Have you checked that lately.

Any correlation................


I've noticed that states that don't provide much for citizens are all federal leeches...
And here goes the Red State Rant..................Revenues are up..........why you bitching,,,,,,,,,,,,
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
I've been using that site and the debt to the penny site forever................Funny now your side is using it to attack Trump.

How much did Obama add to the debt............hmmmm

More than all the other Presidents before him.............hmmmm

And Suddenly you care.

Certainly you don’t mean “all other presidents before him” combined? The last president to do that was Reagan.


Now you play the percentage's the same game played on Tax cut for the you don't take into account that those with more money get more money back.......and as you ignore that business passes on the taxes in the price of the product.

America needs better paying jobs..............and you don't get that by punishing those you want to invest.
Once again, snowflake claims about tax cuts are proven wrong. Everything they know is wrong.

Trump Tax Cuts: Revenues Hit Record High In April

The federal government collected far more taxes this April than it did a year ago, despite the "budget busting" Trump tax cuts. So, we'll ask again: Are the tax cuts paying for themselves?

According to the latest monthly report from the Congressional Budget Office, revenues in April totaled $515 billion — a 13% increase over last April and an all-time high for the month.

For the current 2018 fiscal year, which started last October, revenues are $83 billion higher than they were the year before — an increase of 4.3%. That's a faster rate of growth than occurred during President Obama's last years in office. (See nearby chart.)

Individual taxes, the CBO report says, are up 11.5% so far this fiscal year, and payroll taxes are up 2.8%. Both are signs of a healthy labor market, which is creating more jobs, higher wages and, as a result, more tax revenues. Those gains, the CBO says, more than offset the 22% decline in corporate income taxes.

In other words, in a fiscal year that's seven months old (four of which were after the tax cuts went into effect), federal revenues are higher than ever.

Or, to put it another way, it looks like those of us who predicted the pro-growth tax cuts would at least partially pay for themselves through increased economic growth were correct.

The CBO admitted as much earlier this year, when it sharply increased its forecast for economic growth this year and next, largely because of Trump's tax cuts. That, in turn, will generate $1 trillion more in revenues than expected.
Fucking moron.... the tax cuts weren’t in effect for the first three months of FY2018 ... and much of the revenue collected in April are from folks who file annually, which is based off of 2017 income — also not affected by the tax cuts which didn’t go into effect until 2018.
Wrong. People can adjust the amount witheld immediately by filing a new W4 form. The law took effect on November 2, 2017
Fucking moron ... any taxes paid after the 1st of the year when Trump's tax cuts went into effect would apply to taxes in 2018, not 2017.
Taxes are taken from every paycheck, moron. The amount taken out now is determined by Trump's tax cut, unless you're a moron who didn't file a new W4 form.
Fucking moron, we’re talking about tax revenues that were due in April. You should know this because this is your thread. :eusa_doh:

Employees who have taxes taken out this year are for taxes due next April.

You're such a fucking moron. Taxes taken out of your check in April are registered as revenue for the federal government in April. The government doesn't stick in a bank somewhere and then collect it at the end of the year.
April 17 2018 was the filing date for 2017 tax returns

Revenue in April reflects an influx of people paying their 2017 taxes. It has nothing to do with a tax cut that took effect in Jan 2018
Wrong. You are as dumb as Faux. You pay your taxes every time you get a paycheck. The government doesn't wait until the end of the year to collect the money and then spend it. When the rates change because of a new tax bill, the changes in revenue to the government are effected immediately when employers calculate your income tax based on the new rates.

So, if someone can help me with the math,--and I'm being serious here, when will the National Debt disappear?
Fucking moron ... any taxes paid after the 1st of the year when Trump's tax cuts went into effect would apply to taxes in 2018, not 2017.
Why do I get the feeling you don't like Tax Cuts.................Guess you think they don't work..........

Everyone is gonna die....................Why are the people in California leaving in droves..........Have you checked that lately.

Any correlation................


I've noticed that states that don't provide much for citizens are all federal leeches...
And here goes the Red State Rant..................Revenues are up..........why you bitching,,,,,,,,,,,,
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
I've been using that site and the debt to the penny site forever................Funny now your side is using it to attack Trump.

How much did Obama add to the debt............hmmmm

More than all the other Presidents before him.............hmmmm

And Suddenly you care.

And almost as do not; am I right?
April 17 2018 was the filing date for 2017 tax returns

Revenue in April reflects an influx of people paying their 2017 taxes. It has nothing to do with a tax cut that took effect in Jan 2018
Which is the same thing they did the year before.............LOL

Still a record revenue which means..................People are making more money...........How that shit
No question the stock market surged in 2017 creating more revenue. If Trump wants credit for that......fine

But to claim that tax cuts that took effect in Jan 2018 are the reason for the increase in revenue in April 2018 tax season is unwarranted
Once again, snowflake claims about tax cuts are proven wrong. Everything they know is wrong.

Uh, dummy, tax revenues always jump in April, that's when people pay their taxes.

You just aren't very smart, are you?
April 17 2018 was the filing date for 2017 tax returns

Revenue in April reflects an influx of people paying their 2017 taxes. It has nothing to do with a tax cut that took effect in Jan 2018
Wrong. You are as dumb as Faux. You pay your taxes every time you get a paycheck. The government doesn't wait until the end of the year to collect the money and then spend it. When the rates change because of a new tax bill, the changes in revenue to the government are effected immediately when employers calculate your income tax based on the new rates.

If you are one of those suckers who actually work, you pay taxes with every paycheck. If you are one of the lucky few who make their money off of stocks, you can defer payment until April 15
Once again, snowflake claims about tax cuts are proven wrong. Everything they know is wrong.

Uh, dummy, tax revenues always jump in April, that's when people pay their taxes.

You just aren't very smart, are you?
People pay their taxes all year long, dumbass. what they do in April is file their taxes, which means they calculate how much they were actually obligated to pay than then either pay the balance if they didn't pay enough or get a refund if they paid too much.
April 17 2018 was the filing date for 2017 tax returns

Revenue in April reflects an influx of people paying their 2017 taxes. It has nothing to do with a tax cut that took effect in Jan 2018
Wrong. You are as dumb as Faux. You pay your taxes every time you get a paycheck. The government doesn't wait until the end of the year to collect the money and then spend it. When the rates change because of a new tax bill, the changes in revenue to the government are effected immediately when employers calculate your income tax based on the new rates.

If you are one of those suckers who actually work, you pay taxes with every paycheck. If you are one of the lucky few who make their money off of stocks, you can defer payment until April 15
Almost no one lives entirely off of income from stocks, moron. I have an LLC. I have to file quarterly.
People pay their taxes all year long, dumbass. what they do in April is file their taxes, which means they calculate how much they were actually obligated to pay than then either pay the balance if they didn't pay enough or get a refund if they paid too much.

Which is why you miss the point.
Tax revenues are lowest in February- that's when people get their refund checks.

Tax revunues are high in April, that's when those of us who have to pay money do so.

Again, I just have to conclude you aren't very smart.

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