TED CRUZ destroys Texas reporter --- video link

Cruz is a moron

I don't want to talk about gay rights for Americans because ISIS hates gays
Isis is looking for swordsmen because they are chopping off so many heads they don't have enough swordsmen.
That is not ISIS....that is Saudi Arabia

Gawd, you're either an uninformed jackass or just plain stupid
Come again, LesbiAss?

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Cruz ripped the fool a new one.

What part of Teds response amounted to a "ripping"?

He denied the lowlife scum liberal his gotcha question 15 minutes of fame. First he told the fool he loved gays as commanded by God, then told the fool the Constitution granted decision making power on gay marriage to the states.

Yes Ted did pontificate on what a fine Christian he is. His actions seem to indicate otherwise
Hey may be living by The Duggars' book of Morals...

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TeaTards will celebrate little tantrums like Ted just threw...Look at ole Ted putting it to them Librul Reporters

The rest of the media will just lick their chops. They see how easy it is to get Teds goat and provide endless sound bites and YouTube videos

They will be baiting him like crazy
And the stupid shit he says forces the other candidates to tack even more to the Right.

Yes, Calgary Cruz should keep on doing what he's doing.

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Isis is looking for swordsmen because they are chopping off so many heads they don't have enough swordsmen.
That is not ISIS....that is Saudi Arabia

Gawd, you're either an uninformed jackass or just plain stupid

Actually, it is you once again showing your ignorance.
The story hit a couple of days ago about Saudi Arabia looking for new swordsmen......ISIS does not give a shit about the quality of its swordsmen

Headhunting in Saudi Executioners wanted

Are you typically this stupid or only on this board?

OMFG you actually linked something, I guess everyone telling you you're an idiot finally sunk in....or did you finally learn copy and paste?

As usual my comment went over the point on your head....nothing new there

I take it that is what passes as an apology in your world?
More than 2 guttural grunts is difficult for her.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Cruz ripped the fool a new one.

What part of Teds response amounted to a "ripping"?

He denied the lowlife scum liberal his gotcha question 15 minutes of fame. First he told the fool he loved gays as commanded by God, then told the fool the Constitution granted decision making power on gay marriage to the states.
He did not say he loved gays. He did not answer the question asked of him. He answered that he is a Christian and scriptures command that he love everyone. Just because you love someone does not mean you can not have personal animosity towards that person. And just because the scriptures demand you do something does not mean you do it. He slid around answering the question with a direct and firm response. Even his evasive one came only after the reporter calmly asked the same exact question after his immediate deflection away from answering the question.

Dude, he confirmed he is a Christian, he confirmed God commands Christians to love gays, you just don't like that he bitch slapped the reporter on this gotcha question. Boo hoo go have yourself a cry.

I am a Christian and Christians always do right is a bitch slap?

Cruz is in for a rocky road if that is the best he an come up with
Fudge Marble may be more his thing...

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
I can't wait for Cruz to hit the circuit

No more Hannity.......Why do you love America so much? questions

The press sees what issues set him off. Gay rights, immigration, women's issues, healthcare

He will be constantly peppered with these questions by a press that won't accept his dismissive responses
TeaTards will celebrate little tantrums like Ted just threw...Look at ole Ted putting it to them Librul Reporters

The rest of the media will just lick their chops. They see how easy it is to get Teds goat and provide endless sound bites and YouTube videos

They will be baiting him like crazy

You call that a tantrum? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

A babbling retort about gay sex, ISIS , foreign policy, hating Christians and States rights......yea, that passes for a tantrum
Standard Tea Party pablum.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Actually, it is you once again showing your ignorance.
The story hit a couple of days ago about Saudi Arabia looking for new swordsmen......ISIS does not give a shit about the quality of its swordsmen

Headhunting in Saudi Executioners wanted

Are you typically this stupid or only on this board?

OMFG you actually linked something, I guess everyone telling you you're an idiot finally sunk in....or did you finally learn copy and paste?

As usual my comment went over the point on your head....nothing new there

I take it that is what passes as an apology in your world?

In your dreams. I don't know why you think anyone takes you serious

Seems your comment was incorrect and unwarranted

Ready to retract yet?

Get past yourself, numb nuts. You're really just unimportant.
You seem angry, or maybe just deranged...

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
I can't wait for Cruz to hit the circuit

No more Hannity.......Why do you love America so much? questions

The press sees what issues set him off. Gay rights, immigration, women's issues, healthcare

He will be constantly peppered with these questions by a press that won't accept his dismissive responses
He could do what Hillary is doing and not answer any questions.

No, it was grand to see Ted stand up and say what needed to be said. Poor reporter sounded like his dog had just died after Ted finished wth him. Guess it didnt go like he thought it would.
I love when people underestimate a brilliant man like Cruz.
I can't wait for Cruz to hit the circuit

No more Hannity.......Why do you love America so much? questions

The press sees what issues set him off. Gay rights, immigration, women's issues, healthcare

He will be constantly peppered with these questions by a press that won't accept his dismissive responses
He could do what Hillary is doing and not answer any questions.

No, it was grand to see Ted stand up and say what needed to be said. Poor reporter sounded like his dog had just died after Ted finished wth him. Guess it didnt go like he thought it would.
I love when people underestimate a brilliant man like Cruz.

What is it that Cruz responded that needed to be said?
Gay sex?
Why don't we talk about foreign policy?
Do you hate Christians?
I can't wait for Cruz to hit the circuit

No more Hannity.......Why do you love America so much? questions

The press sees what issues set him off. Gay rights, immigration, women's issues, healthcare

He will be constantly peppered with these questions by a press that won't accept his dismissive responses
He could do what Hillary is doing and not answer any questions.

No, it was grand to see Ted stand up and say what needed to be said. Poor reporter sounded like his dog had just died after Ted finished wth him. Guess it didnt go like he thought it would.
I love when people underestimate a brilliant man like Cruz.

What is it that Cruz responded that needed to be said?
Gay sex?
Why don't we talk about foreign policy?
Do you hate Christians?
You didnt watch the video? No surprise there. Your ignorance has never been a bar to expressing an opinion.
I can't wait for Cruz to hit the circuit

No more Hannity.......Why do you love America so much? questions

The press sees what issues set him off. Gay rights, immigration, women's issues, healthcare

He will be constantly peppered with these questions by a press that won't accept his dismissive responses
He could do what Hillary is doing and not answer any questions.

No, it was grand to see Ted stand up and say what needed to be said. Poor reporter sounded like his dog had just died after Ted finished wth him. Guess it didnt go like he thought it would.
I love when people underestimate a brilliant man like Cruz.

What is it that Cruz responded that needed to be said?
Gay sex?
Why don't we talk about foreign policy?
Do you hate Christians?

Still thinks homos are more important to America than terrorist.
The reporter did not ask Cruz if he loved gays. He asked him if he had a personal animosity against gays. Cruz avoided answering the question by hiding behind Christian scripture than commands Christians to love everyone. Having love and having animosity has nothing to do with each other. You suckers think if you have love for your fellow man you can not have animosity. It is common to have animosity for the things or people that are loved. Animosity and love are antonyms, not synonyms.

^^^^^^ gibberish, incoherent gibberish

Do you not understand the difference between a synonym and an antonym. Are you that uneducated. Do you not understand the definition of animosity? Are you to lazy of afraid to look up the definition?

Ahhhhh shaddup
To much education for you? Stay stupid.

Look asshole, some dumb ass left loon reporter thought he had a "gotcha" moment and Cruz stuffed him. Get over it, I'm so sick of this homo shit
The dumb ass left loon reporter got Cruz to sound like a fool and pull the Christian card to create an embarrassing gotcha moment for the generally mocked and joked about tea baggers delight. All this discussion is about is a lame attempt to turn that embarrassing defeat into something positive be disparaging some unknown reporter no one really cares about. He will probably be the biggest winner in this whole escapade. Probably getting more attention than he has ever gotten. The reporter who made Ted Cruz melt down.
I can't wait for Cruz to hit the circuit

No more Hannity.......Why do you love America so much? questions

The press sees what issues set him off. Gay rights, immigration, women's issues, healthcare

He will be constantly peppered with these questions by a press that won't accept his dismissive responses
He could do what Hillary is doing and not answer any questions.

No, it was grand to see Ted stand up and say what needed to be said. Poor reporter sounded like his dog had just died after Ted finished wth him. Guess it didnt go like he thought it would.
I love when people underestimate a brilliant man like Cruz.

What is it that Cruz responded that needed to be said?
Gay sex?
Why don't we talk about foreign policy?
Do you hate Christians?
You didnt watch the video? No surprise there. Your ignorance has never been a bar to expressing an opinion.
I referenced the video....you failed to do so

Tell us specifically what Cruz said that was so substantial?

<Note to board: Watch how this is the point where Rabbi runs away>
I can't wait for Cruz to hit the circuit

No more Hannity.......Why do you love America so much? questions

The press sees what issues set him off. Gay rights, immigration, women's issues, healthcare

He will be constantly peppered with these questions by a press that won't accept his dismissive responses
He could do what Hillary is doing and not answer any questions.

No, it was grand to see Ted stand up and say what needed to be said. Poor reporter sounded like his dog had just died after Ted finished wth him. Guess it didnt go like he thought it would.
I love when people underestimate a brilliant man like Cruz.

What is it that Cruz responded that needed to be said?
Gay sex?
Why don't we talk about foreign policy?
Do you hate Christians?
You didnt watch the video? No surprise there. Your ignorance has never been a bar to expressing an opinion.
I referenced the video....you failed to do so

Tell us specifically what Cruz said that was so substantial?

<Note to board: Watch how this is the point where Rabbi runs away>
You did not reference the video. You expressed ignorance as to what was on the video. Try watching the video and then come back and tell us.
Everyone else seems to have gotten it. Why not you?
I can't wait for Cruz to hit the circuit

No more Hannity.......Why do you love America so much? questions

The press sees what issues set him off. Gay rights, immigration, women's issues, healthcare

He will be constantly peppered with these questions by a press that won't accept his dismissive responses
He could do what Hillary is doing and not answer any questions.

No, it was grand to see Ted stand up and say what needed to be said. Poor reporter sounded like his dog had just died after Ted finished wth him. Guess it didnt go like he thought it would.
I love when people underestimate a brilliant man like Cruz.

What is it that Cruz responded that needed to be said?
Gay sex?
Why don't we talk about foreign policy?
Do you hate Christians?

Still thinks homos are more important to America than terrorist.

Actually, they are two separate issues
Cruz didn't seem able to realize that
I can't wait for Cruz to hit the circuit

No more Hannity.......Why do you love America so much? questions

The press sees what issues set him off. Gay rights, immigration, women's issues, healthcare

He will be constantly peppered with these questions by a press that won't accept his dismissive responses
He could do what Hillary is doing and not answer any questions.

No, it was grand to see Ted stand up and say what needed to be said. Poor reporter sounded like his dog had just died after Ted finished wth him. Guess it didnt go like he thought it would.
I love when people underestimate a brilliant man like Cruz.

What is it that Cruz responded that needed to be said?
Gay sex?
Why don't we talk about foreign policy?
Do you hate Christians?
You didnt watch the video? No surprise there. Your ignorance has never been a bar to expressing an opinion.
I referenced the video....you failed to do so

Tell us specifically what Cruz said that was so substantial?

<Note to board: Watch how this is the point where Rabbi runs away>
You did not reference the video. You expressed ignorance as to what was on the video. Try watching the video and then come back and tell us.
Everyone else seems to have gotten it. Why not you?

As Rabbi cannot reference a single thing in the video
I can't wait for Cruz to hit the circuit

No more Hannity.......Why do you love America so much? questions

The press sees what issues set him off. Gay rights, immigration, women's issues, healthcare

He will be constantly peppered with these questions by a press that won't accept his dismissive responses
He could do what Hillary is doing and not answer any questions.

No, it was grand to see Ted stand up and say what needed to be said. Poor reporter sounded like his dog had just died after Ted finished wth him. Guess it didnt go like he thought it would.
I love when people underestimate a brilliant man like Cruz.

What is it that Cruz responded that needed to be said?
Gay sex?
Why don't we talk about foreign policy?
Do you hate Christians?

Still thinks homos are more important to America than terrorist.

Actually, they are two separate issues
Cruz didn't seem able to realize that

And you still think the homo agenda is more of a pressing issue than terrorism.
I'm pretty sure those homos who had their heads lopped off and those thrown from roof tops would disagree with you.
But whatever....

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