Teacher Demands Her Students Deny the Existence of God

I suspect she "misunderstood" the lesson intentionally (or was scripted to feign it) as a passive-aggressive subversion.

I don't know the girl, so I cannot say for certain it was intentional--but I tend to doubt that it was. I'm only a substitute teacher, but I have presented this lesson (without the statement about God). Students pick up on fact and opinions fairly easily, but I fielded questions on, "But what is an assertion?" I didn't explain assertion as a "myth", but myth could fit the definition. I said it was something that is stated and sounds as though it were true--and my synonym was "urban legend." (The students were excited to share a few of those.)

To me, it just sounds like a lesson that got out of hand. The one about God is hard. There are eye-witness accounts (Near Death Experience) and that can edge it towards fact, but not quite scientific fact (reproducible in lab conditions). Wish the mother and daughter could have simply talked with the teacher instead of heading for the school board.

Yeah I suspect the mother steered the daughter into a victim role. Either in the present case or as a pattern. In any case nobody else took the exercise that way, nor was it graded, so somebody's playing loosely with the facts.

What galls me is here's a teacher that comes up with a thinking exercise and she gets punished for doing her job.

There's already an older and much larger thread on this here
What galls me is that if this teacher was promoting creationism as a "thinking exercise," people like yourself would want her crucified! Liberals think what they say demonstrates sophistication. What in fact it shows is Secular Humanism is now the STATE religion and many are far too sly to admit it.
creationism is the opposite of a thinking exercise. there is no thinking involved.
The idiot says in his heart that there is no GOD. It doesn't seem that you know much about Creation Research.
Society is too whacked now for sending kids to school to be taught by teachers or peer pressure whackjob students.

Homeschool. If I had kids that were school age today....they would be learning from home, the internet via classes, etc. No way would I send my kid to a school nowadays.
Seems to me, that school district is hoping the same thing now......
You moron. It has nothing to do with my perspective on religion. And I am not a Marxist. You are such an idiot.

Bullshit. You display a Marxist world view and I dont care what lies you tell about it. You are a fucking Marxist shit-for-brains.

My objection to the facts of your OP is that it is completely unrealistic for such an event to have happened. Completely unrealistic. If something did occur, it is being misinterruped by whoever reported it: some nimno who either is cognitively unable to recognize reality or intentially misinterrupts it to suit his or her own needs.

Bullshit, you think the Christian lied about everything, unlike the hysterical fits you Marxists went into when Muslim clock-boy got justifiably busted. Oh no, he told the absolute truth, you stupid fucks claim based on completely zero evidence.

Lol, you expose more and more of your ideological malice every day. Thank God you lying fucks are finally coming out into the open.
Too, too, too funny. Complete irony.

In addition, anyone with even limited critical thinking skills knows a teacher is not going to 'demand' that students deny the existence of God. It is absolutely ludicrous. Only a fool would fall for this story.
There were a lot of those fools on these FOUR threads on this topic.
Here's the thing...now that the school has talked to several other students and found out that what the girl portrayed to the school board is NOT what happened...now that the school has a copy of the assignment paper...now that the school has looked to see that the assignment isn't even a grade, let alone 40% of their grade as the girl claimed........why didn't the parents go to the school admin first to clear this up? Why didn't they talk to the teacher who is a fellow Christian?
Looks like they went right to the school board. Makes one go hmmmmmmmmm.
You begin with the premises and examine them for possibility and probability. No adult of a right mind thinks the tooth fairy exists, while billions of adults believe in deity.

So try another comparison.
Most of the world doesnt believe in YOUR religion.

Try another argument, but dont make it so sucky this time.
Only you said that, not me, Godboy. You make this so easy for me.

Most of the world believes in God or All or Jehovah or whatever you want to call deity.

The tooth fairy attack reveals the paucity of the Anti-Godist position.
Most of the world does not believe in your deity. In fact, many of them would kill you for believing what you believe. Dont try to put all religious people in the same category. It makes you look stupid. Just admit you were wrong and move on.
You once again are saying something I did not. All religious people are in the same category in that they do believe in deity: simply no way around that. You're making a loaded statement; that is it contains an unprovable assumption that you are making.

Theists are theists, Godboy, and your argument is laughable. Go counsel with Skylar.

Theists wildly disagree about the nature of God. Or 'gods'. What he does, what he wants them to do, what he's like, how many of them there are, etc.

The Aztecs and the Catholics were both 'theists'. But they had very different ideas on what god wanted from them.

Your argument don't work, Jake. Which might explain why you've simply abandoned the defense of it.
Stay on track and stop deflecting. I never defended your made up straw man: those are your words,not mine.

The OP is the denial of deity.

You don't have the tools of logic or science to do so.
In the "Western World" (aka Hollywierd) "Facts" are things scientifically proven by the chosen and their never ending "researches" to live their entire life on grants.
Notice the end result of every study is: " further research is necessary"
"Facts" are big business.
Oh, I'm sure they do....but I'm looking at SEVERAL adults and many student witnesses that say one thing
Provide evidence for this statement.
But keep on keeping on....light those torches, grab those pitchforks....go after your own kind. I'll get the popcorn.:popcorn:
Why do you keep saying this? You are an odd one. lol
I suspect she "misunderstood" the lesson intentionally (or was scripted to feign it) as a passive-aggressive subversion.

I don't know the girl, so I cannot say for certain it was intentional--but I tend to doubt that it was. I'm only a substitute teacher, but I have presented this lesson (without the statement about God). Students pick up on fact and opinions fairly easily, but I fielded questions on, "But what is an assertion?" I didn't explain assertion as a "myth", but myth could fit the definition. I said it was something that is stated and sounds as though it were true--and my synonym was "urban legend." (The students were excited to share a few of those.)

To me, it just sounds like a lesson that got out of hand. The one about God is hard. There are eye-witness accounts (Near Death Experience) and that can edge it towards fact, but not quite scientific fact (reproducible in lab conditions). Wish the mother and daughter could have simply talked with the teacher instead of heading for the school board.

Yeah I suspect the mother steered the daughter into a victim role. Either in the present case or as a pattern. In any case nobody else took the exercise that way, nor was it graded, so somebody's playing loosely with the facts.

What galls me is here's a teacher that comes up with a thinking exercise and she gets punished for doing her job.

There's already an older and much larger thread on this here
What galls me is that if this teacher was promoting creationism as a "thinking exercise," people like yourself would want her crucified! Liberals think what they say demonstrates sophistication. What in fact it shows is Secular Humanism is now the STATE religion and many are far too sly to admit it.
creationism is the opposite of a thinking exercise. there is no thinking involved.
The idiot says in his heart that there is no GOD. It doesn't seem that you know much about Creation Research.
That's an oxymoron.
There is no scientific research into creationism because creationism is a myth and not scientifically supportable
Society is too whacked now for sending kids to school to be taught by teachers or peer pressure whackjob students.

Homeschool. If I had kids that were school age today....they would be learning from home, the internet via classes, etc. No way would I send my kid to a school nowadays.

My son was falling back in school and we couldnt figure out why. At the end of the fifth grade he was reading at a 4th grade level. My wife took almost a year from her job so he and my daughter could be home schooled. His reading level was tested at the 7th grade reading level at the end of one year and he was back with his class.

Both kids begged us to keep home schooling them, and I wish we had.
Gee, pay attention to your kid and they do better. Who would have thought?
If you think I'm a Marxist, then you have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA what a Marxist is. LMAO

There are different forms of Marxism, and feminism is a form of Marxism, but replacing the class struggle of Marx with the gender struggle and development of gender consciousness.

You dont have to believe in socialism to be a Marxist, idiot.
Gee, pay attention to your kid and they do better. Who would have thought?

Ignoring your snarkiness, the fact is that with Home Schooling the parent is not teaching the kids as well as professionals would, but you more than make up for it with a safe comfortable atmosphere and a parent who is only teaching two or three kids instead of one out of 30+.

Home schooling is so effective that many states are developing home school ways of teaching the states curriculum for parents who prefer to home school.
If you think I'm a Marxist, then you have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA what a Marxist is. LMAO
There are different forms of Marxism, and feminism is a form of Marxism, but replacing the class struggle of Marx with the gender struggle and development of gender consciousness. You dont have to believe in socialism to be a Marxist, idiot.
JB is a cultural mccarthyite. He is not entitled to his own definitions. Feminism is not Marxism. Yes, one has to believe in socialism to be a Marxist.

  1. the political and economic theories of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, later developed by their followers to form the basis for the theory and practice of communism.
marxism definition - Google Search
You cant believe in an imaginary being AND call my argument laughable. You can do one or the other, but not both.

That comment itself is laughable because no one 'believes' in an imaginary being' you fucking retard.

Damnit, man go steal a brain, borrow or rent it. You are being too stupid for words.
Its a being no one has ever seen before, that only exists in your imagination. At least that is what the evidence suggests. Unless you have some concrete proof of his existence, those are the facts.
Gee, pay attention to your kid and they do better. Who would have thought?

Ignoring your snarkiness, the fact is that with Home Schooling the parent is not teaching the kids as well as professionals would, but you more than make up for it with a safe comfortable atmosphere and a parent who is only teaching two or three kids instead of one out of 30+.

Home schooling is so effective that many states are developing home school ways of teaching the states curriculum for parents who prefer to home school.
Why not send your kid to a professional and work with them at home?

I've got news for parents - if your kid is falling behind it's your fault, not the school. You are responsible
You cant believe in an imaginary being AND call my argument laughable. You can do one or the other, but not both.

That comment itself is laughable because no one 'believes' in an imaginary being' you fucking retard.

Damnit, man go steal a brain, borrow or rent it. You are being too stupid for words.
Its a being no one has ever seen before, that only exists in your imagination. At least that is what the evidence suggests, unless you have some concrete proof of his existence, those are the facts.
The fact is this: Godboy cannot prove that God does not exist. He has no concrete proof of his BELIEF.
Any chance there was a larger point to it than simply attacking kids' religious faith?

I suspect more will come out, like this teacher was either grotesquely misunderstood or she is a wack job.

Faith should be tested.

But not by public school teachers that we leave our children with each day under penalty of law.

Easy to have faith if no one ever disagrees with you about it, but what kind of faith is that?

I dont know. I think peace and prosperity is one of the harshest trials of faith ever, and such periods of time leads to more loss of faith, loss of a religious dimension to peoples lives.

Would agree grade school isn't the place for this so much as college.

assuming you believe BS from a facebook link.....
Gee, pay attention to your kid and they do better. Who would have thought?

Ignoring your snarkiness, the fact is that with Home Schooling the parent is not teaching the kids as well as professionals would, but you more than make up for it with a safe comfortable atmosphere and a parent who is only teaching two or three kids instead of one out of 30+.

Home schooling is so effective that many states are developing home school ways of teaching the states curriculum for parents who prefer to home school.
Why not send your kid to a professional and work with them at home?

I've got news for parents - if your kid is falling behind it's your fault, not the school. You are responsible
It is almost always the fault of the parents if the normal child is not achieving in school.
Gee, pay attention to your kid and they do better. Who would have thought?

Ignoring your snarkiness, the fact is that with Home Schooling the parent is not teaching the kids as well as professionals would, but you more than make up for it with a safe comfortable atmosphere and a parent who is only teaching two or three kids instead of one out of 30+.

Home schooling is so effective that many states are developing home school ways of teaching the states curriculum for parents who prefer to home school.

it's a way to keep your children ignorant and segregated.
You cant believe in an imaginary being AND call my argument laughable. You can do one or the other, but not both.

That comment itself is laughable because no one 'believes' in an imaginary being' you fucking retard.

Damnit, man go steal a brain, borrow or rent it. You are being too stupid for words.
Its a being no one has ever seen before, that only exists in your imagination. At least that is what the evidence suggests, unless you have some concrete proof of his existence, those are the facts.
The fact is this: Godboy cannot prove that God does not exist. He has no concrete proof of his BELIEF.
Its not my job to disprove anything. The burden of proof is on you. Do you have proof of his existence or not?

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