Ted Cruz: An Atheist 'Isn't Fit To Be' President

Not only must you get on your knees to God every day, you must get on your knees to Ted Cruz's God. Don't you be praying to just any God.

You believe that there is more than one GOD? You're dumber than you post!
Christianity has three, others have even more.

Not being a Christian, I would say that all three are the same, but I'll listen to your replies!
If all three are the same, who the hell was Jesus calling out to as he died on the cross, himself?

From what I remember, he was GOD'S physical being on earth, the spirit is what he was calling to!....
Not only must you get on your knees to God every day, you must get on your knees to Ted Cruz's God. Don't you be praying to just any God.

You believe that there is more than one GOD? You're dumber than you post!
Christianity has three, others have even more.

Not being a Christian, I would say that all three are the same, but I'll listen to your replies!
If all three are the same, who the hell was Jesus calling out to as he died on the cross, himself?

From what I remember, he was GOD'S physical being on earth, the spirit is what he was calling to!....
Jesus was god's human sacrifice.
Not only that, but a president should begin every day with prayer.

Presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) said Friday that he believes anyone who wants to be president must fear God and pray daily.

Speaking at the National Religious Liberties Conference in Iowa, Cruz joined other GOP presidential candidates for a discussion about the persecution of Christians in the U.S. and around the world. After some very extreme, very weird comments about homosexuality, right-wing pastor Kevin Swanson introduced Cruz to the stage to ask him how important it was for candidates to submit to Jesus Christ as "the king of the President of the United States."

"Any president who doesn't begin every day on his knees isn't fit to be commander-in-chief of this country," responded Cruz.

More: Ted Cruz: An Atheist 'Isn't Fit To Be' President

Cruz didn't say who "any president" should pray to. After all, there are thousands of so-called Gods. I look forward to the day when an honorable Atheist does become president. Religion does not predate morality.

Are you angry because he didn't say a President had to smoke peyote and do the Ghost Dance?
How did you get there from the OP?
Not only must you get on your knees to God every day, you must get on your knees to Ted Cruz's God. Don't you be praying to just any God.

You believe that there is more than one GOD? You're dumber than you post!
Do you believe Ted Cruz's God is the one true God and everyone else is wrong? Do you believe you have to believe in Ted Cruz's version to be President?

I believe he has the RIGHT and the authority to state what he believes, as you do, and we continue to pound your perversion into the ground!
My perversion? Just because I go to a different church every Sunday than Ted Cruz does?

Interesting case of psychosis you have there. Just the kind which has led to a lot of dumb wars.

And what CHURCH is Ted PROMOTING?.... Your church, where is the Church of Satan located?
I attend a fundamentalist Christian church every week. I also read the bible nearly every day, which is why I know so many "christians" are full of shit hypocrites who have never read the bible. They are haters using the bible as their excuse for their venom and sickness. They are deceivers and the deceived.

I want you people to think about something. Something very, very serious. Not joking around.

Our biggest problem is divisiveness. Way too many people are always spoiling for a fight, and they are being fueled by propaganda media outlets.

It isn't God that is making us feel like someone is always taking from us. It isn't God who is making us always feel afraid. It isn't God who is always pointing the finger at "that guy over there".

We need to start examining the real faces behind the masks on TV and radio. We need to pay attention to the emotional manipulation. The music they use, the tone they use, the fears they exploit.

This is not God at work, kids. This is a destroyer at work.
Not only must you get on your knees to God every day, you must get on your knees to Ted Cruz's God. Don't you be praying to just any God.

You believe that there is more than one GOD? You're dumber than you post!
Why wouldn't there be several gods? What makes you think that there's only one?

Being AGNOSTIC I don't know if there is a GOD or not, BUT what would make you think that there would be more than one GOD?... Unless you believe in the OLD Roman and Greek religions of separate GODS!
You believe that there is more than one GOD? You're dumber than you post!
Christianity has three, others have even more.

Not being a Christian, I would say that all three are the same, but I'll listen to your replies!
If all three are the same, who the hell was Jesus calling out to as he died on the cross, himself?

From what I remember, he was GOD'S physical being on earth, the spirit is what he was calling to!....
Jesus was god's human sacrifice.

As I said the physical representation on Earth!
Not only must you get on your knees to God every day, you must get on your knees to Ted Cruz's God. Don't you be praying to just any God.

You believe that there is more than one GOD? You're dumber than you post!
Why wouldn't there be several gods? What makes you think that there's only one?

Being AGNOSTIC I don't know if there is a GOD or not, BUT what would make you think that there would be more than one GOD?... Unless you believe in the OLD Roman and Greek religions of separate GODS!
God would need help keeping track of all the assholes needing to be punished.
You believe that there is more than one GOD? You're dumber than you post!
Do you believe Ted Cruz's God is the one true God and everyone else is wrong? Do you believe you have to believe in Ted Cruz's version to be President?

I believe he has the RIGHT and the authority to state what he believes, as you do, and we continue to pound your perversion into the ground!
My perversion? Just because I go to a different church every Sunday than Ted Cruz does?

Interesting case of psychosis you have there. Just the kind which has led to a lot of dumb wars.

And what CHURCH is Ted PROMOTING?.... Your church, where is the Church of Satan located?
I attend a fundamentalist Christian church every week. I also read the bible nearly every day, which is why I know so many "christians" are full of shit hypocrites who have never read the bible. They are haters using the bible as their excuse for their venom and sickness. They are deceivers and the deceived.

I want you people to think about something. Something very, very serious. Not joking around.

Our biggest problem is divisiveness. Way too many people are always spoiling for a fight, and they are being fueled by propaganda media outlets.

It isn't God that is making us feel like someone is always taking from us. It isn't God who is making us always feel afraid. It isn't God who is always pointing the finger at "that guy over there".

We need to start examining the real faces behind the masks on TV and radio. We need to pay attention to the emotional manipulation. The music they use, the tone they use, the fears they exploit.

This is not God at work, kids. This is a destroyer at work.

I believe I would agree with your statements!
Not only must you get on your knees to God every day, you must get on your knees to Ted Cruz's God. Don't you be praying to just any God.

You believe that there is more than one GOD? You're dumber than you post!
Why wouldn't there be several gods? What makes you think that there's only one?

Being AGNOSTIC I don't know if there is a GOD or not, BUT what would make you think that there would be more than one GOD?...

There isn't more than one God. But there are as many understandings of God as there are people. Ted Cruz wants us all to believe in his version...or else.
Atheists would be perfect for president .
They would show no favoritism to any religion.
Or make decisions based on a religious belief or sentiment .
Cruz on the other hand would do so with abandon.
Most of the atheists I know, and I have known quite a few, are extremely hostile toward religion. They are not impartial.

So they are no better than anyone else as far as being opinionated assholes.
Not only must you get on your knees to God every day, you must get on your knees to Ted Cruz's God. Don't you be praying to just any God.

You believe that there is more than one GOD? You're dumber than you post!
Why wouldn't there be several gods? What makes you think that there's only one?

Being AGNOSTIC I don't know if there is a GOD or not, BUT what would make you think that there would be more than one GOD?... Unless you believe in the OLD Roman and Greek religions of separate GODS!
God would need help keeping track of all the assholes needing to be punished.

GOD has nothing to do with what PEOPLE DO or react to, if there is a GOD, he was simply the creator and FREE WILL rules what a human does.
And once again the PC Police are pretending, this time that Cruz said that having an atheist as President would be unconstitutional, or that he's pushing an amendment for that.

That's not what he said. Not even close.

You folks are so consistently dishonest, it really is amazing.

The guy doesn't believe a atheist as president. He believes that god is needed to be president...

He is a jerk.
Atheists would be perfect for president .
They would show no favoritism to any religion.
Or make decisions based on a religious belief or sentiment .
Cruz on the other hand would do so with abandon.
Most religious beliefs and sentiments lead to very good decisions. It's pride which leads to very bad decisions.

I don't fault Cruz for his beliefs. I fault him for his pride. There are few people more dangerous than a maniac who believes he is doing God's will.
And once again the PC Police are pretending, this time that Cruz said that having an atheist as President would be unconstitutional, or that he's pushing an amendment for that. That's not what he said. Not even close. You folks are so consistently dishonest, it really is amazing. .
The guy doesn't believe a atheist as president. He believes that god is needed to be president... He is a jerk.
Which doesn't address my point at all.

That's okay, I'm used to that here.
Not only must you get on your knees to God every day, you must get on your knees to Ted Cruz's God. Don't you be praying to just any God.

You believe that there is more than one GOD? You're dumber than you post!
Why wouldn't there be several gods? What makes you think that there's only one?

Being AGNOSTIC I don't know if there is a GOD or not, BUT what would make you think that there would be more than one GOD?...

There isn't more than one God. But there are as many understandings of God as there are people. Ted Cruz wants us all to believe in his version...or else.
Do you have proof that there is only one God?
Not only must you get on your knees to God every day, you must get on your knees to Ted Cruz's God. Don't you be praying to just any God.

You believe that there is more than one GOD? You're dumber than you post!
Why wouldn't there be several gods? What makes you think that there's only one?

Being AGNOSTIC I don't know if there is a GOD or not, BUT what would make you think that there would be more than one GOD?... Unless you believe in the OLD Roman and Greek religions of separate GODS!
God would need help keeping track of all the assholes needing to be punished.

GOD has nothing to do with what PEOPLE DO or react to, if there is a GOD, he was simply the creator and FREE WILL rules what a human does.
God(s) made everything in the universe, every asshole, every deformed baby, and every action.
Not only must you get on your knees to God every day, you must get on your knees to Ted Cruz's God. Don't you be praying to just any God.

You believe that there is more than one GOD? You're dumber than you post!
Why wouldn't there be several gods? What makes you think that there's only one?

Being AGNOSTIC I don't know if there is a GOD or not, BUT what would make you think that there would be more than one GOD?...

There isn't more than one God. But there are as many understandings of God as there are people. Ted Cruz wants us all to believe in his version...or else.

Or else what?..... Stop making shit up, without the ties of religion, this country would be nothing but another third world shithole, where the strong master the weak!
Not only that, but a president should begin every day with prayer.

Presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) said Friday that he believes anyone who wants to be president must fear God and pray daily.

Speaking at the National Religious Liberties Conference in Iowa, Cruz joined other GOP presidential candidates for a discussion about the persecution of Christians in the U.S. and around the world. After some very extreme, very weird comments about homosexuality, right-wing pastor Kevin Swanson introduced Cruz to the stage to ask him how important it was for candidates to submit to Jesus Christ as "the king of the President of the United States."

"Any president who doesn't begin every day on his knees isn't fit to be commander-in-chief of this country," responded Cruz.

More: Ted Cruz: An Atheist 'Isn't Fit To Be' President

Cruz didn't say who "any president" should pray to. After all, there are thousands of so-called Gods. I look forward to the day when an honorable Atheist does become president. Religion does not predate morality.

i am sure Ted Cruz like being on his knees doing the praying, but I wish he would not do it while on the down-low at regional airports while toe tapping...

Also if Cruz want to pray daily so be it, but should not demand everyone to be like him!

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