Ted Cruz: I Won Those Purple Hearts!

“Just a few weeks ago, I was down in Fort Hood, where the soldiers who were shot by Nidal Hasan were finally, finally, finally awarded the Purple Heart,” Cruz told activists last weekend at the conservative Freedom Forum in Greenville, S.C. “I’ll tell you the reason those Purple Hearts were awarded. I was very proud last year to introduce legislation in the Senate to mandate that the Pentagon award those Purple Hearts.”

But Cruz voted not once but twice against the Pentagon authorization bill that changed the Purple Heart policy. A Cruz spokesman told the Dallas Morning News that Cruz voted against the bill over an issue unrelated to the Fort Hood shootings but that “he would have found another way to get it done” had the bill had not passed. “Supporting one amendment certainly does not mean a senator is obligated to support the entire bill.”

the credit for changing the Pentagon’s long-standing policy belongs to at least a dozen senators and members of Congress who had pushed the issue relentlessly for years before Cruz ever arrived in the Senate.

Ted Cruz I Won Those Purple Hearts - The Daily Beast

Why do people like this man? Every time he opens his mouth, he's lying, It's like he can't control it.

When he pulled his Green Eggs and Ham stunt to shut down the govt, he took all the credit - until he found out it wasn't quite as popular as he thought it would be.

Then, suddenly, he and the rest of the liars were all confused as to how such a thing could happen.

Oh and his daddy invented "green eggs and ham".

There is nothing to like or admire about him.

It wasn't popular. He looked ignorant and I agree there is nothing to admire about him.
“Just a few weeks ago, I was down in Fort Hood, where the soldiers who were shot by Nidal Hasan were finally, finally, finally awarded the Purple Heart,” Cruz told activists last weekend at the conservative Freedom Forum in Greenville, S.C. “I’ll tell you the reason those Purple Hearts were awarded. I was very proud last year to introduce legislation in the Senate to mandate that the Pentagon award those Purple Hearts.”

But Cruz voted not once but twice against the Pentagon authorization bill that changed the Purple Heart policy. A Cruz spokesman told the Dallas Morning News that Cruz voted against the bill over an issue unrelated to the Fort Hood shootings but that “he would have found another way to get it done” had the bill had not passed. “Supporting one amendment certainly does not mean a senator is obligated to support the entire bill.”

the credit for changing the Pentagon’s long-standing policy belongs to at least a dozen senators and members of Congress who had pushed the issue relentlessly for years before Cruz ever arrived in the Senate.

Ted Cruz I Won Those Purple Hearts - The Daily Beast

Why do people like this man? Every time he opens his mouth, he's lying, It's like he can't control it.
Let me get this straight. Cruz introduced the amendment. He says he introduced the amendment... and you say he's a liar because you don't think he introduced the amendment. Got it. Have you been mentally handicapped your whole life?
You know............if Cruz showed up on my property, I'd tell him that Texas Castle Doctrine states that I must warn a person to leave before escorting them physically off the premises.

I'd give him 30 seconds, tops, to vacate my lawn.

I have no use for the man, and hope that his political career comes to a very messy and public end.

Love to see him get involved in a sex scandal.

I was with you until the sex scandal. Although, I think I could successfully argue that he is one big walking sex scandal. He lies so much that it's like he is just bending the public over repeatedly.
“Just a few weeks ago, I was down in Fort Hood, where the soldiers who were shot by Nidal Hasan were finally, finally, finally awarded the Purple Heart,” Cruz told activists last weekend at the conservative Freedom Forum in Greenville, S.C. “I’ll tell you the reason those Purple Hearts were awarded. I was very proud last year to introduce legislation in the Senate to mandate that the Pentagon award those Purple Hearts.”

But Cruz voted not once but twice against the Pentagon authorization bill that changed the Purple Heart policy. A Cruz spokesman told the Dallas Morning News that Cruz voted against the bill over an issue unrelated to the Fort Hood shootings but that “he would have found another way to get it done” had the bill had not passed. “Supporting one amendment certainly does not mean a senator is obligated to support the entire bill.”

the credit for changing the Pentagon’s long-standing policy belongs to at least a dozen senators and members of Congress who had pushed the issue relentlessly for years before Cruz ever arrived in the Senate.

Ted Cruz I Won Those Purple Hearts - The Daily Beast

Why do people like this man? Every time he opens his mouth, he's lying, It's like he can't control it.

When he pulled his Green Eggs and Ham stunt to shut down the govt, he took all the credit - until he found out it wasn't quite as popular as he thought it would be.

Then, suddenly, he and the rest of the liars were all confused as to how such a thing could happen.

Oh and his daddy invented "green eggs and ham".

There is nothing to like or admire about him.

It wasn't popular. He looked ignorant and I agree there is nothing to admire about him.
“Just a few weeks ago, I was down in Fort Hood, where the soldiers who were shot by Nidal Hasan were finally, finally, finally awarded the Purple Heart,” Cruz told activists last weekend at the conservative Freedom Forum in Greenville, S.C. “I’ll tell you the reason those Purple Hearts were awarded. I was very proud last year to introduce legislation in the Senate to mandate that the Pentagon award those Purple Hearts.”

But Cruz voted not once but twice against the Pentagon authorization bill that changed the Purple Heart policy. A Cruz spokesman told the Dallas Morning News that Cruz voted against the bill over an issue unrelated to the Fort Hood shootings but that “he would have found another way to get it done” had the bill had not passed. “Supporting one amendment certainly does not mean a senator is obligated to support the entire bill.”

the credit for changing the Pentagon’s long-standing policy belongs to at least a dozen senators and members of Congress who had pushed the issue relentlessly for years before Cruz ever arrived in the Senate.

Ted Cruz I Won Those Purple Hearts - The Daily Beast

Why do people like this man? Every time he opens his mouth, he's lying, It's like he can't control it.
Let me get this straight. Cruz introduced the amendment. He says he introduced the amendment... and you say he's a liar because you don't think he introduced the amendment. Got it. Have you been mentally handicapped your whole life?
“Just a few weeks ago, I was down in Fort Hood, where the soldiers who were shot by Nidal Hasan were finally, finally, finally awarded the Purple Heart,” Cruz told activists last weekend at the conservative Freedom Forum in Greenville, S.C. “I’ll tell you the reason those Purple Hearts were awarded. I was very proud last year to introduce legislation in the Senate to mandate that the Pentagon award those Purple Hearts.”

But Cruz voted not once but twice against the Pentagon authorization bill that changed the Purple Heart policy. A Cruz spokesman told the Dallas Morning News that Cruz voted against the bill over an issue unrelated to the Fort Hood shootings but that “he would have found another way to get it done” had the bill had not passed. “Supporting one amendment certainly does not mean a senator is obligated to support the entire bill.”

the credit for changing the Pentagon’s long-standing policy belongs to at least a dozen senators and members of Congress who had pushed the issue relentlessly for years before Cruz ever arrived in the Senate.

Ted Cruz I Won Those Purple Hearts - The Daily Beast

Why do people like this man? Every time he opens his mouth, he's lying, It's like he can't control it.
Has Cruz ever been on the right side of anything?

Says the far left drones!

I'll raise that offer to two cookies if you can make a complete post without using the words " far left drone" You won't even define what it is supposed to mean.

Says the far left drone!
“Just a few weeks ago, I was down in Fort Hood, where the soldiers who were shot by Nidal Hasan were finally, finally, finally awarded the Purple Heart,” Cruz told activists last weekend at the conservative Freedom Forum in Greenville, S.C. “I’ll tell you the reason those Purple Hearts were awarded. I was very proud last year to introduce legislation in the Senate to mandate that the Pentagon award those Purple Hearts.”

But Cruz voted not once but twice against the Pentagon authorization bill that changed the Purple Heart policy. A Cruz spokesman told the Dallas Morning News that Cruz voted against the bill over an issue unrelated to the Fort Hood shootings but that “he would have found another way to get it done” had the bill had not passed. “Supporting one amendment certainly does not mean a senator is obligated to support the entire bill.”

the credit for changing the Pentagon’s long-standing policy belongs to at least a dozen senators and members of Congress who had pushed the issue relentlessly for years before Cruz ever arrived in the Senate.

Ted Cruz I Won Those Purple Hearts - The Daily Beast

Why do people like this man? Every time he opens his mouth, he's lying, It's like he can't control it.
Let me get this straight. Cruz introduced the amendment. He says he introduced the amendment... and you say he's a liar because you don't think he introduced the amendment. Got it. Have you been mentally handicapped your whole life?

Cruz was instrumental, Cornyn was instrumental, the Texas House delegation, McCaul, Carter, Williams, were all instrumental,” said Sher. “It took years, years. The administration and the Pentagon were opposing it every step of the way. It took an act of Congress to get them to change their tune.”

A staffer who worked on the issue agreed that Cruz did play an important part in the final result for the families, but “the claim nonetheless omits what Lieberman, Cornyn and others had done to get the ball to the one-yard line. In other words, ‘the reason those Purple Hearts were awarded’ phrase is true but insufficient. “
Stop! ... He votes lefty. He deserves a little bit of the benefit of the doubt for his mental disability.
“Just a few weeks ago, I was down in Fort Hood, where the soldiers who were shot by Nidal Hasan were finally, finally, finally awarded the Purple Heart,” Cruz told activists last weekend at the conservative Freedom Forum in Greenville, S.C. “I’ll tell you the reason those Purple Hearts were awarded. I was very proud last year to introduce legislation in the Senate to mandate that the Pentagon award those Purple Hearts.”

But Cruz voted not once but twice against the Pentagon authorization bill that changed the Purple Heart policy. A Cruz spokesman told the Dallas Morning News that Cruz voted against the bill over an issue unrelated to the Fort Hood shootings but that “he would have found another way to get it done” had the bill had not passed. “Supporting one amendment certainly does not mean a senator is obligated to support the entire bill.”

the credit for changing the Pentagon’s long-standing policy belongs to at least a dozen senators and members of Congress who had pushed the issue relentlessly for years before Cruz ever arrived in the Senate.

Ted Cruz I Won Those Purple Hearts - The Daily Beast

Why do people like this man? Every time he opens his mouth, he's lying, It's like he can't control it.
Let me get this straight. Cruz introduced the amendment. He says he introduced the amendment... and you say he's a liar because you don't think he introduced the amendment. Got it. Have you been mentally handicapped your whole life?

Cruz was instrumental, Cornyn was instrumental, the Texas House delegation, McCaul, Carter, Williams, were all instrumental,” said Sher. “It took years, years. The administration and the Pentagon were opposing it every step of the way. It took an act of Congress to get them to change their tune.”

A staffer who worked on the issue agreed that Cruz did play an important part in the final result for the families, but “the claim nonetheless omits what Lieberman, Cornyn and others had done to get the ball to the one-yard line. In other words, ‘the reason those Purple Hearts were awarded’ phrase is true but insufficient. “
True but insufficient. Uh... huh. Translation, you and the libtards you are cut and pasting from are just making up bull shit lies. Got it.

I'm no fan of Cruz but there's no reason to make up lies about him.
“Just a few weeks ago, I was down in Fort Hood, where the soldiers who were shot by Nidal Hasan were finally, finally, finally awarded the Purple Heart,” Cruz told activists last weekend at the conservative Freedom Forum in Greenville, S.C. “I’ll tell you the reason those Purple Hearts were awarded. I was very proud last year to introduce legislation in the Senate to mandate that the Pentagon award those Purple Hearts.”

But Cruz voted not once but twice against the Pentagon authorization bill that changed the Purple Heart policy. A Cruz spokesman told the Dallas Morning News that Cruz voted against the bill over an issue unrelated to the Fort Hood shootings but that “he would have found another way to get it done” had the bill had not passed. “Supporting one amendment certainly does not mean a senator is obligated to support the entire bill.”

the credit for changing the Pentagon’s long-standing policy belongs to at least a dozen senators and members of Congress who had pushed the issue relentlessly for years before Cruz ever arrived in the Senate.

Ted Cruz I Won Those Purple Hearts - The Daily Beast

Why do people like this man? Every time he opens his mouth, he's lying, It's like he can't control it.
Let me get this straight. Cruz introduced the amendment. He says he introduced the amendment... and you say he's a liar because you don't think he introduced the amendment. Got it. Have you been mentally handicapped your whole life?

Cruz was instrumental, Cornyn was instrumental, the Texas House delegation, McCaul, Carter, Williams, were all instrumental,” said Sher. “It took years, years. The administration and the Pentagon were opposing it every step of the way. It took an act of Congress to get them to change their tune.”

A staffer who worked on the issue agreed that Cruz did play an important part in the final result for the families, but “the claim nonetheless omits what Lieberman, Cornyn and others had done to get the ball to the one-yard line. In other words, ‘the reason those Purple Hearts were awarded’ phrase is true but insufficient. “
True but insufficient. Uh... huh. Translation, you and the libtards you are cut and pasting from are just making up bull shit lies. Got it.

Omission is still a lie. But, do go on.
You know............if Cruz showed up on my property, I'd tell him that Texas Castle Doctrine states that I must warn a person to leave before escorting them physically off the premises.

I'd give him 30 seconds, tops, to vacate my lawn.

I have no use for the man, and hope that his political career comes to a very messy and public end.

Love to see him get involved in a sex scandal.

I was with you until the sex scandal. Although, I think I could successfully argue that he is one big walking sex scandal. He lies so much that it's like he is just bending the public over repeatedly.

Only reason I picked sex scandal is because those are the ones that have the most sticking power.

Especially for those in the "family values" party.
You know............if Cruz showed up on my property, I'd tell him that Texas Castle Doctrine states that I must warn a person to leave before escorting them physically off the premises.

I'd give him 30 seconds, tops, to vacate my lawn.

I have no use for the man, and hope that his political career comes to a very messy and public end.

Love to see him get involved in a sex scandal.

I was with you until the sex scandal. Although, I think I could successfully argue that he is one big walking sex scandal. He lies so much that it's like he is just bending the public over repeatedly.

Only reason I picked sex scandal is because those are the ones that have the most sticking power.

Especially for those in the "family values" party.

That's true. Sometimes it's gets a bit silly though. I remember when the Herman Cain scandal broke, and I did not agree with that man's politics at all, that the timing was a tad ludicrous.
...Why do people like this man?...
Probably has something to do with the untrustworthiness and corruption manifested by the leading competition on the other side of the aisle.

Given a choice between a Big Mouth, versus a Liar and a Cheat and a What-Does-It-Matter? mentality, well...
...Why do people like this man?...
Probably has something to do with the untrustworthiness and corruption manifested by the leading competition on the other side of the aisle.

Given a choice between a Big Mouth, versus a Liar and a Cheat and a What-Does-It-Matter? mentality, well...

Yep Hilary is far more scandalous than any of the nominees on the right, yet all these drone will ignore that vote for her anyway.
...Why do people like this man?...
Probably has something to do with the untrustworthiness and corruption manifested by the leading competition on the other side of the aisle.

Given a choice between a Big Mouth, versus a Liar and a Cheat and a What-Does-It-Matter? mentality, well...

Yep Hilary is far more scandalous than any of the nominees on the right, yet all these drone will ignore that vote for her anyway.
You're probably right.

Their biggest problem is, is that they've got no other pitcher warming up in the bullpen... reducing them to One-Trick-Pony status.

The shallowness of their infield is the key to their undoing.

Trouble is, I don't think the Pubs are bright enough to exploit it.

Perhaps they'll prove me wrong after all.
...Why do people like this man?...
Probably has something to do with the untrustworthiness and corruption manifested by the leading competition on the other side of the aisle.

Given a choice between a Big Mouth, versus a Liar and a Cheat and a What-Does-It-Matter? mentality, well...

Yep Hilary is far more scandalous than any of the nominees on the right, yet all these drone will ignore that vote for her anyway.
You're probably right.

Their biggest problem is, is that they've got no other pitcher warming up in the bullpen... reducing them to One-Trick-Pony status.

The shallowness of their infield is the key to their undoing.

Trouble is, I don't think the Pubs are bright enough to exploit it.

Perhaps they'll prove me wrong after all.

Well so far the DNC is making this a one person nominee run..

That in itself is the tell all and the current state of the far left DNC.
...Why do people like this man?...
Probably has something to do with the untrustworthiness and corruption manifested by the leading competition on the other side of the aisle.

Given a choice between a Big Mouth, versus a Liar and a Cheat and a What-Does-It-Matter? mentality, well...

Yep Hilary is far more scandalous than any of the nominees on the right, yet all these drone will ignore that vote for her anyway.
You're probably right.

Their biggest problem is, is that they've got no other pitcher warming up in the bullpen... reducing them to One-Trick-Pony status.

The shallowness of their infield is the key to their undoing.

Trouble is, I don't think the Pubs are bright enough to exploit it.

Perhaps they'll prove me wrong after all.

Well so far the DNC is making this a one person nominee run..

That in itself is the tell all and the current state of the far left DNC.

A one person run by the DNC? Really? Did you miss the fact that Sen. Sanders has announced?
...Why do people like this man?...
Probably has something to do with the untrustworthiness and corruption manifested by the leading competition on the other side of the aisle.

Given a choice between a Big Mouth, versus a Liar and a Cheat and a What-Does-It-Matter? mentality, well...

Yep Hilary is far more scandalous than any of the nominees on the right, yet all these drone will ignore that vote for her anyway.
You're probably right.

Their biggest problem is, is that they've got no other pitcher warming up in the bullpen... reducing them to One-Trick-Pony status.

The shallowness of their infield is the key to their undoing.

Trouble is, I don't think the Pubs are bright enough to exploit it.

Perhaps they'll prove me wrong after all.

Well so far the DNC is making this a one person nominee run..

That in itself is the tell all and the current state of the far left DNC.

A one person run by the DNC? Really? Did you miss the fact that Sen. Sanders has announced?

Yes show how they have the power and money to really compete with Clinton.

Anyone of these people are for show in order to give the illusion of choice. Much like the far left often does in all their stances.

At least 2008 looked like you had a choice back then, now it is not a choice, just a pony show.
Probably has something to do with the untrustworthiness and corruption manifested by the leading competition on the other side of the aisle.

Given a choice between a Big Mouth, versus a Liar and a Cheat and a What-Does-It-Matter? mentality, well...

Yep Hilary is far more scandalous than any of the nominees on the right, yet all these drone will ignore that vote for her anyway.
You're probably right.

Their biggest problem is, is that they've got no other pitcher warming up in the bullpen... reducing them to One-Trick-Pony status.

The shallowness of their infield is the key to their undoing.

Trouble is, I don't think the Pubs are bright enough to exploit it.

Perhaps they'll prove me wrong after all.

Well so far the DNC is making this a one person nominee run..

That in itself is the tell all and the current state of the far left DNC.

A one person run by the DNC? Really? Did you miss the fact that Sen. Sanders has announced?

Yes show how they have the power and money to really compete with Clinton.

Anyone of these people are for show in order to give the illusion of choice. Much like the far left often does in all their stances.

At least 2008 looked like you had a choice back then, now it is not a choice, just a pony show.

Actually, Bernie Sanders is a very good politician who is pretty effective at raising money and getting action at the grass roots level, as well as has been the underdog in several of his elections, yet always managed to make it to the Senate.

And yeah................it will look like we have a choice, because this will force debates that will make Hillary define her stances on issues, because her and Sanders aren't in agreement on quite a few things.

And.............I think that Sanders has a shot.
Probably has something to do with the untrustworthiness and corruption manifested by the leading competition on the other side of the aisle.

Given a choice between a Big Mouth, versus a Liar and a Cheat and a What-Does-It-Matter? mentality, well...

Yep Hilary is far more scandalous than any of the nominees on the right, yet all these drone will ignore that vote for her anyway.
You're probably right.

Their biggest problem is, is that they've got no other pitcher warming up in the bullpen... reducing them to One-Trick-Pony status.

The shallowness of their infield is the key to their undoing.

Trouble is, I don't think the Pubs are bright enough to exploit it.

Perhaps they'll prove me wrong after all.

Well so far the DNC is making this a one person nominee run..

That in itself is the tell all and the current state of the far left DNC.

A one person run by the DNC? Really? Did you miss the fact that Sen. Sanders has announced?

Yes show how they have the power and money to really compete with Clinton.

Anyone of these people are for show in order to give the illusion of choice. Much like the far left often does in all their stances.

At least 2008 looked like you had a choice back then, now it is not a choice, just a pony show.

Your time would be better spent worrying about the clowns in your clown car. I think it has been almost a full day since one of them said something really stupid. That must be some kind of record.

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