Ted Cruz (R) to announce 2016 presidential bid on Monday

16 minutes into his speech, Cruz promises to completely repeal "Obamacare".

The crowd at Liberty roars.
At 17 minutes, Cruz talks about a flat tax, filling out your taxes on a postcard, and abolishing the IRS.
At 18 minutes, Cruz talks about illegal amnesty.

At 19 minutes, he talks about a Federal Government that is attacking the religious liberties of Christians...
Also at 19 minutes, Cruz talks about "the sacrament of marriage" and a government that is seeking to "ban ammunition".

So, he went from marriage to guns in 20 seconds.
Aftermath (or now-math :lol: ) resonance in the media:

Donny Deutsch Ted Cruz Is Sarah Palin He s Completely Unelectable

Probably a little hard on the part of Donny Deutsch.
He didn't launch an exploratory committee, I doubt he has an adviser or he listens to anyone, and where is he going to get funding? I think he prolly just threw his hat in the ring to drag the already eXtreme Repubs FURTHER right.

He is challenging the FEC and on this point, he will likely win.
At 25 minutes, Cruz invokes Ronald Reagan, but gets the year wrong. He speaks of 1979, but he meant 1980. But it's a strong point he makes, at least from the Conservative perspective.
At 27 minutes: "if you are willling to join a grassroots army...."

He then asks his audience to text "Constitution" to 33733.

At 28 minutes, he makes the announcement formal.

"Today, I am running for President of the United States".

So, it's official.

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) is in.
Hard to see all the faces at Liberty University, but the crowd does not look very diverse.
At 30 minutes, Cruz invokes the "shining city on a hill".

Now country music is playing and Cruz is playing the crowd.

His wife is a very lovely woman and their children look adorable. Great photo-op moment for Sen. Cruz.
At 30 minutes, Cruz invokes the "shining city on a hill".

Now country music is playing and Cruz is playing the crowd.

His wife is a very lovely woman and their children look adorable. Great photo-op moment for Sen. Cruz.
Governor Cuomo (D) demolished that Raygun reference. You see Gov Cuomo's retort to Reagan's speech?
At 30 minutes, Cruz invokes the "shining city on a hill".

Now country music is playing and Cruz is playing the crowd.

His wife is a very lovely woman and their children look adorable. Great photo-op moment for Sen. Cruz.
Governor Cuomo (D) demolished that Raygun reference. You see Gov Cuomo's retort to Reagan's speech?

You mean at the 1984 RNC? Yes, I remember it quite well.
Cruz will not win a single primary

The only Republicans that will actually draw delegates are Bush, Walker and Paul

Cruz will remain a distraction attacking Republicans with a legitimate chance of winning
Aftermath (or now-math :lol: ) resonance in the media:

Donny Deutsch Ted Cruz Is Sarah Palin He s Completely Unelectable

Probably a little hard on the part of Donny Deutsch.

Cruz graduated cum laude from Princeton University with a Bachelor of Arts in Public Policy[38] from the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs in 1992.[7][5] While at Princeton, he competed for the American Whig-Cliosophic Society's Debate Panel and won the top speaker award at both the 1992 U.S. National Debating Championship and the 1992 North American Debating Championship.[39] In 1992, he was named U.S. National Speaker of the Year and Team of the Year (with his debate partner, David Panton). Cruz was also a semi-finalist at the 1995 World Universities Debating Championship, making him Princeton’s highest-ranked debater at the championship. Princeton's debate team later named their annual novice championship after Cruz.

Cruz's senior thesis on the separation of powers, titled "Clipping the Wings of Angels," draws its inspiration from a passage attributed to President James Madison: "If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary." Cruz argued that the drafters of the Constitution intended to protect the rights of their constituents, and the last two items in the Bill of Rights offered an explicit stop against an all-powerful state. Cruz wrote: "They simply do so from different directions. The Tenth stops new powers, and the Ninth fortifies all other rights, or non-powers."

After graduating from Princeton, Cruz attended Harvard Law School, graduating magna cum laude in 1995 with a Juris Doctor degree. While at Harvard Law, Cruz was a primary editor of the Harvard Law Review, and executive editor of the Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy, and a founding editor of the Harvard Latino Law Review. Referring to Cruz's time as a student at Harvard Law, Professor Alan Dershowitz said, "Cruz was off-the-charts brilliant." At Harvard Law, Cruz was a John M. Olin Fellow in Law and Economics

Ted Cruz - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

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