Ted Cruz: An Atheist 'Isn't Fit To Be' President

Well if Cruz meant far left he would be correct, Obama has proven that.

The far left religion is the most dangerous religion on the face of the planet.
God(s) made everything in the universe, every asshole, every deformed baby, and every action.

And here IF there is a GOD, again, he simply STARTED all and FREE WILL has taken it to where it currently is!
And you know that how? The smoke you're blowing out your ass?

The same way I know that you blow smoke out your ass! AS I stated IF, I see you have a hard time with reading comprehension!
IF you're not sure that God exists, then what makes you so sure that it gave us free will and let us go?

LOGIC, you should try it!
Nothing logical about what you said. It's quite dumb actually.
I agree with Ted.
And you disagree with the Constitution.
Obabble wasn't fit to be president...the constitution not withstanding.
That's correct. But when we keep voting for "the lesser of two evils", that's what happens. You're still voting for evil, and we get more and more evil choices.

Trump. Bush. Clinton. Sanders. We are sinking lower and lower.
My take is that it is always a case of the lesser of two evils. All are flawed people. All people are flawed.
GOD has nothing to do with what PEOPLE DO or react to, if there is a GOD, he was simply the creator and FREE WILL rules what a human does.
God(s) made everything in the universe, every asshole, every deformed baby, and every action.

And here IF there is a GOD, again, he simply STARTED all and FREE WILL has taken it to where it currently is!
And you know that how? The smoke you're blowing out your ass?

The same way I know that you blow smoke out your ass! AS I stated IF, I see you have a hard time with reading comprehension!
IF you're not sure that God exists, then what makes you so sure that it gave us free will and let us go?

Yes but the far left religion does not allow free will or even independence of thought or you will be cast out as a demon of the far left..

Of course the GOD of the far left is government!
And here IF there is a GOD, again, he simply STARTED all and FREE WILL has taken it to where it currently is!
And you know that how? The smoke you're blowing out your ass?

The same way I know that you blow smoke out your ass! AS I stated IF, I see you have a hard time with reading comprehension!
IF you're not sure that God exists, then what makes you so sure that it gave us free will and let us go?

LOGIC, you should try it!
Nothing logical about what you said. It's quite dumb actually.

Everyone has an OPINION, yours is like an asshole!
Not only that, but a president should begin every day with prayer.

Presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) said Friday that he believes anyone who wants to be president must fear God and pray daily.

Speaking at the National Religious Liberties Conference in Iowa, Cruz joined other GOP presidential candidates for a discussion about the persecution of Christians in the U.S. and around the world. After some very extreme, very weird comments about homosexuality, right-wing pastor Kevin Swanson introduced Cruz to the stage to ask him how important it was for candidates to submit to Jesus Christ as "the king of the President of the United States."

"Any president who doesn't begin every day on his knees isn't fit to be commander-in-chief of this country," responded Cruz.

More: Ted Cruz: An Atheist 'Isn't Fit To Be' President

Cruz didn't say who "any president" should pray to. After all, there are thousands of so-called Gods. I look forward to the day when an honorable Atheist does become president. Religion does not predate morality.
You'll be happy to know Obama begins AND ends every day on his knees.
Unfortunately he is praying to the Great White Snake in his boyfriend's trousers and not to any god.

Thanks for the intimate details. Are you the "boyfriend"...?
Not only that, but a president should begin every day with prayer.

Presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) said Friday that he believes anyone who wants to be president must fear God and pray daily.

Speaking at the National Religious Liberties Conference in Iowa, Cruz joined other GOP presidential candidates for a discussion about the persecution of Christians in the U.S. and around the world. After some very extreme, very weird comments about homosexuality, right-wing pastor Kevin Swanson introduced Cruz to the stage to ask him how important it was for candidates to submit to Jesus Christ as "the king of the President of the United States."

"Any president who doesn't begin every day on his knees isn't fit to be commander-in-chief of this country," responded Cruz.

More: Ted Cruz: An Atheist 'Isn't Fit To Be' President

Cruz didn't say who "any president" should pray to. After all, there are thousands of so-called Gods. I look forward to the day when an honorable Atheist does become president. Religion does not predate morality.
You'll be happy to know Obama begins AND ends every day on his knees.
Unfortunately he is praying to the Great White Snake in his boyfriend's trousers and not to any god.

Thanks for the intimate details. I assume you're the "boyfriend"...
No. My dick isnt big enough. But maybe you're sharing yours with Obama, "loose sphincter."
An illegal alien's son isn't fit to be president. Right Mr. Cruz?
Ben Carson is another religious nut running for president who shouldn't be near nuclear weapons.

Adventist Beliefs

Seventh-day Adventists agree with many Catholic doctrines, including the Trinity, Christ’s divinity, the virgin birth, the atonement, a physical resurrection of the dead, and Christ’s Second Coming. They use a valid form of baptism. They believe in original sin and reject the Evangelical teaching that one can never lose one’s salvation no matter what one does (i.e., they correctlyreject "once saved, always saved").

Unfortunately, they also hold many false and strange doctrines. Among these are the following: (a) the Catholic Church is the Whore of Babylon; (b) the pope is the Antichrist; (c) in the last days, Sunday worship will be "the mark of the beast"; (d) there is a future millennium in which the devil will roam the earth while Christians are with Christ in heaven; (e) the soul sleeps between death and resurrection; and (f) on the last day, after a limited period of punishment in hell, the wicked will be annihilated and cease to exist rather than be eternally damned. (For rebuttals of many of these ideas, see the Catholic Answers tracts, The Antichrist, The Hell There Is, Hunting the Whore of Babylon, The Whore of Babylon, and Sabbath or Sunday?)

More: Seventh-day Adventism | Catholic Answers
You know, I wouldn't really give a crap if a President was religious or not, or even what religion they followed.

All I'd care about is do they have a vision for the country that I agree with, and do I believe that they would be effective leaders.

Religion is not one of those issues that enters in. I've worked for Christians (several varieties) I've worked for Atheists, and even have worked for Catholics while stationed in the Navy. Their religion had little to do with how effective they were as leaders, training and following the rules as well as enforcing them did.

Ted Cruz is an idiot. BTW, we have freedom OF religion, meaning anyone can choose an belief system they want, even if it's the belief of atheism.

Constitutional scholar my ass.
You know, I wouldn't really give a crap if a President was religious or not, or even what religion they followed.

All I'd care about is do they have a vision for the country that I agree with, and do I believe that they would be effective leaders.

Religion is not one of those issues that enters in. I've worked for Christians (several varieties) I've worked for Atheists, and even have worked for Catholics while stationed in the Navy. Their religion had little to do with how effective they were as leaders, training and following the rules as well as enforcing them did.

Ted Cruz is an idiot. BTW, we have freedom OF religion, meaning anyone can choose an belief system they want, even if it's the belief of atheism.

Constitutional scholar my ass.

Obama claims to be a constitutional scholar but has proven he did not study at all..

Yet many voted for worse than Bush twice and are about to do so a third time with Hilary..

The far left religion is the most dangerous religion on the planet..

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