Taxing The Rich

"Above all things, good policy is to be used that the treasure and monies in a state be not gathered into few hands. For otherwise a state may have a great stock, and yet starve. And money is like muck, not good except it be spread"
-- Francis Bacon; from 'Of Seditions and Troubles'
Raise the minimum wage to raise more tax revenue.
You just don’t get it. Raise minimum wage prices go up. So the only thing you are doing is making the poor slob have less money in their pocket because of taxes. So I guess you want people to either stop working or have less money to spend
Prices have been going up anyway; only the minimum wage was not being raised on a regular basis to keep up with inflation.

Prices aren't the same everywhere. Why are Democrats pushing for a national minimum wage? Should an engineer in rural Mississippi should make the same as an engineer in Manhattan? Why not? The economy doesn't work that way chief.

There is a reason why some States are simply cheaper to live in. A first world local economy is usually not one of them.

My red state is cheaper to live in and the average salary in my area is more than twice the national average. Funny, but many Republican states are the same way.
Taxing the job producers and investors is a dumbass thing to do.

You take the money that would have been spent in the productive economy and put it in the hands of stupid non caring bureaucrats, whose bosses are corrupt politicians elected by special interest groups.

Liberals are dumb as door knobs. Of course that is the greedy Marxist asshole's mantra to punish those that have more money than they have.
The dems don’t understand economics or even math.
They think that the rich are somehow locked into staying in high tax areas. They think that their money can’t be moved into other countries.
They don’t realize that businesses can leave money overseas Instead of bringing it into the U.S. where it spends just as well there.
They don’t realize that businesses are not going to take a hit to the bottom line, they will just pass that hit onto higher prices for the consumer.
Raise the minimum wage to raise more tax revenue.
Raise minimum wage to increase prices for goods. Then minimum wage purchases the exact same amount of goods or services.
so it ends up as a wash other then it looks good.
No, it doesn't. Some studies show less than five percent increase in prices. Simply beating the rate of inflation means greater purchasing power for Labor and their propensity to consume. The doubling of the minimum wage will not result in a doubling of prices for anything.
So you're going to increase labor costs by 100% but claim that prices will only go up 5%? You're not the brightest bulb on the tree...are you, Daniel?
Due to minimum wage increases. Other wages could raise it more, but the pay increases need merely beat inflation. Who cares if prices go up if we can afford it with the higher wage. And, a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage also generates several times more in federal income tax revenue.
How does this work, Daniel? The profit margin of your typical brick and mortar store is less than 5%. Their largest expense will typically be payroll which you're now increasing by 100%. So where do you make up the difference?
Prices won't double even if the minimum wage does. The multiplier effect does the rest.
I asked a rather simple question, Daniel...which you've failed to answer. How do you raise labor costs 100% in a business that only has a 5% profit margin and NOT raise the price of goods and services provided by that business?
It is about the minimum wage and minimum wage labor. What percentage of any workforce makes the minimum wage?
Answer the question, Daniel. If you can't...then admit you have no clue what you're talking about...tuck tail and find another string!
You are the one begging the question. You have nothing but Hoax not any understanding of economics.
So your "answer" to a very simple that I have "Hoax"? If you can't answer something that basic, Daniel then it's obvious your minimum wage ideas fall flat on their face.

I took Economics classes at UMass, Amherst College and Boston University. What is your background on the subject?

I'd give it up. You'll never get anything but empty rhetoric from Danny Boy
lol. You have nothing but Hoax, not any valid arguments for rebuttal.
"Above all things, good policy is to be used that the treasure and monies in a state be not gathered into few hands. For otherwise a state may have a great stock, and yet starve. And money is like muck, not good except it be spread"
-- Francis Bacon; from 'Of Seditions and Troubles'
Raise the minimum wage to raise more tax revenue.
You just don’t get it. Raise minimum wage prices go up. So the only thing you are doing is making the poor slob have less money in their pocket because of taxes. So I guess you want people to either stop working or have less money to spend
Prices have been going up anyway; only the minimum wage was not being raised on a regular basis to keep up with inflation.
I don’t know where you live but where most people live the cost of labor has been going up. In my area you can go to work at McDonalds for more then minimum wage.
Minimum wage of $15.00 an hour will not get you the same things as other areas.
I know that you are unable to comprehend this but why not allow states to set minimum wage since they understand their economy better then the federal government? Oh I know because then the federal government would not be in charge of everything in people’s lives
Then why complain about the less than five percent who work minimum wage jobs getting a higher statutory minimum wage that is a simple cost of living adjustment?
You mean other then the fact that first of all I don’t want the government telling everyone when and when not to sneeze?
Because I understand how business works how economics works. It works best when the market works not when the government artificially makes it work.
if you want something screwed up get the government involved.
The statutory minimum wage should have been indexed to inflation from the beginning. A simple oversight that is being corrected with a cost of living adjustment.
"Above all things, good policy is to be used that the treasure and monies in a state be not gathered into few hands. For otherwise a state may have a great stock, and yet starve. And money is like muck, not good except it be spread"
-- Francis Bacon; from 'Of Seditions and Troubles'
Raise the minimum wage to raise more tax revenue.
You just don’t get it. Raise minimum wage prices go up. So the only thing you are doing is making the poor slob have less money in their pocket because of taxes. So I guess you want people to either stop working or have less money to spend
Prices have been going up anyway; only the minimum wage was not being raised on a regular basis to keep up with inflation.
It is not that simple. More and more people get checks and benefits from the government. Which is from the taxpayer. Now they use the checks in the system. But it doesn't have the bite a manufacturing job would. Service jobs have more bite to the economy then government checks, but less then manufacturing. there are other types of jobs and small business situations also. All bringing more bite then the government check to the economy. This is compassion but takes away from real growth. If we treated our nation like a whole world by itself as we used to, we would have a stronger foundation but may pay more for products.
Raising the minimum wage would engender even more bite from the Poor who would have more to spend.
"Above all things, good policy is to be used that the treasure and monies in a state be not gathered into few hands. For otherwise a state may have a great stock, and yet starve. And money is like muck, not good except it be spread"
-- Francis Bacon; from 'Of Seditions and Troubles'
Raise the minimum wage to raise more tax revenue.
You just don’t get it. Raise minimum wage prices go up. So the only thing you are doing is making the poor slob have less money in their pocket because of taxes. So I guess you want people to either stop working or have less money to spend
Prices have been going up anyway; only the minimum wage was not being raised on a regular basis to keep up with inflation.

Prices aren't the same everywhere. Why are Democrats pushing for a national minimum wage? Should an engineer in rural Mississippi should make the same as an engineer in Manhattan? Why not? The economy doesn't work that way chief.

There is a reason why some States are simply cheaper to live in. A first world local economy is usually not one of them.

My red state is cheaper to live in and the average salary in my area is more than twice the national average. Funny, but many Republican states are the same way.
lol. Then why do you have any problem at all with a higher minimum wage?
Taxing the job producers and investors is a dumbass thing to do.

You take the money that would have been spent in the productive economy and put it in the hands of stupid non caring bureaucrats, whose bosses are corrupt politicians elected by special interest groups.

Liberals are dumb as door knobs. Of course that is the greedy Marxist asshole's mantra to punish those that have more money than they have.
Supply side economics is mostly Government intervention in private sector markets.
The dems don’t understand economics or even math.
They think that the rich are somehow locked into staying in high tax areas. They think that their money can’t be moved into other countries.
They don’t realize that businesses can leave money overseas Instead of bringing it into the U.S. where it spends just as well there.
They don’t realize that businesses are not going to take a hit to the bottom line, they will just pass that hit onto higher prices for the consumer.
Raise the minimum wage to raise more tax revenue.
Raise minimum wage to increase prices for goods. Then minimum wage purchases the exact same amount of goods or services.
so it ends up as a wash other then it looks good.
No, it doesn't. Some studies show less than five percent increase in prices. Simply beating the rate of inflation means greater purchasing power for Labor and their propensity to consume. The doubling of the minimum wage will not result in a doubling of prices for anything.
So you're going to increase labor costs by 100% but claim that prices will only go up 5%? You're not the brightest bulb on the tree...are you, Daniel?
Due to minimum wage increases. Other wages could raise it more, but the pay increases need merely beat inflation. Who cares if prices go up if we can afford it with the higher wage. And, a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage also generates several times more in federal income tax revenue.
How does this work, Daniel? The profit margin of your typical brick and mortar store is less than 5%. Their largest expense will typically be payroll which you're now increasing by 100%. So where do you make up the difference?
Prices won't double even if the minimum wage does. The multiplier effect does the rest.
I asked a rather simple question, Daniel...which you've failed to answer. How do you raise labor costs 100% in a business that only has a 5% profit margin and NOT raise the price of goods and services provided by that business?
It is about the minimum wage and minimum wage labor. What percentage of any workforce makes the minimum wage?
Answer the question, Daniel. If you can't...then admit you have no clue what you're talking about...tuck tail and find another string!
You are the one begging the question. You have nothing but Hoax not any understanding of economics.
So your "answer" to a very simple that I have "Hoax"? If you can't answer something that basic, Daniel then it's obvious your minimum wage ideas fall flat on their face.

I took Economics classes at UMass, Amherst College and Boston University. What is your background on the subject?

I'd give it up. You'll never get anything but empty rhetoric from Danny Boy
lol. You have nothing but Hoax, not any valid arguments for rebuttal.
Awwwwk! Polly wanna hoaxcracker!
Tax the billionaires big time. Or prevent them from buying government favors and protection. Or both.
Why should they pay a bigger chunk than we do?? They haven't done anything wrong and don't deserve to be penalized. Only a pirate or a gangster tries to rob the rich just because they have money.
You clearly don’t get it.

Your knowledge of economics is on par with every other topic you post about - non-existent.
Taxing the job producers and investors is a dumbass thing to do.

You take the money that would have been spent in the productive economy and put it in the hands of stupid non caring bureaucrats, whose bosses are corrupt politicians elected by special interest groups.

Liberals are dumb as door knobs. Of course that is the greedy Marxist asshole's mantra to punish those that have more money than they have.
Supply side economics is mostly Government intervention in private sector markets.

You are confused Moon Bat. You stupid Moon Bats don't know any more about Economics than you know about History, Climate Science, Biology, Ethics or the Constitution.

The fucking government doesn't produce any jobs. All it does it take money from people that already earned who would spend it on jobs or investment it and spend it on whatever the filthy politicians thinks will get them reelected.

You learn things like that in Econ 101. A course Liberals never seem to understand.
The dems don’t understand economics or even math.
They think that the rich are somehow locked into staying in high tax areas. They think that their money can’t be moved into other countries.
They don’t realize that businesses can leave money overseas Instead of bringing it into the U.S. where it spends just as well there.
They don’t realize that businesses are not going to take a hit to the bottom line, they will just pass that hit onto higher prices for the consumer.
Raise the minimum wage to raise more tax revenue.
Raise minimum wage to increase prices for goods. Then minimum wage purchases the exact same amount of goods or services.
so it ends up as a wash other then it looks good.
No, it doesn't. Some studies show less than five percent increase in prices. Simply beating the rate of inflation means greater purchasing power for Labor and their propensity to consume. The doubling of the minimum wage will not result in a doubling of prices for anything.
So you're going to increase labor costs by 100% but claim that prices will only go up 5%? You're not the brightest bulb on the tree...are you, Daniel?
Due to minimum wage increases. Other wages could raise it more, but the pay increases need merely beat inflation. Who cares if prices go up if we can afford it with the higher wage. And, a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage also generates several times more in federal income tax revenue.
How does this work, Daniel? The profit margin of your typical brick and mortar store is less than 5%. Their largest expense will typically be payroll which you're now increasing by 100%. So where do you make up the difference?
Prices won't double even if the minimum wage does. The multiplier effect does the rest.
I asked a rather simple question, Daniel...which you've failed to answer. How do you raise labor costs 100% in a business that only has a 5% profit margin and NOT raise the price of goods and services provided by that business?
It is about the minimum wage and minimum wage labor. What percentage of any workforce makes the minimum wage?
Answer the question, Daniel. If you can't...then admit you have no clue what you're talking about...tuck tail and find another string!
You are the one begging the question. You have nothing but Hoax not any understanding of economics.
So your "answer" to a very simple that I have "Hoax"? If you can't answer something that basic, Daniel then it's obvious your minimum wage ideas fall flat on their face.

I took Economics classes at UMass, Amherst College and Boston University. What is your background on the subject?

I'd give it up. You'll never get anything but empty rhetoric from Danny Boy
lol. You have nothing but Hoax, not any valid arguments for rebuttal.
Awwwwk! Polly wanna hoaxcracker!
Still no valid arguments. How many times do I have to repeat myself to get a valid response from right wingers?
I took a picture of MarcATL as he was laughing out loud.

The Democrat plans to tax the rich are futile and ignorant. They sound good to the uneducated, but they don't work very well. When you raise tax rates or reduce deductions on the rich, their typical response is to divert more of their money into tax shelters where they pay less tax. They can afford tax lawyers and CPAs who find ways to reduce their taxes dramatically and it's all legal.

Donald Trump knows how. For several years at a time, he paid no income tax. I don't know all the shelters he used but I can guess. One would be accelerated depreciation on the buildings and furniture he owns. Another would be Net Loss Carryover. When you have a loss in one year, the IRS Code allows you to deduct that loss on the returns for following years. If the NLC is large enough, it can give you zero tax liability for 5 or 6 years. Even people of moderate income can use tax shelters. I have 2 of them.

If you don't try and target the rich, they will pay a fair share of taxes just like everybody else. If you target them with high tax rates, they run for tax shelters.

These Dem idiots never learned what Kennedy, Reagan and Trump learned. Cutting taxes puts more money into the economy and the Fed coffers than raising them ever did. They will never, ever learn that lesson.

Imbeciles is what they are.
Trickle down economics has never worked, but it does enrich the rich enormously.

Sure and those rich pay 60% of all Fed taxes payed while we have many in this country who pay no taxes at all.
Correct. We have millions of Americans below the poverty line, millions more on Food Stamps and millions on welfare who pay no income tax.
Yeah they should pay income tax even though they have little to no income. This while the ultra wealthy pay little income tax, because their wealth doesn’t come from income.

Can’t fix stupid.

You are living proof of that last statement. Why do you waste all of your time bitching and not increase your income?
Taxing the job producers and investors is a dumbass thing to do.

You take the money that would have been spent in the productive economy and put it in the hands of stupid non caring bureaucrats, whose bosses are corrupt politicians elected by special interest groups.

Liberals are dumb as door knobs. Of course that is the greedy Marxist asshole's mantra to punish those that have more money than they have.
Supply side economics is mostly Government intervention in private sector markets.

You are confused Moon Bat. You stupid Moon Bats don't know any more about Economics than you know about History, Climate Science, Biology, Ethics or the Constitution.

The fucking government doesn't produce any jobs. All it does it take money from people that already earned who would spend it on jobs or investment it and spend it on whatever the filthy politicians thinks will get them reelected.

You learn things like that in Econ 101. A course Liberals never seem to understand.
lol. Stopping Government spending can cause a recession. Nobody takes right wingers seriously about economics.
The dems don’t understand economics or even math.
They think that the rich are somehow locked into staying in high tax areas. They think that their money can’t be moved into other countries.
They don’t realize that businesses can leave money overseas Instead of bringing it into the U.S. where it spends just as well there.
They don’t realize that businesses are not going to take a hit to the bottom line, they will just pass that hit onto higher prices for the consumer.
Raise the minimum wage to raise more tax revenue.
Raise minimum wage to increase prices for goods. Then minimum wage purchases the exact same amount of goods or services.
so it ends up as a wash other then it looks good.
No, it doesn't. Some studies show less than five percent increase in prices. Simply beating the rate of inflation means greater purchasing power for Labor and their propensity to consume. The doubling of the minimum wage will not result in a doubling of prices for anything.
So you're going to increase labor costs by 100% but claim that prices will only go up 5%? You're not the brightest bulb on the tree...are you, Daniel?
Due to minimum wage increases. Other wages could raise it more, but the pay increases need merely beat inflation. Who cares if prices go up if we can afford it with the higher wage. And, a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage also generates several times more in federal income tax revenue.
How does this work, Daniel? The profit margin of your typical brick and mortar store is less than 5%. Their largest expense will typically be payroll which you're now increasing by 100%. So where do you make up the difference?
Prices won't double even if the minimum wage does. The multiplier effect does the rest.
I asked a rather simple question, Daniel...which you've failed to answer. How do you raise labor costs 100% in a business that only has a 5% profit margin and NOT raise the price of goods and services provided by that business?
It is about the minimum wage and minimum wage labor. What percentage of any workforce makes the minimum wage?
Answer the question, Daniel. If you can't...then admit you have no clue what you're talking about...tuck tail and find another string!
You are the one begging the question. You have nothing but Hoax not any understanding of economics.
So your "answer" to a very simple that I have "Hoax"? If you can't answer something that basic, Daniel then it's obvious your minimum wage ideas fall flat on their face.

I took Economics classes at UMass, Amherst College and Boston University. What is your background on the subject?

I'd give it up. You'll never get anything but empty rhetoric from Danny Boy
lol. You have nothing but Hoax, not any valid arguments for rebuttal.
Awwwwk! Polly wanna hoaxcracker!
Still no valid arguments. How many times do I have to repeat myself to get a valid response from right wingers?
Okay here's one. If a lazy Dem dreg needs more money, then tell him to get a job or a better one if by accident he already has one. Raising minimum wage makes the dregs dreggier.
Yeah they should pay income tax even though they have little to no income. This while the ultra wealthy pay little income tax, because their wealth doesn’t come from income.

Can’t fix stupid.

The top 20% pay over 80% of all collected income taxes for the rest of us. Nearly half of our population pay no income tax at all. It's about time everybody chipped in something.
And they should pay more.

Why? How much more?
Taxing the job producers and investors is a dumbass thing to do.

You take the money that would have been spent in the productive economy and put it in the hands of stupid non caring bureaucrats, whose bosses are corrupt politicians elected by special interest groups.

Liberals are dumb as door knobs. Of course that is the greedy Marxist asshole's mantra to punish those that have more money than they have.
Where is all the prosperity from all these tax cuts?
The dems don’t understand economics or even math.
They think that the rich are somehow locked into staying in high tax areas. They think that their money can’t be moved into other countries.
They don’t realize that businesses can leave money overseas Instead of bringing it into the U.S. where it spends just as well there.
They don’t realize that businesses are not going to take a hit to the bottom line, they will just pass that hit onto higher prices for the consumer.
Raise the minimum wage to raise more tax revenue.
Raise minimum wage to increase prices for goods. Then minimum wage purchases the exact same amount of goods or services.
so it ends up as a wash other then it looks good.
No, it doesn't. Some studies show less than five percent increase in prices. Simply beating the rate of inflation means greater purchasing power for Labor and their propensity to consume. The doubling of the minimum wage will not result in a doubling of prices for anything.
So you're going to increase labor costs by 100% but claim that prices will only go up 5%? You're not the brightest bulb on the tree...are you, Daniel?
Due to minimum wage increases. Other wages could raise it more, but the pay increases need merely beat inflation. Who cares if prices go up if we can afford it with the higher wage. And, a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage also generates several times more in federal income tax revenue.
How does this work, Daniel? The profit margin of your typical brick and mortar store is less than 5%. Their largest expense will typically be payroll which you're now increasing by 100%. So where do you make up the difference?
Prices won't double even if the minimum wage does. The multiplier effect does the rest.
I asked a rather simple question, Daniel...which you've failed to answer. How do you raise labor costs 100% in a business that only has a 5% profit margin and NOT raise the price of goods and services provided by that business?
It is about the minimum wage and minimum wage labor. What percentage of any workforce makes the minimum wage?
Answer the question, Daniel. If you can't...then admit you have no clue what you're talking about...tuck tail and find another string!
You are the one begging the question. You have nothing but Hoax not any understanding of economics.
So your "answer" to a very simple that I have "Hoax"? If you can't answer something that basic, Daniel then it's obvious your minimum wage ideas fall flat on their face.

I took Economics classes at UMass, Amherst College and Boston University. What is your background on the subject?

I'd give it up. You'll never get anything but empty rhetoric from Danny Boy
lol. You have nothing but Hoax, not any valid arguments for rebuttal.
Awwwwk! Polly wanna hoaxcracker!
Still no valid arguments. How many times do I have to repeat myself to get a valid response from right wingers?
Okay here's one. If a lazy Dem dreg needs more money, then tell him to get a job or a better one if by accident he already has one. Raising minimum wage makes the dregs dreggier.
Raising the minimum wage means more federal income tax revenue for Government.

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