Taxing just the rich is a futile effort.

There's a lot wrong with your statement but if the rich (let's say a million plus a year) actually paid the same share of all federal, state and local taxes as their share of the total income and wealth they would long for the tax rates suggested by democrats.

No, the rich are anyone making $250k and above. Don't you listen to Obama?
The rest of your statement is nonsense. Why should their tax be anything like their share of total income and wealth, whatever that is?
If you want fairness, go after the 47% who aren't paying any tax at all.

The worthless 47% pay the bulk of state and local taxes that are so terribly recessive that they more than make up for your bullshit claims of inequality in the tax structure, it's why I included state and local in my statement. On the state and local level the rich are let off the hook in a big way throwing the burden squarely on the middle class and working poor.

Shifting goal posts much? We're talking about federal income taxes here. You want to talk about state taxes, go bitch elsewhere.
No, we really need to make the rich pay their fair share.

The rich (whoever that is) pay about 86% of the total income taxes in this country. How would you define "fair share"? If you taxed them at 100% of their income you still wouldn't make much dent in the deficit.
I got it: instead of taxing them we'll enroll them in a union so you can feel good about high wages.

There's a lot wrong with your statement but if the rich (let's say a million plus a year) actually paid the same share of all federal, state and local taxes as their share of the total income and wealth they would long for the tax rates suggested by democrats.

Well, remove the loop-holes and you get that. Dems are starting to suggest that but it seems to sound reasonable only when they say it and not Romney.
There's a lot wrong with your statement but if the rich (let's say a million plus a year) actually paid the same share of all federal, state and local taxes as their share of the total income and wealth they would long for the tax rates suggested by democrats.

No, the rich are anyone making $250k and above. Don't you listen to Obama?
The rest of your statement is nonsense. Why should their tax be anything like their share of total income and wealth, whatever that is?
If you want fairness, go after the 47% who aren't paying any tax at all.

The worthless 47% pay the bulk of state and local taxes that are so terribly recessive that they more than make up for your bullshit claims of inequality in the tax structure, it's why I included state and local in my statement. On the state and local level the rich are let off the hook in a big way throwing the burden squarely on the middle class and working poor.

Psssssttttt, if you make 250K or more you are "rich" according to the boy king.
Didn't figure you guys would like being reminded that your state and local governments are carried on the backs of the poor and middle class thereby blowing your image of the worthless moochers in the 47%, the redder your state the more it is and even worse, they take in more than they send the federal government. Conservatives left to their own devises do not care about tax equality, they look diligently for someone else to pay their share for them, fucking moochers.
Every job shipped to a grateful employee in China is one denied to an ungrateful, whiner and complainer like the average degenerate and drug addicted American.

Why do conservatives see the wealthy making more,more,more money by any means at their disposal as good but if their employees merely want their incomes to keep pace with inflation they are greedy whiners?

If you don't think the wage a job pays is worth it, then don't take the job. I don't know why it is so hard for some people to understand that simple concept. That's how the job market works. Better yet, if you don't like what's available in the job market, start a business and you can be the employer and provide jobs to others.
Didn't figure you guys would like being reminded that your state and local governments are carried on the backs of the poor and middle class thereby blowing your image of the worthless moochers in the 47%, the redder your state the more it is and even worse, they take in more than they send the federal government. Conservatives left to their own devises do not care about tax equality, they look diligently for someone else to pay their share for them, fucking moochers.

Hardly the case. NY depends heavily on Wall St and high income earners. Other states impose a sales tax, which is entirely voluntary.
This is merely a smokescreen for you as your butt has been kicked in about 50 different directions over the course of this discussion.
Bottom line ... the government doesn't need any more money. They pull in around 18% of GDP every year. They need to stop spending so much.

But yes....the tax code sucks and needs to go.
Bottom line ... the government doesn't need any more money. They pull in around 18% of GDP every year. They need to stop spending so much.

But yes....the tax code sucks and needs to go.

Agreed on both points.
THe Feds are taking in more now than in 2009. Yet the deficit is much bigger. The difference is spending, which has to stop.
Now that the election is over the Democrats are starting to sound the same as Mitt Romney.

The talking-points they've been using has been "We're going to let the Bush tax-cuts for the wealthiest 1% expire".

Now they're saying "We don't want to raise rates but remove loop-holes".

Actually both plans are pretty much the same. The Democrats rhetoric is just less honest because who decides which loop-holes they decide to remove? Will the loop-holes only effect the rich or everyone?

Well, behind closed doors politicians are liable to do anything......and a politician that thinks he can get away with murder is a dangerous possibility.

This is your typical Democrat today.

Half right, partisan dupe.

THIS is your typical POLITICIAN of today.:lol:
Didn't figure you guys would like being reminded that your state and local governments are carried on the backs of the poor and middle class thereby blowing your image of the worthless moochers in the 47%, the redder your state the more it is and even worse, they take in more than they send the federal government. Conservatives left to their own devises do not care about tax equality, they look diligently for someone else to pay their share for them, fucking moochers.

STFU asshole.

When anyone here hammers you on the facts you go away for a few hours, then it's back to your liberal talking-points. Like it never happened.
Every job shipped to a grateful employee in China is one denied to an ungrateful, whiner and complainer like the average degenerate and drug addicted American.

Why do conservatives see the wealthy making more,more,more money by any means at their disposal as good but if their employees merely want their incomes to keep pace with inflation they are greedy whiners?

If you don't think the wage a job pays is worth it, then don't take the job. I don't know why it is so hard for some people to understand that simple concept. That's how the job market works. Better yet, if you don't like what's available in the job market, start a business and you can be the employer and provide jobs to others.

Any of you ass hat republicans that don't want to pay your taxes has an assembly line waiting for you in China. We don't need you welfare bums gumming up the works.
Didn't figure you guys would like being reminded that your state and local governments are carried on the backs of the poor and middle class thereby blowing your image of the worthless moochers in the 47%, the redder your state the more it is and even worse, they take in more than they send the federal government. Conservatives left to their own devises do not care about tax equality, they look diligently for someone else to pay their share for them, fucking moochers.

STFU asshole.

When anyone here hammers you on the facts you go away for a few hours, then it's back to your liberal talking-points. Like it never happened.

Hey your boss sent your job to communists and got welfare from Bush for the effort. Don't like my constitution get out I don't need your welfare butt.
If I remember correctly, the Bush tax cuts for the ultra wealthy were billed as cuts for the job creators.


How many years and how much "tax cutting" does it take for the much beloved and maligned ultra rich to get it in gear and "create" all those good paying American jobs?

Rabbie, you and Muddy (hows those sec 8 tenants doing) whistle and Goo goo seem to think you three have all the correct answers. So where are all those good jobs the ultra rich were creating after their taxes were cut? Are any in China?

Or how about this; lets cut all tax breaks the middle class have. Eliminate the interest deduction for homes, no 401k deduction, pay tax on medical insurance, no child deduction.

All that tax savings could then be passed on to the ultra rich and when their tax rate is below 15%, then and only then will the ultra rich and Muddy, Rooroo and Rabbie tell the rest of us when the millions of good jobs will be here. And what industry they will be in.

The jobs are coming the jobs are coming. It will be like Paul Revere, the good jobs are coming.

And the ultra rich say; yea suckers, the checks in the mail.
Bush tax cuts were never billed as jobs cuts. They were just typical republican desired tax cuts. Idiots on the internet assign motives where none exist
Bush tax cuts were never billed as jobs cuts. They were just typical republican desired tax cuts. Idiots on the internet assign motives where none exist
uhhhhhhh gramps, you are so wrong on this one....

even the name of the tax cuts had JOBS on the title for the Bill...

2003 Jobs and Growth Tax Relief and Reconciliation Act

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